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Calling all TNs



  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    Welcome, Tiffany:  I had 6 x TC and recovered fine from it, although I do have a bit of numbness in my right hand.  Has anyone told you about wearing a cold cap to keep your hair and ice for the fingernails?  I wish someone had told me about this before I did chemo and Taxotere is awful for nails and hair.  You will be fine!  Hope you are recovering rapidly from your BMX.  You might want to check out Breast Implant Sizing 101 and put your name on the Exchange City list for your implants.  They recommend waiting 3 months after your last fill before the exchange.  Gentle hugs. 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    MonikaV:  Do you have someone to care for you for awhile until you are able to be up and around by yourself?  I had friends bring by food, run errands, plus my DH works from home which was really helpful.  He also did my drains and changed my bandages.  Sending you many good thoughts.

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited October 2010

    MicheleS:  Do you really think the MX is the easiest part?  I have mine Monday with Monika.  I am not so much worried about pain but about losing that part of my body.  But I know I have to.

    Alexanjb: Since you asked, I am sending you prayers, good wishes, good karma, good luck, and good thoughts! 

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2010

    Luah~ I'm confused!!! I thought the post in question was the one cc4npg made about holding LJ in her prayers? Was church even mentioned? 

    Anywhoo,  I hope everyone has a great day!!!!!! 


  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    Lynn18:  I had no idea you were up for your MX, too.  Wishing you a fast, successful and pain free surgery.  Hope you are in good hands and your surgeons are skilled and accurate.  I only had one side taken but losing my hair was harder and I was very surprised by this.  I was happier that the cancer was just gone and also grateful that they can "rebuild" it.  Many good thoughts coming your way.

  • starling
    starling Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2010

    Ok, I said I wouldn't say anything else, but I do want to anyway. Really, gals, what is a "prayer" anyway?. I think its a spiritual thing, not necessarily religious, meaning not associated with any religion. I think a prayer is simply a little thought, a good wish and hope that something positive happens, that someone has something good happen to them, or maybe that something bad doesn't happen. Some people direct it towards a God of their choice, some people to some "force out there" and some people just say it hoping the good karma will filter through. I, like many of you others, take all in the loving spirit in which they are given.

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited October 2010

    MBJ:  Thanks, I do have a great surgeon.  I am doing only one side too.  So you thought losing your hair was harder, well I have been through that so hopefully the MX won't be as bad.  I plan on doing reconstruction afterwards. I am glad you were able to go on vacation, sounds fun!  

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    Lynne:  It was a long one year battle with BC and the vacation is just what I needed.  What kind of recon are you planning to do?  Are you doing immediate recon?  I am unusual in that I woke up from surgery elated rather then depressed.  I didn't do Morphine which is harder to bounce back from so I blame the feelings of elation on Tramadol and having the cancer out of me.  I was really surprised by how matter of fact I was about losing my breast.  I had the skin sparing MX with delayed/immediate recon with an expander which was just replaced with silicone.  With the exception of being without a nipple, my breasts look better after my MX then before.  Do you have access to the picture forum yet?  You can see real pictures of women who have had every type of procedure plus recieve enormous support.

    Teka, Jwaterlilly & Barbasille:  Can we just except that some of us are sensitive to any type of religous input unasked for from others and move on?  Some of us have experienced abuse at the hands of religon and some of us feel as if their faith is their rock to get through this.  There isn't any right or wrong here. Bottom line, don't push your own beliefs on others and be sensitive to the fact that not everyone feels the same as another.  Hugs to you both. 

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited October 2010

    MBJ:  I am not doing immediate recon.  I figure one thing at a time for me.  I am not sure whether my dr. uses morphine, is that common?  I will ask about that.  That is great that you look better than before MX.  I don't have access to the picture forum, how do you get access?  I hope I can do a vacation next summer, I think we all deserve a vacation after this.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Member Posts: 804
    edited October 2010

    Lynn - I had a BMX with a tissue expander and at the same time a small lift on the left breast. This was 9/15. I am 5 weeks out and doing well. Still a heavy, slighty sore feeling from the expander-so I imagine if you are not having immediate reconstrution your recovery should go well! I cried the first time I saw my "one boob body" the day after surgery in the plastic surgeon's office, but have not cried since. It's not gross, just weird.I do make an effort for my kids not to see (they're 5 and 8), but it's not like I showed them my boobs anyway!! Best of luck to you-hope it all goes well.

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2010

    About this religion/non-religion thing:

    We all end up at the same station - does it really matter what train we take to get there?????

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited October 2010

    Lynn:  You can private message TimTam and she will give you access.  For me, it would have been too difficult to see myself without a breast.  Having the immediate/delayed helped me process it better, but I am glad you are happy with your decision, that's what is most important.  The picture forum should help you choose, should you decide to go this route.

  • JenC
    JenC Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2010

    So I am gonna speak my mind and hope that no one takes "offense".  Correct me if I am wrong but this is a BC site  not a religions site.  It is a place for those of us going through similar experiences to come together and give support, seek support, speak our minds, vent, cry, and just look for strength and encouragement when needed.  Whether it comes from someone who is religious or not we all have the same intentions to help each other through these rough times. 

    Sorry, just needed to be said.


  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2010

    Jen~ I agree.  However, some people express their support through prayers.  And, as barbasile said, adding "prayers" to a post isn't necessarily directed to a specific religion (or ANY religion).  For example, I'm on a mom's email list and several of the ladies are atheists... many more are Jewish.  Christians are in the minority there.  Some ladies on that list express support by sending "positive vibes" or "healing thoughts".  I don't think it really matters... I'm just happy to know that someone *out there* has heard me and is wishing me well.  I would hope that here (where many frightened) we could just accept the thoughts as they were meant-- to be nice... and supportive.

    Teka~ Thanks for clarifying.  I looked back this morning and didn't see a reference to a church (or organized religion).  I'm guessing that cc4npg edited her post after your suggestion that someone could be offended.  That's why I didn't see it.

    Lynn~ I did delayed recon and am glad I waited.  Good luck with your MX!

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited October 2010

    MBJ:  Thanks for that information, I am looking forward to seeing the pictures.. .I think it will be helpful.

    TifJ:  I am glad you are doing well.  I guess it will be strange to be one-sided. But it sounds like you won't be that way for long.  I am glad they have so many choices for us now for reconstruction. Thanks for the post!

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2010

    Lynn~ The picture forum is VERY helpful.

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited October 2010

    Ok, I have pm'd Timtam so hopefully I will get to see the pictures.  I am a little nervous about seeing the pictures, but it will be helpful, I know. 

  • Jwatrlily
    Jwatrlily Member Posts: 65
    edited August 2013

    Not that anyone asked me to, I'm speaking for myself.  I deleted all my posts here on the TN forum because in previous ones I had commented I had been praying for one or the other person when I was pretty sure it would be OK (that is after that person maybe had mentioned she "prayed" for this outcome or that outcome for herself), because if someone mentioned praying for herself, I was pretty sure it would be OK for me to pray for them too. 

    I removed them in the attempt to make amends to those that may have been offended by my mentioning prayer (although I stand by prayer as being my right but certainly your right to not have me do that once you've told me).  Had specific guidelines been set forth at the beginning that no mention of prayer or religion was allowed in this forum, this may not have happened.

    None of us can know who is and who isn't offended by that until we are told by each of you.  For those who think I or anyone was trying to shove our religion off on any of you that is so far from wrong it isn't funny.  I don't recall seeing where anyone was trying to convert anyone here by saying they would pray for them and if they didn't want or accept it, they were going to Hell.

    We are all fighting something bigger then any of us and we don't need to be fighting with each other and taking such offense at things that were only meant with the most sincere of intentions that we maybe end up being rude and offensive ourselves.  And DON"T anyone think I am singling them out because I am NOT.  I don't know any of you and would never criticize any of you as an individual for your feelings and views, religious or otherwise, so don't let insecurities put words in my mouth!

    This really is my last word on this.  I need a forum that is supportive, caring and not just of those who have their reasons for not wanting prayer mentioned, but those who do.  As MBJ has suggested, I am and will move on once this posts.  I wish you all (and I do mean ALL OF YOU) well with a complete cure of your breast cancer and a rich, full life.


  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011



  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited October 2010

    Sh Sh Sh

    I love this thread.

    Move on please :) Get back to why we are here.

    I finally got brave enough and made an official complaint about my PS. Let's see where it goes.

    Can anyone tell me what a recurrence on your scar might look like. I have this small dot - almost looks like a tiny blister. Please tell me it's nothing! I'm afraid to call my breast surgeon.

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2010

    Claire~ Doesn't sound like a recurrence to me.  :)  Call your surgeon.  xxoo

  • riverhorse
    riverhorse Member Posts: 10
    edited October 2010

    Dear Jwatrilly

    It occurs to me that it is not necessary to announce that you are praying for someone -- you can just pray anonymously -- if your prayers are answered and someone's health improves due to your intercession with God what better reward could you ask for.  Prayers really do not need an audience, other than God or anyone's prior consent.   I certainly would be happy if you care to pray that my daughter beat cancer, but you don't need to tell me about it. . 


  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited October 2010


    Thanks I'll call tomorrow. Hope she doesn't think I'm nuts!

  • starling
    starling Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2010
    I am also moving on. I was deeply offended that TEKA took my post on my feelings on prayer as a direct comment to her. It certainly was not, I would never try and tell her anything. I only spoke from my heart. I have deleted that post. And I too will not post again and move on.
  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited October 2010


    we all have cancer

    we need a place for peace

    i like this thread

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited August 2013

    Claire~ I really, really, really  don't think you have anything to worry about.  But, calling your MD will put your mind at rest.  So, call.  :)  xxoo

    PS She won't think you are nuts!!!!

  • cc4npg
    cc4npg Member Posts: 438
    edited October 2010

    Claire:  I too would doubt it's anything major.  I thought cancer along the scar would be in the form of a lump.  My first impression would be it's probably just a small sore place/blister and has nothing to do with cancer.  But I know it is worrisome and you'll feel much better once your doc looks at it.  I agree they won't think you're nuts... not at all!

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2013

    Ok...ladies..haven't spoken up about our "issue" here but now I'm going to say don't have to read it if you don't want goes.

    This thread was supposed to be a place where we can all go and share our fears..and the good things and the bad things..and to laugh and to cry..and yeah,  if you don't like someone praying for you well..don't read it..move on and don't make an issue about it...I don't like the personal attacks..and that is what they are...

    I wanted this thread to be a place where we could just talk..not ticks me off that we are doing just sucks.  I hate it and it makes me feel bad.  I like coming on here and talking..whether my posts are read or not because I really can't talk like this at home or with my guys GET IT...this is my home...

    I like your cartoon Heidi...seriously...that was funny but it made a good point! 

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2013 your need to..for your piece of mind!

    Ok.couple of questions for you....a 25 year old girl in my town was just diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer...25 years old...this is heartbreaking to me..and also to my 22 year old daugher..she is totally freaking..which brings me to another question,,,

    Being TN as we are.. those of you that had a lumpectomy (I did) you think that this was enough?...I've always been happy with my decision but I was never tested for the BRAC you think I should be?  I'm going to ask my onc when I see him in early Nov. but they have never suggested it.  My paternal grandmother died of BC when she was in her late 60's.  I don't know what treatment she had..if any.  She is the only one in my entire family who had breast cancer..

    I'm just freaking that if the BRAC comes out positive I will have to have my boobs cut off and have a hysterectomy..just freaking...

    Your opinions please...and you can be honest....I can take it.


  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited October 2010

    You probably don't have the gene. Did they have you meet with the genealogist?

    Usually you have more than one relative with it. But ask anyway.

    I also feel lucky that I'm in my 50's and raised my children, but I, too, worry about my daughter and granddaughter.