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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    sptmm62   He's very Grey's Anatomy.  Young, fine and tall.  Hey, I can ogle I have BC.  He wrote "yes" on my left and its still there (must be permanent marker). libray lil

    calam The rumor is that I fought and tried to remove Mr. Happy Drain while in recovery.  Glad I couldn't see that, it must have been ugly.  A bald woman with no eyebrows/eyelashes nutting up. libray lil

  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    sptmm - you can check out more info at  A GammaGramTM is a molecular breast imaging technique that goes beyond mammography, MRI, and ultrasound to detect cancer even in women with difficult-to-diagnose breasts. This advanced imaging technology is the next step after a questionable mammogram to provide the earliest detection of breast cancer.  They inject radioactive material and take pictures of your breasts using a machine much like a mammogram but without painfully conpressing the breast.  It takes a couple of hours and I sat and watched a movie during the test. 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I also wonder about travling with a port in place... I have heard some horror stories of women and their foobs...

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    WOO HOO!  I just got back from an hour walk UPHILL.  This used to be a normal thing for me, but it is the first time since September that I have attempted it, and I did it!  I really feel like I'm back.

    Yesterday, I had a callback for a musical I've been wanting to do for a long time, and it went really well. :-)

    And, I started eating more yesterday.  I am hoping to lose a little weight before I start Tamox, and I started keeping track of what I am eating for the past couple of weeks.  I discovered that I eat around 1200 calories a day - and I weigh 150 pounds which hasn't really changed for the past 2 years.  When I did a little bit of research on the internet, I discovered that in order to "maintain" my weight I should be eating 2000 calories a day, and to lose I should be eating 1500 calories a day.  So, I wondered if I am indeed eating too little and I'm experimenting with eating 1500 calories.  It is HARD to eat that much!  I feel full all the time and have to force myself to continue eating.  I'm hoping it can jump-start my metabolism, though.  Does that make sense at all?  DH says it sounds a little crazy.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Zenith:  Thanks for the info, I am going to ask about it. 

    Lisa:  Good Job.  It's nice to start feeling like normal again, isn't it? I hope the musical works out for you.  That would probably be the last piece in the puzzle, life back to as normal as it possibly can be after all that has happened!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lisasinglem: that is such good news!  I was so happy to hear you are back to your pre-chemo level of physical activity.  It was so inspirational to read that!  As for consumption and metabolism, when you read the amount of calories you need to consume to maintain and to lose, those numbers seem correct.  What they fail to tell you is it has to be a very "clean" 1500.   If you have salad, instead of salad dressing perhaps balsamic vinegar should be used.   It should be low sugar/carb and include substantial calories being derived from protein.  Beans are a great source of protein.   Relative to keeping metabolism going over 40, it is recommended we change our diet every 90 days.  Not change it 100% but make some changes to keep your metabolism guessing and working.  Also, if you stop using oil, salad dressings, butter, cream cheese and eating high fat foods, it is also recommended every 21 days eat something that confuses your metabolism meaning if you like fried Chinese food, have that.  Whatever you like to eat that is high fat, high calorie, you should have that meal once every 3 weeks to throw your metabolism off.  

    LL Cool J still has an incredible body and abs over 40.   He was on Conan recently and said he eats protein only M-F, allows for some flexibility on Saturday and has a kind of free meal day on Sunday.   This is another option but it seems that several of us on this thread don't covet animal source protein therefore it might be challenging to eat protein only M-F.   We are carnivores but many of us don't like how the animal protein manufacturing sector has gotten way out of hand with the hormones and all the other crap they use to fatten these animals up to maximize profit margins of course at our expense both monetarily and physiologically.   Others don't mind and take it in stride, enjoying animal protein.  One thing is for sure: our bodies run better on protein.  We are thinner and thereby healthier (or so they say) on protein-based diets.  

    I worked for a firm that was headquarted in Atlanta.   One of the guys in our operations unit said it best one day, in his colloquial drawl, "if it tastes good, we probably should not be eating it!"   Alas we are supposed to eat for nutrition and not for taste which is also why 65% of commercials are designed to lure us to some manufacturer of mediocre, microwaved, friend, sauced-up treats that negate all nutritional value and leave us questioning the validity of the food we have ordered!   

    And so it goes....!   I am just really happy for you about being back to your level of physical activity you were pre-chemo.  I have one more tx and have gotten back on my treadmill in the interim but I know chemo will knock me off of it again and I will have to trudge along with that crap for another 2-3 weeks post the next tx and then hopefully I can finally get back to regular, challenging workouts.  

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    It finally happened to me ...  our waiter called me "young man".  lol  I think he thought I was my daughters' older brother. He realized his mistake quickly but not before my daughters caught on and had a good laugh. Of course we were at one of those Japanese restaurants where they cook at your table and you sit with a bunch of strangers.  I had to laugh.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi, we went away for the weekend with some friends to a retreat in the mountains.  I did a nice walk up a trail by myself and had a few minutes to feel so grateful to be alive and to be surrounded by beautiful scenery.  Among the group of 50ish folks, 1 had just had surgery for prostate cancer, another was scheduled for that surgery next month and another woman lost her husband last year to pancreatic cancer.  There were only about 14 of us! 

  • All - the phone rang a little while ago - it was our new neighbor next door.  I don't know her- only met her briefly at church for about 2 minutes.  Anyway, she asked if she could bring a dinner over for us and 5 minutes later she was at the door.  She shared with me that she had leukemia at age 19 (she is in her 60's now) and was completely healed.  She took my hand and prayed the most powerful healing prayer -it almost brought tears to my eyes.  Immediately I could feel my fear go away and the knot in my stomach was gone.   I was so scared in the hour or two before she had come- and had myself all worked up into worry thinking about the results that are coming this week from my test.  She seemed to target all my fears in her prayers- asking that I would have peace and be able to sleep tonight, etc.  How did God know that I needed an angel like that at that moment?  He does answer prayer, my friends!  :) 
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Way to go!!! I dont think i could manage an uphill walk! YOU ROCK LISA!

    Anyone stopped chemo still having hair loss? Took a bath a minute ago and a bit of hair is falling out :( And i dont have much to begin iwth in the first place

    Kel- Yes God does and I am glad he answered yours :)

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Omaz: That sounds like a wonderful weekend.

    Cal: So glad about your neighbor.

    Texas: That did happen with my eyebrows and eyelashes. I kind of got the feeling that the remaining hair had to fall out once the new hair got started with growing. How many weeks has it been since your final txt?

    For those of you on Tamox. Have you noticed an increased appetite?

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

        The kids had a snow day and then a 4 day weekend so I haven't had alot of time online, I have some catching up to do:-) Just wondering about scans. My onc at SK said they don't scan women with breast cancer routinely anymore unless they are symptomatic. She said in early stage women (I'm stage 2, doesn't feel early enough after all this treatment) they don't do baselines because you can end up chasing a benign finding. I'm not sure what to do. I remember my mom having to do bone scans and CT scans for years and she did have a few scares that turned out to be nothing. So not sure if I should just let it go and avoid the scan rollercoaster.  Part of me is afraid it's still there somewhere and would like a scan for peace of mind, but of course if they do see something benign I may end up having to be scanned b/c they have to cover themselves. Just wondered what you all have been told.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Carolyn--I was told the same and am also stage 2. My Doc said that it isn't the protocol and like you said, you may be chasing benign findings. That being said, he did indicate that if I was feeling anything uncomfortable or pain--they would consider the scans. It is worrying. You kind of wish they could scan you all the time! My Doc also said that scans will not pick up any mets etc at really early stage--it is when you start feeling it--is when it may show up. I have appt with my med onco today to go over post-chemo/tamoxifen SE. I still feel so achey especially in one side so I will inquire with him and see what he thinks. Guess we never really get off this rollercoaster.

  • Re scans - Johns  Hopkins doesn't even recommend doing routine scans.  My own personal story with scans is that they aren't even reliable necessarily.  I was told two totally conflicting things by my oncologlist and my breast surgeon regarding this lymph node at my collarbone.  My breast surgeon told me it would NOT have been picked up on the CT back in August (it is .8mm) - but my oncologlist told me that it WOULD have. 
    So if it would have, then why were they alarmed enough to remove it immediately??  Why not just "scan" it again? 

    I was told I will have more scans if it turns out to be cancerous.  I don't know why - not sure what the point is if it can only pick up big tumors.....likewise the bloodwork.  My doctor tells me my tumor markers are fine, but I have heard that they are unreliable anyway.  Wish they could just tell us one way or another.

    ............waiting on the agony of the results from Friday's surgery............ :( 

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    kel I'm so sorry you have to go through this and you are in my prayers. Any idea of when you will get the results?  It sounds like you have a wonderful new neighbor.

    Rachel thanks, I'm glad to hear you were told the same. It is hard though!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - when do you expect to hear about the node?
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Ann its been 4 weeks since the final tx.

    Carolyn and Rachel, even me being stage 4 I dont get scanned as often as I'd like. So far its been a month since my last chemo (stil lgetting herceptin and zometa) and the dr hasnt mentioned further scans- although i KNOW they will come sooner or later. I see my reg oncologist next Monday and i'll see what he says :)

    Kel- From what I understand about how soon something can be decteded on hte scans are- the earliest something can be picked up is around 7mm but it is possible that the mass doesnt show up until its a little larger (around a CM). Maybe that where the breast surgeon is coming from.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    This is SO OFF TOPIC-

    I saw a note on the bottom of the sci fi screen about "being human" which was one of my fav BBC shows, we no longer get the BBC at my house so i was pumped that they picked it up on Syfi- WRONG THEY JUST TOTALLY REMADE IT!

    the program that would come on after being human was SKINS, which MTV remade!

    SO my gripe is SOOOOOOOOOOO many Americans rank on the English for various reasons- why the heck do we keep stealing their shows???? LOL okay yeah it was ticked LOL

  • I was told I would hear by Tuesday.  I have knots in my stomach..... =:(       <---------

    That little emoticon by the way, is me - my hair is sticking straight up!  ANyone else's?  It doesn't lie flat.....I look like a hedgehog...

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Mine too, Cal. I've been putting gel in it when wet and it helps it lie flat.

    I'm glad you will know tomorow so you don't have to have this anxiety for much longer. I'll continue to say many prayers.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Met with my med onco today for followup appointment. I haven't seen him since my last chemo back in November and starting Tamoxifen in December. I am having some pains on my left side--in my rib area. It started when I had terrible cold/coughing last November--right before last chemo. It is still there so now they are going to do another bone scan on Wed. Back to the waiting and worrying. I asked my Doc if it could be something bad -- he said "unlikely" but to put my mind at ease (not sure if it is really doing that!), he ordered another bone scan. Like Cal has mentioned through her node concerns----as soon as another test is in place--makes you so worried. I know that the Nurse had told me last year that somehow we have to get used to the the tests and follow up. It is all just so worrying. Anyway, have my bone scan on Wed and he said to call on Thurs to get results--worst case--Friday. He will make sure to have results to me. If everything comes out good--I won't see him for another couple of months. I told him that I hope that I don't see him soon---no offense! Keep your fingers crossed, prayers said....hoping this pain is nothing.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    rachel - I had a very bad cough one time and strained something in my ribs.  I can't remember what it is called but it keeps things together.  Oh man that was sore for a while - hopefully you just did something like that!
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Kel- Love the emoticon is hilarious!!!! Mine is too and like Ann i had put gel in it, my husband told me not to cuz its "baby" hair lol so i stopped, if i wet it it will lie flat til it dries again!

    Oh Rachel- i will be praying fror you as well. AGH the waiting!!!! I also hope its something pulled from coughing!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Calam:  You are totally right with your angel story...God sends people to be his angels and quite often they show up exactly when we need them!! What a great neighbor you have!  Have my fingers crossed for good news tomorrow!

    Texas:  Was the remake any good?  I love sci fi shows...when is it on?  Maybe I will catch an episode. 

    Rachel:  Sending some prayers up for you too....only good news!! Good luck.

    On scans:  I was told also that they only scan if you have symptoms (body scans, not breast scans).  I was also told this is because by the time a tumor is big enough to be seen on a scan, it will cause you symptoms. 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sptmm62- i am not sure cuz i only saw the little sign in the corner and when i logged onto youtube it showed a preview with the sound turned off- i just saw it wasnt the orginal LOL

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    First rad was today, 1 down, 34 to go!    I was way more nervous than I thought I woild be. I was tryng to read a magazine in the waiting area and my hands we shaking so hard I couldn't focus. Tomorrow should be better.

    Calamity sent off some prayers fo you.  Rachel you too, also I had a cough once that caused my ribs to hurt for a long time. 

    I feel really tired aand I can't imagine it is the rads, probably adrenaline crash from the nervousness. 

    Texas, I am with you on the remakes of British shows. With the exception of The Office most programs are better in the British originals. My current pet peeve are all the lame American Cash In the Attic when the British originals are so much better and I can't find them now.  You know it is really good to feel well enough to complain about television programming, isn't it? :)

  • hey all--

    big ice storm here.  I doubt I will get results today- pretty sure the doctor's office is closed and not sure where they will send the results to---

    UGH!  Well at least DH got to stay home today; they closed his office.  

    Rachel - rib pain.  could it be from your surgery?  I have had rib pain on and off under my breasts - sometimes as far down as that bump on your rib on the sides.  I had a rib series which showed nothing.  I was told it was just healing and I think it could also still be lymph stuff - I was sore along my drain site - it would come and go and when it was there it really hurt.  I haven't had it in a long time.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Ginger...I was nervous at first rad also...I think that I was stiff as a board when they were moving me around. Now, I am done 7 treatments and am doing pretty good. No skin issues yet or any side effects..they said it was too early. Techs are great.. Very friendly and put my mind at ease!

    Thanks for everyones thoughts...I am nervous for bone scan and results but just have to be hopeful that nothing is wrong! Wishing for this week to pass fast.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals:

    Omaz: I am glad you went to a retreat however I am not so happy to find out 1 in 4 knew someone who had cancer, was being checked for cancer or who had expired from cancer. Not much of a getaway. It is like a prisoner going to another prison for vacation!

    Calamtykel: that is very nice that your new neighbor made you a meal and came over to pray with you. Good to know you have a nice neighbor and they came to you in your moment of need. They say there are no coincidences.

    Did you hear anything yet from the results of the Friday surgery?

    Yes, my hair sticks up also....lovely.

    Texas: did you watch "Skins?" Of course I was watching "Jersey Shore!" I watched part of it. It seems good. That Jersey Shore is getting tired so there is going to need to be another show to garner interest. How did your doc appts go?

    Ann97: new avatar ...looking good!

    Ckptry: you will never gain peace of mind through more scanning. Like you said, they will be chasing benign findings and that will be driving your more nuts. I would take a break from scanning, in fact that is what I personally plan to do, for 1 year. Give yourself a break.

    Rachel: How did the appt with your med onc go? No, we never do get off this rollercoaster. I find out now that even if I went for a 2nd opinion on radiation, I cannot get it now because of the open wound where my left breast used to be and that which will be there, open, until July when he attempts recon again. I also wonder if the infection affected the efficacy of chemo because I had the infection all through chemo and, of course, the infection was in my bc breast. The rollercoaster indeed never ends.

    Good luck on the bone scan tomorrow. I would think you pulled something when you were coughing. Another few days of waiting on

    Sptmm: I understand that they only scan with symptoms as so many here have indicated and as my docs have told me but what are symptoms?!?!? Not a single one of us knew we had bc....I was the only one that says I had joint pain and was very tired coming up to dx but most people w/bc say they had no symptoms. I don't understand what symptoms would cause a scan.

    Sweeney: did you stay in the DR an extra week?! What is up, Ireland?! Are you going to tell us about your fab vaca or what?!

    Well, trying to get myself ready mentally for 1 more gross tx. We are getting an ice/snowstorm here as well and I was unable to get to blood work today. I am hoping I can get out tomorrow or Thursday because we have another snowstorm on Friday and another on Tuesday. This massive amount of snowfall is very unusual for CT. I am not happy about this.

    Good day, girls-

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi everyone! I'm baaaack. I haven't read the 20 000 posts since I left last week, but I wanted to pop my head in and say hello and hope that everyone is feeling good and strong and no SEs. My girls vacation was incredibly relaxing, lots of sleeping, lots of reading and swimming. It really was completely rejuvenating. But now I'm back in Ottawa and it's -24 back to reality.

    Again, I haven't read the posts yet, so not sure if anyone is talking about this yet. But is anyone gearing up to return to work in the coming month/s? I'm returning in 2 weeks and I am somewhat nervous. I have a meeting with my boss this week and I know that will help with the nerves. But just wondering if anyone else is going to be facing this soon.

    Also- been on tamoxifen for a month now and I still can't discern any SEs. So maybe that's good news for those of us on tamoxifen/hormonal therapies. Still have my fingers crossed that nothing shows up.

    Again, will read up tonight and tomorrow to find out how everyone is. It's nice to be back home though!