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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Omaz - LOL!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Who says we can't color our hair? or that we can't color it for six months?  If hair dye was a proven carcinogen we would all know it, it would be headlines in every paper and news show.

    Also there are many kinds of hair colors made with differing chemicals, rinses and more than one kind of rinse, semi permanent color, some with no peroxide, some permanent with peroxide. 

    I need more info on this, where to go to find it? 

    My hair was bright white when I was diagnosed, I had just given up coloring it a year or so before hand. I sure hope my hair comes back in white, like my Grandma's hair.  I wouldn't know what to do if it was another color.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ginger - my sides are coming in mostly snow white (little bit of brown), my back is coming in mostly medium brown, top of head isn't coming in so much yet and I can't tell.  That is pretty much what they were before.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    calamtykel I have had issues with support staff. One scheduler had me down for an MRI guided biopsy back in July. When I questioned her saying I thought I was getting a US biopsy she said no. Day of biopsy I'm waiting, waiting. Ends up they had to re-set up the room because the radiologist doing the biopsy had ordered a US biopsy like I was told by my BS.

    Another time I was given someone else's blood test request. I caught it! Talk about privacy issues. When the nurse caught wind of this she was not  happy. After that the support personal always double checked the names on the envelope and the name on the request inside the envelope.

    I have many other stories like this but in the end the doctor has caught the mistake. I never trust support staff anymore.


    You guys are going to hate me but I swear my face looks better on chemo. Even when I see my onc the first thing she says is "You look great". I told her I bet I go off chemo and start too look like shit ;-) Seriously I think it has fill out my face a bit and I look good that way.

    My skin is dryer though so the smile lines are increasing. I don't think I aged. I'm 49 and I shock people when I tell them I'm turning 50 in February. I think I got really good genes. Thanks mom!


    Hair Coloring: The binder I was given at chemo training states "Your hair will start to grow 3-4 weeks after chemo. You may color your hair at any time."

  • Ginger -- I read six months somewhere because the first hair that comes in is delicate.  But that is confusing, since that first hair will still be there in six months................

    I can't remember where I read it but I think it was somewhere on these boards.  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Long ago and far away I was a hair dresser and some of the basics haven't changed.

    I would think regarding hair color that the very most important thing, other than doing your patch test for an allergic reaction, would be to be certain your scalp is not irritated. No scrubbing or scratching your scalp for several days before applying color. Don't wash your hair the day of coloring it can make your scalp sensitive.

    Remember you are applying color to the hair only, do not rub it into your scalp, ever! One time I ran into a woman whose husband had applied her color for her. He rubbed the color into her scalp  because he thought it would make it last longer! Poor woman.

    I am toying with the idea of coloring my hair again because my kids think it makes me look old to have white hair. I think that is because every woman they know who has white hair has colored it a light blond. My 81 year old MIL has blond hair, so do all of her friends.  I loved my Grandma's white hair, I have the same hair. No yellow, just bright white. I will need to think about this. 


  • Ginger- my hair was sun bursted before --they pull it throug a cap thing and highlight it.  I don't know if the new hair is strong enough for the pulling, etc.  I'll have to talk to my hair dresser and see how the acutal hair is.

    In any case, I don't think I'll have enough to sunburst for a very very long time!  

    Have to get a second antibiotic for my DD today - she has an earache in both ears now.  :(  Apparently the amox wasn't strong enough.  Poor kid - she's been sick for two weeks!  Also have to pick up my tamox at the pharmacy to start a week after my port removal heals.  :(  Wonder how much this is going to cost; my insurance for drug stinks.................

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - Port removal tomorrow?  Best wishes!!
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Sohard - How are you doing after your surgery?
  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Just to weigh in on the to dye or not to dye debate...I've dyed mine. It looks great, no adverse effects. Shows what growth I do have more clearly. I used my natural colour, dark brown, and just left it on my scalp for 1/2 the time the box said. I thought that might be a little softer on my skin. Anyway, it worked. And I'll probably darken it again before Christmas....

    JSW- didn't know you were a poet! You're good!

    Lizzy- totally with you on the Judds. And Oprah. And the fixation on not aging.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Glad to hear about the hair dye--my hair is growing back--I seem to have faster growth on the sides than on top so this will be a GREAT looking hairstyle soon (kind of like a clown). Hopefully the top catches up with the sides. My hair is growing in brown but with a couple of white strands. I am so looking forward to having enough hair so as not to wear a scarf etc. That is what I am looking for.

    I have my CT simulation for rads next week and start Tamoxifen on Christmas Eve. HO HO HO!!

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    OK -y'all.  I'm starting to freak out.  I am 5 weeks out of my last chemo and no hair yet.  I have a tiny bit of peach fuzz, but I had that throughout chemo.  I have read that Herceptin can slow the progression, but I know some of you are on Herceptin too. AHHH?!?

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Omaz Haha!  Thanks for the poem, that was hilarious!

    Calamtykel Your hair may not be coming in gray, I thought mine was at first but from reading other threads here about hair it sounds like the initial growth is a very pale peach fuzz that looks sort of gray.  After that you will start to get your real colored hair.  I have had the pale peach fuzz for maybe a month now and I am just starting to see some tiny growth of brown hair, my natural color.  So give it a little more time and maybe the pale hair will be replaced by your normal color.

    Lisa Hopefully your hair will come in soon!  I was on AC (and no Herceptin) but just got the Herceptin going again about 4 weeks ago and I am seeing a bit of growth.  The Herceptin might make it slow down now, I don't really know.  I have read on other threads that people recommend Biotin (a B vitamin) to help with hair growth but you may want to run that by your onc before trying it.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Calamtykel--  Your posts bring a smile if not an out and out laugh, thanks.  I was taken for a man too... I guess the do rag with flames didn't help.  Healing vibes for tomorrow.

    omaz--  excellent poem, I'll be looking in the mirror next year.

    Lizzy--  Ever seen Cougartown?  What's up with the lips?  It seems so many actresses have pulled back can't move 'em lips?

    Lago--  My skin is better too.  I spend more time on it.  It's looser due to weight loss tho'.  Good luck with your wig this weekend!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning chemosabes and radicals-

    Hair! - I met a nurse at the chemo center that is very nice. Her hair looks good but I noticed that the roots are all dark and the rest has been highlighted. She said she did this so that the chemicals don't touch her scalp. She quickly explained there is no evidence regarding deleterious effects of the chemicals but that she personally felt better not having it touch her scalp. Her hair looks really cute also. The whole chemicals touching our scalp does make me wonder but not enough to stop!

    Also, yesterday when I got out of the shower instead of the porcupine look I actually had some hair that was long enough to look wet and stuck to my scalp from the water and it is starting to look like HAIR!

    On coloring, I think use your best judgment. I was never told there was a waiting period on coloring after chemo.

    Ginger: the light blonde to cover white always looks so nice. I am premature gray and am waiting to see what disaster sprouts post-chemo. I will undoubtedly be more gray than brown and will be coloring asap. I have always highlighted so the chemicals never touched my scalp anyway except for what she would apply to the "runway!"

    Rachel: starting tamox on Xmas eve?!?!? Ho ho ho indeed!!!!!

    Adey: I despise "Cougartown!" I just hate it! I watched it a few times and it is just gross! Sorry to all the fans...this is just me! I don't like that entire evening on ABC. None of those show! Adey, what bothers me about all the lip stuff is what are they planning to do with those lips?! I mean do they really get the connection? Do is ever hit them in between their stupid eyes? I love Martha Plimpton and I love her on "Raising Hope." Not only do they have a great cast but Cloris Leachman is the grandmother and it is just a funny show. The bottom line is Plimpton appears to have not embraced the plastic movement and she looks good. If you eat and exercise, there is only so long you can fight genetics and if these women can only get roles because they are attempting to stop the clock then art is not imitating life. There should be tons of roles for women, congruent with the daily lives of women, to satisfy motion picture and tv requirements. Bottom line is until Oprah and the like (Drew Barrymore has her own production company) take over Hollywood and at least 50% of the controls are run by women, these dumbos will still pander with puffed lips and silicon valley breasts.....sad....very sad, indeed!!!!

    Calamtykel: I think what that nurse has is "sunburst."  I did not know the name for it...thank you! 

    Good day to you girls....have some fun!  Make faces at people that stare at you! 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    There is a thread on here called Hair, Hair or something like that. Several ladies said when their hair first started growing back, it was gray or even sort of transculent looking, but that the colored darkened back to normal pretty quickly.

    Sweeney: My foot pain is weird. I also had not read much about neuropathy and thought it was numbness, so at first I didn't associate the pain with neuropathy. But neuorpathy can present as numbness, pain, tingling, burning, lots of stuff. There is a drug company that has an ad for a diabetes foot pain drug where the picture in the ad is of a foot standing on a cactus. That is sort of what mine feels like. It's almost a stinging feeling rather than a real pain. And it's worse on my right foot than my left. At first I thought it was my shoe rubbing against a callus, but I looked at my feet and there are no calluses, sores or anything on them. I still haven't called the onc. nurse. I can't go in this week anyway, so I'll just wait and call them next week. None of my symptoms are bad enough that I need meds or anything.

    Cal: I laughed out loud at your "at least you don't look like a man." I easily could pass as a man if I'd go out without makeup and a hat!!

    Omaz: You are a poet! Write a poem for me that says, in a nice poetic way, "breast cancer and everything associated with it sucks."

    I got a new wig today that I had ordered last week. I think I'll go and make up my face, try out the wig and put on a bra that pushes up my tissue expanders. Maybe I won't look and feel like an old man.

  • Well guys- port thing is scheduled for tomorrow.  I was so happy and relieved to actually get on the schedule that I didn't stop and think to freak out.

    That's coming now.  I'm flipping out.  I'm really scared about this..................

     I'm starting to see white stuff now at the little spot that's open and I'm afraid it might be bordering on infection.  No fever but I have had aches for the past couple of days.  

    Hoping they won't need to leave it open to drain and all that jazz -- I just want to be DONE with this-- pleeeease!!  

    I have to leave early tomorrow but I"ll post later on.  Praying I don't get sick in the car.............a friend's taking me............

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Calamtykel:  Positive mojo coming your way on the port removal tomorrow.  Just one more step done.  Beth

  • Lady - I'm still one up on you - I passed for a man with both a hat AND make up on! =:O

  • and............drumroll.........i have a bottle of tamoxifen in my cabinet now - -picked it up from the pharmacy.  Was pleasantly surprised that it was not expensive - I think it was $14 for a 30 day supply without the insurance; came to $10 with the insurance. 

    I'm scared about starting it.  But I'm scared not to!  I start it after my port removal heals.  doctor didn't want two blood clot risks at the same time.........=:O  It's never been flushed so that may be a reason too.  At least i get out of my flushing on January 3.........

    going to take  a benadryl to sleep in a little while.  I'm wired for tomorrow.....can't wait 'til it's over with and I can get on with Christmas!  the kids wanted to make cookies for the dog tomorrow.  Told them it would have to wait!  My 8 year old laughed hysterically when I told her that you can bake treats for dogs.  She didn't believe me - I had to show her recipes.  Now she's all into this and wants to do it for the dog for Christmas...... :D

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Good luck Cal, I'll say a prayer that all goes well tomorrow.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: Best of luck tomorrow.  I would also, before you leave, take a pic of that mess they call a port.  The people that could not get their "s" together must work for someone.  Even though we are all very positive and encouraged by our txs and overall chances of beating bc, the fact remains our dx is a very serious one and there is no reason you should have been jerked around, especially coming off of chemo, about that port removal especially because it very much appears to be infected.  I would just the pic and send a comment to the "powers that be" who oversee the "powers that could not get their s together" so you can perhaps help the next person not have such a discombobulated, not to mention unprofessional, time of it.  I will be sending the best vibes possible your way tomorrow.  My best wishes that everything goes very well and that you are back home, recovering and getting ready for the holiday.  You don't *deserve* any complications tomorrow.   No one ever does but you sure don't!  

    Hair: I think by summer we are all going to be doing pretty well.  I am looking forward to my first trim!   For those of you where it is taking a little longer to show progress or come in, don't worry.  It will get there.  I met a woman in the grocery store today who had chemo and she said it took 3 months for her hair to start to come back in.   I think it is just different for everybody.

    Vegan: I hate the way animals are treated in our capitalistic, kill-kill, animal protein manufacturing business and have often thought of becoming a vegan.  In any case, I just realized I don't have to "become" a vegan to eat vegan!   Through CPTV I found that I am only 10 minutes from one of the best vegan restaurants in the state.  I had lunch there today and it was delicious!  They also rely on spices which made it very tasty and it did not taste like bug spray!   I am sure I will never call myself a vegan but will certainly be dining in this establishment again :)

    Sweet dreams to all of you Laughing

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Lizzy - I generally have "Meatless Mondays."  They say that if everyone in the country took one day off of eating meat per week it would cut out some huge amount of greenhouse gasses on the planet.  I experimented with vegetarianism before I was diagnosed.  I found it extraordinarily difficult to go 100% vegan.  But, like I say I will go vegetarian once or twice a week.  And there are some fantastic veg. restaurants near me, so that is easy.

    Calamtykel - Good luck tomorrow.  I'll be thinking of you.

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Cal -  I wil lbe thinking about you today and hoping all goes well.  I am so glad that you are getting the port out after sooooooo many issues with it.  It will feel great and maybe by Christmas chemo will definitely be feeling more distant.  Let us know how it goes.  I still have mine for the herceptin treatments through August, but I am a little nervous about the deportation process!  Same thing with the tamoxifen, I should start that beginning of the year.



  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Hello everyone. I've had an out of town visitor here for almost two weeks now so I've not been posting and have only been able to read a handful of the more recent posts.

    I wanted to give a rads update because I'm having a very positive experience. I know everyone is different, but thought that some good rads news would be nice to share.

    I had #24 of 25 today. I had reddness very early, after #3 and my RO said I was definitely going to have a reaction and might have to stop for a break after half, but ... NO! I never got anymore than that inital reddness. The color has stayed and the skin is very dry, but I've been fine and did not have to stop. I put lotion on constantly (also the RO prescribed me a cream) and drink a lot of water. I've also not had any fatigue and love everyone in the office. Yes, I've been drawn on with a sharpie a whole lot, but I did not have to have the tatoos and I prefer to be drawn on than tatoos so I've been okay with the drawing.

    My PS said I'd see him in January and would have the TE replaced with implants in Feb, but since my skin is looking so good I'm hoping he'll let me have the surgery in Jan. The TE drive me insane and I want them out yesterday.

    I was inspired by Lisa and had my portraits done. :) She is a local photographer and when I told her what I wanted to do, she did not charge me a dime for the photos. And she even took a bunch of my daughers too!

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    You look great, Ann97!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Calamity, I am thinking of you this morning and hope everything goes perfectly and uneventfully during your port removal.



  • So cool Ann97, about the photos - you're an angel and you deserve it! :D

    HEY ALL - I got my port out!  It was a piece of cake - I had them put me totally to sleep - Recovery was a breeze - and I did NOT get sick in the  car.  I'm wired -not even woozy or tired! :D  The power of prayer for sure!   A hospital chaplin happened to be there and stopped in and prayed with us - I felt much more at peace after that.

    After a  long talk with the anesthesiologist, we decided that it is possibly the pain meds that make me sick.  I know this is true of morphine but I also threw up after I took a percocet a few weeks ago for neulasta pain.  So this time they gave me delaudid or something, but gave me NOTHING in recovery.  So that worked well for me!

    I'm in very little pain - it just pinches a little bit where the stitches are.  Turns out the catheter was keeping that one little part open - it was rubbing it underneath the skin so it was never able to seal and heal over.  Hoping it does now!
    I have a plastic bandage so I can shower tomorrow and i can take the bandage off in a couple of days.  Supposed to follow up with the surgeon with a visit in 1-2 weeks but if all goes well, I'm going to skip that.  She couldn't see me CHristmas week anyway.

    So it's done.  It feels weird to have the port out--kinda liberating.....kinda scary.  THe woman who registered me told me that today was her five year BC anniversary.  She had chemo - the whole nine yards. Last time, the recovery nurse told me she was having a mastecomy the following week.  BC is everywhere.  :(   But it's wonderful that women are so willing to share their stories with a complete stranger.....

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    congrats calamtykel Hope your porthole heals well.