Calling all TNs
Jenjenl. I had a recurring infection in the left TE and had to have it removed last halloween. I was on 6 weeks of 4x daily IV antibiotics, horrible chemo etc. I finished radiation in June and was 'eligible'per my PS for flap surgery this month. I just dont have it in my to.subject myself to that huge surgery right now...everything that could have.gone.wrong.for me did and I am just afraid. My PS said the TE could stay in for awhile longer while I hopefully regain some confidence.
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Relocatedtarheel - OMGoodness!! I had an infection in my TE as well and had to have it removed. I'm in the exact same boat! PS told me I could see him in January to start talks about what we are going to do... I just do not have it in me to do it right now. Finally, finally, starting to feel human again. I joke that I just want 6 months of not needing to take sick leave from work. But really, I am hoping for 6 months of feeling good! So now I have a TE on the left, nothing on the right. And here is the crazy part, I don't even care!!! I don't even try to hide that I have one foob... lol... truly just thankful to be done with chemo and rads and surgeries and getting life back together. Please keep me posted on what you decide.
Ladies, I wanted to share with you this site I found as I have been trying to regain strength and fitness. For those of you interested in getting into running, I HIGHLY recommend this podcast: started it on Christmas. I have to tell you, I was sore the following day. But I did the second run, and the soreness quickly went away. And with the third run, I was still huffing and puffing... but I made it thru! Today I will start the second pod cast, which has a longer run interval. I'm a little nervous about it to be honest, because 60 seconds of running wore me out! But, worse case scenerio, I'll walk if needed
Happy New Year's to you all! Can't begin to express my sincere appreciation for you all. Thank you for being with me thru the toughest year of my life! Thank you for the words of encouragements, celebration thru the triumphs, laughs at the things that only those who have been through it can laugh and understand, and for your strength when I needed it. Tonight I will toast us all, and pray for a cure!0 -
I hate to hear that about the TE, I ended up going the DIEP route due to fear of TE failure post radiation. I've noticed my body does not like man made materials in it which was another contributor. I had an IUD that managed to leave the uterus and migrate to my pelvis. DIEP definitely is no joke but the results are incredible (some are not dr was a super star). The 1st 2 weeks are hell and then after a month your good and then really on your way.
Today I went back to the chiro bc my pelvis is killing me, it's been like this since 12/8. At that time I was kind of limping, it's gotten better but not 100%. He took an xray and he didn't see anything cancer wise. While I was there he cracked my back and neck and I feel like a million bucks!
I brought my sneakers and 5 pound weights into work. I scheduled a 1/2 hr to walk each day. My problem is my kids start early in the day, I work 8-5 and by the time i get home from work I am exhausted. SO, I'm hoping by doing it during my lunch break I am more motivated. I can lift the weights when i am on conference calls and want to punch someones face. We'll see how it goes, I'll report back. I know I have to do something, I'm up 15 pounds since finishing treatment - the number doesn't bother me but it pisses me off to not be able to wear my clothes comfortably. I still blame the hysterectomy.
If anyone's up for a TN 2015 Exercise and Eating Thread let me know. I am intimidated by the other threads awesomeness honestly
Happy New Year! In a way I'm sad bc I know we will start the new year with new TN sisters. In a way I'm happy bc so many of us are doing really good or finishing up treatment. My new years resolution is to have more sex...LOL!
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jenjenl - I'm in for starting our own exercise and eating thread. Then we are all starting off together and can share what's working and not working. Let's make this year a good one!
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Maybe call it a Triple Negative Exercise and Eating Thread? I vote for having the title spelled out for Triple Negative, because these forums are not closed, our discussions are available on the worldwide internet. More people search for the term Triple Negative, then they do for the term TN, therefore we might be able to help more sisters find us if we can get the title spelled out. Regarding the other thread's awesomeness, there is no need to feel intimidated. That is one thing I like about the other exercise thread - is that it is people doing things from light workouts to long biking runs. Some girls post that they cleaned house, some post that they ran the steps to their building at lunch, instead of taking the elevators, it's very much a forum with a wide variety of exercise levels and more importantly, there is a lot of positive chatter on there, including one lady who posts her Wednesday walk the mall photo with a group of other survivors. I find the thread very lighthearted and without any competition. But it would be a great concept to have one dedicated to Triple Negative, but want to emphasize again that the other exercise thread has all types of survivors in various physical activity levels, and they are trying to reach the same goals we are.
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Wanted to wish everyone an early Happy New Year...............I might not be online tomorrow.I have been going through P.T. again due to what we are hoping is a pinched nerve and not a tumor......always worry about that.
Have a pet scan set for next week but may have to change it due to not being able to lay. Prayers welcome please and thank you.
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Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
The New Year brings a chance for more knowledge and a cure to arrive for our community and other types of cancers.
Thank you all for providing such a warm and loving community.
Sending prayers to you Sadie and to all my sisters who have scans and checkups coming up. To all newly dx'd members please know there is life and living beyond a diagnosis. Also please be your own advocate when approaching your medical team to ensure you get the treatment you expect and the answers you need. There is outdated info on the internet and if you come across anything you read that is disproportionate with what your doctor said, refer back to your doc. TNBC was first classified in 2005 but there are many survivors from dx dates before that.
And lastly in the New Year as you set goals start with reasomable measurable goals and you can add on. Don't overload with so much change at once that it becomes impossible to be victorious.
Spread knowledge, awareness, love and be an inspiration.
Love you all and Happy New Year!
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Happy New Year everyone!
Stupidboob, sending lots of prayers up and sending you a HUG!!!! Keep us posted.
I have an appointment with my GI doctor next week. Hopefully we can figure something out about what's going on with my stomach issues. I saw my PCP this week because I've been having chest tightness and a bit of pain on the right side, which is the Cancer side so I'm nervous. Weird thing is it's worse in the car. She listened to my lungs and did the percussion test on my chest and abdomen and says everything sounds perfect but she said to mention it to my Onc at my checkup but that's not until February 9th. Ugh. I have coughing off and on, mostly in the mornings when I do cough, that is productive cough, but she says she's not concerned. Anyway please pray for me as well. Thanks. Love to everyone! Be safe if you go out tonight!!!
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Luv, could it be scar tissue? Can you feel it when you stretch? I only suggest this because I have a similar pain, worse in the car. I think it may have to do with sitting in a more upright position than my usual bad posture. I have pain that runs directly under my right breast and into my arm when I stretch real hard. Going to get an appointment with a massage therapist next week. I found myself wondering if it was my lung, but I'm pretty sure it's scar tissue. Hope you get answers soon so you don't have to worry.
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LuvMyDobies: I have had something very similar, and it seemed to be more pronounced when I drove my husband's SUV, vs my car. Almost exactly what you have stated. I noticed that it will also increase if I've changed the bag on the vacuum (our vacuum is super strong) and it seems to heighten my awareness of it after I've been battling the vacuum underneath low objects. The tightness also is usually present, only on one side, and sometimes seems more pronounced after I exercise. So I asked my Radiologist about this during my u/s 2 weeks ago. I posted this at that time but I'm not sure if you were having the pain then, so you might not have seen this. Adding to the information below, he explained that a lot of weight from the implant is being held in place virtually by a muscle. So I'm not sure if you have implants or not, but I'll relay what he told me below. Also I remember one time my PS had overfilled me and not only did I have tightness but difficulty breathing. I went back to him and he lowered my fill back to the previous week's size and stopped the fills at that level. I'm a B now - was a size AA before. My implants are also in a medical sling for additional support inside my body, but even with that additional measure there is still some weight that is absorbed and carried by the muscle.
All was completely normal. I asked my Onc about tightness in my right chest area and he said it's not an uncommon question from women, and that it's due to the fact that my implant is held in place by my muscle, and when I workout, it flexes that muscle, causing tightening, etc. I also think it could be due to the saline implants. They fit a bit wider I think than other implants in the profile and they are a bit firmer.
My Radiologist also told me (and showed me on the screen today) that there is a very thin border between the implant and rib, so that if a lump was present at any point, he said I would most likely feel it easily or even see it easily first.
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Zenful, I guess it could be scar tissue. Sometimes it's a slight burning type pain. It's weird. My PCP said it could be sore cartilage due to my coughing. I had a chest cold that lingered for awhile back in November. My husband had it too and we both had the cough that hung around long after. I do have allergies and asthma too. Thanks for the reply!
Inspired, I must have missed your post about your similar issue a couple of weeks ago! I don't have implants. I was supposed to but my expanders crapped out so I had them removed. I didn't want to start over because the fills were very painful for me. Hydrocodone didn't even touch it! The right side of my chest is also concave. I don't know if that makes a difference or not. The pain is more on the outside of my ribcage instead of the front, if that makes sense, like between the armpit and hip. Bone mets have crossed my mind too, but I'm trying not to go there either. Ugh!The tightness seems to be "worse" when I exhale doing my deep breathing sometimes too. Thanks for sharing your info. You always provide so much input.
On a different note, my parent's got me a cooling pad thingy to go under the bottom bed sheet because I still sometimes get a hot flash/sweat at night. It really helps! If anyone else would like more info, let me know!
Happy New Year to all you awesome ladies!! XOXO!!
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Thinking of everybody and wishing you all a Happy New Year. May it be a healthier one for all of us.
Sylvia xxxx
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Luv: I remembered something else. I had a big cough for about a week the year I was dx'd. I wasn't sick feeling but had a very persistent cough, think it was sinuses. Nothing tamed, it, just time .... and my ribs were extremely sore and more on the one side. Even after the cough I had sorenes for a while thereafter. I googled it at the time and found info on why that happens and how long it takes to not have that pain. I felt much better connecting it that way in my mind. Take it easy until you get closure on this. The slightest things could be re-aggravating the tender part ... Simple things like carrying laundry, stooping while lifting, reaching high in a cupboard, blow drying hair, lugging groceries, etc.
Please keep us updated. From what you explained I am on board with what your Doc thinks ... injury from coughing.
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Thanks so much Inspired! I'll definitely post updates. And Teka thank you too for the prayers. Everyone is also in my prayers every day. I mean that! XO!!
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Happy, Healthy New Year to all!
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Love all of my TN sisters: great posts about healthy eating and exercise. Like many, I have gained weight from hysterectomy and then chemo. Not from eating, but as my onc says it is just the "stuff" going into us.
No resolutions here: I lost 65 pounds in a year a few years ago the right way, and continue to watch sodium, sugar, fat, etc. I have not though been exercising.
My best wishes for a healthy, healthy, joyful New Year, cancer free for all of us.
Please know I lift all of you up daily in prayer
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To all Happy New Year and thanks for the Happy New Year wishes!
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Happy New Year ladies. May 2015 be a happy and healthy year for all of us.0 -
Happy New Year everyone!! May 2015 bring us nothing but good news!!
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Happy New Year to all! May we find 2015 a blessed year. NEDS to All!!!!!!
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Happy New Year all! Happy and HEALTHY!
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Need to vent! So last night I suddenly got blurred vision in the right eye and my mind went immediately to TIA/clot/stroke due to fear of brain mets. It only lasted a minute or two but it terrified me. Also I was a bit dizzy on Monday but I thought it was because I got up too quick or my sinused due to cloudy/rainy weather. Anyway last night I was upset and started crying, and my husband asked what the problem was so I told him about my blurred vision and then my fear. He totally lost it and was like I'm so sick and tired of you thinking everything is cancer! I admit I've been overboard on a few things but blurred vision is not a normal every day occurrence! I had taken some Bentyl twice yesterday, before breakfast and dinner. This happened about thirty minutes after my dose before dinner. Blurred vision and dizziness are listed as possible side effects on the bottle, but it has never done that before. I only take it as needed for stomach cramps so I don't take it every day. I also had this issue before a few months ago in bed one night. That time I had not taken any Bentyl. I was playing a game on my iPhone because I couldn't sleep so I thought that time it was from my phone. Now I'm at a loss at what to do. I wanted to go to the ER but my husband upset me so much and thought it was crazy, so I ate, took a warm bath, two Benadryl and Tylenol, cuddled in bed with my three dobermans and slept surprisingly okay. Just as a FYI Dobies are wonderful cuddle bugs. They were like screw you daddy we're on momma's side! Haha!
I'm still worried, but I'm mostly upset that it feels like I can't even express my fears to my own husband who was wonderful during treatment but now he's like time to move on and forget about what happened. He keeps saying your cancer did not spread and until you believe you're cured you will never move on! He doesn't understand how serious TN is, because he says he doesn't care what I've read or heard, in his mind I'm cured! While I wish more than anything I had that attitude, I'm just not there yet. I love NC and my doctor's but it's times like this I wish I was closer to my family who are all in TX! Could really use my parent's and sister right now.
Oh and his solution is he thinks I need to get a job and that would make me stop worrying. I volunteer at a doberman rescue a couple of times a week and I don't think about it as much when I'm there but even if I'm gone 7-8 hours I still worry when I get home if something happens like it did last night. My therapist says a job would be a temporary distraction but it still wouldn't make me worry less. Besides when I've worked before he got tired of that because I couldn't just take off at the drop of a hat to go anywhere. We go to Myrtle Beach a lot and I can't do that of I get a regular job. My therapist wanted to put me on a very small dose of Lexapro but my husband says absolutely not! He says I need something to do but no meds. I tried a couple of other antidepressants and had some weird reactions so he's very against meds. I don't "want" drugs but my therapist wanted to try the Lexapro to try to even out my anxiety.
Anyway thanks for listening!
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Luvmydobies - I feel for you. In your hubbies defense, I really don't think anyone who hasn't experienced what we have has an understanding of what it feels like to live in fear of every symptom we experience. Don't beat yourself up and try to cut him some slack too. I have a very supportive husband, but he didn't get it either. His answer was always, "why don't you just call your onc or surgeon to make yourself feel better." Well, sometimes I didn't want to call a doctor, I just wanted to let my feelings out. You're only two years from diagnosis, so you're naturally still in that fear mode. I can tell you that it will get better. I'm four years out and I can honestly say that I don't live in fear of every ache and pain anymore. Having said that, I still make a mental note when something doesn't feel right, and then make sure that it doesn't stick around for long. And I do still get scared, just not nearly as often as I used to. I had a two+ week headache around Thanksgiving. When it didn't go away after several days, my mind starting wandering. I was about ready to call my onc, and I woke up and it was gone. But I was beginning to get terrified. I think, unfortunately, that is what cancer has done to us. Glad your doggies understand. They are always in our corner, aren't they?! By the way, my daughter and her boyfriend are going to get a doberman puppy. We've always had golden retrievers, so I'm glad to hear that doberman's are cuddly too.
Take a deep breath and try to do something today that will get your mind off of breast cancer. Easier said then done, right?!
Hugs from Colorado,
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Thanks for the encouragement Kathy! I understand my husband wanting me to move on. I really do! I just needed his comfort last night instead of the complete opposite.
Glad to hear your daughter is getting a dobie! Don't believe all the bad hype they get! Having three of my own and working at the rescue have really opened my eyes. Honestly I've never met a more
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Thanks for the encouragement Kathy! I understand my husband wanting me to move on. I really do! I just needed his comfort last night instead of the complete opposite.
Congrats on four years!! That's wonderful
Glad to hear your daughter is getting a dobie! Don't believe all the bad hype they get! Having three of my own and working at the rescue have really opened my eyes. Honestly I've never met a more devoted and loving breed. That dog will love them to the moon and back! They call them Velcro dog's because they always want to be near their humans. I can't even use the bathroom without at least one of them in there with me. Haha! That's the honest to God truth! Sometimes Hercules will bring me his rope toy if I'm in there longer than he prefers. He's like I don't care if you're on the toilet, can you just throw the toy? They make me laugh every single day! They think when we have company that they're to play with them. If you have any questions regarding the doberman as they raise it, let me know. I'll be happy to give you my number if they have any questions. They are protective but with the right upbringing and socialization they will love everyone! I hope your daughter and her BF know they will have a 70 plus pound lap dog. It's awesome though! Are they getting a boy or girl? What color? I have a blue, red, and a black.
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Luvmydobies - My daughter's boyfriend had a dobie when he was growing up. He's very excited and so is she. They just moved into a home they bought right after Thanksgiving in CA. It's a beautiful place on 5 acres and he wanted a dog that will look intimidating for protection for my daughter when he is out of town for work. But he said the same thing to her, that they're very sweet personalities. She has a 5-year old long-haired chihuaha who is a princess (and is my granddog lol) so hopefully they will get along well. I think it will be fine since they're getting a puppy. I didn't know that dobies come in so many different colors! I'll have to ask if they know. She is used to our 60-lb golden being a lap dog so I'm sure she will love him/her being a cuddle bug. We heard the same thing about socialization when she got her chihuaha. If you don't socialize them properly, they become ankle-biters with lots of barking. She did a great job with her. Lilo is an awesome dog who knows no strangers. She's a little lover! I'm so excited for them
I will tell her to let me know if they want to contact you for more info. That's very sweet of you!
I do understand about wanting the comfort last night. Sometimes I feel very lonely because nobody in my immediate circle of friends and family have been through what I have. That's when I come on here for support. We're always here for each other! I hope you feel better very soon. Happy new year!
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Happy new year to you too Kathy! Wanting the protection was the exact same reason we got into dobies. They're such clowns but they are naturally protective as that's what they were originally bred for. They will love the whole family and even strangers as long as you let them know they're "ok". My father in law once came in without ringing the door bell and our female let him know that wasn't the proper way to enter our home. This was the first time she had ever met him though. We had to make him go back out and knock and let us let him in before she calmed down. She was very friendly to him after that. Also my mom used to keep children and ours all LOVED them. They were protective of them also. It was funny and so cute! If they went out to play the dobies just had to go play too! We had a little rat terrier when we got our first doberman and they got along just fine. Glad the boyfriend has some experience as that should make it easier. Lots of exercise is the best thing because it will tire them both out. The terrier was a but intimidated the first few weeks but after several weeks once things settled down they were best friends. The terrier was also the princess and the boss. There are actually four colors, black, blue, fawn, and white. Black is just the most common. You'll have to give me updates and post pics! I'm a little obsessed with them if you can't tell! Haha! Anyway thanks again!
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LuvMyDobies: Sorry to hear that things are rough at the moment.
It's very interesting to me that the Therapist would think that having a job would not change the level of anxiety, worry and consuming nature of this on your mind. At home, in perhaps the very place where we got the call about our dx, and the very place where we stayed during treatment, the house can sometimes bring about a lot of those memories, and those memories can keep the process of moving forward from happening at a slower rate. I often suggest a purge of the home of things that remind a survivor of their treatment, such as a specific blanket they might have taken to the chemo treatments - because if it's in a cupboard at home, each time they will be reminded of it when they see.
I feel even though you are volunteering, there is a different accountability in that setting than in a paid work environment, where the employee has goals and targets and performance items that the employer requires. In that type of setting, your mind would be busy with answering the phone, processing an order, speaking to a client, chatting with the neighbor in the cubicle over, visiting a client's site, etc. I think getting a job under similar circumstances to you is a wonderful idea because it helps the person take a step forward, and sometimes actions themselves will bring about the much needed changes. We have to sometimes do it, before it takes effect rather than the other way around. A job often gives people a sense of pride, a sense of freedom, and a sense of normalcy. I've read various articles and done research on this as well, and quite often counselors recommend a job outside the home to get back into the swing of life. Faced with new responsibilities, many people will thrive and find this a welcomed break from their worries.
You have done well and in 2 weeks you will be celebrating your 2 year victory. In talking with other TNBC survivors from the forums here, I have noticed that many say around 2 1/2 years they were able to move to a different level of calm and stability. I do believe you will get there.
Regarding spouses, friends and family, many won't be able to understand completely what we have been through and they will do their best at showing their concern. But at the same time, I think it's wonderful that a husband has complete confidence that the treatment was successful. Try to build upon his confidence. If for the past 2 years your husband has had to hear the cancer word every night since your dx, then he is probably just exhausted of the roller coaster as well. I don't know how often you and him speak of the cancer, but if it's frequent, that is going to put a stress on a relationship. Medications and reactions can happen at any time. Just like how you can color your hair with the same product for years and then suddenly have a reaction. This is why each time you refill a prescription they give you the complete list of side effects - because they can happen at any time.
Here are some ideas for you:
- New Symptom - Monitor or Refer to Doc: When you get a new symptom or notice a change in something, such as your blurred vision, try to see if it comes and goes and returns (as a pattern) perhaps before bringing it to your husband's attention on the first incidence. Or better yet, why not move your worries / suspicions away from your husband, since after all he is not a doctor. Why not call your Onc's office, let them know your anxiety is heightened still, and ask if there's a nurse they can partner you with. Someone that you can call when something odd happens. This will help the relationship because then when you really need your husband for a good vent, a good cry, or calling him over to check out something on you, he will oblige and do some more willingly, because he has not had to do it continually on a consistent basis. I feel, at some point, husbands just want the lives to return to normal, I would cut him some slack. He has had to deal with his soul mate being diagnosed. His life changed also. This takes a toll on him, and maybe we as the patient don't understand all that the husband has to go through as well. You have to remember, that men like to provide for us and like to keep us safe. I'm sure he is concerned when you bring up these things all the time, and it's probably stressful to him. It could even affect his job, his health, his other friendships and relationships, etc. (Reminder: Call 911 for life threatening situations and symptoms).
- Limit the use of the word "cancer": Try not to use the 'c' word around the house. If you must discuss it, say instead other things like "I need to eat turmeric to help me stay healthy", or "I met a a new survivor today". I firmly believe in relaxing the use of the 'c' word when you are trying to move forward and have reached a certain point in survivorship without a recurrence setback.
- Talk to your Onc: Set up a meeting with your Onc. Sit down with him for 20 minutes and really get to the root of your diagnosis and his prognosis for you. Find out all he knows, if he has any concerns, and learn more about what he thinks. Your Onc I really feel is very qualified to help you move past this hurdle and start living life again. You are stuck in a rut and it seems that much of that is due to fear of a recurrence. Therefore find out from your Onc more about your risk, things you can do to prevent it, and I bet you will feel much better. You may feel that your Onc won't understand of your might have an Onc that appears unemotional, but I bet if you set up an appointment with him to let him know all that is happening in your mind, he might be able to help you. Maybe he could recommend a counselor that has experience with TN survivors.
- Get control of the things that are out of control, because worry will build upon worry. If your house is a mess, get it orderly. If you have been harboring a grudge with a family member, call up and be friendly. If you have bills that you want to pay down, set up a budget. If you have not taken care of yourself, get up, get your hair colored (if you do that), get your pedicure on, and buy some new clothes, even if it's just house clothes. Getting things back in order will reduce worry and getting yourself spruced up will lift the spirits.
- It's a New Year - Time for New Confidence: Now is a perfect time to let go and live a little. I read someone's quote on these forums one time and it resonated with me. She said don't live your life worrying about a recurrence, because then if you do get one, you've lived it twice, instead of once. It really made sense.
- Find a Reference Validation: This is someone you can refer to, with similar stats who is way far out. I made up a list (from the forums) of women who had the same treatment and dx even, and I have that list in my file drawer in a medical records book. When I was trying to move forward and I would have a psyche setback, I would pull the list out, check on everybody, they were all doing fine still and it reassured me and gave me confidence. You can also find people who were in later stages than you and survived, but for this specific idea, I researched survivors with very similar stats as mine. Either way, a reference will help you be able to see that it's possible.
- Invest in Others: This isn't about volunteering, it's about being a friend to others. I found that shifting the attitude away from me, and towards helping others that I felt better. Call up a girlfriend and ask them how their day is going, just because - not because you want to talk about a concern. Send small thank you notes to everyone who you have not thanked or given a hug to in a while, thank them for being there for you and offer to do the same if they need you for anything. Carry in the neighbor's groceries, make a donation to a family in need, post helpful answers in other forums to other members needing help.
- Set up a LuvMyDobies Dobie Blog - LOL Give your pets their very own website, start filming and posting their funny videos on YouTube. Having laughter and a fun hobby like this might help. We just adopted new pet last Friday and I think I'm going to send out a pet announcement.
- Give the Forums a Break: Many members have mentioned that taking a break from the daily postings helps.
- Live your day like you used to: If you used to go to the Mall on Saturday AMs, then get back into that routine. If you used to have Wed lunch with a friend, reinstate that. If you used to get up each day by 8, dressed by 9 and out running errands by 10, do that. Whatever your former habits were in regards to daily behaviors, try to regain some of that. It might never be the same, but it can help re-establish some things you liked and that can help reinforce more positive, forward-thinking behavior.
- Have a backup spouse / main problem solver - That might sound funny, but find someone you can talk to once in a while to give your husband a break. I have a great work colleague, who I've never met, and I inform him of all my appointments and if I have something I need feedback on, I can check with him sometimes, and give my husband the day off.
Sometimes this person will be very pro-active and send me kale recipes, or articles about too much exercising. It's just another support system. Spread the questions about and give your husband a day off sometimes.
- Get sun and fresh air - Something tells me that with your Dobies you already do this.
- Vitamin B12 - There are many positive reports that B12 helps with anxiety. I use the Garden of Life Kind Organics Sprayer. 1 spritz and I'm all cuddly and sweet (thinking like a cat here). LOL
It's good to vent, but now that you know how much love and support you have from all of us, as well as from your husband, go out there and make change happen! You are a strong woman and I know this will be a great year for you. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
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interesting discussion about the dobbies. Can't imagine having 3in a house. Must take up a lot of space. Like 3extra people in the home!
People who don't get it...really don't get it. A few months after treatment my husband once said that he was tired of everything being about me. Ha, never let him forget that statement. He also thinks it's done now that treatment is done. Husbands want to be able to solve a problem, at least mine does. They/he are usually good at problem solving and getting tasks done, like call your doctor, get a job so you stop thinking about it etc, not so good at just listening, really listening and not try to solve it in2easy steps. My realtionship has become more strained since BC I think because I expect more. It's time to have more fun, laugh more, have more common interests, have new interests, not be so serious, talk more. He thrives on routine and tradition and resists changed and new things. He's a good business man but not as much in the relationship communication area (...and kind of boring) But he's loyal, faithful, hardworking, dependable, makes good money and we are fine financially and he loves me. Hmm but We've been on shaky ground here recently, well for a while. Last year was just survival, now I'm just not sure I like this person anymore (scary). We've been married 28 yrs btw. Thanks for letting me express and ven