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Calling all TNs



  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited October 2010

    I had my surgery one week ago and feel great. Funny that I was so scared of the surgery and it sure wasn't bad. I get to have a pet-scan next Tuesday and I am praying my BC hasn't Mets. I had this wonderful feeling yesterday that I am going to be around a long time. I've ignored my so called prognosis. I feel better than I have in a long time and truly happy. I have a renewed strength in my battle against this BC. Thanks to all of you for your encouraging posts and well wishes. 

    jwaterlily-AC was horrible for me but I got through it as we all did/can. I was beyond terrified of Taxol. I had it weekly also. The most noticeable SE for me was that I developed this insatiable lust for CHOCOLATE. Chocolate bars, cake, hot fudge sundaes, pudding etc. I wouId actually start dreaming of chocolate as I was receiving the Taxol and start planning what chocolate treat I would have after I was done. I even started baking cakes (German chocolate, dark velvety fudge etc) the night before my chemo. This is funny because I have never really been a sweets cravin' kinda gal. I always preferred salty popcorn before something sweet any day. I had 7 treatments. I felt better than I had in months. Although it didn't work for me it has worked so well for the majority of TNBC.  I believe in my heart of hearts it will work for you too!

  • Jwatrlily
    Jwatrlily Member Posts: 65
    edited August 2013

    Thanks everyone for your kind comments and advise.

    Laurajane, I've never been a sweets person either and if I have any cravings at all it is for salty (cashews but don't allow myself to indulge a lot) but my potassium is low and I take a supplement so that might be why the salty cravings.  I'm disappointed that my Onc. nixed the L-Glutamine for me but I'll ask the chemo nurses too as they sometimes give different advise then he does as they are the ones who administers the chemo and stays chair side for the reactions.  I love my chemo nurses. 

    Laurajane, I could just hug the stuffins out of you girl.  I am so glad to see you being so positive and that things are going better.  You are not the only one praying for no mets for you.  Many of us are.  I'm so glad you are taking charge of what you believe will be your outcome, and what you don't.  It's gonna be a great life for you, believe it!! 


  • monisch
    monisch Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2010

    wow  thanks for all the responces.  I had my 10 day cehck up by the Onc.. and tod him of all my SE's. He was actually surprised how I reacted tot the Taxotere, but gave me another med to take the day after the sitting to prepare my body for the pain to come... encouraging isnt it ?. Anyway  still taking my Tylenol, because after 6 hours i can feel how the pain is creaping into my kness and ankels.. absolutly horrible.  As for the mouth sores.. yep still a battle and now he gave me a perscription that the Pharmasist has to prepare himself.. kind of gel that temperaroly numbs the inside of my mouth but generally after 2 days of use, the problem should be solved.  Gosh Im dying for a big ol juicy Steak with Baked Potatoe..... and a Caipirinia  LOL I havent eaten decent in 2 weeks.  For those who get Taxol.... and recieve that once a week.... that maybe the milder dose of Taxotere. I get my dose every 3 weeks.. have 2 more sittings to go.  I guess it takes 3 weeks to get the crap back out ( somewhat ) of the body.  Hey even the Urin has foam  LOL

    Ladies  have a great  week   catch ya tomorrow !!!!!

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited October 2010
    Laurajane: ditto again the above post.  I'm another one who's been praying for you and praying for good results.  I re-read some of the forums I've been to, and there is one lady who had something like 14 or 20 positive nodes, triple negative, and is 22 years out now.  You cannot go by what the doc says, because they're just goin by stats.  Remember... someone has to fall in the good stats and God willing it will be YOU.  So good to feel positive after feeling so down... I know, I've been there.  I hope you have a church you belong to or go to, but if not, I encourage you to find one.
  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2010

    LauraJane~ I had to have a KING SIZE Kit Kat during every Taxol treatment!! LOL!  It was hysterical.  They would start my drip... I'd puke... and the nurse would bring me my KitKat (with extra ativan!). LOL! 

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited October 2010
    Teka:  Though I'm sure cc4npg intended no offence, thank you for chiming in on that.  I for one appreciate that sensitivity.
  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited October 2010

    Gilly...I just bumped it...look under Chemotherapy---wow Great Chemotherapy visualization

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    Teka:  I too appreciate the thought.  I grew up in a hard core catholic household and whenever someone says they are praying for me I only feel guilt LOL! 

    Laurajane:  If anyone has the right spirit and attitude to fight this, it is you.  I felt almost elated after they removed the cancer.  My BS thought I was going to crash I was so happy, but I had been living with it for 6 months and I was so ready for it to be gone.  I will be sending you many good thoughts that your PET scan is clear.  Gentle hugs.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    LJ- I knew it; you have reached deep down and found the strength you needed to find your way past this most recent bump in the road. I echo others sentiments; it's good to hear you sounding less scared and more upbeat.

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited October 2010

    Certainly didn't mean to offend anyone!  Will be more sensitive to that... thanks!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    cc4npg:  No offense taken!

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited October 2010 sound GOOD!  Hoping that pet scan comes out CLEAN!  And there is a good chance it will....I love my onc..but sometimes..well...dang it we aren't statistics..we are real...Remember..oncs are just human..doing their one can predict our expiration date.

    Heidi..I'm glad the aliens are back..this is hilarious..I still think the aliens are swearing.

    I'm running in a 5 k this weekend..if you guys weren't all so far away I would ask you all to sponsor me..yes..I'm talking dollars!  It's not is for kids to be able to have wheel chair track in their high schools..I have run for the United Way and now this...never have run for Breast Cancer though...

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited October 2010

    Just wanted to pop in to say hello.

    Titan - Congrats (in advance) of your run.  I can no longer run (torn achilles that didn't heal right), but I have finally gotten back into my walking routine and boy does it feel good. 

    LJ - glad to hear that you're feeling better and have all fingers/toes/hands and legs crossed that you have good results from your PET scan.

    I have been put on a conversion team for my company and have spent the last few days training to train. It's been very interesting.  I've gotten to meet people from all over that I talk to on the phone and/or would not have met otherwise.  I normally don't speak in front of people and this is way out of my comfort zone, but I'm not afraid.  I guess after going through what I've (we've) been through we're not so afraid to face our fears.  And...... I also met another BC survivor. 

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited October 2010

    Jenn3..isn't it amazing how we change our personalities with BC...I definitely "share" my feelings with people now more than I far so good..haven't lost my job yet!  HA HA..

    I'm excited about my run but nervous's not because I can't run 3 miles..I know I can...I just want to run faster than I have before...I guess one good thing about BC..tho I hate to say anything is good about bc but it is that I make time to go running at's something I did when I was a teenager..and now..30 plus years later I'm doing it again (I'm 51)...I love it!  The aching in my legs isn't from's from running..a good pain.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    Titan:  That's great!  I am itching to run, but I am not allowed with my MX for a few months until I am completely healed.  Have to settle with walking.  Fast!

    jenn3:  How exciting for you.  I am always surprised by how many people are touched by this disease and I am not the same person at all.

  • MonikaV
    MonikaV Member Posts: 148
    edited October 2010

    Hi Ladies,

      The count down to my surgery has begun. I was emotional last night. :( I feel better today. Hopefully the outcome will a positive one: Better health and perky (o)(o). lol

    MBJ: I will be at St . Joseph's hospital in OC. Surgery at 3 on Monday. Say a prayer for me, ok? 

    Tiffany: Thanks for the encouragement. 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    MonikaV:  I hear StJoseph's is a great hospital and I know that you will be just fine.  BTW:  If you have problems with nausea and anesthetic, I asked for Tramadol instead  of Morphine and a local and I had no nausea and ate the same day as my MX and I was in surgery for almost 6 hours.  You should recover faster on the Tramadol and should have little or no nausea.  Big hugs and let us all know how you do.  You are in very good hands.

  • starling
    starling Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2010

    MonikaV- Good thoughts and hugs coming your way!

    Laurajane - You are in my thoughts daily - are prayers ok for you? This prayer thing gives me the creeps. Never thought any ones prayers were a problem as long as the source was loving. Thats all I have to say about that (Forest Gump).

    Today I have chemo #5 - Taxol #2 its a long one 5 hours. Had my ovaries and uterus checked on Monday with a tranvaginal untrsound and so far all looks clear. Just had to do it - call me paranoid.

    Titan - you are no less than amazing - a real inspiration!

    Love and hugs to everyone else!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited October 2010

    At risk of offending, I will not appologize for my faith.  If I mention that I am praying for someone,I am doing them no harm.  At least no more so than those who say they are sending good vibes. And I usually take that time to actually send the prayer to God at that time.  We know that we are all different and have different backgrounds and faiths, and we should be accepting of everyone, including those who practice religion.

    I love you ladies, and I step off my soapbox and stand ready to take the blows.


  • Jwatrlily
    Jwatrlily Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2010

    barbbasile and Meece,

    I stand with both of you.  I will not apologize if I say I am praying for someone and I will live my life through my faith.  I am not trying to offend anyone here.  I do however feel when we are chastised for saying we are praying for others, we are in effect being asked to not live our authentic, Christian life and I simply can not and will not do that. 

    This has me upset enough that I am leaving the TN board at BCO for a while.  I don't think any of us who say we are and will pray for the other women here mean any offense to anyone.  We are living our faith and should not be asked not to do that.  I certainly don't say I'm praying for any of you with the intent to offend you, but I can not live as though I'm not a praying, believing Christian and I won't do it.  Likewise I will not ask you not to live whatever faith you may or may not practice. 

    I can not get through this ordeal without my faith in God and my prayer life and it is inherent in me to pray for others, however if you had asked me NOT to pray for you, I would have certainly respected that request as it is your right. 

    I'm going to another Breast Cancer support board online that is Spiritually based.  I wish you all the best and while I'll leave my membership here to access TN breaking news, I just need to leave for a while.  I'm sorry if this post stirs up hard feelings as that is not my intent.  But, don't ask me to not live my faith and prayer life because I will not ask you not to live yours any other way then what you feel you need to do.


  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2010

    {{{{{MonikaV}}}} The MX is really the easiest part of this journey.  I promise!-- prayers for you.


  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited October 2010

    Well, what can I say?  It seems like a small remark suggesting that some women might take offence to a recommendation to go to church (would not others take offence if I told you not to?)  has been blown way out of proportion and context.  The poster adds that, out of some sensitivity for others, she refrains from talking about prayers.  That's her choice and I appareciate it. If others choose to pray, that's their choice and I respect that too. No one's asking for apologies.

    I don't choose to post about my religious beliefs (or lack of), but if others need/want to espouse their faith, I certainly understand.  Surely there's room for all here.  I'm sorry some ladies are feeling upset.  This has been such a wonderful thread, and so supportive, I'm dismayed!


  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited October 2010

    Darn it..I was hoping that by ignoring "it" would go away.

    Juanita..I certainly respect your wishes to go elsewhere but I will miss you..

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2010

    well, MonikaV asked for prayers so I gave them. 

    There are so many different faiths and beliefs here.  I hope that we can respect our differences.  Juanita- I hope you stay.  Teka, MBJ- I mean no harm when I say I'm praying for someone... I feel certain that the other "praying" members don't either.  In fact, I don't think I've seen a single post where someone has evangelized or tried to push their beliefs off on someone else... at least not on the threads I frequent! I can't even tell what the religions are of the people who offer prayers for someone! 

    As for me~ I'll take any prayers that anyone wants to give-  Jewish, Catholic, Baptist, whatever... you go right ahead and pray for me!! LOL!

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited October 2010

    I've been reading this thread for awhile now, so I guess it is time I join. I had a BMX with TE on 9/15 and am currently awaiting chemo. I met with my onc. Mon. and we decided on 4 tx of TC every 3 weeks. At first he added Carboplatin to the mix, then decided it was overkill and took it out. He also told me about a new drug called Ixempra that is showing great promise for tip. neg. The only reason he didn't add it for me is that it has a higher risk of long term neuropathy than the Taxane drugs. All of you currently in treatment amaze me with your strength and good attitudes. I only hope I can do the same when I get started! Best wishes to all!

    Tiffany Cox

  • alexanjb
    alexanjb Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2010

    I agree with Michele S.  Prayers of ANY kind, good wishes, good karma, good luck, I'll take them all.

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited October 2010

    Juanita:  I'll miss you too.

    This board has been and is wonderful.  I truly believe that, and know there are many people from different cultures on this board.  I should have chosen to word things differently in that original post.  I found so many people praying for each other that I thought it was OK to openly say this, and I still do in all honesty.  I will be more sensitive, however, when posting.   I'm certain I'll say again that I'm praying for someone, and can only hope it is taken in the same way as other's who offer prayer or good vibes or well wishes.  It's just who I am.  I may not always post, but you are all in my thoughts and I'm thankful this board is here to help others... it is needed and helped me.  

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    I am with Luah & Titan:  I am surprised that anyone has taken offense and I sure haven't.  This is a TN thread not a religous thread and that being said we should all respect that we are all individuals here.  I am not religous so I am not into prayer but I do think well of all of my new found sisters here and only wish them well and speedy recoveries.  We are all in this together ladies--we are not trying to push our own beliefs on anyone.

  • JenC
    JenC Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2010

    Ok I guess I missed something here regarding prayers.  I am not a hugely religeous person, dont go to church regularly but I do pray expecially for my sisters who are facing this horrible disease and see nothing wrong with it.  Keep the faith ladies.:)

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited October 2010

    JenC - No worries, you may have missed it because it wasn't there. There was a remark about going to church, which another poster suggested might cause offence. I don't think anyone has taken offence to women offering prayers on this thread (or not, as the case may be).

    cc4ng: Thanks for your post.