Calling all TNs



  • phgraham
    phgraham Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    jenjen and washingtonwoman, Happy Birthday! My birthday is today also. Today is the first day that I am 61 years old!

    Last year I had a bald birthday for my 60th. I just found out that I will start chemo again on April 22, so I will need to get used to bald again.

    I wish you each a beautiful, wonderful day with many more to come!


  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Posts: 906
    edited April 2013 have the closest DX to mine that I have seen on these threads. I agree with all you say. I NEVER see my surgeon (except to have him drain a seroma and even then he was annoyed I was there). I see my MO every six months but until last week I had assumed I was doing everything possible to avoid a recurrence. Now I am thinking...I missed my 4th DD AC...only had 16 boost and taking a med that won't really do anything for me. I am sure if I asked for a MRI I would get the answer...we don't do that unless it is indicated.

    I am trying not to obsess about this but the questions are still there!

    Congrats on the all clear...that's great!

  • adagio
    adagio Posts: 713
    edited April 2013

    Schatzi - I had my lumpectomy in September, had one follow up with my BS and she said she didn't need to see me again. This surprized me, she said that there is nothing more she can do for me - I took it that this was good news! Just curious as to why you missed your 4th A/C?  The number of rads is less important than the amount of radiation you receive - you most likely had a higher dose than those getting the longer treatments. It is so hard not to worry, and I know that I still do, but I am trying to learn to focus more on living than on cancer. 

    TINAMAE Posts: 2
    edited April 2013

    Anyone on here from Arkansas!!

  • teresa008
    teresa008 Posts: 47
    edited April 2013

    Happy Birthday jenjen, washingtonwoman, and phgraham!! How fun to all share the same birthday!

    Jenjen, I've been dealing with lower back pain from an old injury for 22 years now. The main thing I would suggest trying is to only use wet heat on your back. It's fairly easy to do, just get a light rag wet and put it flat inside the heating pad cover in between you and the pad. I found a very long time ago that dry heating pads actually make my back pain much worse instead of better. I wish you good luck with it. Take care all.

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Posts: 987
    edited April 2013

    Happy Birthday Special Ladies:  JenJen, Phyllis, and Washingtonwoman!  Celebrate and let yourself eat whatever you want today!

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Posts: 906
    edited April 2013

    Adagio..I missed the 4th DD AC because by the third one, I was in a wheelchair. Had to sit down to brush my teeth or have a shower....totally out of breath. They did a CT scan on my lungs and I had multiple blood clots (Pulmonary Embolism) and the MO decided to stop right then and I went for 12 weekly Taxols instead.

    I had to give myself daily shots in the abdomen of blood thinner for 6 months. The Hematology Onc said it was due to the chemo. I have been fine since but if I were not post menopause, I would not be able to take Tamoxifen because of blood clots being a possible SE. That wasn't the case anyways.

    Last week my MO matter of factly tells me I now have some damage in my lungs. Jeeze Louise!

  • gillyone
    gillyone Posts: 495
    edited April 2013

    adagio - I saw my surgeon for one visit after lumpectomy when he removed the drain and declared I was healing well. (he also delivered the devastating news-or so it seemed at the time- my stage was IIIc and so chemo was in my future. Up till then we were expecting lumpectomy plus rads as tx). Never saw him again which was fine as he had done his job.

    As a matter of interest, once I'd finished rads I did not see the RO again either.

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Posts: 906
    edited April 2013

    gillyone...was the same for me...well I had one final RO visit when he said "I have some bad news"...I nearly dropped on the floor. He laughed and said "oh I am leaving this hospital and going to Toronto to go into reasearch". That was a sad day for me because of all the Drs I had, he was the sweetest and most caring. I said to him...that's a shame because you have such a nice personality and it will be wasted in a lab.

    Never saw him again. Now the surgeon was a general surgeon...all he said to me was..."I think you will be pleased." What was that supposed to mean? I remember the next day when I took the bandage off......I ran out to the patio door and hollered at DH...hey I still have a nipple. Neighbours musta thought I was nuts!

    He didn't say what he did or what I should expect or anything. I had no drains which I blame for my lymphedema and seromas.

    It was my MO that pretty well insisted on chemo...DH said if it had been him, he wouldn't have chemo. Sure glad I can make up my own mind. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!!!!!

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Posts: 2,409
    edited April 2013

    Happy Birthday, birthday girls!  Celebrate!!!

  • queenkong
    queenkong Posts: 48
    edited April 2013

    Happy Birthdays to JenJen, Phyllis, and Washingtonwoman!

    schatzi14 You have lung dammage from the AC? I hear you on the, "Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!" I am happy that there was chemo for me to have. I hope you and your nipple are moving forward.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013

    Hello to my TN sisters...I see I have some younger sisters just born joining us...welcome...we are here for you all!

    It has been a bit since I posted here.  Just had another try for recon(March 5th)...this time a gap flap for the failed diep on that side.  I am happy to report that mission accomplished.  I now have one belly boob and one butt boob.  The surgery was 12 hrs and I ended up in the hospital for 12 days on antibiotics because I got a terrible infection in the skin around the new flap due to previous rads.  But I am so grateful for an amazing surgeon who saw me through it.  Also the ct I had day before surgery showed no signs of cancer anywhere in my mid section!!! woot woot.  My next surgery to start perfecting the canvas on my chest is June 24th


  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Posts: 1,188
    edited April 2013

    Please SHARE

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Posts: 409
    edited April 2013

    Yeah Maggie that's great, hope this one sticks!!!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013

    4 weeks out makes it pretty much a sure thing!  Laughing  amazing how tough we all really are when it comes to push and shove.  I fought my heart out for this one.  Doc gave it a less the 50% chance as my blood vessels were nearly destroyed by rads.  ick Rads.  Feeling for all of those still in active chemo/rads phase.  Hang tough girls


  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Posts: 987
    edited April 2013

    Question for you ladies?  Which one of you sent me a PM with 3 links (or 2) to the Metformin information. If that is you, will you please either send them to me again or PM me it was you, so I can find it in my PMs?  I have been looking for hours and can't find the information in my PMs.

  • gillyone
    gillyone Posts: 495
    edited April 2013

    you must have a lot of pms Smile

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Posts: 987
    edited April 2013

    LOL!  :o)

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Posts: 987
    edited April 2013

    I found it finally!

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Posts: 1,188
    edited April 2013

    Unfortunately for us this is true!!


  • Karietkq
    Karietkq Posts: 14
    edited April 2013

    I am new to all of this.... Found my lump myself on 2/20/13..... Diagnosed on 3/7/13 had right mastectomy and complete axillary dissection on 3/27/13. I was told in recovery that it was in my lymph nodes..... Today I have my follow up to find out my complete path report..... I have not yet been staged but from what I have researched it should be 2b depending on how many nodes..... I had 2 tumors in my right breast, both were cancer. My mom was diagnosed with DCIS in 2004 and had a single mastectomy but no other treatment. My sister-in-law had triple neg IDC stage 2b in 2006 with chemo and rad with no reoccurrence but it was not in her nodes. I wanted a double mastectomy but insurance decided I only needed one 😣 surgeon said he will fight for me to have the other removed. At this point I have not even seen my Oncologist because he was out of the country until the day of my surgery. I am excited to find this group and hope to have more info today because I have had to google myself to death to have any info at all!

    And...... Just figured out from my path report that the 2nd tumor was Metaplastic Breast Cancer.... So I have 2 different cancers now.....
  • mags20487
    mags20487 Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013

    welcome Karietkq...I am happy that you found us but sad that you have had to join.  You will find support knowledge and friendship here.  Ask about anything.  The decision for a double should be yours and yours alone.  Please be tested for the BRCA mutation as well with the family history there..that too should be covered by insurance...mine did because I was under 60 and diagnosed with TN.  You can do this!  I had three lymph nodes affected and am now over a yr and half out.  We wish you all the best as you travel down this newly found path....dont be afraid to stop and ask for directions....there are some very smart gals here and we are here every step of the way as you tourguides


  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Posts: 906
    edited April 2013

    QueenKong....yes I have lung damage in both lungs from the blood clots that were the result of 3 DD ACs. Maybe if they hadn't been DDs I might not have had that result. The 12 taxols were fine and caused no clots. I was an exception not a rule!

  • Karietkq
    Karietkq Posts: 14
    edited April 2013


    I am 43 as well! I have 3 grown kids....24, 21 and 19. Both of the older onest are boys, both Marines, tithe oldest is married and I have an 18 month old grandson.... My daughter is a Dance Education Major at ECU. I have asked about BRCA testing but no one seems to know who orders the test.... I am guessing the oncologist since he is the only one I haven't seen yet... I was very pleased with the speed in which I was diagnosed.....15 days from the time I found it but the surgeon who did the biopsy and gave me the results was old as dirt.... He walked in and said.... You have invasive breast cancer, what do you want to do? Don't know.... Then go home and google it and let me know...... Then he left.... I got nothing more...... I went back to my actual dr to get a referral for a second opinion and she was out sick... For a week.... Finally while waiting for my appointment with her I heard from the surgeons office and they got me in with a different surgeon who ordered an MRI and scheduled me for surgery.... They put the old guy on a sabbatical for the rest of the month but where did I see him again???? On my way to the operating room.... He was assisting my new surgeon....ugggg! There was no evidence of anything in my left Breast on the MRI so Tricare would not cover it.

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Posts: 496
    edited April 2013

    Netty we are here for support this site is my lifeline. Whenever I feel down I would just read what others are doing to overcome this beast and my frown quickly turns into a smile.

    Titan-YEAH on being 4 yrs out.

    Navymom- I have been on Synthroid for years do to radition in the past. However, hypothroid is very common in women, and a study I read stated that is very common in the northeast region because of low sunshine (goiter(?) belt is what it referred to). When you think of it it is also related to low levels of Vit-D.

    Sending well toughts hugs to us all.

  • Hopex3
    Hopex3 Posts: 142
    edited April 2013

    Karietqk...I'm glad you found us. I started this journey back in August. At first I googled everything...WRONG thing to do. Most of the information is not up to date or is very negative towards TN. Now, I just stay on this site as I have received so much support, advice and friendship. Once you see your oncologist, they will get you on a treatment plan and things will move forward. Best of luck to you!

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Posts: 496
    edited April 2013

    Karietqk- there are so many research studies starting up soon. Our dx is a hot research topic right now, because as you know we have fewer options. Keep positive thoughts and continue to run the race to remission. You CAN do this.

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Posts: 987
    edited April 2013

    I was 43 at dx also!  Katie, I think it's very hopeful for you, that your Sister has been a survivor since 2006! You can do this, just like she did!

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Posts: 987
    edited April 2013

    Oh Hope, look at you!  That's a new photo, your hair is coming back!! You look wonderful and healthy.

    Hope is right about the data.  Later this week I will post something I found, which was very encouraging.  It's a published study from Mayo that posted some pretty high survival rates with TNBC, almost as close to ER+.  I will retrieve the info (on another computer) and post the link to encourage all of us.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Posts: 266
    edited April 2013

    Hi Ladies, It's been a while since I have checked in. I am rolling up on my 1 yr post treatment, and my 6 month followup mammo. How time does fly. The 16th is my mammo, so here we go again with the pre anxiety.

    To all teh new girls, I am sorry you have to join our cruise ship, but know this is a great place to get answers to questions, and a shoulder to to cry on.

    Karietqk, I see you have tricare like me. As for the double mx-get the BRCA testing complete, then your surgeon will have more info to fight the denial. My surgeon ordered the BRCA foe me.


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