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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    porthole... heh heh
  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    I know we haven't done the "Cape Thing" in a while. But I nominate Calamtykel!! Happy Porthole Day!!!

    Ann97- you look gorgeous!!:)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: congratulations!  I am so glad it is done and it was uneventful!!!   BTW, I called Yale today and they said I can get it taken out in January...very happy!   They just wait a few weeks after chemo is over and out it goes....thank god.  I did not want that thing in for a year.   I hope you have a nice weekend now and can relax a bit.  I felt bad for you this week.

    Adey: sister sludge!!!!!!!!  How are you feeling? I hope you are doing well.  I am finally starting to emerge...feels GOOD!  Now I will go shopping!   OMG...I actually put the garbage and recycling out and brought the cans back in so that was to trips up and down the driveway!!!!  AMAZING!   I did not have to take a nap after either!  

    Well, I am actually going to go out and shop!   Have a good night, girls-

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Lizzy-- I too am venturing out this evening!  Go us.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Suggestions? - I am going to a gift exchange party tonight with mostly work people who I haven't seen since July.  Anyone know of a good one- or two-liner to say when they ask how I am doing?
  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    All  remember I am neoadjuvant chemo.  Had the mammo, magnified mammo, and ultrasound Wednesday.  The radiologist said the tumor has shrunk "some".  You gotta love people with loads of personality..radiologist are lacking in that area.  One area has completely disappeared and the larger one has shrunk.  I have ILC so at diagnosis I noticed little tentacle like things.  This ultrasound these were not visible and what was left looked like a round pea.  Anyway, the radiologist of course can't tell if what is left is dead tissue or live c cells.  Left there and saw the BS.  He gave me the old shrunk "some" ditty.  So I guess the path report after Jan 4th will tell the tale.  Why do I feel so bad and whiney about this?  If I'd had the tumor out first I would be worrying about whether the chemo was tracking down stray cells.  BS thinks a lumpectomy is still in order and that boob will be a tad "perkier" after. 

         DH has tried to give me positives, but I guess I wanted everything shrunken away.  The one lymph node looked the same.  I am hoping it is the only positive one. I totally need to stop whining about this.

        Filled out all of my paperwork today for 5 weeks off work.  BS suggested 6 but I might go insane so only requesting 5. 

        Last day of school is next Tuesday.  Have my sub all lined up.  Go for Pre op 22 and for bloodwork at the oncologist. 

         Anyone of you that has had a lumpectomy give me some tips.  I'm going to focus on the positives:  Perkier boob on left, fat will come out with lymphies  in underarm.   Beth

  • yay Lizzy! 

    I learned something new today about ports -the longer they are in, the more complicated the procedure can be to remove them.  I was asked several times how long my port was in.  I guess when it's in for a longer time, the removal can be more involved as far as muscles, etc.

    I'm a little sore tonight, but hopefully will be able to sleep.  It's nothing like getting it put in - it's a superficial on the skin kind of sore.  Much better than the soreness I had last time!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Librayli!  Concentrate on the fact that there was some shrinkage...good news!  I had a lumpectomy (actually 2...margins were not clear the first time).  Anyway, honestly it really wasn't bad at all.  I was a little sore.  Took my pain meds the first day post surgery and then before I went to bed the next two nights.  I had my surgery on Friday, was back at work on Wednesday.  You'll be fine.  Just keep thinking....perkier boob...less fat....YEAH!! 

    Sending positive thoughts your way!!

    Calam:  Glad to hear everything went well today!  You are free of the port!!!!


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Congrats Cal!

    Omaz: Depends on if you want them to know what's going on or not. If it's casual acquitances, I'd just say something like ... how are you doing? .... Oh, I'm doing (fine, ok, good, whatever phrase you like to use). How are YOU? or What's up with you?

    Just turn the attention back to them. People love to talk about themselves.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Beth--I had lumpectomy also--recovery was pretty good. I did have a fluid problem about a week later but that quickly disappeared. I have a "chunk" gone from my right boob and had the nodes removed under my armpit. I haven't noticed any change in size--but my bra on the right is obviously a bit loose on one area.

    Omaz--I agree with Ladyinbama--people like to talk about themselves. I just say--fine, OK and then ask them. I find that most people ask to be nice--not too many want to hear the gory details :)

    Congrats Cal on getting that port removed--I was reading your posts and hoping that you got that taken care of before Christmas. Hoping you recover fast.

    Kids are now home from school until Jan 4th--it will be nice to have them around. I have my CT simulation for rads next week--one step closer to getting rads started. 

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Lago - When I saw "porthole"  I thought it said "pothole" and I almost spit out my water in laughter.

    Libraylil - I had a lumpectomy and sentinal node biopsy, they didn't have to take them all.  I took 2 weeks off of work, so I would think that 5 weeks should be more than enough time to recover.  I agree that you could look at the fact that the tumor shrunk.  "Some" is not a good description.  It could mean anything.  And I think for me, I might have some more peace of mind to know that the chemo did its job - shrinking the tumor.  And don't forget, you will get zapped with radiation (I assume) after the lumpectomy, so there is more power to get rid of anything that might want to lurk in there.

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Lisa Thanks for the info.  Yep I will be getting rads also.  Your herceptin and hair concern.  I had my last herceptin until after surgery the Friday after T'giving.  I'll start again the end of Jan.  I had DH shave all of the fuzz right before the last chemo.  I can see hair (short) but thick coming in.  Gasp it's gray.  I never went totally bald just really really thin and kept it shaved.  I did read that herceptin can make the hair regrowth a little slower. 

    You are right I should be feeling good that the chemo zapped the little suckers and that the remaining "pea" is  probably dead, necrotic cells.  Beth

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    lisasinglem Anytime I can make someone spit their water or coffee on the screen I'm happy. Love to make people smile.
  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Ok, I admit I'm getting annoyed:  Some of the BC  "theme ware" is getting on my nerves.  My lovely little students have been bringing me gifts the last week.  A parent came in with her daughter and  she makes the nice canvas key chains with the ribbon on them.  The kind that don't break. Of course  mine has pink ribbon, ribbon on it.  Since the little girl is there I say how nice it is and I can't believe she made it.  OK everytime I pull my keys out I want to be reminded (in case I forget) I have  BC.  Don't get me wrong I appreciate every gift and card my little ones bring me. 

    And I'm going to be whiny:  Lisa, Rachel, and sptm thanks for talking me off the ledge and giving me positives. 

    Omaz: snappy polite comebacks depend on my mood.  Normally, I say I am just peachy or if I was any better it would be illegal.  Catch me on a bad day and they get a hemorroid description and a look at my black fingernail.

    OK I got it all out and I feel better.  Anyone here have the sleeping bug?  I am not accustomed to all of this COLD weather in NC.  I come home from work, get the dog, sleep.  DH comes home and feeds us.  I go to bed early and sleep, sleep.  Must force myself to get out the WII and reclaim my bowling title. 

    libray lil

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

           I had my 9th out of 12 Taxol yesterday! Can't wait to be finished. It helps to hear that so many of you are starting to feel better. My neuropathy seems about the same. I called the oncologist at MSK in NY and she said to ask the local oncologist (I go to MSK in Basking Ridge, NJ for chemo) about the neurontin. The local said it really doesn't work for numbness just pain, but she is willing to let me try it. I decided to hold out since I'm so close to the end and I'm worried about meds that can cause drowsiness when I'm driving with the kids.

         We have my son Aidan's 6th birthday party today at a local gym so that will be something fun. His birthday is Christmas day:-) I will be using tons of Purell, I am determined to make it until Christmas without getting sick. I am so wiped out though, my oncologist said she can tell by my voice. It's a catch 22 b/c the kids have been acting out alot just when I need to rest, but of course I know even though we do try to have my husband do more they notice things and are scared on top of being so excited by the holidays. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My finsh date barring any more skipped weeks is Jan 14. They had to move my exchange surgery until Mrch b/c the PS doesn't like to do surgery until 6 weeks after chemo so I will have these chest rocks a little longer. I've heard the permanent implants are softer so something to look forward to.

    Hope everyone is feeling well . Glad kel got her port out.


  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Healing thoughts going out to all of you!  I saw my Onc this week.  There was no change in my bone scan and he is near 100% certain the "spot" is an old rib fracture.  I can get my port out as soon as I want to after my last tx (dec 23)!!!!  No radiation is recommended!  I will start arimidex after my hysterectomy!  I am looking forward to:  food and water tasting good again, hair eyebrows and eyelashes, not feeling tired or sick, an end to watery blurry eyes and vision!  Well those are just a few of my favorite things and I know they won't happen overnight.  There is light at the end of this tunnel!! 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning Everyone! Hope you guys who ventured out last night had fun! 

    Especially you Lizzy, you haven't been able to get out of the house much lately, so I hope you enjoyed the outside world!

    ckptry:  Concentrate on that Light!! I so understand the issues with the kids.  Although mine are older (youngest is 13), it really is a delicate balancing act between getting them to give mommy a break and let her rest and being so sick, and/or tired, that they get worried about you. Just keep doing what you can do.  If you are really tired and alone with them, maybe a family movie, to keep them all in one place, together with you, while you get a little rest? 

    zenith:  Great news about that "spot", I will send out a little extra prayer that is an old rib fracture.  And congrats on getting to the end...the best thing I found was that you could taste food again!!!  I went out to dinner about a week after I got my taste back (wanted to make sure I could really taste the food so I waited a little longer) and had my favorite foods, it was great!   

    Libralil:  Yea, that pink stuff gets a little annoying after awhile (I always hated the color pink, too girlie).  I just concentrate on the thought and well wishes behind the gift.  And honestly, I have a charm bracelet that I was given with a little pink ribbon on it, and I wear it everyday.  It doesn't bother me to be reminded because when I look at it, I look at all the things I went through and how I got through them all and continued to live my life.  Kind of makes me feel like Superwoman, lol!  Going through what we all have gone through and still living our lives, makes us all very strong women and we should be very proud of ourselves for perservering.  When I see the little pink ribbons, that is what I think of. 

    Omaz:  Hope your party went well!  It must have been nice to see everyone after so long, and I bet they were all amazed at how well you looked and how strong you are!

    Going to the outlets today after my son's hockey game, have to kick this Christmas shopping into high gear. Have a great day everyone!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Thanks for all the suggestions! The party went well. Everyone was glad to see me and I only ended up talking about things with one young women who I like a lot.  I will say that one man I have worked around for years looked right at me and didn't recognize me without hair (I wore my ball cap).  I was pooped though after a couple hours and just went to bed as soon as I got home.  Thanks for all the support!!!
  • awesome Zenith!  It's a great feeling to have the port out.  My incision from where it was is sore today but the BS put that plastic tape stuff over it so I was able to take a shower this morning and went out for some shopping and to the post office. It's starting to get itchy now and I guess that means it's healing.  I'm supposed to remove the bandage tomorrow.   THe kids and I are going to do some wrapping today and make some doggy treats for the dog for Christmas...... :D  But first I'm taking a nap.  I can't believe how much the surgery took out of me yesterday - I was totally wiped out last night and today!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and my most awesome radicals!! 

    Libraylil: You totally DON'T need to stop whining about this. BC is wicked serious and scary. We all support each other and are very positive about the steps we have taken to ameliorate the situation but this is definitely something you need not call yourself a whiner about. Definitely focus on the fact that there was some shrinkage. Quite frankly, I would have been more concerned if they did not find it etc... Be happy they see it, it is on the radar, they know *exactly* where they are cutting and they know the shape, size etc... You can definitely take solace in that.

    Also, just take it easy. Don't be worried about the sleeping. Relax, curl up, enjoy the dog and what I refer to as my favorite movie: the inside of my eyelids! I do sleep and I don't fight it. All of the sudden, like my energy will drop off a cliff like Roadrunner. I go take a nap and get up and get back to what I was doing. You have to work with your body right now. Don't force the Wii or anything for that matter. Relax, get yourself ready for surgery, keep a good frame of mind and give yourself a month to deal with all this crap rather than be worried you are resting. Rest is the body's way of creating energy for when you are awake. Your body is under assault between chemo, the impending surgery (mental duress), the impending radiation (more mental), and the changes these things connote. Just relax....give yourself a break for Christmas!

    Calamtykel: I totally can't wait to get that damn thing out! I don't like to complain but I have not been comfortable with it especially because it snakes into a vein in my neck...don't like this.

    I hope the dog loves the Christmas treats! Nap it up, sister! Naps are way good!!!

    Rachel: congratulations on moving one step closer with your CT simulation. I hope all goes well and you are on the road to becoming a true RADICAL soon enough!

    Ckptry: Happy Birthday to your son.  I am glad you are having the party at the gym but please, make frequent trips outside for fresh air.  You are brave, woman!

    Zenith: congratulations on your last tx! What a nice Christmas gift.

    Sptmm: I actually went to game night at my best friend's house last night and it was fun! I have not been in months but no one was sick/had been sick recently so I figured a night of Boggle and good friends was in order. YAY! It was fun. I also did a little shopping so, in long, a little time out was good. I hope your son's team had a good game and that you bought *yourself* something at the outlets!

    I am feeling a bit more energy these past few days.  It feels really good.  I am not totally knocked out by the slightest things.  Hopefully this will last.  I am cautiously optimistic about this.  I am hopeful if I ride the recumbent bike for 1/2 hour each day I can parlay this into a bit more energy and actually feel like a human being instead of a zombie through the holidays.

    Good day to you all and each and everyone one of you should buy yourself a nice, beautiful gift for all you have been through this year ;)  I am being totally honest when I say I bought myself nice, nice gifts this year!  I have had some fun this season!! he he he !

  • Lizzy - I'm absolutely wiped out today.  I don't know if it's the port surgery or anesthesia or what - but I think we all deserve to be tired and shouldn't be too hard on ourselves when we are.  My eyes can hardly stay open.  Baking with the kids but I don't feel like making dinner or doing anything else!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    On neuropathy: Mine is more pain than numbness, a stinging pain. My onc called in a prescription for a cream that I put on my feet and fingertips 2 or 3 times a day. ck: You might want to ask about that. I really don't know what it is; the pharmacy compounded it.

    I have one eye that is dripping tears. I go next week to an opthamologist who is supposed to be able to fix it. The nurse said it's a SE of taxotere; it clogs up the tear ducts. I swear, chemo has the weirdest SEs in the world.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: as you know, I love me some sleeps!!!!!   I am sure my cat is now convinced I am a cat as well!  We both sleep many, many hours per day.....!

    On neuropathy: I just wanted to say to you all suffering from what I consider to be one of the worst side effects of chemo that I am so sorry you all are dealing with it.  I wish you all the best.  Thankfully I have not had that.  I skirt the issue also because I can't speak directly to it but, just so you all know, my heart goes out to you.   From what I have read, in most cases it gets better with time.  Good luck to all of you.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239


    So, I was supposed to have a big audition yesterday.  It was for a company I really want to work with.  I scheduled the audition about a month ago.  I thought about it last week because I was working on my audition material.  BUT - I never put it in my calendar when I scheduled it (I think due to chemo-brain), and I realized this morning that I completely missed it.  AAARRGGGHHH!  

    I sent them an apology today, along with my headshot and resume.  I'm trying not to beat myself up about it, but I'm just mad that I didn't get to do the audition.

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Ladyinbama - I have had teary, blurry eyes off and on almost since the first tx and this is the first that I have heard that an opthamologist might be able to help!  I am calling mine tomorrow AM.  My onc and np never mentioned anythingabout tear ducts despite my complaints.

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Zenith and Bama Interesting.  I had my contacts fitted in July before the unpleasantness.  After first chemo they didn't seem to work as well.  After that I took them out for chemo and a couple of days after.  Seemed to help.  However, after number 6 I have the dripping left eye, along with the dripping nostrils.  Let me know what your opthamologist says. 

    HATS: I can't stop buying them.  Old Navy had their winter hats reduced to 5.00 today.  A knitted black one with a bill is mine.  It is stiff enough to not scream cancer, I don';t look like a pin head or old.  They are quite jaunty.  Beth

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Zenith and Beth: My doc told me from the get go that taxotere could cause eye SEs and even had me using natural tears 4xday for several days after each treatment. The nurse said that not all opthamologists know how to treat the chemo-caused SEs, so Zenith, you may have to call several to get one who is familiar with it. I will let you both know what the eye doc tells me.

    Weight: I just keep getting fatter and fatter. I don't feel like I am eating that much. Not being able to exercise is really doing me in. I'm trying not to let it get me down; I can get back to exercise and get back to normal before long. But I had just lost 50 pounds a couple of years ago and it just makes me so mad to have worked so hard for something and I felt so good about where I was with my weight and my health, and then Bam! BC comes along and I'm sick and fat again!

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Re: Teary eyes - I had them.  It was terrible and nearly constant - it started in one eye and then spread, causing my nose to run a lot too.  I also had a lot of crud in and around my eyes in the morning.  I will say that now at 5 weeks out of my last TCH, my eyes are back to normal.  It took about 3 weeks until they started improving, but they have continued to improve all the time.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, for some of us it seams as though chemo stops and life just keeps getting busier. Last Thur. I had my set up with radiologist, he is a very nice older man. They marked me all up and tattooed me and I'm ready to start this part on Dec. 27th. I wanted to wait until after x-mas.  Wondering if anyone one else that had bimx is having rad. also, I know a lot of times it is just the lumpectomies that get rad.I had herceptin ttx on Fri. I will be getting herceptin weekly through radiation. I have a plastic surgeon appointment Jan. 7th at Mayo in Mn.

    Had a great weekend, I am 2wks post chemo and I have been feeling normal for 4 days now, good thing because we have been so busy. Had our Christmas with all of our kids and grandkids Sat. on my birthday. I need to change my screen name to Iowasue45.

    I hope each of you are feelng good too. Enjoy the holiday season!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening chemosabes and radicals-

    This is such a busy time of apologies for not doing the capes and poems weekly.  

    Ladyinbama: I agree on the weight...12 lbs now since I started chemo.  It sucks.   I am going to workout this week and drink tons of water in hopes I can go into my last tx close to the weight I was when I started.  I hate the fact that chemo robs my breath and wipes me out.   Look forward to summer when hopefully we will both be feeling a lot better.

    Iowa: I had a bmx and will have rads.  I have to have rads (well they strongly encourage it) because I am a stage IIb and because my sentinel node was completely eradicated by bc, leaving no trace of node at all but rather became 100% bc with extra-capillary extension.  I also had 2 dirty nodes that they know of with a total of 18 removed.  Is there a reason why they want you to have rads?  With a stage 1, clean nodes and a bmx, I guess they want you to do rads because of being HER2+?   I am sure that is what it is.  For me it is my bedraggled node involvement!

    I saw an old friend at Target last night and when I told him what I had been through this year, he remarked his mother had been through bc and that was 13 years ago.  He said she started with a lump and went bmx and is now 83!!!!!  He said she lived to 83 because it had not reached her nodes.  Of course, moments later when I told him it got into my nodes he looked like he should be helping me write my epitaph!!  Suddenly, in that moment, I realized that I guess people view me as being a lot more sick than I think I am.   I don't think that 2 dirty nodes means I am relegated to death soon but perhaps it does?  Perhaps getting into the nodes is as bad as people say.  I just don't see it that way.  I don't like to talk to a lot of people about my cancer because they all have preconceived notions, unsolicited advice, pity and sympathy.  They all also remind me, be it with their eyes, their mannerisms, their overall demeanor that I should be preparing for death in some way.  I just don't feel that at all.  I don't think bc is the death sentence it once was and I don't think 2 dirty nodes means I am definitely going to die soon of bc mets.  I guess I just don't see things the way the rest of the world does...thankfully!

    More to this point, girls, I think keeping our social circles small, our stresses smaller and our hearts big and filled with hope is the recipe for living and not dying.  If you think about it, every person on this planet is dying every day so make sure you live every day because you never know what is going to take you, when it is going to take you and how long this trip is. 

    I hope you all have sweet dreams ;)