Calling all TNs



  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2013


    I am having my final TC chemo on 3/14, yeah!. I meet with my RO on 3/11 just a day before you. My MO told me I would probably have to wait 4 weeks before starting my 6 weeks of rads but we will see what the RO says.

    My number 2 treatment was hell for about 5 days. Treatment #3 was all about fatigue, I can't even describe the tiredness. I am feeling pretty good now just notice the tiredness with minimal effort. I am in my swelling phase now. I have noticed I will gain about 5-7 lbs of fluid and it lasts for about a week before it moves off again. It doesn't matter what I do either. Diet changes and increasing fluids (I already drink a gallon of water a day now) nothing helps it is from the taxotere and my body just has to deal with it. Mostly hands and face and legs.

    We will have to be sure and let each other know after you see your RO on 3/12 when we are starting rads.

    Take care, hugs, Sheryl

  • GuyGirl
    GuyGirl Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2013

    Someone asked me several pages back what my Lymphedema symptons were?  Here is what I experienced.  My arm was achy and my fingers were swollen so much so that I could not get my rings on.  My other hand was fine.  I felt like I was wearing a top where the sleeve was too tight on my arm.  I had some pain in the sentinel node surgery side and I was spilling out of my bra on the side I had my lumpectomy on.  I called my doctor and she was pleased that I came right in and did not wait.  She said I should always call when I noticed a change.

  • tikkismom
    tikkismom Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2013

    Hi Spica16

    Thank you for the reply was very through and i do appreciate the laymen language lol . My concern was that the IIB is not correct , and I know its not, it is higher to some degree, but I've noticed a lot of the dr's dont really put down a stage ..the oncologist herself just had the tumor status lymph nodes and for some weird reason no one really says a lot about the lymphatic invasion or words it ..I just have it on the path report. I do get that 2 of the lymoh nodes were 4cm and 3 cm and the other 4 it never really said just suspicous cells for cancer. I was ok and so was my girl but I just wonder why the chemo dr would ask her 4 times if she wanted to know her statics of survival and after being asked that many times she thought maybe she should say out came his little computer graph of 58% survaival with chemo..soooooo of course that really threw her and my son in law...I of course was pretty grumpy over that but in the end we decided since she wasnt planning to be a statistic we threw it in the garbage where it belonged in the first place...sorry venting a bit threw me too. I really do believe we have a better chance than that and I'm damn tired of crying alone at night after crap like that is shared. I realize a lot of people do ask and are more interested but its pretty clear that she isnt and I can see why now...Thanks for listening girlsUndecided

  • Spica16
    Spica16 Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2013

    Oh tikkismom,

    Sometimes the statistics are just numbers. Your daughter is not a number!

    As far as the positive lymph nodes, and lymphatic invasion...the chemotherapy regimen would be selected to go after all cancerous cells. Chemo drugs are not selective for cancer cells in specific tissues - they affect fast-growing cells, which cancer cells are. That is why hair cells, nail cells, mucous-lining cells in the mouth, nose and gut, are affected. Chemotherapy is systemic - it works within the body, hopefully rooting out the bad stuff, unfortunately along with the good. It would be carried through the lymphatic system, vascular system, and all body tissues. Your daughter had a mastectomy and axillary dissection, so the tumors have been physically removed. Then chemo's job was to clear out any remaining nasties. This is where she is now, along with the rest of us. Did the chemo work? We all ask that question - even many months... years out. 

    I hope your daughter has confidence in her MO, and her treatment plan. If not, she should find someone else. Believing that you are in good hands, medically, is important for a healthy recovery. If your daughter doesn't want to know statistics and percentages, that's fine. As long as she believes that she is doing everything she can to fight this beast, that may be enough to comfort her and keep her on the path to recovery. Just be there for her, doubt you always will be.

    ~Shar ...along with all the wonderful women on this site

    P.S. Mom - don't feel bad about being angry. It's part of this BC journey. My daughter did the best thing for me...she bought some cheap plates at the dollar store, along with some felt markers, and told me to write or draw all the bad things I was feeling about my nasty diagnosis. We then smashed them on the patio concrete in the backyard. It felt good!!! We laughed like a couple of gooney birds...It reminded us that in the middle of all the scary, evilness that is BC... laughter, smiles and love still exists, even if you have to search behind the dark clouds, or between the pieces of smashed porcelain on the ground.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited March 2013

    Hi Stride Smile

    Cocker - that place looks beautiful.  I could move there in a second.

    Hi everyone ((hugs))

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited March 2013

    Hi Ladies

    Spica you are so full of information and such a great help to our friends on this board going through treatment.  I would love to have seen you throwing all those plates.  What a wonderful way to get stress out of your system, wish I had thought of it.   I too would have laughed till my tummy hurt.  

    Tikkismom vent away as much as you need to. We all get it.

    Tazzy so glad you came on.  Yep that cottage is wonderful.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to all meet there.  How are things going for you.

    Luv where are you. Haven't heard from you for a while. 

    Inmate and LRM. How are things with you guys.

    Karen how was your port placement. Did everything go ok for you.  Was thinking of you all day.

    I went for my three monthly visit to my breast surgeon today.  He is pleased with me as I feel fine but suggested we have LFT's and CA153 done again as the last one was done in October. I reluctantly agreed after a long pause.  So more anxiety until I hear how things are.

    Titan I have been waiting to hear whether the old fellar accepted your proposal.  And where are the photos.  Spect you are still loving it up in that motel, lucky sod lol.   Well the Ironman came and went and I didn't see you at all. Was sure you would be there.    

    I haven't got lympoedema but I do notice that my arm aches if I use it too much. Does this mean I could be a candidate for it.

    In respect of people asking how I am I just say, I'm all good, just keeping my fingers crossed, and they all accept that.

    Have a good day ladies.  I have a week off next week so looking forward to it so much.  Feel like I need a break.

    Much love. Annie xx       

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited March 2013

    Spica do you think this fellar could do with throwing some plates lol

    -- @[534105863280652:274:Best & Selective Quotes for You]

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited March 2013

    Spica - great info - I love the image of you and your daughter smashing plates. My auntie bought me a "Damit Doll" - you can smack her down on whatever is handy.

    Tikkismom - My heart, aches for yours. I can only imagine your fear and anger. I dreaded telling my mom when I was dx. Vent away - we'll support you, while you help your daughter.

    I have my port replacement surgery this Thursday. Can't wait. Feels good to have a plan after 2 weeks of limbo.

    Wishing everyone a good day!

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited March 2013

    Hi everyone - I've been here, reading but not posting that much.  I started gemzar two weeks ago and it kicked my butt.  My blood counts were so low after the first dose that my second treatment was at 50%.  This is supposed to be my week off but I have to go in tomorrow for labs.  If they haven't rebounded, I will probably need a transfusion so I can be treated next Wednesday.  Needless to say, my energy level is pretty much rock bottom. daughter had bought us Miranda Lambert tickets for Christmas and the concert was Sunday night.  The staff at the arena helped us out - provided a wheel chair and reseated us to an accessible area so DH and I could enjoy the concert.  They were fabulous and so was the concert.  There is no way I could have walked down the stairs to our assigned seats.  The staff was just fabulous!

    My tumor markers had doubled on carboplatin so we're hoping the gemzar is working. 

    And because I'm not letting this slow me down more than necessary, we are flying to Phoenix on 3/20 and staying at a resort for 6 days.  DH is meeting some golf buddies and I will spend time at the pool enjoying the hopefully warm sunshine, I hope. 

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited March 2013

    Ahhh, the good ole Dammit Doll.  I bought one for a gal pal of mine.  Her elderly mother was dealing with multiple physical and mental ailments.  And most of problems had to be handled by my friend.  She was at her wits end.   She called me laughing hysterically when she got it.  So something so unexpected can lift someones spirits, even if its only for a few minutes.  :)

    Have a good day eveyone.  We are getting more snow today here in the midwest.  ACK!  I really hate winter. I am ready for spring.

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited March 2013

    Michelle - sorry the gemzar is kicking your butt. I had to go to 2 weeks between treatments. My Neu was 1.35. I envy your time at the resort. I hope you love every minute of it. I've never had a transfusion, but I hear you feel better right away.

    I am on the hunt for a conversion van type RV - not sure where I think I'm going... But looking, gives me a mission. Good thoughts your way.

    Navymom - I like to use my doll as a voodoo doll, I find stabbing her in the head, much more satisfying :)

    I can only imagine how you long for spring. If it gets to be too much, just fly on down south - guest room awaits. My kids are hoping we get a dusting with this new storm. Having moved here from a colder place - we're the only ones with a snow shovel.

    I hope everyone in the path of this new, winter storm stays safe and warm.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited March 2013

    I have a Dammit Doll... I love her.

    Michelle - hugs, but hope that Gemzar is doing the trick and kicking cancer's butt.

    Cocker - doing OK - thanks for asking.  Working takes up a lot of time and I dont always feel comfortable looging in and posting from work (which I am now).   So, I do always read lots, but post less.   I am still pretty tired when I get home, so time we have dinner, clean up, have a cuppa, watch a bit of tv I am ready for bed.     But hey, I am getting some normality back in my life and that is good.   How are you ?

    Hugs to everyone xx

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited March 2013


    I'm doing well and I thank you so much for thinking of me.  I read more than I post, as I'm just so busy with working everyday and Bryanna being a senior this year - so much to do getting her ready for college.  Actually , if I may rephrase it - I just write out checks and make sure they get mailed - she does all the fun stuff!  Keeping up with you all, even if I don't post much.  Sending love to all and some rays of sunshine to those that need them.  God bless, sweet ladies.



  • TasiaB
    TasiaB Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2013

    I am glad to hear about others story's on here I just had a right mas with 6 lymph nodes removed I am 25 years results came back that I have stage 2a breast cancer with triple negative and no lymph nodes involved just glad to have found this site ... Meet with my oncologist on Friday to talk about chemo and treatment ...

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited March 2013

    TasiaB welcome.  On here you will find nothing but love, guidance and heaps of support.  As Karen (OBXK) once said to me you will feel better when you see your oncologist and have a plan put in place.  Thats when you start to really fight and you will.  You will get through this. We will support you all the way through and you will come out the other side.  Keep posting because the girls are a wealth of information that will help.  Sending huge big hugs to you.

    Linda you are an inspiration to us Nana's.  I don't know how you did it taking on the care of your granddaughter but I'm sure she is so grateful that you are there to love and care for her.  Keep writing out those cheques girl and she will repay you in full when she turns into a wonderful young lady and please do keep in touch with us if you get time!    

    Tired today.  As the week wears on I get tireder and tireder.  Roll on the weekend and then my week off.  Can't wait.

    Love to all. Annie           

  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2013


    Welcome aboard. This is the most wonderful place for information, compassion, empathy, love, support, humor and whatever you will need. It is a safe place to rant, to share whatever is on your mind or in your heart. Lurk all around as there are so many topics. While the diagnosis is scary, it is wonderful that you don't have any spread to the nodes. Glad you have an appointment really soon with your MO (medical oncologist). Hang tough we are here for you.

    Hugs, Sheryl

  • TasiaB
    TasiaB Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2013

    Thank you so much for the replys will keep everyone posted and would love to hear more people's story's ...

  • Spica16
    Spica16 Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2013

    Oh yes, Linda...fond memories of writing many checks for those college years (daughters x2).   

    Sure is a lot more fun than writing checks for medical and pharmacy bills!!!  Undecided

    ~ Shar 

  • Spica16
    Spica16 Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2013

    Cocker ~ I think that smiley face mug would be the first to fly!!!

    ~ Shar

  • Spica16
    Spica16 Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2013

    Cocker ~

    Thanks! It feels good to be able to help others, to be a voice of experience, because I've been there, done that...and now I'm able to answer, instead of ask. Glad to know that all that information rattling around in my head can still be put to good use.

    ~ Shar

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited March 2013

    Hi ladies. I've been absent for several months. After rads I took a break. I'm glad to see familiar names and sad that new ones have to be here.

    I got bad news today. I found a new lump at my surgery site. Today at MDA, they confirmed it is cancer. A recurrence within 6 months of finishing rads.

    Next up will be rt mx and axillary node dissection. I am beyond bummed. Sad, angry, freaked out...and more. Tomorrow will be better, I know, but I'm not in a happy place right now.

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited March 2013

    phgraham - so sorry to hear your bad news - a recurrence within 6 months of rads - that's a bummer!! I am just about to start radiation in a few weeks time - it makes me think twice about it. Isn't the radiation supposed to prevent the reoccurence? That sucks - I can appreciate your anger and sadness. Thoughts are with you at this time.

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited March 2013

    phgraham: ah crap, I'm sorry you're dealing with BC again. It totally sucks to get that news, and to be thrust back into the whole cancer treatment cycle. Hope you can find some relief from the shock and anger... it's a local recurrence and I bet you will kick its butt good and proper. We're with you. 

  • Hopex3
    Hopex3 Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2013

    Pharaonic...So sorry to hear your news! I don't blame you for not being in a happy place! Like Luah says it is local reoccurence! We are all here for you lending support and prayers. Take care...

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited March 2013


    Again, I am reminded how much I HATE cancer. GRRRRR

  • SherylB
    SherylB Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2013


    So sorry about your recurrence. Life isn't fair we all know that and here is another example of why fair is my favorite 4 letter F word. Please stay close to the forum and let us help and support you all we can.

    Hugs and love, Sheryl

  • OBXK
    OBXK Member Posts: 689
    edited March 2013

    Phgraham - well that just sucks! Are you having surgery first? I did - but I wish I had done chemo first, to see how effective it was. At the time, I didn't realize it was a choice. I don't think the outcome is better either way, but I just would have liked to have known. Keep us posted with your progress.

    For the newbies - if you want to know more about a member, you can click on their names, and view what they have written.

    Had my port replaced today. It is mow in my jugular. I think I have purpura, so I am reading up on that. Trying to rest and take it easy, but there is always so much to do!

    Love to you all...

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited March 2013

    Ladies, you are wonderful. We've all said it before, but this is the one place where we all understand what it's like to deal with cancer carp.

    Adiago - you can think twice about rads, but you should still do them. It may be that I just have some wild and crazy type of TNBC that thinks it's invincible.

    I found the lump myself on Jan. 31. It is just below the incision line from my lumpectomy on my right breast. I made the first available appt with my mo in Nebraska for Feb 6. We did a dx mammogram and an ultrasound. Both were inconclusive.

    I had the tests repeated on Wed. The mammogram was still inconclusive. The ultrasound was inconclusive on the lump, but they saw a node that had not shown up before, in the axillary area. That's when they did the biopsies. The fine needle aspiration of the node was walked to the lab and the radiologist came back within 10 minutes or so with the news that it was cancerous. I will try to put more of this in my profile page because I'm running out of space and probably hogging board space


  • natL12
    natL12 Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2013

    to phgraham - you take all the forum space you know we are all thinking of you and hoping you make it through the next rounds of whatever (hell) you must go through to get rid of this.

    In answer to the question "how are you?"...someone was asking answer is "doing better" and then I ask "ans how are YOU?". Because one never knows what problems others may be having.

    My sister just found out that she has lung cancer. So we just talked a lot about how I made it through chemo. She didn't see me at all during that time so she had many questions. I was through with that Oct. 30.  Seems a lifetime ago!

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited March 2013

    Phgraham-(((HUGS))). I hate this disease, it doesn't give you a break!!! You worry one minute and you think you feel okay the next until you are reminded of how ruthless Cancer really is.

    NatL12- There was somnething in the news early this week. Trying to figure out why so many young women that don't smoke and are generally health otherwise are developing lung cancer. I am truly sorry to hear about your sister.

    Just checking in on everybody. Did anyone see Dr. Weiss on CNN about two weekends ago? Great segment. It just really seems like BC is the new normal now and this trend really needs to be reversed.