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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Seems like great news all around--Congrats on the clear results for JSW and Mmahle 46.

    Cal--Glad to hear you are doing well.

    I can't believe March is already here---feels good to know that spring is around the corner. I am back at the gym a few times a week trying to build up my cardio (which is pretty s*** now!). Hope everyone else is doing well.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Congrats to all, I love good news.

    11 rads down, 17 to go.

    TMI alert but chemo sisters will understand... I've spied some hair growth, in the basement!  Wish it was on the roof!  (c:

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Mmhale46 Congrats on the clear CT, hopefully your docs can figure out why you are having headaches.  Maybe it is from stress?

    Rachel Good for you getting back to the gym and Adey you are making good progress on the rads!

    I just got a little bit more good news - my rad onc's office called to say that they want to do the simulation sooner!  So now I'm scheduled for the 14th instead of the 23rd, which I hope means I will get to start rads about a week earlier than I originally thought!

  • Mmahle46
    Mmahle46 Member Posts: 44

    LOL Adey that is too funny! You are almost 1/2 way through Rads YAY!!!

    Awesome Jsw sooner you start the sooner you can get done.

    Yes my headaches could be from stress.  Our daughter is in the Marines and is going to Afghanistan Cry in 10 days and the other 2 20 year old girls are giving me grief.  So it could be stress for sure.   

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Omaz: I'm good thanks, trying to stay busy so I don't fret over my scan results, which I'll get Thursday.

    Adey: I also have hair growing back in the basement AND on my face/chin!! At least my legs are still hair-free.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Congrats to all on your good news!  Good for everyone.

    As for hair, silver whispers on the roof, stubble on legs, thankfully mustache and beard have not returned and nothing in the basement!   

    I played my birthday in the daily numbers which I never play and I did not even know how to place my bet!  In any case, I won $333!!  It was fun!

    Good day-

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy:  Woo hoo!! Now, don't become a compulsize gambler :)

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lady:  I got the hair on the face, kind of like manly sideburns.  The good news is I think it is finally thinning!! 

    Calam:  You sound like you have a great, positive attitude now.  I am glad to hear you are doing well! 

    Congrats Lizzy!!


  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Kel - Good to hear that you are feeling better physically and mentally.  I'm so sorry about your dad.  It's good that you have a community of support around.

    Hair - I'm 3 months out and I finally have full coverage upstairs and down.  I also started shaving my legs again and am getting stubble.  For awhile I would shave and nothing would grow for several days, but it seems to be coming in faster now. :-)

    I've been working out at my "Living Strong/Living Well" class at the YMCA and I've noticed a HUGE difference in my strength.  My cardio came back first, but now my muscles are regaining a lot of strength and I'm able to do some stretching, which was excruciating for a while.  Working with the weights has been just fantastic!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333
    jsw - congrats on the good news!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Texas: has a body parts flashcard test!  Whoot whoot!!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Ckp: how did it go on Johns Hopkins?
  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Just wondering if any ladies got their monthly back? I have had signs but so far nothing.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Iowa: no but I have been craving chocolate which is usually the first sign!
  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    I just had my ovaries out, so I'm done with that monthly crap, hoooorrraaayyyy!! But now I have to come up with a new excuse for craving chocolate. I think I'll tell everybody it's a symptom of menopause.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lady, choclate is a feminine right and don't let anyone tell you any different.

    Kel I am so glad you got all of your meds sorted out. I had one panic attack when my mom was in a nursing home. She told me she remembered my deceased father, but not ME!  I was sitting next to her, she was talking to me and saying she didn't really remember me. Then a little later I gave her this cool, candy apple red, walker wheeled thingy, with a seat, hand brakes, a pouch and a basket,  and even a car cup, totally cool and she threw up on it, then threw up on it again.  I thought I was okay until I got in the car and couldn't breathe. A panic attack is something I hope to never repeat too.  It takes a lot to stick to it with your docs's toget your meds right. Half the time I am really unsure what came when and if it is significant or not. You NP sounds tremendously helpful.I am sorry for the loss of your father.

    Lizzy my hair suddenly appeared on my fac last week. Everywhere I had thin almost ransparent haoir on my face previously suddenly grew in long. I felt like a stuffed animal and I shaved it off yesterday before chemo. I couldn't have considered tweezing it as I would still be there doing it there was so much. One the edgges of my mouth hairs that were white actually had some brown among them, yikes, what a shock.  I will welcome the return of any haiur in the basement so that my pee will be directed where it belongs agian!!!! 

    My husband is out of town weekdays again for the next three weeks. I am accoustomed to this after over thirty years of it but I am still not liking it. 

    I finished 24 out of 36 rads so far and then I go to Arimidex.  Not looking forward to any SE's from that. I started reading about it a bit and kind of wished I hadn't. My ROnc says to stay on these anti hormonals once we start because they do save lives and that too many women are stopping them and it is costing lives. Ohh.

    Hugs everybody. 

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    Gingerbrew, As soon as my rads are done I, too will be joing the arimidex party.  Rad dry run (I call the "stimulation") on Monday, read deal Tuesday.  The amount of fluid drained and the results made the RO very happy.  He said "It looks much flatter, not as tight".  I wanted to paint another man part analogy, but held off.  You know the RO's typically are a little low on the social skill ladder.  I think we'll get along, he is an Atlanta southern boy.  His technician told me he is very precise (trans anal) and a very good doc.  So let the rads begin. libraylil
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning Everyone!

    I have been told not to expect to get my "friend" back.  I am 48, so I guess they just assume the chemopause will become permanent.  I certainly hope they are right, because my last period, if you guys remember, lasted from August to January!! I think I have had enough!

    Ginger:  That pee comment was hysterical...I just spit water all over my computer screen...LOL!! How's the baby doing??  Any new pics?

    Have a great day everyone!


  • Ginger yes - very unpleasant are those panic episodes!  I had never had one before until the whole mess  in January.  Mine weren't for any reason which made it particularly difficult-nothing except waking up in the morning would trigger it and it would last all day long -knots in my stomach, etc.  I'm glad to be done with them and hope they stay far far away.  It really gave me a deep empathy for people who suffer anxiety disorders for long periods of time.  It was so frightening - I kept thinking something terrible was happening - I was going to pass out or have a heart attack, etc. 

    I am resentful towards my oncologlist for saying that this was NOT a symptom of tamox, when I did research online and found that I absolutley was not alone!  I read about women who were on the verge of suicide and I'm appalled that she tried to tell me that it wasn't a side effect.  I also lost about 8 pounds on the tamox (that, I must say, a side effect that I miss!) and she told me that was NOT a side effect; well, right in the tamoxifen literature it lists weight loss!  So yes it is. 

    I don't know what to do moving forward as far as a doctor.  I am wondering if it's time for me to move on and find another oncologlist.  I'm unsettled that TWO WEEKS after I ended up in the ER with weakness on one side and tremendous vertigo, that she decided to do bloodwork to rule out a clotting disorder.  Never mind the two weeks in between that I was on the tamox!  To this day I have not had another incident of extreme dizziness - yes, during the anxiety I have felt "bubbles" in my head but not that "falling over to one side" kind of dizziness.  She never told me to go OFF it for my surgery for the lump in my neck, etc.  I just don't know if I feel I can trust this doctor anymore and it may be time to find another one............

    Hope everyone has a great day!  I'm hoping for some warm weather so I can get out and clean up my driveway, front porch and yard.  Now that the snow is melting, it's uncovering a big mess!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

     lizzy thanks for asking, the visit went well. The doctor was very compassionate and wonderful with the kids. He felt my son's muscle tone has improved over time which is good and that cognitively he is doing very well so that will help him compensate. He thinks my daughter has a  little more muscle weakness but does feel she is making good progress and doesn't need to see them for a year. He did test the kids for a syndrome called pten syndrome. It's scary because it's associated with several cancers and when I googled it said breast cancer btwn ages 38-46. But he also said he uses the test alot because it's very broad but has never had  it come back positive. They did some other tests but I made sure it wasn't anything the results of which could hurt the kids getting insurance, employment etc.. down the line. He said there's alot of legislation now protecting genetic results. He also said that within 5 years he thinks they will be able to pinpoint the exact genes affected because the science is moving forward so fast. I hope they're working on a cure just as quickly!

    kel  glad to hear you are feeling better. I've been having that panicky feeling every once in a while lately and it's awful. I have started Tamoxifen and luckily no side effects, but I did feel the anxiety before I started. I think I just need some more distance between me and this whole ordeal and I'll feel better.

     I am having surgery tomorrow, having my permanent implant exchange. I will be glad to get rid of these chest rocks - the implants are supposed to feel softer. My neighbor is taking the kids to school for me. She said, oh I know people who have had tummy tucks but not breast implants:-) Not quite the same but I think it's just one of those things which people havent been through don't understand. There's a couple in their 80's down the block, very sweet, but lately I notice the husband talking to my chest. The wife knew I was having a bmx. They have to overexpand the te's so now I'm bigger than I was before so he's probably wondering what the heck is  going on. So it's funny but a little creepy....Anyway, wish me luck tomorrow. I was worried about the kids but since I'm coming home the same day they seem ok and they're staying at grandma's this weekend.

    take care


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Good luck Carolyn at least that is something more positive that happening to you.

     I want the Diep recon. and its set up for Oct. I had no desire at all to have implants, so all natural for me plus the bonus tummy tuck as a side benefit, which I need after the 15+ some Lbs. I have gained since being diagnosed. I just hate the long wait to get it done but they thought I need to wait until after hercp. and the port get removed.

    I am 45 and was told not to expect monthly back but I do get symptoms like the monthly headache and general feeling like its about to happen. I hope it doesn't I too have 2 months of having it Sept. and Oct. and was having heavy cycles before BC. So glad its gone.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Good luck Carolyn. I'm supposed to have my exchange March 30, if I don't have to change it. Supposedly, it's not a bad procedure. I've said a prayer for you.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good luck Carolyn.  Glad to hear the visit at Hopkins was positive!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Good luck Carolyn!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, chemosabes and radicals-

    I had my first bit of alcohol tonight..a shot of blackberry vodka!!! Just one and it was good...very smooth!

    Sptmm: I would not call "it" a friend...more like satan! I kind of hope satan does not come back for me!

    Ginger: just my luck I will get sasquatch hair on my face! Don't worry about what you read about Arimidex...I have been on Tamox just over a week and the only thing I notice is I am getting hot/heated while attempting to drift off to sleep but I would not call it a flash. Congrats on almost being done with rads.

    Kel: a lot of people have problems with tamox. If you look at the numbers on it and the percentages of those who have problems, body wise, it is a big number.

    Ckptry: ROFLMAO on the 80 y/o talking to your chest!!!!! A man's libido NEVER dies! I volunteered with the elderly and, not joking, one man was sexually active at 92!!!! That is great that your daughter does not have to go back for a year...great news. As for Pten syndrome and the bc 38-46 potential for dx, by then it will probably be like the cure but very treatable. I seriously don't think cancer is going to go on being the threat it is today. We are hitting critical mass with the baby boomers moving on in years and hitting the healthcare system all at once. I do think great things are going to come out of such a huge number of individuals plowing through the system with all sorts of maladies.

    Best of luck with the swap out and may the force be with you!

    Tex: what is going on, woman?! Are you busy doing those practice tests? Btw, if you are intending to try to get in for the September semester, take the TEAS about 2 months before. Do ½ hour (or more) of practice exams each day and then order the flash cards and other study materials about 1 month before. Be methodical...the stronger you come out of the TEAS, the better getting accepted is going to be. I would imagine you are trying to get in for Jan 2012 though, right? Let me know. Hope you are well.

    Time to play some spider solitaire and then watch "Entourage!"

    Goodnight all-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Cal- So glad to hear from you! Medication or anything natrual for that matter is a fine balancing act. I am glad your natural doctor was able to get you feeling better. Whats the added % for you on tamox? If its low like under 10% I'd also say you're better off not going through those SEs :)

    About your Oncologist- trust is a big thing in any relationship- personal or professional and if you feel you cant trust her then it may be time to find another one. It does seem odd that she said a few things were not SE of tamox yet one of them was listed as a SE and the other many women had experinced as well.... It may not be the most common SE but she should still know about it! Good luck with your oncologist situation :)

    Adey- Okay so totally my downtown hair is growing SOOOOOOOO much faster than my headhair. Also my under arm hair! I had to shave for the first time since starting chemo! Of all the side effects we get why cant the leg/underarm hairloss stay instead of nuropathy?????

    Mmhale46- Are you on tamox? for the last couple of days i have had some killer headaches, i just started T and i think that may be the cause of mine.... SO happy to hear the CT came back clear!

    Lizzy- I always think of playing my anniversary in the lotto- never done it before and also have NO clue how to LOL, ive seen the papers with the fill in the number circles like tests have, so i figure something like that- any plans on spending that $333? Spa day????? Awesome gonna check out the website.

    Iowa- SO strange cuz i asked my dr about menstruals and he said i shouldn't get mine back because i was on tamox now and its an estrogen blocker- well not even 2 days after he said that i have a full blown period! I havent had one for over 3 years so i was totally unprepared! Had to rush out to the store to get "stuff" lol my panty liners were not doing the job!  I have heard of people getting theirs back after a couple of months and also of them not getting it back at all so its a real crap shoot!

    libraylil- I start on monday and have my dry run on friday so i'll be a day ahead of you! How many tx are you getting? I am getting 33.

    ckptry- too funny about the old man staring at you! WIth my lack of a chest i have noticed a few ppl staring LOL i think they are thinking- where the heck are her boobies LOL its funny cuz i look a little butchy cuz of the hardly any head hair as well LOL

    Glad the kids are doing well-, its so sad to think the results of a test now may hurt them getting insurance later- I have had enough with this insurance bullshit maze with hoops to jump through in order to be covered! Hopefully we get a working health plan in place for those like your children or myself (stage 4) to be covered regaurdless and at the same cost as a "healthy" person... (sorry for my little vent LOL)

    Lizzy- I am wanting to start the fall program, i was actually supposed to take my test yesterday but DH was on-call for work and i couldnt chance not having childcare, so i postponed it til after my rads is over- darn rads being M-F donst give me a chance to take the test til i am done with them.... Just more studying time! Are you testing to go into the Jan or Sept class?

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Mmhale46 Well that definitely sounds like a lot of stress.  You and your daughter are in my thoughts, I hope she has a safe deployment.

    Lady I'm thinking about you too as you get your scan results today, hopefully it will be good news.

    Ckp I hope your surgery goes well today.  That is great that you get to go home the same day.  Also interesting about the pten stuff with your kids.  I had thyroid cancer 7 years ago and now bc, so the genetic counselor I met with referred me to a pten study.  I have been meaning to fill out the paperwork and send it in but just haven't gotten around to it. 

    Texas I can't believe that your onc said not to expect to get your period on Tamox - my onc said the exact opposite!  He told me that with Tamox I would still get my period and also get the lovely menopause-like side effects.  I took Lupron injections during chemo to try to protect my ovaries so I have not had my period since July but my last injection was in January and chemo ended at the beginning of February so I expect I will get my period sometime soon.

    Hair So far I am only seeing growth on my head but it is really just a tiny stubble and very light color so I have to practically smash my face into the mirror to be able to see it.  I keep staring at it every day in the hopes that it will suddenly become full head coverage but so far no luck.  As much as I love the hats I have been wearing, I'm ready to stop wearing them!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    My chemo eyes can finally see some growth on the roof!  Woot.  Very light (can't tell what color yet) and short and sticking straight up, funny looking but I'll take it.  (c:  13 of 28 rads down.

    mmahle- prayers of safety for your daughter.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Forgot to mention- i signed up for a look good feel better meeting that my radiation oncologist's office has... its in april though- still it should be fun!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Texas- I'm going to one on Monday!