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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Iowa: if you do it in your pool it can be called SWUMBA!   You are going to love is makes me smile.... Will Ferrell from "The Elf": "smiling is my favorite!!!!"

    Sweeney: Target is tricky!   First of all, when you walk in, on the left usually there are like 2 short bargain aisles where everything is under $5.  They have practical stuff, not junk, that is good for organizational purposes etc.. and they will undoubtedly have some holiday stuff now.  Also, there is usually a "bargain" aisle in housewares (whateva the dept is!) and you want to check there also.  Just be careful because like I have all Mikasa plates, stemware blah blah but I broke the salt shaker.  I could not get it ordered from open stock so I just needed a S&P shaker set...well, Target was charging $25 for S&P shakers!  I was like my Mikasa is only going to cost a few bucks more so I will go to Stop and Shop and buy picnic ones until open stock comes in!   Aside from that, I like Target.  I like the way it is set up and it is certainly better than those football field size Walmarts we trip over here! 

    Back to Conan!!!  Omaz...I think you are the other Conan fan here: he outdid himself with the Miley Cyrus blog tonight!!!!  Very funny stuff! 

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311
    oooops. LIZZY- forgot this. Yes, they told me it's protocol to wait 4 weeks to start RADS. I tried bullying my onco into speeding me up. He told me to stop being so Type A.
  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    CONAN??? My uncle swears up and down he's our third cousin. I'm an O'Brien. And not just on March 17th.:)

  • JoyKK
    JoyKK Member Posts: 31

    LadyinBama,  A friend of mine suggested I try Glutamine to prevent leg pains after chemo.  I think it worked for me.  I took Glutamin before each chemo treatmentt and for four days afterwards.  I didn't take it the first chemo treatment I had and I had the symptoms you describe.  You can find information about it here:

    I ordered the Glutamin from Amazon.

    Good luck!


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Lizzymak-- "Make work your favorite!"  (c:

    TAC #5 down and one to go, woot.  Sounds like our schedules are the same... sleep, watch tv, all the while warm and snugly in this nasty weather, eat and drink when needed.

    L-Glutamine powder rocks, it even helps the chemo mouth taste for awhile, but alas not for good, I feel like taking an SOS pad to my taste buds.

    Happy Wednesday.

  • Well, all, the ceremonial "pulling of the port" will commence this Friday at 11:00. 

    I had two calls into the oncologlist and nobody called me back until 7 last night.  I called back the scheduler for the surgeon and she was flipping out - she thought she could schedule me and 2 other people for port placement  for Dec 24 (CHRistmas EVE!?) but the hospital was closed!  (closed??)  

    I told her "Look.  I really need to get this out - it may be infected.  Please tell Dr White that she needs to recommend somebody to remove it then."  She gave me the name of somebody who "might" be able to do it but probably not B4 the holidays.

    I just kept praying that God would make the impossible happen.  Not two minutes later the phone rings and it's her again - the scheduler.  She says "Do not call that number - I have a doctor who's going to do it - this Friday."  It's one of the doctors within the breast group.

    Now...explain this to me.  She specifically told me that NOBODY else of the five doctors in the breast group could do this procedure.  Now suddenly somebody can.  

    Well, I am NOT questioning it - I'm just thankful it's coming out the day after tomorrow.  I have to travel to Newark again (I don't care) to the third world hospital but at this point, I'd settle for a Shop Rite meat packer with a knife! =:O

    I was told that I would have anesthesia -- I thought this was a "non event".  Actually I was TOLD by the sugeon who placed it that she could remove it in the office!  Apparently she completely lied.  How could she NOT know? 
    Frankly I'm quite relieved that the same surgeon is not taking it out!  The woman who is doing it did my friend's mastectomy and she really liked her. 

    So it's just been a run around.  THe one good thing is that I won't ever have to have it flushed - that was scheduled for Jan 3..........

    About Buddha - didn't he say something like "Be thankful you're not sick- if you're sick be thankful that you're not dead" or something like that??  Good stuff.

    SO my wrapping's 99 percent done for the kids - the port removal thing really threw me into high gear, not knowing what would happen.  I imagined if it was infected and I ended up in the hospital, at least I wanted my kids Christmases done!

    Today we're supposed to go to my grandmother's grave to place a wreath on it - meeting my grandfather and parents.  It's flippin' cold!  The house was 58 this morning and the bedrooms even colder.  I just ramped up the pellet stove and put on a space heater.  

    My parents bought us an Eden Pure heater for an early Christmas present and we had to send it back.  The plastic smell was horrible.  When it ran, it smelled like permanent magic markers!  I kept thinking -the LAST thing I need right now is inhaling off gassing from plastics!  They're going to look for another brand.  I was very disappointed that a company that makes air PURIFIERS would make such a product..............

    Hoping everyone has a SE free day today!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - I think Its Sweeney as Conan fan.

    Glutamine powder is GREAT, I get a big bucket for my neuropathy from GNC.  Put 2 rounded teaspoons in water, swish it around, put in 1/2 of a lemon's juice and drink.  Twice or 3 times a day.

    Now I hope waiting six weeks until rads isn't too long.  During the preamble to all the treatments they kept telling me waiting 1 or 2 more weeks more won't make a difference, did anyone else hear that?

    LIzzy and Adey - I'm so happy you two only have 1 MORE!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    calamtykel--  Yay, two more days!  Meat packer, you crack me up.  I don't think either the scheduler or surgeon lied.  The scheduler was probably rattling off what she is supposed to say... would you like fries with that?  Good for you for getting her out of her automaton mode.  I've read some do have the port removed in the office, personally I think twilight anesthesia is the bomb, hate general.  Congratulations and the best of luck Friday.  I have one more chemo and am looking forward to getting my port out.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - SO glad you have port removal scheduled, yay!
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone: 

    Just wanted to check in quick.  I have taken back most of the work from my second job again and I am totally exhausted at night so I haven't been on in a little while.  I will catch up fully later on, but just wanted to check in and wish everyone well.  I have three more rads to go and then this nightmare will be over!  I am not counting Tamoxifen...hopefully that will just be like taking a daily vitamin. 

    Calam:  I read a little bit of that port mess, so glad you have an appointment to have it removed! That meat packer comment was hysterical.  And so jealous that you are ready for Christmas.  I am only about ¼ through my shopping at this point!  Hopefully I will have the energy and time to finish it all this weekend. 

    Lizzy and Adey:  Congrats, only one more left for both of you!!! The end is in sight!!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    OOhhh Lizzymack I love that swumba, it could be the next new craz, Makes me want my own indoor pool!

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Omaz Yes, I am getting that soft fuzzy hair too.  I have not even finished my chemos yet but I'm already getting it.  I love the way it feels so I keep rubbing my head all the time!  Oh, and I have also heard that waiting an extra couple of weeks before/between treatments is not a big deal.  I'm sure waiting 6 weeks before rads is not that bad.

    Sweeney I love Target!  I have to limit myself from going there too often or I will spend too much money.  Honestly, I have been happy with everything I have bought there.  I don't know what in particular you are wanting to get but they have adorable holiday decorations this time of year.  Their in-house brand of household supplies (cleansers, medicines, etc) is called Up & Up and is really good. 

    Calamtykel So glad you got the whole port issue sorted out.  Sounds like typical office bureocracy, "oh, only the one doctor can do it, but wait, don't go to another practice, now a different doctor here can do it!"  It all seems silly but I'm glad you were persistent and got it scheduled.

    Last night I dragged DH to the mall with me and we were able to round up Christmas gifts for his family pretty quickly (about 45 minutes!).  Now I just need to wrap them up and send them.  I am not looking forward to going to the post office!  I think I will check out printing postage online, that might make things easier.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    jsw - I keep rubbing my head too and trying to see more in the mirror.  I didn't realize how excited I would be to start getting my hair back.  Its so fine and soft and kindof sticks close to the scalp.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals! 

    Sweeney: bully them! GET them!!!!!!! That was funny that you tried to bully your rad onc!  BTW, by telling about bargains at Target I am trying to help you avoid getting mugged by Target!  Their regular priced stuff is a bit out there!  Their vitamins are a good price, however.  Consequently, I, too, think you might be related to O'Brien!  I think he is absolutely hysterical!  I am so glad he is back on!

    JoyKK: In a related story, I just ordered a SNOW TUBE from Amazon!!!!  I am skipping the glutamine for snow tubing!!!!!!!  No, it is not a gift for some kid but rather it is a gift for ME!!!!!!!

    Adey: I have one word for you: "SANTAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Also, I will join you in the SOS ceremony! BTW, will they take your port right out? I want mine out but I think Yale likes to keep them for a year. I want it out as well. I have veins, man! I don't need this freakin' port!

    Calamtykel: You are funny! First of all, that reference to the Thirld World Hospital is hysterical! You better watch out that your anesthesia is not crack! That stinks about the heater. "Rabbit" makes excellent purifiers and I like the way they look! I don't know if they make might want to check. It is very disappointing that a company that makes purifiers makes a stinky heater!

    In any case, good news that someone finally listened to your voice of reason and the plans are in place to take that thing out. Good for you.

    Omaz: It must be Zenith who is a Conan fan. I know someone here besides Sweeney (Berkshire) Hathaway O'Brien is a Conan fan!!!!!!! As for the fur, are you above getting some Chia fur to collate into your fur?!??!? It think if you grow the skull chia fur and then paste it on, you will blend in to the brush more effectively should you walk and fall again!!!!! Your DH can leave you there for a nap!

    Iowa: tell Santa you want an indoor pool! After a year like we have had, that is the least he can do for you!

    JSW: I can't believe you went to the mall! You should have filmed it! The post office: the bane of my existence! I have the laziest mail person EV-ER! S/he likes to leave me those little orange slips when anything won't fit in the box instead of coming to the door. So there I go with my mask on as our post office line is always at least 10 deep and people are just plain old sick at this time of the year in the Northeast. If you have a busy post office wear one of those surgical masks. People can stare at me all day and I can give a rat's fat ass less....I unequivocally do not *care* what people think! In any case, don't take risks...wear the mask as forbid you get sick.

    I have to go to Texas, I mean Walmart (!), and then to a crafts store (need more pencils for sketching 9/11 items) and then I actually also have to do laundry and clean up the kitchen. This will, no doubt, be a 2 nap day!!!!

    I think you should all write your own twisted Christmas carols today and sing them to your heart's desire!!!!!

    Good day, girls!  May the force be with you!!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - In your prime today!  May the force be with you. I think my dear husband wishes I would take a nap sometimes because lately I have been having him look at my head.  chia fur - yes, that might get his attention, see honey, its coming in green but at least its coming in!
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    "I have to go to Texas, I mean Walmart (!)"

    That made my day.

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212
    Omaz I keep staring at myself in the mirror too!  I keep leaning over the bathroom sink to get really close to the mirror and studying my head to see if there is more hair.  DH also said (without any prompting from me!) that it looks like I am getting some new growth.  He is hoping it will come in red - I've always been dark blonde to light brown but he likes red hair.  So far it has mostly been really pale and wispy but now I think I am starting to see some light brown hairs coming in.
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    jsw - Oh that cracks me up, I have been leaning over the sink too to get really close to the mirror!!  That is so funny!!  (:
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Well today sucks.

    I had another nose bleed this morning, so I started writing a list of all the crap that has started happening to me in the last few days so I could call the nurse. My left eye keeps tearing up, nose bleed, feet hurt, sore fingernails, skin rash. I finished my last chemo more than a week ago. And NOW I'm getting neuropathy and all this other crap? It pisses me off that the SEs sneak up on us just as we think we've dodged the bullet.

    Then, I went to Publix and when I was checking out the cashier asked me if I get the Senior discount? I looked shocked and said No! This was a cashier about my own age, not some young kid. So when I get home I look online and the senior age at Publix is 60. I'm 53 and before BC I was always told I looked like I'm in my  mid forties. I know I look awful, no eyebrows, no lashes, rashy skin, bald, fat ... but I had on some eyeline and a cute hat. I didn't think I looked that bad and I sure didn't think I looked 60 years old.  I'm so depressed now.

    Anyway, thanks for the tip on the glutamine. I'll check it out. My feet are getting worse. At the grocery store they really started hurting and I didn't even walk that much.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Sorry ladyinbamma. Yes I know nose bleeds are annoying. My started on time as usual on day 7. I have them for about a week and they just happen. Since mine are from the Herceptin I get to deal with them for a full year. :(

    My nails kill too and I still have 2 more tx to go. They are starting to get dark too.  Feet not as bad now. The Acetyl-L-Caratine 500mg has been working well for me. Not sure if it's too late for you. I did find the more I move, walk etc the better the neuropathy gets. I still have it in my left heel. I know its going to be spring before this stuff goes away since my last tx in Jan 18th. It must be so annoying to be done, but not done!

    And that lady with the bad eye sight thinking you're 60 is obviously blind… but the podiatrist I met yesterday is 60. I was shocked. She looked like my age except had no wrinkle around her eyes! 60 is not old anymore. I know many folks in their 60's that look in their 50s.

  • Lady - don't feel badly about being mistaken for senior.  Today at church I was mistaken for a MAN- and a PEDOPHILE MAN at that!!!  I went to pick my daughter up from babysitting at the church.  It ran like 20 minutes over and we needed to be at the cemetery for my grandmother''s two year memorial thing and placing wreaths.  Well, I walked in the front door, past the library and went to go down the stairs to the nursery.  I got chased by an 84 year old woman WHOM I KNOW " Excuse me - excuse me -where are you going??  WAIT!"  I got to the bottom of the stairs and waited for her since I Thought she wanted me to hold the door.  I held the door for her and she's saying "where are you going?? Are you going to where the children are??"   So then she sort of stops and looks at me and blanks out - I say "Yes, I'm picking up Josie" and she says "Oh - I'm sorry I thought you were a man -they said a man was going downstairs."

    Um.........okay.   I appreciate that they're watching the kids closely, but EXCUSE ME -- sorry, but that's not QUITE the thing to say to someone who just finished chemo.  I had black leggings on and my brown and orange knit hat and Old Navy jacket, but I did have a lady's scarf on!    I didn't think I looked THAT manly to be chased down!  For GOODNESS sake!  Talk about insult to injury!

    Okay - so that being said, I totally get what you are saying about being mistaken for a senior - at least you're not a MALE PEDOPHILE! =:O

     Meanwhile, before we left, the doctor who placed the port calls me.  CALLS ME finally after all this mess!  She says "What's going on."  I say "Never mind -- talked to the scheduler and Dr X is going to remove it."  She says 'Dr X --why?  I'll be in Newark on Friday -- I can do it." 
    w....t.....H!!!   This is after the scheduler insisted that she could NOT get me in with this doctor! 

    So I'm not sure WHO's taking it out.  As I said really I do not care.  She agreed to "sedation with a local" but at this point i do not believe ANYBODY in the medical field at all.  

    Anyhow, it's freezing cold here.  One of my chickens laid a wrinkled egg.  I think it froze on the way out! =:O  Warmed the house up by  making chicken casserole topped with biscuits on top and heading to soak  in the tub for a little while! :D

  • Speaking of Walmart and Texas -- has anyone heard from Texasrose??  My last PM from her was December 5 - I know she was moving-just hoping all is going okay............

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    LadyinBama- I'm soooo with you on the aging thing. I was just weeping about that. No seriously. WEEPING. I have JOWLS!!! I've never had jowls before...what the hell?? These last few months have aged me so dramatically- I look a decade older. I could easily pass for late 40s and I'm 39. I'm working out, I'm eating berries and protein, I'm cleansing my skin properly. I want my old face and body back. NOW.

    Also, I really wanted to ask you about your foot pain? You mentioned it in your last post. What does it feel like? Does it hurt all the time? I ask b/c my feet are killing me and I just assumed that my mild arthritis had flared up due to chemopause etc. Now I'm wondering if it's neuropathy. I've done zero research on neuropathy b/c I didn't think I had it. But now I'm wondering....

    LIzzy- I'm in love with Conan. He's my crush from afar. My other crush from afar- and this is just ten thousand kinds of wrong- is Sidney Crosby. Yes. He's 24. Does that make me a lecher? Probably- but he's just so adorable. And he scored that gold medal point and....well....better that I not get started.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ladyinbama: I hate to play devil's advocate, but do you think perhaps she somehow sensed/knew you might have a cancer battle on your hands and was trying to help you get a discount?  Before I am ever offended I always ask 'will this save me any money?!!' and if the answer is yes, I will take the offense and the savings!  I would totally not be disheartened by that at all.  I would be "heartened" by it.  I think she was trying to do you a favor.  Always say YES!   Even if it is 10% it is still a savings.  I think it has nothing to do with the way you look.  I still get carded for liquor occassionally and I certainly don't think it is because I look less than 21 but more like they have to be careful and make sure they are not selling to anyone so they ask *everyone.*   Save the money, don't be offended and understand she is just doing her job and probably trying to help some non-seniors along the way.   Don't worry, be happy, woman!

    Calamtykel: and now you are running about in androgynous mode wondering why you are being stopped in your tracks?!?!?   Perhaps 7  lbs of make-up and a bustier will alay their fears and make you readily identifiable!!!!   You can also get some botchulism shot in your lips!!!!  It is so disgusting what women do these days...just one wants to grow up and look their age and the longer they feed this mysogynistic machine, the bigger it shall grow.   It will never end if women don't stop the madness and just look their age.   What was hilarious was Meg Ryan in the Middle East talking to women about their rights and education with her dumbo, bee-stung, puffed up lips...imbecile.  I was so disgusted.  These women are sitting their looking at jerko trying to be the epitome of the controlled female specimen with nothing beyond a burning sense of aesthetics to show for herself about rising above it all and embracing your place in the world!  Ridiculous.   In any case, I think they were just being cautious with you and I am glad they were being so.

    In any case, time for Nancy Grace!   Carry on chemosabes! 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I feel like I have changed significantly since chemo--bloated, my face is completely round like the moon, have put on weight, have no energy. I feel like I have aged 10 years in 4 months. Chemo just really is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Sweeney---I agree with your "crush" on Sidney Crosby.....must have bee winning that medal. That being said, my kids love him also.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi Rachel- I think it's just safe to say the whole country has a bit of a crush on him. Even the men.:) p.s. saw him at the airport one day- wow.

  • aw....Sweeney!! :(  I'm sorry.  But I totally understand - coincidentally tonight before I got in the shower I was examining my hair in the mirror, as it's coming in.

    GRAY!  FREAKING FLIPPIN GRAY HAIR!!!   :(:(  How did THIS happen!  I did NOT have gray hair before chemo - Not at ALL -- just like four or five strands at the temples!  I'm So upset!  And we can't color it for like six months or something.  Yeah it's like, okay, the chemo kicking you on the way out......  

    Yes Lizzy - church is taking lots of precautions about the kids and that's fine.  I was more upset that I was recognized as a man.......I even had eye make up on!  =:O

    And I agree-= has anyone seen Melissa Gilbert lately?  YIKES!  She's like not even the same FACE as before and her breasts are now like a DDDD.  After having breast cancer I truly do not get the entire "Let's see how big my breasts can get".  It's a big relief off my back and neck to have them smaller! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    To jsw -

    Mirror mirror on the wall

    Is there new hair growth at all?

    As I lean across the sink and stare

    Do I see any new hair?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sweeney: there is absolutely nothing wrong with a crush on Sidney Crosby!  He is very cute!  Periodically I crush on the Yankee farm team guys and they are all 22ish!  

    Calamtykel:  I just saw a pic of Melissa Gilbert where she seems to have morphed a bit into Sandra Bullock (no offense to Bullock!)...she does not even look like herself.  Sort of like Joan Rivers, too.   She morphed into something does not even look like her former self which brings me to my next point in the plastic surgery movement: THE JUDDS!   I don't know much about the Judds or their music.  I just don't.  I am not a country music fan.  In any case, Wynnona (sp?) and her MOTHER, Naomi (?) were on Larry King Live last night.  I had to google them to find out who the daughter was, who the mom was and if Ashley was the granddaughter or the daughter!   Their mother looks younger than the daughters and she insists she has not had work!!!  She demonstrated to Larry that she can still move her eyebrows so this meant she could not have had, I don't we are talking about your eyebrows, lady!!!!!!!   It was sooo freaky.  I think Ashley is a great actress and I am not taking anything away from any of them professionally but that mother sure looks 35 at 65!!!!   Wynonna looks good and closer to her actual age as does Ashley.   That mom is frozen in time!

    I understand being in a high-pressure arena where looks are everything but if they don't stop pandering to the idea that women don't get old and can't get old or they will be out of a job, especially the likes of those Judds who are all wicked talented, there is not much hope for the not-so-talented.  I think this is why the world loves Oprah.  She is a heavy woman...she tried to be thin but she is a heavy person.   She tried all the different looks but, in the end, she came right back to her original look which is true Oprah.   Barbara Walters, Whoopi, Joan Allen, Diane Keaton, Halle Berry...there is a bunch of women that don't appear to be avoiding the effects of time.  Those are women that are going to change the world.  After all, you can dress it up and put botchulism in it but there is no risk-free way to change the facts.  I hope more women stop embracing the plastic surgery movement and be free of it. 

    Calamtykel: I am so with you on the boobs.  I am so happy to have smaller, easier-to-deal with breasts.   Unfortunately I got here through bc but I am happy with it just the same!   I hated those things!  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    cal - I'll bet your hair doesn't stay gray, its probably temporary!