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Calling all TNs



  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited December 2012

    Cocker...Westlake is like 45 mins from was on the news...she only got probation  she was just looking for work.we have some wild people in the Ohio

  • Hopex3
    Hopex3 Member Posts: 142
    edited December 2012

    Thanks everyone for your input on recovery time. It's encouraging to know it may not be as horrible as I thought.

    Loretta: that must have been scary about your blood clot. Glad you are doing well. I think

    I will wait until summer for my exchange as well. Dreading those drains but can't be near as bad as


    My nails look funny. Kinda grayish!

    Cocker spaniel: love that! So very true!

  • 5thSib
    5thSib Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2012

    Week after chemo and I am feeling so much better this week. Last week was really rough and just as I was starting to feel a little better on Friday, I ended up with an infection in my lumpectomy breast -- got hard and sore and had a fever. I called the MO office and they gave me an antibiotic. Had my blood work done on Monday and white blood count was low so they would have given me an antibiotic for that anyway. Today I have started have pains in my lower back. It hurts to walk and bend over. Anyone had something like that from the Neulasta? I took the Zyrtec twice a day for 5 days like they told me and didn't have any pain during that time.

    They are going to change up one of my anti-nausea meds next week to see if that is what caused the awful headaches. Then they are going to give me a steroid to take along with my Zotran at home. Hopefully it will help.

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited December 2012

    5th sib - are you going to be getting taxol after the adrimyacin? Just wondering. I took Neupogen not Neulasta and I didn't have bone pain - although, it didn't keep my white count up either - so my chemo is postponed by 2 days - more blood work on Thursday to see if I can get the 2nd chemo. My white count was 0.3 - what was yours? My MO said this is dangerously low!

  • browerl
    browerl Member Posts: 77
    edited December 2012

    wow .3 is really low.  Before my surgery (Friday) my white blood count was 2.5 and they said that was too low for surgery. They gave me the shot and sent me home with two more to self inject Saturday and Sunday.  I was cleared for surgery on Monday with a 3.8 count.

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987
    edited April 2014

    Hey Everyone,

    I just came across this article.  The first half talks about prelim results of a trial adding a certain mTor Inhibitor.  

    But the real exciting thing, is the 2nd half of the trial, talking about the vaccination.  

    Look at this:  ..."The disease-free rate among the triple-negative breast cancer patients in the vaccine group was 83.3% compared to 47.6% in the control group—a 68% risk reduction. Due to the small patient population, the results are not yet statistically significant."...

    It also said they recommend patients asking if they can go into this trial.  

    What do you all think?  That is an incredible difference!

    Have a great day my friends!

    - TNBC trial vaccine, Triple Negative Breast Cancer Trial Vaccine

  • Dancingthruit
    Dancingthruit Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2012

    InspiredbyDolce: those are some amazing figures! Thank you very much for sharing the article. We are lucky to be living with such modern medicine and studies!

  • 5thSib
    5thSib Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2012

    The article did mention it was effective on those with a low expression of HER2 (not enough to be considered positive) . So pull out your lab report and see if you have any expression of HER2. I had read the interpretation of mine which said negative but I just looked at the actual result which said 1+. So does that mean I have a slight expression?

    ADAGIO -- I have 3 more treatments of adriamycin and cytoxan every two weeks followed by 12 weekly treatments of Taxol. Is that the same as what you are doing? They said my white count was 500 when it should be over 4000. Not sure if they are using same unit of measure since yours was. .3.

  • 5thSib
    5thSib Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2012

    Hey ladies, there is a breast cancer symposium going on this week and the TNBC Foundation is reporting news relating to TNBC on their site.

    Some interesting news.

  • 5thSib
    5thSib Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2012

    Well when I tried my own link it didn't work. Just go to and on the right will be a link to the symposium updates. Have a good day everyone.

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited December 2012

    5th sib - I think the measurements here in canada are a little different - my 0.3 would translate to 300 - I believe this is correct. I went yesterday for blood work and they had come up to 2.3 - so I had my chemo, but a 10% reduction in the dose. Last night I didn't throw up at all - so quite pleased about that since last time I threw up 10 times in the middle of the night. Iwill get 4 treatments of taxol every 2 weeks.

    Browerl - glad your counts came up with the Neupogen - hope it works better for me this time around - I am going to be giving myself 7 injections!!

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2012

    To all my beautiful brave friends on here


  • borntosurvive
    borntosurvive Member Posts: 194
    edited December 2012

    Thanks for the hug Cocker.  I faired MUCH better with Taxol and had no night of lying on the bathroom floor with my pillow and blanket like I did with A/C.  The few days of bone pain were WAY better and I had more good days then bad on Taxol so it felt like the bone pain was worth it.  I had lots of warm baths with epsom salts and took pain killers for the first couple days after my neulasta shot.  Then I was good to go.  About 3 days and fine.  Good luck. 

    I have turned the corner from this flu and was able to eat today and feel so much better.  Spent an amazing evening with my family at a German Christmas market that we go to every year.  It's here in town.  Then we drove around and looked at the lights.  My 4 year old was yelling "look!!!! LOOK!!!!" and pointing out everything he saw that was lit up.  My 2.5 year old was saying "I don't like it......chop down the tree......chop down the house".  Apparently I have 1 Santa and 1 Scrooge this year :)

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited December 2012

    Annie - thanks for the hug!

    Bornto- I can just imagine your kids. That cracked me up - thanks for sharing. I have teenagers - I had to beg them to put the put together the train under the Christmas tree. 5 years ago, they would have been begging me!


    I am bi-polar one - which means I have the mania,more than the depression. I have not been manic for the past two years - I have been horribly fatigued since my cancer came back 12/ 10. For some reason I have cycled into mania this week, and I am loving it! I've decorated anything that would sit still, gone shopping, climbed Jockey's Ridge sand dune at the beach, baked 9 loaves of pumpkin bread for a bazaar donation and helped an eight year

    old build a car, out of scrap wood and junk from my shed and made a mermaid doll.

    It is my town's Rivertown Christmas this weekend. Tonight was the lighted boat parade, bringing in Santa, and the bazaar. Tomorrow the Christmas parade will go past my house - so I'll have a party on the porch and Sunday, my boys play in the band Christmas concert - note to self, bring earplugs ;)

    I hope I don't crash and burn, before the weekend ends! I have enjoyed every minute of my no chemo - no neulasta week!!!!

    I wish you could all come sit on the porch with me.

  • Hopex3
    Hopex3 Member Posts: 142
    edited December 2012

    Karen...I wish I could come sit on your porch too! Sounds like you have had an amazing week! Enjoy the parade!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2012

    Vodka Christmas Cake

    Once again this year, I've had requests for my Vodka Christmas Cake recipe so here goes. Please keep in your files as I am beginning to get tired of typing this up every year! (Made mine this morning!!!!) 1 cup sugar, half pound butter, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 cup water, 1 tsp. salt , 1 cup brown sugar, Lemon juice, 4 large eggs, Nuts, 1 bottle Vodka (preferably Smirnoff), 2 cups dried fruit, 4 cups self raising flour.

    Sample a cup of Vodka to check quality.
    Take a large bowl, check the Vodka again to be sure it is of the highest quality then Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point, it is best to make sure the Vodka is still OK. Try another cup just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 eggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the fruit up off the floor, wash it and put it in the bowl a piece at a time trying to count it. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit getas stuck in the beaterers, just pry it loose with a srewscriver Sample the Vodka to test for tonsisticity. Next, sift 2 cups of salt, or something. Check the Vodka. Now shit shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or something. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish of the Vodka and wipe the counter with the cat.

    Merry....ummm, thingymajig.

  • EnglishRose75
    EnglishRose75 Member Posts: 45
    edited December 2012

    Nice one, Bernie.  I love your posts Smile

    Two and a half weeks PFC and now the Taxotears kick in.  So annoying and not good when one's face is painted on in soft kohl pencil.  Looking like a badger all the time.  Willing my hair/eyelashes/eyebrows to grow back faster.  Did everyone's hair come back in the same as before chemo, or did it come back different?  I just have the "peach fuzz" at the moment so can't tell.

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited December 2012

    Good Morning everyone.

    I am back from Florida.  I said good bye to my Navyson. he is now in Okinawa.  My DIL and grandson will remain in FL.  It has been an emotional few days.  I am wiped out.  I have 2 weeks to get myself together.  I am flying back to Florida for Christmas.  I am looking forward to seeing the innocent joy on my little grandson's face Christmas morning!

    I have tried to keep up with reading everyones posts.  Thinking of all those in tx, recovering from surgeries and waiting for hair. 

    I did go to the TNBC web site to get current info from San Antonio.  So far it looks like TN is getting more sub groups and there seems to be more questions being born than any answers/treatment/cure being discovered.  I am still hopeful that there will be something amazing just around the corner to help us, especially our stage 4 sisters. 

    Love to all

  • DorMac
    DorMac Member Posts: 153
    edited December 2012


    I started getting grey hair very young and so was dyeing my hair most of my life so I KNEW the colour would be different when it grew in - what I didn't expect was the CURLS. I now have short, white, curly hair. Only started going out "au naturel" in the last week or two as I found my hair way too short and have already been called a "poodle" and a "labradoodle" (by close friends in a good natured way). What I don't know is whether or not the curls will stay, someone further past tx may be able to answer that one - I finished chemo in July.

    Good luck in your wait. It does take a while to grow back in.

    Love to all our sisters going through tx, dealing with SEs or just needing a hug.


  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited December 2012

    I am 11 1/2 months out from chemo and have a full head of hair.  It is short and curly and I get more compliments on it than I did before the chemo.  It came back in slowly at first and then took off during the summer.  It is about 3 to 4 inches long now.  It is coming in darker than before--was blonde now its a light brown so been dying it.  We are all so different with the hair growth for sure.  I know some have taken biotin to get it to grow faster.

    My body is healing pretty well following my recon.  The surviving breast (rightie) is looking swell--no pun intended haha and the left side which now just looks like I had another mastectomy is also healing along.  I spend my afternoons in a hyperbaric chamber to speed up the healing of the wounds...oh what fun that is, and my mornings are spent in physical therapy to get the use of my arms back and help with the return of the crappy LE.  My left arm keeps blowing up like a balloon.  Looking ahead to March when I can go back and give another go at getting a boobie back for the left side.  Hopefully this time it will go well or I may just throw in the towel!

    Hugs and healing to all


  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2012

    Hi Ladies

    Talking of hair,  my own hair is/was a light auburn but I have come back in two tones of grey with silver tips (you could hang me on the christmas tree and you wouldn't know the difference between a bauble and me).  I do like the silver tips though goodness knows where they come from.  I was also very wavy before and now its as straight as, not one curl in sight.  Its also still very short even though I finished  chemo early June. The only trim I have needed was around my ears because it started to curl over my glasses.  Would be so lovely if we could all get together and see each other.  (One day perhaps!!)

    NavyMom hope it was not too hard on you with your son leaving.  I can imagine just how tough that would be for you but with you seeing  your grandson at Christmas hopefully this might be able to make up a little for your loss. Your boy will be home before you know it.      

    Karen with all that you manage to get done in a day makes me feel so tired just thinking about doing half of it.  I just don't know how you do it manic or not.  I would just love to see your christmas parade and sit on the porch and listen to your son's playing in the band.

    DorMac bet your white curly hair looks absolutely smashing. Fancy some silver tips to go with it??

    Mags glad you are healing well.  Once you get the other boob done you will look like a teenager again. Lucky you.

    EnglishRose could it be the time of year making you teary (Christmas). I am always like that around Christmas especially when I hear those lovels carols being played. 

    Today I have iced another cake. This one is for my workplace.  I am going to make a frosted church with bells and shiny windows for it with a pond in a pretty coloured blue with a swan on it and a snowman with a jaunty hat, carrot nose and fashionable scarf.  Hope they like it.  Each year I do a different theme on it but this year the church caught my eye so hopefully it will look good for them.   

    My poor Tessa (Cocker Spaniel) has been very poorly with pancreatitis.  I have never seen her so ill and it worried the hell out of me.  For three days she vomited with tummy pains and then at the end had diarrhoea.  It all started after the old fellar gave her a big ham bone to chew. The vet said it would have had too much fat on it for her tummy. She had to go into vet hospital for two days and be on the drip.  I was so scared I was going to lose her but she has finally come through it and seems a lot better although not quite back to her jaunty self.  I am so pleased it really would have been a lousy Christmas without her. So the old fellar has been told no more bones.  He thought he was doing something right by giving her a bone.   She's on a strict diet now which is just as well cause she was getting a bit tubby around the tummy.  Gonna take her for a run on the beach now and a dip in the lake cause its a beautiful day. 

    Have a good day my friends, keep well and I hope your side effects and worries are few.  Annie 


  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2012


  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited December 2012

    ROFL Annie!!!  And I hope your puppy is feeling much better. 

    I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend.  We have decorated the tree and the mess is all cleaned up.  DH was ambitious and vacuumed everything so it looks pretty nice!

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2012

    LUV can I borrow your hubby. Mine was going to vacuum for me early this morning.  It's now 6.33pm and he hasn't done it yet.  Just can't get good help nowadays or may be I should send for Karen cause she is full of energy.  

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited December 2012

    All those posts today about getting ports out reminds me I have to have mine out. I can just see me being like this picture below lol

    Ok, so don't tell Meat I showed you this one, but here's the real pic of him right before he went down for his knee surgery ;-)  Meats Little Helper xx

  • EnglishRose75
    EnglishRose75 Member Posts: 45
    edited December 2012

    Annie, that picture reminds me of when I had my lumpectomy.  I had never had surgery before, and in fact my only interaction with anything hospital-related was when I had my two babies.  I was so scared when they put me under that I had to have my Mum there holding my hand (I am 37 years old!).

    Thanks for all the hair information.  I have a really nice wig which is actually probably nicer than my real hair (and a damn sight more convenient) so I don't mind wearing it for now, but I think it will be a bit hot and sticky in the summer so I'm hoping I'll be presentable by then.  I've coloured my hair since I was in my early twenties, so I can't even remember what my real colour is! 

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited December 2012

    When I had my lumpectomy two years ago, it was my first time in the hospital since 1980!!!  It was all surreal that I was having surgery.  Now, after two years, it's pretty much "old hat" LOL!

    Annie - my DH would love to visit Australia and New Zealand!  It's on his bucket list and I hope that I can muster the strength to make that happen before this crappy disease takes me down.  He heard the doctor tell me not to vacuum after one of my surgeries and so he's been pretty good about doing it - just not often enough. But I don't always have the energy to do it either so I hired a cleaning service that will start on Wednesday.  He has enough to worry about and I really don't want him or me spending our time together on cleaning chores. 

    By the way, my port removal was done in the surgeon's office. It was not a big deal.  Of course, I'm seeing the surgeon Wednesday to talk about getting a replacement.  C'est la vie!

  • borntosurvive
    borntosurvive Member Posts: 194
    edited December 2012

    My hair has grown back fast and furious! It has come in thick and curly. I had poker straight hair before. I found a tiny travel straightner and I use that to get my hair to lie flat. My bangs now touch my eyebrows when it is dry!!!! I almost cried. Happy Sunday xo

  • yananma
    yananma Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2012

    I am a newly diagnosed tn, 1.2 cm tumor, 1 day after I turned 40. I had mastectomy on 11/7/12, and am ready to start chemo next week.... TC 4 treatments... Very healthy and fit and had a great big 40th bday party. Started at my new job the week I was diagnose for bc! What a timing!

    Any advise for the newbie?

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited December 2012

    Yananma - welcome to our little group of buddies!  Sorry for the circumstances, but you'll get lots of support from everyone here.   My first suggestion is to check out the overall Chemo forum:

    And more specifically, join the discussion with ladies who are starting in December:

    And check with your chemo center or local hospital for a session of the American Cancer Society's "Look Good Feel Better" program.   Free cosmetics and facial care products, great tips to deal with hair loss, and usually a free wig from a wig bank or from participating wig shops in the area.  And you may meet a person or two that you can connect with and share your journey.

