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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    sweeney- interesting about the hair, I look forward to finding out what mine will do.

    lizzy- ew.

    zenith- I think it's a lucky date!

  • JoyKK
    JoyKK Member Posts: 31

    Hi All,

    A brief update on swelling/water retention.  My water retention got noticeably worse in the last day or two (and I'm 5.5 weeks post final chemo of taxotere, carboplatin, + herceptin).  I've been racking my brain to figure out what could have caused this.  I'm exercising a lot and clearly regaining strength and stamina.  And my diet is just fine -- full of grains, fruit, and vegies, and pretty low on salt.  So, why did I gain back 3 pounds of water weight in the last day or two?  The only thing I can figure is that I stopped taking diuretics earlier this week.  So, maybe they were working, at least somewhat, after all.  I have a call into my oncologist's office.  I hope they put me back on diuretics, so I can test this theory.  I'm uncertain though how long one can safely stay on diuretics, so I'll be asking about that.

    Hoping you all are findings moments of joy and satisfaction.  Chemo is so tough and I so identify with the comments about one's appearance.  We're coming back, we're coming back, we're coming back.  But, at least for many of us, it's clear we don't quite look and feel like "ourselves" yet.



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    JoyKK - Many people take diuretics for high blood pressure for years.  I don't know how the doses compare, but they have been used a long time.
  • JoyKK
    JoyKK Member Posts: 31

    Bring 'em on, then!  I was only on them for a couple of weeks max.  Thanks, Omaz.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Anyone have any thoughts about Dr. Christine Horner's lifestyle advice about breast cancer?  I just came across her book from 2005 and it is filled with suggestions.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Nah Zenith, wouldn't they need to add Testosterone for that to happen? The doc gave me some of that once and I grew facial hair. Low libido beat out facial hair by a mile.

    You really do like to multitask don't you Zenith? I tried to do that with back surgery and a hysterectomy and my docs told me those two would never happen together. 

    Me, with no hat on I look like my father did after he lost his hair. Just like him. If I have my little knit cap on but my ears are out I look like an elf. 

    I am still bald with just some prickles, but my hair on my upper lip is starting to make an appearance.  Ugh, I really enjoyed a break from wild hairs. I am very fair so any hairs stand out and they also grow so fast. I always keep a tweezers in my purse because I swear I will leave the house clean faced and in thirty minutes a wild hair will pop out somewhere or other. Wow,it feels good to be complaining about something normal!!!!!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ginger - LOL with the tweezers!  I have this wild hair on my chin, sometimes I get home, look in the mirror and it looks like it is 1/4 inch!  I swear it came from nowhere!  Why doesn't somebody tell me - hey, your wild hair is sticking out again!
  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Omaz & Ginger - LOL!!! I have the same thing - one wild hair on my chin that just appears out of nowhere.  Haven't seen it since chemo, but I'll be looking now!  (BTW, I had to shave my legs for the first time since August today!)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- the man boobs story is hilarious! I pity his wife :(

    Re my sister- yeah i know it has to be HER decision in the end and thats whats the most frustrating part of this.... She told me today she's checking into rehab, oh btw she stayed with my mom. He is being held on assault 2 which the max time for that is 10 years, my other sis talked to the prosecutors office and they said they might bump it to assault in the 1st degree which could carry life- i doubt he'd get life but i'd like to see him put away for a LONG time (they have 3 days to assign a prosecutor and charge him

    taking the kids (plus 2 nephews) to see the latest narnia movie tonight, cant wait

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good morning chemosabes and radicals-

    An update from the hospital: now they are confident it is the TE causing all the problems so I am having surgery tomorrow morning to have it removed.  I never considered it might be the TE.  So now I am off to surgery in the morning and this also guarantees I am going to spend NYE and NY day in the hospital!  What a way to start the new year.

    Omaz: I have no idea when the last tx will be.  If all of this surgery etc... works, I would imagine it will be the middle of January. 

    Radiation: I am starting to rethink this also.   All of this is happening in the affected breast and I am considering getting a second opinion especially while I won't have a TE or anything in that area for several months impeding radiation gettiing directly at the wall of my chest.  For some reason, I am starting to feel more comfortable if I reconsider rads.  I might not do it but all things to consider.  One thing at a time for now, however.

    I hope you are all having a good day

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Best Wishes with the surgery tomorrow Lizzy - I will be thinking of you!  I am sorry for the setback, I know you were so ready to finish up chemo!!  We should think of some fun cyber thing to do for NYD!
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I will be thinking about you Lizzie. I hope it all goes smooth as silk.

    I agree we should have some sort of game or quiz for NY day. 

    Rest well, I am glad to hear your nurses are fun. It makes such a difference if you can feel their caring. 


  • Ginger - I was so angry to find a facial hair on my chin had grown!  It was like 1/8" long and white!  WTH!??  DH could hear me screaming -this was as I was getting ready for church as I pulled it out "This is NOT fair!!"  I mean really - it's not coming back fast enough on my head!!

    And yes, I look like my father and brother.  :(  My great aunt has not seen me since last year and when she saw me on Tuesday she just could not get over that I looked exactly like my father and brother.....She went on and on about it.  Nice.  I look like a 67 yr old man...........thank you very much. I went shopping today for Saturday.  I'm having 15 for brunch.  I know I must be insane......

    I had promised my 8 yr old jelly doughnuts (don't ask - I've never made them before....) a week ago.  I told her New Year's Eve but now it looks like I'm going to be getting ready for brunch the next day, so we did the doughnuts tonight.  They are raising. This is going to be very interesting.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Zenith- glad you got all your stuff pays to tenacious!!

    Lizzy- I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Lots!

    Calamtykel- I can't believe you're making doughnuts. FOR REAL??? Do you wear a superwoman cape too? You do, don't you? ADMIT IT.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,  I got my 11th Taxol yesterday. I was disappointed b/c the week they had postponed meant I had to finish a week later. well it turnes out with chemo brain I added wrong so my finish date is the same, next Friday 1/7 which is also y birthday. I'll take finishing chemo as a birthday present.

    Lizzy, Sorry about the siurgery bit glad you are having the TE out and will have time to heal. If you want a second opinon at some point whwy not go to MSKCC, they are close and very good. I'm seeing both an oncologist there and at the off site in NJ b/c I'd like to have two opinons before I start on the antihormonals- uggh they are recommending 10 years - 5 of TMX and 5 of arimidex. Hoping that changes down the line. I haven't had a period since chemo but just started one to throw some confusion onto the mix. Anyway lots of hugs and well wishes that you rtecuperate fromn surgery quickly. i think you will feel alot better when your body is not constantly fighting the infection

    Texas So sorry about your sister. It must be so hard to see someone you care about put themselves in danger. I hope she gets help and is able to turn things around.

    I've still got the male pattern baldness thing going, even though it's starting to grow a little in the front it;'s colorless there. I get so annoyed when I go in for treatments because I see quite a few people getting chemo with hair - often men. Us bc patients really get a raw deal, I remember form my days in oncology it's one of the few treatment where people gain weight. My daughter told me I look like daddy the other day, lol, and we aren't related so I know it's the manly hair thing!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful NY. I imagine I'll crash form the steroids so I'll have to force myself to be up at midnight. Luckily we're just staying home, but I wouldn't want dh up all alone. I actually think last year he fell asleep and I woke him up and kissed him so we'd have a good year. Hmmm, that didn't work, maybe I will just sleep;-)


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Last Day of the Year.  What a surprise this year brought.  Caught me off guard.  I truely hope that next year is healthy and easier for all of us!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    wow sorry about all my typos - numb fingers and too lazy to spellcheck:-)


  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

          new avatar, taken day of prechemo cut. Just felt like having hair agin in 2011;-) Okay off the computer and out with the kids for a while -they are bouncing off the walls. I have to do some grocery shopping too. So glad dh is off today to help!!!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Nice avatar ckptry!  Didn't notice the spelling - hope your fingers get less numb, is it from the taxol?  Did you tell your onc?
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - Did you have one chemo left before this all started?  I am thinking you did.
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    LIzzie:  Good luck with the surgery today!!  I sincerely hope that taking the TE leads to a speedy recovery for you and less issues going forward!

    Texas:  Sorry about your sister,  It must be very difficult to watch someone you love make dangerous choices and not be able to help them.  But truthfully, she has to be ready to make a change, hopefully she wakes up soon.  How was the Narnia movie?  My son liked the last one, maybe I will take him this weekend. 

     Calam:  DONUTS???!!!  Seriously???!!! I was proud of making cupcakes, I am now officially ashamed. 

    Ckptry:  I had chemo on my birthday too...having it be your last chemo will be the best birthday present ever!  Happy Birthday (I wish you a happy birthday now, because the long lasting chemo brain might rob me of my ability to remember next week, lol).

    On the man hair:  The Breast Care Navigator nurse at the hospital, upon seeing me with my "new" hair two weeks ago, couldn't believe how much my son really did look like me.  When she realized what she said she was mortified and spent about five minutes, was hysterical.  I was not offended, because realistically my son and I now have the same hairstyle. 

    Also, is anyone else growing a BEARD!! I have this very fine hair growing down the sides of my face.  You can only see it in the right light, but I swear I never had it before.  It is like really long sideburns.  I wonder if I shave it, will it just disappear or come back darker.  I never had this problem before. 

    My regular hair is coming in good now.  I am going to ditch the hats and scarves starting tomorrow.  My hair is really short, but I have full coverage. I think it is going to come in just as thick as it was before, a little darker though.  And definitely more gray...I still have that quarter size gray spot on the left side in front.  Oh well..just call me Cruella Deville.

    I am smiling today as I know 2011 has GOT to be better than 2010!! I am looking forward to leaving this year behind.  Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone!!!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hey everyone- i just read something really cool. There's a Canadian geneticist who's trying to "crowdsource" a cure for Breast Cancer. By doing this he's taking the monopoly and intended silo effect of not sharing information away from the big drug companies. He just won an award for his work through the World Future Society based in DC. This is great b/c it gives his work a lot of media attention. He's currently selling shares for $20, to raise funds to build the platform. The article is here-

    and his actual site Pink Army is here-

    I've bought in, literally and figuratively. Crowdsourcing is using the knowledge of all for the better of all and there are so many incredible examples of where it's worked. It's brilliant to apply it to BC. I'm glad I found this on the last day of 2010- gives me hope that there's someone out there looking at this from a different angle.

    Happy New Year everyone! May good health be ours! XO Sweeney.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Lizzy - Thinking of you today and sending out lots of healing energy to you!

    Calamty - I'm on my way to your house.  I've never had home-made jelly doughnuts before and it sounds AWESOME!

    To everyone else - I'm wishing all of us a happy and HEALTHY new year.  Last year at this time, I had no idea I had cancer growing in my body.  This year, the cancer has been found, removed and the clean-up is well underway.  With all that, NEXT year at this time will be a whole new adventure!  I think it will be FANTASTIC!

    Thanks to all here for your support.  I couldn't have gotten through the chemo without y'all.

  • LOL!  The doughnuts weren't my idea.  It suddenly dawned on my 8 yr old that jelly doughnuts are a Hanukkah thing and since my DH is Jewish, she got into her head that they deserved some jelly doughnuts! :D

    I dont' think they came out that great.   About 2 years ago, I made the most fantastic doughnuts in my quest for finding the kind we used to get on the boardwalk in Ocean City NJ as teenagers.  Well, these things were fantastic - think Krispy Kreme - the kind that you bite through a thin layer and they're chewy inside.  They have a vanilla glaze on them that you dip while they're still warm.  OH My goodness.  I made then ONCE and then threw away the recipe because they were absolutely irresistable and we were ALL SO SICK The following day!  =:O  

    But this time I wished i had that recipe and the one I used just wasn't the same.  The jelly part was fun - poke a hole in one and I used an icing bag and just squeezed it into the doughnut.  Maybe I've just lost most of my taste for sweets but they weren't the same...but still fun to make!

    I'm cooking now for tomorrow, but I think I'm going to take a nap and then clean the house instead.  16 here tomorrow and i'm tired already.

  • Lizzy - sorry to hear about all of this.  Hang in there!  I think you will feel a lot better once the source of the problem is out.  Are you having it replaced? 

    Having a child in the hospital over New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, I know what a bummer it is.  In 2003, my son, then five, had a bad infection and was admitted NYE's as the ball came down.  DH had sent me home to sleep --I was 8 months pregnant and had been up with him all night the night before and all day and evening in the ER.  I remember staring at the TV and watching the ball go down and just kind of being like...."what the....."  It's really kind of surreal when a holiday goes on around you and you're in the hospital. 

    BUT I think you're going to be out of there really soon....and looking back on this next  year as a distant memory.  Feel better soon!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Thinking of you Lizzy hope all is well.

    Happy New Years Ladies!!! It has to be better than 2010.

    Had rad.#5 today I am surprised how tired it makes me.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    • Happy New Year Sue!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello chemosabes and radicals!


    I am out of surgery..YAY!  I am very happy that is over.   What scares you all the most about surgery?  Is it the anesthesia?  That is what scares me the most.

    In any case, I am very happy to report it seems like it was a success.   The redness seems to be going down and the swelling.   Hopefully I can go home Sunday Laughing

    I cannot think of a group of people who deserve a better next year than the last year we had than US!   I hope our 2011s are all better than our 2010s were.   We all need some better energy next year, some more happiness, fewer (no) health problems and a turn for the better on all fronts.  May this be our fate next year and no returns to the trials and tribulations of 2010.

    I hope you all are having a good night and keep in mind why most of us don't leave our house on NYE = it is not ourselves we can't trust, it is the other drivers.  If any of you venture out tonight, keep that in mind and please, please be careful.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Lizzy - So glad to hear you are out!  Anesthesia, yes.  I had my lumpectomy at one place, completely out.  I liked my anesthesiologist (I know that must be spelled wrong!), he looked about 20.  Then 3 weeks later I had my port installed at a completely different place and was so happy to have the same guy!!  He didn't remember me at all!  It was funny, but I was happy.

    Take it easy, glad thats done!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Happy New Year all. I've been gone from the boards for a couple of days, so please excuse me for not commenting on everything. Lizzy, glad you are better and hope you get to come home soon.

    Thanks to all those who shared stories of being mistaken for men and other similar blows to our feminity. I feel like such an ugly, unappealing blob these days. I tell myself it's only temporary, but it is soooo hard to look in the mirror. I was enjoying the time I saved by not having to mess with my hair; but now that time is spent just trying to draw on a face since I have no brows, lashes or color in my face. whine, whine, whine. Anyway, it helps in some weird way to know that others are feeling the same thing and I'm not alone. Love all you ladies.