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Calling all TNs



  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    I've found I'm a bit of a fatalist, too.  I think talking in terms of prevention indicates a desire to have control over this blasted disease, which is understandable, but I don't think possible.  I take vit D3 because I was found to be low, and walk to build energy and feel better.  I don't eat much red meat, but haven't in years anyway.

    Best thing today.  Drove from my mom's in Va to my brother's place in Alexandria and got to visit with him and my nieces.  When I got out here last week and was driving across Pa, I ended up in tears, because not so long ago I didn't think I'd be doing this again.  Whipping around Jersey in my rental Beetle made me feel normal :)

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited October 2010

    The best thing I did today was spend Thanksgiving dinner at my in-law's house.  We had a wonderful turkey dinner with all the fixings and pumpkin pie. 

    I take a very cheap drugstore multivitamin, curcumin, vitamin D3, calcium/magnesium, Omega 3 and green tea extract. I took most of this stuff before breast cancer but curcumin and green tea extract are what I've added new.  Also, before bc I took a really good multi from Whole Foods but now I just take a cheap one. I try to get 45 minutes of exercise 4-5 times a week and that's usually a walk with my dog or on the treadmill or a workout at the gym.  I did this before breast cancer so that hasn't changed either. 

    Retrievemom - glad to hear you feelt like yourself again in Jersey!

  • 5andcounting
    5andcounting Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2010

    Just visiting again, so glad we are out of the chemo phase.....I ran in the Komen 5K yesterday and was surprised at all the emotions it brought.  I kept thinking, will I be here next year? So far, everything is fantastic, I feel great, I am dating a wonderful man, it is all so perfect that it scares me.  Other than exercise, diet, etc., is there anything you girls are doing to stop thinking about recurrence? I have twinges in my rib bones (had x-ray films, all normal) and I think its coming back.  I've thought about asking my doc for a pet scan but I'm afraid of what it may show.  Its ridiculous really, I am almost afraid to be happy. Anyone relate?

  • TiffanyF4
    TiffanyF4 Member Posts: 104
    edited October 2010

    Titan:  I did the same thing I was diagnosed just after we returned from a family beach trip with my family and my Parents.  We went back to the same beach  over the summer a year out from diagnosis and it was very emotional for me I too wasn't sure if I would see the ocean again. The ocean is my favorite place to be.  My Dad past away the month before we went and My Mom just wasn't ready to travel yet. So it was bitter sweet.

    Crs319: I feel exactly the same as you about every other week! It drives me nuts! One minute I am like hey I'm 35 cancer free have great Husband and 2 great kids to enjoy I have it all. The next minute I'm saying well my hips hurt hmmmmmm could it beeee ......ggggrrrrr it makes me mad at CANCER!

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited October 2010

    Happy Thanksgiving to all those in Canada.  Hope your holiday is special.

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited October 2010

    Thanks, Swanny!

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited October 2010

    I am sooooo happy! I had a colonoscopy today and all is clear. I had convinced myself otherwise. Now I can breathe again!

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited August 2013

    having a brain MRI tomorrow.  Ugh... I hate scanxiety. Bleck.

    yay Claire!! whoo-hoo!!

    I hope everyone is doing well.  LauraJane- How are you? What's your plan for this week?

    xxoo to everyone!!

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited October 2010

    Hi everyone - have been off the boards for a few days over Thanksgiving weekend. I've been following a low-fat diet (20-25% calories), but certainly cave into treats now and again (like pumpkin pie this weekend!).  Have reduced my alcohol consumption, but still enjoy a glass of wine with dinner 3 or 4 nights a week.  I try to eat more whole grains and fruits'/veggies, and less sugar.  In supplements, I take a multivitamin, bone supplement (calcium, D3, K) and curcumin. My Vit D levels tested at 79 during chemo, so I'm not too concerned. I walk/jog 3 miles 4-5 times a week and lift weights.  All these things I consider good for health generally. I know there are lots of other things I could be taking that supposedly fight cancer, but honestly I feel like it was a crap shoot getting cancer in the first place and I prefer not to let it run my life.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Well, just did my first day back in the classroom substitute teaching. (After Dx I took last year off entirely) Everyone was happy to see me and said I looked *fantastic.*

    Why do I feel so tired and unsettled?

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited October 2010

    crs..........I hear ya.  Battle those feelings everyday.


  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited October 2010


    like kind of living someone else's life and wondering what you are doing in it?

    i got the same feeling when i went back to work

    it was almost like a get me out of here, anxious feeling

    i stayed and eventually the feeling went away

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2010

    Michele - My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow.  Good luck and God bless. 

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited October 2010

    New pic.  What do you think. 

    Laurajane - hope all goes well tomorrow.  We are all thinking of you. 

    Congrats Claire82.  Did you have to drink that awful stuff.  I think that was the worst part of all of it.

    MicheleS - good luck tomorrow. 

  • mitymuffin
    mitymuffin Member Posts: 242
    edited August 2013

    LauraJane, I've been thinking about you all week. You are doing the right thing to get surgery! Remember, the very best doctors are just guessing about the future, and new treatments are evolving at a rapid pace. I am wishing you a long life of lots of cooking and landscaping and sculpture and everything else you want to do. 

     The hair on my head looks like a dead possum, but I had my last chemo today!!   You all know how I feel about that! 

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited October 2010

    Yay Mityuffin - congratulations!

    Michele - good luck tomorrow

    LauraJane - thinking of your for your surgery tomorrow.

    I cook turkey so often that we decided to have something different for our immediate family Thanksgiving dinner tonight.. Plus, we had turkey last night at my in-laws so, we're having filet mignon tonight at my house. We don't eat much beef so tonight it's a treat! The best thing today was making a pumpkin pie with my 10-year-old daughter. 

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited October 2010

    mitymuffin.  Congrats on finishing chemo.  I finished on Sept 30th and waiting for all the SEs to go away.  I keep telling myself that this is the last one and I just have to get through it.  I can finally eat again but now the balls of my feet are really hurting.  That will take another week to go away.  Thank goodness for drugs in the meantime.  Congrats again. 

    Sugar77 -  Filet Mignon - how great.  I have not had much steak since I started chemo.  I think I will wait until ALL my taste is back before splurging but I do love a rare filet.

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2010

    Love the pic, Swanny - and again, love your radiant smile!  Your smile is contagious, it truly is.

    Laurajane:  Best of everything tomorrow, and a peaceful and uneventful recovery.

    Mitymuffin - Congrats on finishing - that is truly a feat we all celebrate!

    Happy Thanksgiving Sugar!

  • MonikaV
    MonikaV Member Posts: 148
    edited October 2010

    Laurajane: Will be thinking of you tomorrow. (((((((HUGS)))))))

  • tnbcRuth
    tnbcRuth Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2010

    Swanny - that's a great pic!  .

    Laurajane:  I am sure tomorrow will go well and I hope for a quick recovery.

    Mitymuffin - Congratulations on finishing!   Wonderful!!

    Sugar - Happy Thanksgiving

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited October 2010

    Laurajane:  I'll echo what other's have said.  I pray God would guide the surgeon's hands to get everything, for a healing touch, and for a quick recovery.  If you belong to a church, I hope someone is coming out to pray with you at the hospital.  If you don't, I would encourage you to call a few church's tonight to see if any of them have a prayer hotline.  Some larger ones do, and you may be able to get in touch with someone even tonight.  I know from reading these posts a whole lot of people are going to be thinking of you and praying for you tomorrow.

    I had my bmx Thursday, and today, believe it or not, I got my drains out!  I was only draining 8 ml per day.  I'm very tiny, so maybe the lack of tissue that was removed is why it's gone quicker.  I seem to be healing well and am waiting final pathology.  Preliminary results were negative for 3 nodes... I'm SOO hoping it stays that way!  I had nipple sparing, so far, so good.  They filled the TE's only 25 ml at the time, and will wait another couple weeks to fill more.  This numb weird feeling is really weirding me out.  And range of motion is hard.  I can lift my arms, but then they get "stuck" and it hurts to lower them.  The TE's feel weird too... foreign... hard.. numb.  But at least the cancer is out and I'm healing.  I'm so not looking forward to chemo... seems like an endless road right now... and I still have to have ovaries/fallopian tubes too because I'm BRCA2.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    cc4npg:  That is good news.  I'm sure it feels weird now, but drains out & clear nodes is great. 

    Mity:  Hurrah for last chemo!

    LauraJane:  Thinking of you & wishing you comfort & healing.

    Best thing for me today--I've been spending several days in Va with my mom, who is 85.  I have been able to be patient & helpful, and she is appreciative.  We sat and talked about family memories tonight.  I will be going home exhausted, but grateful.

  • TiffanyF4
    TiffanyF4 Member Posts: 104
    edited October 2010

    Laurajane - You have been on my mind last few days.  Wondering if you having surgery tommorow. Just know that I have been praying for you!

  • TiffanyF4
    TiffanyF4 Member Posts: 104
    edited October 2010

    Laurajane - You have been on my mind last few days.  Wondering if you having surgery tommorow. Just know that I have been praying for you!

  • TiffanyF4
    TiffanyF4 Member Posts: 104
    edited October 2010

    Laurajane - You have been on my mind last few days.  Wondering if you having surgery tommorow. Just know that I have been praying for you!

  • monisch
    monisch Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2010

    Hi Ladies,

    WOW  had my firt taxotere treatment on thursday and i was on a trip to hell and still am.

    Slept the day after like a baby , then on saturday night the leg pains began.. first was okay .. hey I was prepared for that.  But sunday, monday and today I thought thats its  im giving up.  I have nver had so much pain in my life. From the hips down to my toes. Contsant pain and then sometimes a shot of pain charging thru my legs. I can hardly walk, cant hardly stand, ,legs are shaky, have no power in them whats so ever.  I have no idea how to lay down in order to ease the pain.  My doc said take paracemetmol 1000mg.. that helps for a short while. On top of all that... still got the constipation to deal with and now complete loss of my tastesense.  Gosh thats annoying..cant even taste my food  :(  I have two more treatments of the stuff.. god stand me by.

    I hope yal have had better days on Taxotere.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    laurajane- sending good thoughts your way...

    mitymuffin- dead possum hair... how incredibly accurate! (and funny)

  • Swanny
    Swanny Member Posts: 118
    edited October 2010

    monish.  Sorry you are having a hard time with SEs.  I was on Taxotere also - it was the worse.  I always heard AC would be the worse but it was easy - by far - compared to Taxotere.  I had my last treatment (of 4) on Sept. 30th (Thursday).  I was OK on Friday and Saturday and then from Sunday to the next Sunday, it was pretty bad.  The balls of my feet hurt for about 2 weeks after treatment.  Everything hurt from the waist down, like you, but mine was minimal.  I could walk, stand, sleep, just slow and steady.  At night I take Vicodin for the pain.  I could barely eat on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays and I would end up getting my self so weak.  I am also was extremely tired on Taxotere.  BUT... I got through it.  I hope your SEs lessen - hang in there you too will be done one day.  (sometimes I used ice on the bottom of my feet and that helped).

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited October 2010

    Laura jane:  Thinking of you today and hoping your surgery goes well and you have an uneventful recovery. Post when you feel up to it, and let us know...

    Swanny:  Nice new pic - and I agree with LRM, your smile's contagious.

    Mitymuffin:  You're done?!!! That's awesome. It seems to have flown by, though probably not for you.  Congratulations!

    Monsich: Sorry to hear about the taxotere - my sister suffered the same way with her first treatment, then the others got a little better.  Hope it's the same for you. In the meantime, maybe some of my Canadian sisters who did taxotere will weigh in with helpful suggestions...

    Angelisa:  Glad to hear your surgery went well.  Hope you continue on your amazing recovery!

    Best thing for me (this weekend) was having my sons home together, as well as 4 of their cousins, playing a giant Risk game, hiking along the Bruce Trail, and preparing a great big turkey dinner.  Plenty to be thankful for this year!

    To everyone, have a great day!

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2013

    Monisch - I am so terribly sorry that you are suffering from the Taxol as you are, but I can relate totally.  I agree completely with Swanny - the A/C was a walk in the park for me compated to the 1 Taxol and the 3 Taxotere's I had.  I suffered just as you are - with each of them.  After the first, and trying to get by with just Tylenol - I insisted the onc give me hydrocodone, which she did.  I broke each pill in half (although I was allowed to take 1 to 2 every 6 hrs) and took a half which numbed alot of the pain for a short while.  It is vitally important that you not break the chain of pain relief and remember to take whatever pills you have on a regular clock-work type schedule.  She also gave me a muscle relaxer as I was also having lower back muscle spasms, which I have never before experienced.  On top of this was the dang Neulasta shot which also killed my bones.  It is a horror for some of us, and others feel it was the easier chemo they received.  Go figure!  Hang in there, I got through it, Swanny did too, as have many others that suffered as we did.  This too shall pass.  If, God forbid, I ever need to take it again - they will be chasing me and have to catch me first to do so!  I hope the rest of the journey gets a bit easier for you.
