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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    What time is the surgery, Cal? I'll say extra prayers for you.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - Sending powerful positive thoughts your way!!
  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Cal I've been thinking about you and I hope your surgery goes well tomorrow.  Keep us posted!

    I hope everyone is doing well, especially all those of you who are dealing with unusual amounts of snow.  No snow for me but it has been colder than usual for several days.  I sort of wish we had some snow here so that I could have a snow day and stay home knitting and watching tv all day!  But Monday is a holiday so maybe that's what I'll do then. 

    I am scheduled for Abraxane treatment #3 (4 total) tomorrow - finally getting close to the end!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Argh! I just called my PS and he can't do Part 2 of my reconstruction until March 30! I had it in my head that when I called, I'd have surgery in a couple of weeks. I was looking forward to getting it over with and moving on with life. Crap, crap, crap, crap ... I swear the worst part of all this is the Hurry up and wait.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Cal--Good luck tomorrow--will be thinking of you!

  • My surgery is at 9 tomorrow morning.  A little while ago I got a lovely call from the hospital going over my insurance benefits - telling me that I will owe them $2300 based on my copays, deductible etc....this isn't even including the surgeon or anesthesiologlist.  Loooooovely.  The kicker is when she asked if I could pay it now, I could get a 15% discount.  I nearly laughed.  Um...yeah, okay.

    It's just not fair that we have to contend with BC and finances too.   Four surgeries in six months plus chemo.  It all just really stinks, financially.  I know that should be the "small" part of this - that I just want it to be benign - but just getting this phone call ticked me off.  They really shouldn't rattle cancer patients nerves like that!  

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Easy for me to say but try not to think about finances..get through the surgery. This is the thing that I have a hard time understanding--you are having surgery for something NECESSARY and you have someone calling you to pay money. Craziness. Wishing you best of luck tomorrow.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!!

    Lady:  That stinks....I know as we approach the end we get more eager to "get it all over with" and having to wait for that final surgery stinks.  I can only guess that if you are like me, time seems to fly by these days, so before you know it March 30 will be here!

    Calam:  Good luck tomorrow.  I am sure the surgery will be a breeze compared to the mastectomy!  When I had my lumpectomies, I only needed the pain meds for the first day, it really wasn't that uncomfortable.  I imagine a node removal will be similar. 

    Sorry about those stupid medical bills.  I have often said that it is not right that we have to deal with all this treatment, side effects, and long term side effects all while wondering how to pay for our poison! I do know that there are organizations that will help you pay copays and other medical related expenses, have you checked into this?  I think either Susan G. Koman or the American Cancer Society website should have a list of the resources in your area.  Maybe worth a try. 

    I met with my radiation oncologist today for a follow up visit and also got the results of my MRI.  And I am beginning to think I made a huge mistake not having a bilateral mastectomy.  As I have told you, I made the decision to go with partial mastectomy simply because I could not afford to be out of work for three weeks.  However at the time I did not realize two very important things.  First that ILC is notoriously difficult to detect on mammo and even MRI.  Second that I have very dense breasts, which make detecting any cancer even more difficult.  I figured that the tests would find the cancer early and then I could treat it.  I didn't even think there was a possibility that the cancer could be undetectable.  Now I get the results from my MRI from January 5 and there are more suspicious, but probably benign, areas on my right breast.  BiRads category 3, which means it is probably a benign finding, but they recommend ANOTHER six month follow up.  This will be my third MRI in a year because when I had my initial MRI they also recommended a six months follow up, which I had on January 5.  I am not so much worried about this being cancer, but more worried that I may have to have six month MRIs for the rest of my life, and I do not find the MRIs pleasant..I am a little claustrophobic.  Does anyone know, insurance wise, whether I could just change my mind and have a bilateral mastectomy at any point, or if I have to have a new finding to have one?  I am seriously considering this, especially if I have the MRI in April and these "suspicious findings" still exist. 

    I had a long conversation with the radiation oncologist about lymphedema today too.  While she wouldn't directly contradict the surgeon's advice, she said "new thinking" is that lifting up to around 20 lb is not damaging, but that anything you do should be progressive.  She did say, however, that shoveling snow was a no-no, unless you do that level of exercise with your arms on a regular basis, which I do not.  She said the key to the lifting thing, was to work up to it gradually and don't overdo it. 

    Oh well, my mind is swimming in doubt with this MRI crap.  I wish I knew a radiologist who would give me the straight scoop, instead of all this "cover your ass" follow up that the hospital gives you!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Weather, we had another 7in  of snow Sun. and Mon. but yesterday on my way home from rads. my car said it was -4 and that was at 4:30 in the afternoon. BRRRR this is why I have to go to Fl. in Jan. can't wait 1 wk from this Sun.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good evening chemosabes and radicals-

    I cannot believe I miscalculated....we had 29 ½ inches of snow and tonight it is *7* degrees. I cannot believe this. I finally got plowed out and now I am just too cold to even want to go anywhere.

    Texas: when are you having surgery? I know you have appts next week and I am hoping those are so you can get set up for surgery.

    Rachel: I cannot believe that you are getting less snow than we are in CT!

    Sptmm: freezing your mangled boob off...LOL! As for insurance and bc, pretty much whatever you choose will be covered. They don't fuss too much with bc patients because they know if they don't approve something particularly important like a mastectomy, the bills could just get higher and higher. You should have a case manager at your insurance co and call to speak to them. There should be little to no resistance especially based on density, lack of detectability and current findings.

    Lady: the new avatar is very cute and, yes, this weather is definitely Twilight Zoney!
    Sorry you can't have the second part of recon until March 30. I agree the worst part is hurry up and wait.

    Calamtykel: good luck tomorrow. It should be a short surgery not that you know because you will be sleeping. I cannot believe they called you for money. That is awful. The bills just keep rolling in with this disease.

    Iowa: Jealous....enjoy FL. I could go for 5 days in the Keys right now.

    I am so getting cabin fever but it is too cold to go out....sadness!

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Well Crap, looks like I'll be needing to have a little reexcision.  One margin was not clear.  The surgeon came in to tell me he had good news.  The path report was good Stage 2, 2 sentinel nodes playing dirty, but only the one in the axilla.  The tumor was more like 4 instead of 3 cm.  I told him tick tock this needs to be done quickly before my leave is up.  As I sit at home the super of schools is putting librarians out on the sacraficial table because of budget cuts.  Even though in elementary school we teach 6-7 classes a day we are classified as "support staff". 

    So I'm hoping the scheduler will call me asap tomorrow and get this started.  BS told me he could even do it on a sat, about 45 min, no lympies.  Gave me the option of going ahead and having a mastectomy, but thinks (again) the lumpectomy will be good.  

    I need to shut up.  !I'm just po'd, in a way.  I went alone to the appt and DH thought I was insane because I told the BS I was scared I would die.  I also told him C scares me.  I haven't cried for him yet and felt no need to today.  Just wanted to get those words out there.  libray lil

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Libralil:  Always helps to let the doctors know exactly where you stand...good for you!  Hope you get your date soon.  I love the fact that he could do it on a Saturday, where was your doctor when I needed to schedule my!

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Sptmm62: I chose my bmx because I had dense breasts and the mammos were not picking anything up. I was getting false negatives. Had I not had the bmx, I would have had regular MRIs, so that sounds like what you would have. The drs told me that with time, as I aged, my tissue would be less dense and I'd be okay with mammos again.  

    Lil: So sorry about the margins and the additional surgery. Hugs.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    I am with Lizzie...way too cold outside.  Makes you want to hibernate!  And the front yard is beginning to look like a mogul course with all those mini mountains of snow.  And another thing...what about the parking lots.  I swear the spots are cut in half now in every parking lot I visit because of snow mountains!  What I wouldn't do to be with Sweeney in the warmth!  I think maybe we should join Iowasue and go to Florida.  South Florida of course, it is still warm down there.  

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    This snow and cold sucks!  I am glad I am on medical leave even tho I am an leave without pay right now! 

    lady - sorry you have to wait for your surgery. 

    Libra sorry you have to have additional surgery but hope all goes well

    Cal healing thoughts heading your way.

    sptmm - i too had ILC and they found it in my right breast with a gammagram. I could not do an MRI and the gammagram was easy.  I had a bmx. 

    I am home from the hospital after my multitasking surgeries.  I am happy to be done with treatment and very hopeful that every cancer cell in my body has been cut out or killed off so I never have to deal with any treatment again!

    I am feeling sore but not as bad as coming home from the bmx last july! 

     Now I have to heal and get started on the arimidex.  Onc said to wait a couple of weeks after surgery to start.  My taste buds are coming back but surgeon that did the gallbladder said no spicy food or alcohol.  I have to call tomorrow and ask for how long cuz i was so planning on mexican food and margueritas! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Calamity I will pray for you for smooth surgery and good outcomes. I am sorry you need to worry about this at all.

    My husband's reg doc is sending his records to the urologist. I say if they don't call back with a more immediate appointment by Monday that we go to the SCCA where I was treated. Two and a half month wait is nuts when yo don't know if you have an agressive prostate disease or not. Funny how I am not so patient any longer. 

    Lizzy Mack, How about turning your  Storm Days into Spa Days. I knew a woman who turned off her phone and unplugged her media distractions and created a spa for herself to refresh herself on her own terms. I am not so brave to do that myself but it sounds sort of like somewhere you might not fear to tread? 

    Everybody. stay warm and moisturize. I understand you only have three minutes to towel off and get that moisturizer onto yourself. That was on TV so it must be true, yes? 

  • agreed Rachel - finances can take care of themselves---or whatever.  Cancer can't and I just want this over and done with and to move on - move on to doing nothing if it's fine and move on to treatment if not.  Whatever it is, it already is and it already was there all along..............

    I actually applied for a breast cancer co-pay organization -if you have insurance they help with your copays.  However, after waiting two months, I got rejected as they were "out of funds" at this time.  Ridiculous!  MOst places are to help with treatment and drugs and not the hospital and surgery which is ridiculous!!

    Anyhow, getting ready to leave in a few.  Trying not to be scared and just thankful my surgery's early this morning!

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    Good morning all!  Hopefully we all warm up soon and Spring will be on the way.  The world will see us all emerge as beautiful flowers...

    Cal - Thinking of you and sending lots of hope, hugs, and prayers your way.  I pray for the best news and quick, painless recovery.  Sorry about the little boogers asking you for payments.  Even though we know the financial aspect is part of everything, couldn't they do it at a more appropriate time?

    Libraylil - So sorry to hear the margins were not clear and you need to go again.  Prayers and tons of happy thoughts going out to you for a quick date, and sucessful surgery.

    Sptmm62 - Totally agree with wishing both had been taken.  I didn't know there were calcifications in the other breast until after my mastectomy.  Surgeon was not concerned about them and told me that if he performed mastectomies on all women with mammos that looked like that, most of our town would not have breasts.  Still, not reassuring enough.  I think I will be opting for another surgery to remove the other side sometime this year. :(

    Iowa Sue - Hope your vacation goes well.  I am so jealous!!!!  I would ask to come along in your suitcase, but with the 12 chemo pounds I put on, I am sure I wouldn't fit!

    Lizzy - So glad you are feeling good enough to be getting cabin fever!  Remember, not too many days ago you couldn't get out of bed.  Glad you can't wait to get out of the house!

    Ginger and Lady - so sorry you are both having issues getting in to see the doctors!  Ginger, is it really only three minutes?  My extra body surface area, compliments of chemo, would make getting moisturized all over a challenge, even if I started before I got out of the shower!  Gotta loose this extra weight, weather has not been helpful for getting out! 

    Sweeney - Hope you are having fun while the rest of us are dealing with all the snow and cold!  I am so glad you got away and sad that you will be heading home soon.  Goes fast, doesn't it?

    Have a great day ladies.  I think about each one of you throughout the day and pray you are all well and safe.  Once it warms up, and we are all heading outside, hopefully much of the disaster of the last 6-8 months will be behind us with happy thoughts ahead.


  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    all in the grand scheme of things a re excision is not a huge deal.  I just was not expecting it.  The pathology is the key and no additional lymph node involvement.

    JSW  I'm going to pm you with a question about your re excision surgery.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    I was going to send hugs and prayers out to those facing surgery, tests, financial problems, etc., but I swear it looks like we all have issues all of a sudden. So ....

    (((((((((HUGS TO EVERYBODY))))))))))))

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    I agree with Lady, it does seem like we are having a lot of problems these last few days.  So hugs to everyone! 

    I just got back home from my Abraxane (and Herceptin) treatment.  Feeling pretty good and looking forward to a nap this afternoon.  Now only one more chemo to go!  Hooray!

  • hey all - I'm home - had a great cup of coffee and some toast and eggs when I came home - seriously missed my breakfast this morning due to surgery fast!

     Anyhow, the misbehaving lymph node has now left the building.  We'll see what comes up - results in early next week.  Yikes- I'm scared!  but I'm glad this part of it is done.  

    Apparently they sedated me and i tried to sit up on the OR table.  Hm.  I don't remember that - so they had to knock me out.  -;)  My husband and friend got a real kick out of that story! :D

    I read a quote recently - I think it was Melissa gilbert.  She said that life is like a string of pearls that is knotted between each pearl.  As an antique jewelry dealer, I know that pearls that have knots between each pearl are "real" pearls because the knots keep the pearls from ALL falling off if there is a break in the string.   The quote was about pearls being the good parts of life - and each has a knot between.  The knots keeps the good times in perspective and in their place -the knots are necessary to the pearls.  Make sense?  I know we'vce all had crap lately but these are the knots that we have to get over........hang in there all, and Im' trying to do the same! 

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Calmyty  you sound a lot better. I think when the wheels are in motion and things are moving forward it helps.  It gives us a sense of control.  BTW.  The BS said I fought too during recovery.  Maybe they won't mess wid us.  

    All  well no one called me back about the re excision so I called them.  It is pretty much scheduled for Next friday 21st.  I've decided I don't care if I am a nag.  I didn't want to wait all weekend.  That will give me 2 weeks before my time to go back to work.  

  • library - what's the re-excision?  I didn't quite understand that - did you have BC surgery initially and then chemo and then are having more surgery now? 

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Libralil:  Glad to see you have a date...sometimes (actually most times) you have to push in order to get things done, don't feel bad.  As for the re-excision, I had a re-excision and an axillary node dissection done after my initial big deal.  I had my re-excision two months after my initial surgery so my wound was pretty much healed, but I would say even with the axillary node dissection added on, it was even easier than the initial surgery.  Good luck!

    Calam:  Glad you are home and feeling okay.  I love the quote..very true.  Sometimes I guess we just all wish there were two pearls for every knot. 

    JSW:  Yippee!!! One more to go!!!

    Zenith:  Glad you are feeling well after your procedures.  What is a gammagram?  I have never heard of those?  Maybe I could ask about doing that instead of the MRI?  Is is as accurate?

    Hope everyone is doing well today.  I will join in the group {{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}.  I know I certainly need it...enduring some knots these days. 


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I like that whole pearl thing! I am gonna def repeat it need be :)

    Lizzy- Yes i am hoping the appointment will result in a scheduled surgery!

    Well my husband is nagging me got to go LOL just got finished reading all the posts and no time to reply- Later

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals:

    I am making a grocery list as we are getting what is shaping up to be another *week* of snow.  I cannot believe this.  

    Well, I have been released to go back to chemo Cry  I am feeling like myself again, I can breathe again, I went to the grocery store yesterday and was able to move at my usual pace without being winded and it was all good.  Now I have to go back to complete chemo in a few weeks.  I so don't want to go back to feeling like that but I guess I can muster the energy to do it one more time.  

    JSW: just home from your second to last tx and going for a nap...good for you!  I think we are going  to finish chemo at the same time.   

    Calamtykel: glad that is over for you.   I hope your news next week is good.   That is funny about you trying to sit up in the OR!   I am just really happy for you that it is out and this is behind you. Yes, this is indeed a knot.

    Hair: my hair is barely growing and I am 5 weeks since my last chemo.   How long does it take to see some real growth?   I was wondering what everyone's experience has been.  I have these long pieces growing over my ears and that is it.   Now, of course, I have to go back to chemo so this is going to be reversed.  I guess it takes about 3 months to start seeing some good growth and to look forward to being able to make a short style out of what little hair is there.   All things to look forward to!

    I am going to do some studying today as I fell behind through all this infection and hospitalization business.   Good day to all-

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    My hair is barely coming in too and I'm about 5 wks post chemo.

    I have a ? will my port cause any problems at the airport?  I don't want to be detained with them thinking its a bomb. OMG

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Calamtykel  I had neoadjuvant chemo; finished in nov and had lumpectomy Jan 4. Re-excision is for a dirty margin.  I want to curl up in a fetal position.  However when all of the BC started I promised (myself maybe) that as long as there was not a boat load of lymph nodes involved I would not complain.  So just a little tweaking on the lower side of the tumor bed.  Hope your path is back quick and good results.

    sptmm62  Thanks for the positives.  The dr. told me it would be about 45 min no drain; no wires.  Just like to hear it from you all that have lived it.  Hopefully, My "special" sr resident will be there also.  

    libray lil

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzie:  I know you are dreading going back into the chemo funk..but just think about how you felt the first treatment, it wasn't that bad.  The side effects became worse as time went on.  So, now that you have had some time off for your body to recoup, hopefully the side effects will be lighter like they were when you first started chemo.  Anway, only one more to go right?  You can do it!! And we will all be here to celebrate when you are done. 

    Texas:  Hope you get that surgery date soon!! Did you ever in your life think you would be eagerly awaiting a SURGERY date and think of it as a good thing?  Cancer sure does rearrange your way of thinking, doesn't it?

    LIbra:  So...what's this about a "special" sr resident?? I don't think you shared that story with tell!!

    Spent the day at a soccer tournament today, going to finish all the laundry now.  Then the Islander game!! Hope everyone is having a great day.
