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Calling all TNs



  • greenae
    greenae Member Posts: 246
    edited April 2016


    Thinking of u and ur mom. She will be fine! Caught early, she can make some lifestyle changes and make sure this doesn't mess with her!

    Big hugs!


  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited April 2016

    Lillierose congrats on the 1 year milestone. So happy to hear and to see that you are learning to "live" especially with all the memories ahead with your little one. Xoxo

    Marsha so happy no Mets and I pray your arthritis will be as pain free as possible. Xoxo

    Luv. You know I will be praying for your dear momma. She is blessed to have you and that you will rally around here with love, support & wisdom. Xoxo

    Have a great weekend ladies. My stage 2 from the Diepis scheduled for August. Hard to believe it will be 2 years for me in July. :)



  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594
    edited April 2016

    meadow I had my port removed 2weeks pfc in December. My mo said it was ok. Like jenjen I also needed it gone to mentally heal.

    Marsha good news on no mets but sucks about arthritis. Hugs

    LillieRose congrats on 1 year. That's awesome. I am approaching my 1year since dx next month. Hard to believe it's been 1year.

    Luvmydobies I will def pray for your momma.

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited April 2016

    Thank you all for the prayers and good thoughts! They'll definitely help! I'm not panicky or anything in front of my mom because I know that will make it worse for her. Trying to stay strong for her, so she doesn't worry about me stressing over this. It's time to NOT worry about me though and I'm reminding myself of that. I just wish I wasn't 1600 miles away from her! Thank God she has my dad there with her, and my brother and sister are close to home at least!

    Hope everyone has a nice, relaxing weekend! Thanks again for the prayers for my mom!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited April 2016

    Luv, - sending BE WELL wishes to your Mom (and to everyone here, too, of course!). Cardiology is an amazing field these days. I am sure she is being well cared for and having your Dad and siblings there should give you peace of mind, too!

  • Anniekay80
    Anniekay80 Member Posts: 92
    edited April 2016


    My father had a "silent" heart attack too 30 years ago. He is still going strong now at age 84. The ladies are all correct....cardiology has come a long way. My husband also had a heart attack sometime during the first week of July last year.....he swore it was just heartburn and refused to go to the doctor until I set my kids on him. He saw our family doctor and was told to go home and get me (our doctor knows us very well). From there we were to go to the ER for a cardiologist to "go over the EKG" and our doctor would call ahead. My husband fell for this story, but as our doctor knew I would, I heard "direct admit". Long story from there, but he got the best of treatment and finished all his physical therapy just in time for my diagnosis. He is pretty darn healthy considering the stress my diagnosis put on him and is a wonderful caregiver to me.

    So hang in there cause I've been where you are with first my dad and then my husband. Prayer is the only thing that got me through. Since I know God carried me through all the trials we've had these past 10 months....I keep repeating "one set of footprints" way of saying it's not my strength getting me through all this, but God's strength.

    Sending prayers your way!

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited April 2016

    Anniekay, thanks for sharing your experiences! Glad your hubby is doing well. Thanks so much for praying too. I agree that it's God carrying us as well. XOXO!!

    Another, thank you so much for the well wishes too!

    It means a lot to have you ladies praying! God bless all of you! XOXO!!

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661
    edited April 2016

    Thanks for all your replies lovely ladies.

    I had a scan today to see if my port has a problem, and yes it's developed a leak. So can't be used anymore. I only have four Taxols left, so will continue and use the veins in my arms and hope they hold up. After chemo I'll have my port removed and if I need it again in the years to come, then I'll just have another one put in then. Hopefully I'll never need another one.

    It's been emotionally exhausting these past few days - not helped by the fact that I'm physically exhausted as well. So long as my veins hold up ok, I only need to get through the next four weeks, and then onwards and upwards.


  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2016

    Trisha-Anne....sorry about your port. I have lousy veins but was fearfult to get a port. I had a consultation with the Chemo nurse before treatment started. Her advise was to begin drinking water the day before and drink LOTS. I even drink through the night if I happen to get up. I drink until they come with the needles. So far so good. It was good advice. Good luck to you

  • Twaz
    Twaz Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2016

    New here. Sorry I haven't read through the 1010 pages.

    Just got the dreaded call about an hour ago. Lots of tears, calls to my parents and husband. Scared, but don't feel alone. I am triple negative. Glad to have found you all.

    I'm 43, married, two kids (ages 8 & 11).

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190
    edited April 2016

    Twaz - Welcome! You are without a doubt in the worst part of the entire journey. This is the scariest of times. You will feel much more in control once you get a treatment plan. As you'll see from my info below, I am here 5-1/2 years later and am physically in better shape then I was before. I was diagnosed at 44 and my tumor was large. Just take it one day at a time. And come here often for support and help with any questions that you have along the way. We're all here for you!! You can do this.



  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited April 2016

    Trisha, - sorry about your port, - but I think you will feel a lot better with it gone! Mine was in an awkward spot, and so uncomfortable even though it worked.

    Twaz, - welcome to our group. It is the best place to be when we have this journey to go on!

    Hugs to you both, and everyone else here, too!

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2016

    Just read very encouraging article for those of us getting TC vs ACT. Link below.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2016

    Twaz...So sorry you are here, but I welcome you to this incredible group of women. Hearing a TN diagnosis is very scary. Have yourself a good cry and then lift your head up and think positive thoughts. Read through the pages here and look towards a bright future with your family. There are so many women who were diagnosed TN and are here years later living great lives. One good thing for us is that right now TN is a hot research topic. You will feel more in control once you have a treatment plan. I'm right in the middle of my treatment and feel very much supported by my breast friends. Wouldn't be able to do it without them. We're all here supporting you and sending good vibes. Be strong. It will be OK

  • ALHusband
    ALHusband Member Posts: 342
    edited April 2016

    LillieRose I have wondered over and over about which anniversary to count with my wife's BC. You can find people that will tell you any of the three. From Dx, From Chemo or from Surgery. I guess the major studies all use from Dx. But because the answers are all over the wife and I have decided to celebrate ALL THREE. Congrats on your 1 year cancerversary. May there be many many many more!

  • LillieRose
    LillieRose Member Posts: 46
    edited April 2016

    thanks alhusband! I'm so happy I made it to this one! I'll celebrate them all 💛 I hope you and your wife are well!

    Twaz, I'm so sorry! The beginning in the worse part. It does get better. This is a good place for info. Stay off the web... It's scary overwhelming and outdated! Good luck

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited April 2016

    Twaz, so sorry you have to be here, but welcome. Be sure to put your specifics in your signature line once you know it (tumor type, stage type of chemo if any surgery ) that will help you to see who else is walking in your similiar shoes. They can give you tips.

    I agree, google is not your friend. A lot of the information is years old, and very discouraging. This board and others will give you so much support, hope and strength. Lots of us are new, and some have been in the struggle (it's real) for years. Some like me are 24 year survivors of a different breast cancer and find ourselves back here.

    My advice: Is cry, scream, rant and vent. Whatever helps. Once your treatment plan is in place and you start, it does get better. But shock and anger are part of the entire process. In my humble opinion.


  • StefLove
    StefLove Member Posts: 201
    edited April 2016

    twaz, this is definitely a great bunch of ladies (and men!). welcome to our little club :) feel free to vent, scream, cry with us.

    Lillie, congrats on one year!

    and just like Lillie, I also hit my 1 year at the end of march. Kind of surreal and terrifying all at the same time. Honestly not sure how to feel about everything. I have more 'normal' days than not lately, which I'm thankful for. Now only every other pain or ache makes me think of recurrence, so that's progress. :) I see my MO for another checkup in two weeks, honestly dn't even know what I'll be doing at that appointment. New scans? Mammo? Honestly no idea.

  • Twaz
    Twaz Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2016

    Thank you all for being so welcoming. All my life I've heard "cancer sucks" and agreed, but now I KNOW. My fear now is my PET scan. I have a terrible feeling. I don't see a surgeon until Monday because I am changing hospitals and they have to do all of the paperwork transfers and such. My head hurts and I'm scared as hell.

    Sorry for being a whiny noob. Survivors I have talked to say that once I start treatment, things will be more positive because at least I won't be waiting.

  • kellychameleon
    kellychameleon Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2016

    Twaz, the beginning when you're waiting and trying to process everything is the worst. All of the unanswered questions, looming scans, not having a treatment plan in place - it's all terrifying. And it seems to take so long (when usually in the grand scheme of things, it's a relatively short time that seems like an eternity). Once you get past that and know what you're working with and have a plan in place, a huge weight is lifted. At least it was for me.

    I'm still new to all of this - I think this is actually my first post on this thread - but I am excited to say that I only have one more chemo left. It really does seem like just yesterday that I got that horrifying phone call, but it's been 3.5 months, and I'm in a much, much better head space.

  • shiny
    shiny Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2016

    hi Twaz!

    I so agree with Kellychamel, it is so the unknown and the waiting in the early days that is the very worse.

    The plan, the action, the ticking those actions of your ' whoop cancer's a.. List' does really help.

    I never personally feel any anger but other do. What ever you feel, dont feel bad about it. It is all a shock and a proccess to go through and everyone does this differently.

    I remember in the years following my dx having several ' scares' as bones became sermingly more painfull or other health issues had me having further ' checks' but, if helpful to you or the others here, just recently I had chest shmptoms being treated by a thoracis physician and had extra meds prescribes as improvement was not fulky satisfactory. I called my cancer hospital as I seemed to recall my tupe of chemo might cause very late onset issues with lung. The bc nurse was rather disbeleiving.. Thinking I should have been in touch last summer, but both my specialist and I thought we were dealing with something else! I have had scan now and waiting on results but just wanted to say that Cancer never occured to me in this instance at all.

    Edited to clarify that the ' if helpful bit' of my post was to express the fact that this latest test, did not have me in a state as i feel calm and reasonably satisfied that the issues are much more likely going to be due to something else then bc mets, and that I feel it is good to reflect that the bc is not something I am always waiting to see if it comes back, that that initial adjustment to knowing the risks and possibilities does not stay this way forever often. Oh hard to put in words but hoping this makes sense! Am feeling positive but of course still aware of the posibilities but not living in the 'what if' mode which is natural early on. Hug to all

    Wishing you well. Hope you know there are so many here to listen and support you. Always.



  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited April 2016

    Hi ladies, my internet was down for several days so I am behind here. Twaz and Kellychameleon, we are so glad you are here with us. Not the reason behind it of course, but together we are so much stronger.

  • lookingforward66
    lookingforward66 Member Posts: 148
    edited April 2016

    Ladies & Gents,

    Thanks for your congrats. I agree arthritis is a good thing. My MO said keep up my yoga. She also said water exercise is good. My girl friend just redid her pool. Picture below. I plan on using it soon. I have carte blanche on using it whenever I want. It has gotten real bad. Knees & feet the worst right now. Spine some but not near as bad as the other areas.

    Waiting for summer!!!!!


    My last class I had a friend take this photo at the Curtiss Mansion in Miami Springs ( where my class is held)


    Have a great day


  • bluedog
    bluedog Member Posts: 147
    edited April 2016
    Marsha, beautiful shoulder stand!
  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited April 2016

    Lookingforward66....that photo is a work of art‼️

  • lookingforward66
    lookingforward66 Member Posts: 148
    edited April 2016

    Thank you Cathytoo & Bluedog. I did same pose a year ago. It has become my " can still do it" pose! Not bad for 69!! Have to keep moving to keep the arthritis joints going. Truly enjoy my yoga.



  • ALHusband
    ALHusband Member Posts: 342
    edited April 2016

    Very proud to report that tomorrow, 4/8/16, is my wife's 3 year "cancerversary" and she is thriving! New folks, 3 years ago on 4/8/2013 we were terrified. I am posting this to let you know there are definitely better days ahead! Our wishes for good health to everyone!!!!

  • greenae
    greenae Member Posts: 246
    edited April 2016

    YAY for Three Years! That's the real deal according to my MO. Congratulations to you and your wife, Alhusband! Many, many more healthy years ahead. Thank you for giving us strength !


  • greenae
    greenae Member Posts: 246
    edited April 2016

    Lookingforward, you are LOOKINGOOD!!

  • Twaz
    Twaz Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2016

    congrats on three years!!! That gives me hope!

    Today I felt like myself most of the day. I was actually hungry! I've talked to so many people & the support is overwhelming.

    I am soooo sleepy though. Did anyone else experience that in the very beginning? I haven't even seen a doctor yet! Tonight I have a headache. Ugh.