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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    LOL @ tex downtown hair, never heard it called that.

    I'm not on any hormonal crud, so i have no idea how it effects the monthly dept.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Periods - I haven't had one since August.  I'm 41 and started Tamox 6 weeks ago.  I haven't even had an inkling of one.  Nor have I had an inkling of a sex drive - but that is another conversation.

    Anyone else on Tamox experiencing night sweats?  The past 3 nights I have awakened at 4:00AM in a pool of sweat.  I sleep through the actual hot-flash, but I wake up because I'm cold.  I'm cold because I'm WET! (Annyoing....)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

     lisa -  I wake up feeling ever so slightly nauseous, start the hot flash, turn the fan on full blast,  lay in front of it for however long that takes, then get cold.  Half the time when I am cold I get the covers back on only to find out the hot flash wasn't over.  So SUCKS!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am SO not looking forward to hot flashes.  The remote control fan idea sounds good.

    I slept through my rads appointment today. It goes like this, go to bed at 12 midnight, watch a tv show. Try to fall asleep but don't, think of taking a sleeping pill but then decide I woun't have enough time left to take a pill. So fall asleep naturally and then sleep approximately 12 hours straight through! Me sleep is so screwed up I can hardly believe it. Now my last regular rad is tomorrow and then on Monday I begin boosts, ten of them. 

    If I did take the Lunesta I have it seems I sleep too long with it but since I sleep too long anyway, once asleep, maybe that is not a valid thought. Does anyone have that experience? 

    I am so tired of having BC, anyone else? Wouldn't it be great if we could say,"I am tired of this! Get out of here! I reject you!"  Maybe that is my problem, I rarely express anger. I honestly don't find too may things to be angry about but this cancer is pissing me off big time! 

    Love all of you


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    My sleeping patterns are completely screwed up..I was sleeping OK during the beginning of chemo and then by the end was having a hard time sleeping so Doc prescribed Zopiclone (generic name). It helped me get to sleep but I didn't sleep all night (My night sweats were pretty bad at the end of chemo). Then I stopped taking it for fear that I would next be in some rehab (!!)--then my sleep was terrible again..then Doc said to take it again as sleep is most important. I feel like I am in some terrible revolving door. I have tried meditation/relaxation, CD's, Melatonin--and still don't seem to have good sleeps. My mind doesnt' rest--strange--it isn't that I am thinking about cancer--it just doesn't rest. Whole thing from start to finish sucks! (I agree with you Ginger)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    My sleep is not great either and I don't want to take anything right now.  I think it is getting a little better but the hot flashes are the biggest problem.  I think it's probably about 5-6 a night at this point.  Some nights I just wish it was time to get up and it's only 1am. 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Good news on my scan today ladies.  No evidence of anything new. So I'm scheduled for staging surgery 3/16 where he'll do a total hyst and take out nodes and some other stuff to test to be sure there really is no other cancer around. Then we'll decide where to go next. Probably looking at more chemo, but maybe not as intense if I really am at Stage 1 ov ca. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers that went up for me. That makes all the difference. God is good!

    On sleep: If my hot flashes would let up, I think I'd sleep fine. Once I go to sleep, I can sleep for 10 hours if I don't have any reason to get up. But the covers off/covers on thing drives me nuts!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: I cannot agree with you more. You are singing to the choir, sister!  I am up until 4AM almost every morning, sometimes even 5, then I fall asleep for about 4 or 5 hours and that is it.  I feel run down, I sleep with a fan blowing on me and I just can't seem to get it together.   Sometimes I am able to fall back to sleep in the afternoon but not all the time.   I don't know if I am having nightmares about this whole ordeal or perhaps my mind does not want to let me go to sleep!   I don't know but it is frustrating and, to be honest, this latest trend seems to have taken hold since I started tamox.  I think that is the hot flashes. 

    Whatever it is, I can totally identify with your frustration.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    LadyInBama - Hooray!  So glad that the scans came back clear.  Hopefully this will be a minor setback.  :-)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lady Bama hooray!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    lady so glad you've gotten some good news. If the hotflashes really start to interfere Effexor can reduce them significantly.

     lisa I was on a medication once that caused night sweats. My gp recommended sites such as this . I ended up just stopping the med, but this may be an option since you need to take ther TMX. Glad to hear you're getting your strenght back.

     All, I'm sore form surgery but the implants are so much softer and more comfortable.


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lady:  Good news on the scans!! Congrats.

    I am with you guys on the sleep.  I am absolutely EXHAUSTED!! I try to get to bed by 10 and I am up at 5:45, so I should be okay.  But I wake up 4-5 times a night.  Can't say it is just hot flashes though.  I get them, sometimes wake up all sweaty.  I do have pain in my right hip that wakes me up if I roll over and sleep on that side, doctor things it is permanent nerve damage from the Taxotere.  I have to go see the neurologist on the 15th.  I am thinking of trying Melatonin to sleep straight through.  Anyone know how much to take?? Something has to give though....around 2 or 3 o'clock at work I can barely stay awake.  I have literally fallen asleep at my desk once or twice. 

    The doctors and counselors keep telling me about "adjusting to the new normal" , well let me just say the NEW normal sucks!!!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    sptmm - Onc nurse suggested 3mg melatonin with an old style antihistamine like benadryl for sleep.  I tried it but for some reason the brand of melatonin I picked upset my stomach so I have to look for another brand. 
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

          Quick question sort of off topic - can anybody recommend some good facial moisurizers. I think my skins looking older lately w/ more fine lines. Also, I have these two square frecckles that look like age spots (maybe they are age spots, lol). Anyone know how I can fade them. BC,  the gift that keeps on giving;  the hair is coming in grey and the skin's looking tired. Muat be a sign that I'm on the mend though - don't think I would've cared about it a month ago. The kids are staying at my mom's so dh and I will have the house to oruselves for the first time in a loooong time. We really need it!

         Everyone have a great weekend!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ckptry: Skin...I have the answers!  On a daily basis I use Clinique's dramatically different moisturizer.  Lancome, however, has come out with some excellent replenishing products, as follows: "Absolue Premium (it has a little fancy "B" with a small "x" after it)" for replenishing and there is also a "High Resolution Collaser-5x" which is an intense collagen anti-wrinkle serum.  For eyes, I use Lancome's "Renergie Eye" which is a specific anti-wrinkle and firming eye cream.   Consequently, I used more Lancome during chemo to try to alleviate, best I could, some of the awful effects of chemo on the skin.

    For body I use Lancome's "Nutrix Royal" which is an intense restoring lipid-enriched lotion.  

    Pre-chemo, I would use the Clinique 3-Step and their eye cream.  Once per week I would use the more intense Lancome items.  Also pre-chemo I used "Body Butter" from "The Body Shop" on my body.   I would use Nutrix Royal again, once per week.  Saturday was for Lancome and Sunday for steam!  

    Seeing as you and I cannot go in saunas anymore (I am very sad about this one),  I also, usually once every few weeks (use my blackberry for reminders) steam my face with lemon slices in the water.  I then take Vitamin E capsules, poke a hole and apply it directly to my face.  The Vitamin E takes a long time to soak in but it is worth it.

    Congrats on the swap out surgery.  It must just feel good to get it done.  I hope your soreness goes away in a few days and you are feeling better.  

    Good day-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady....Congrats. I am so happy to hear the news!

    I purchased some melatonin--it is sublingual--you can take 1 or 2....I'm not sure that it worked on me other than getting a bit of a headache. Ahhhhh...a good nights sleep would be what I would like for sure.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    great lizzy, thanks for sharing:-)


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Why can't you go in to saunas anymore?

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Carolyn: I use effexor, 75 mg. It doesn't help. Do you take it? What dosage?

    Skin: I love Clinique's products, but they are a little pricey for me now that I don't work. I've been using ROC's anti-aging nite time serum. It works great. It's in a small tube, but lasts a long time. It has retinol in it, so don't use it if your skin is sensitive. It gets good ratings from the pros too. Check out their web site; you used to be able to download a $10 coupon there. Also, Olay products work well and are inexpensive. Either of these you can buy in drugstores or at Walmart.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    IowaSue - the LE therapist told me that heat can aggravate lymphedema, maybe that is why saunas are a no-no??  She told me no hot tubs.
  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    lady no I haven't been taking the effexor, so far no night sweats.I'm sorry it isn't working for you.


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    I had 7 LN out on left side and 2 on right side nobody told me this. I have been in a hot tub like 5 times gezzzz I wish all the Drs would tell the same things. Saunas are actually recommended to prevent cancer, must be before you all ready have it.

    FYI I am pretty sure you can use temp. color on your new fuzz on top. I went to cosmetology school so many years ago, but it does come back to me lol there is such a thing as temp. hair color just apply after you shampoo its a rinse. I bought a dark brown today and rubbed some on my slate colored hair and it did give it a nicer color. You could probably use a 30 day color also because it doesn't have the chemicals in it. But always ask you Dr.1st. I'm past GI Jane looking alittle more like Jamie Lee Curtis.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ckptry:  a little info on the brown spots:

    Brown spots on the face are often treatable via medication, dermatology treatments or excision. Age spots and melasma and other hyperpigmentation conditions may be treated with oral or topical medications, laser therapy, chemical peels or dermabrasion. Raised lesions such as moles or keratosis spots are usually removed by freezing, excising or laser treatments.
    # Most brown spots on the face are preventable. Sun exposure is the most common culprit in skin discoloration. Sun damage may not show up until later in life, but too much sun even as a child can significantly increase the chances of developing hyperpigmentation. The best defense against brown spots or more serious skin conditions is covering the skin as much as possible when outdoors. This includes longer sleeves, hats and sunglasses. Sunscreen should be applied as a part of a daily regime, especially on the face where sun exposure is most prevalent.

    What you also might want to do is find a creamy exfoliator you like (I can recommend one, of course!) and use a slice of loofah...real loofah and not those colorful balls sold with strings attached for showering!   Just be careful when buying loofah because there has been some drama about the safety of wild loofah.  Bottom line, a lot of this stuff, including wrinkles, is caused by dead skin cells just lying on the skin surface.  When you apply moisturizer all you do is move them around.  The only thing that gets rid of dead skin cells is exfoliating with a good loofah.

    As for the expense of these products, yes, you might spend $300 on yourself 2 times a year in products but if you can buy new skin for less, let me know!!!!!   Also, you have to think about what you do for yourself, truly for yourself and not the family etc.., and then decide if it is an investment you want to make.   I heard someone rave the other day about that Cindy Crawford stuff which I would never use but, in the end, none of it is cheap.  In fact, Clinique's Daily Moisturizer is less expensive than some of the Olay products AND it is been on the market for over 40 years I believe.  They have also never changed the formula so there must be something good in it! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello former chemosabes and our remaining radicals! 

    I hope you are all doing well this morning...just past midnight here in CT.  I am sorry I have not posted the past few nights but I have been busy and "American Idol" really has my attention this year.  I *never* watched the show before but Steven Tyler was a huge draw for me.  They say it is more successful than ever with this panel and that they have garnered more musical talent...well, no have Steven Tyler and J Lo!   In any case, it was hard for me to vote because so many of them are so good.   If this is my biggest problem, I should only be so happy!

    Lady: I am so, so glad your scans were clear. Whew....that is very good news. I bet you are extremely relieved! So glad you went for that ooph! What a load off your mind. I am very happy for you.

    Iowa: on the saunas, anyone with TE's or implants should not be going into saunas. The high heat can actually cause them to melt and/or fail. Steam rooms the same thing. I absolute love the sauna and was thinking of getting one before bc showed up. I am so disappointed about not being able to go back in now. I really love the steam rooms also but the same applies. All the hot heat way of drawing impurities out of our bodies is, for those of us with recon, off the menu.

    Sptmm: what are your plans this weekend? I am hoping you have rest on your schedule as every weekend it seems you are off to a sporting event etc... ! Finally, we will be in the 50's here but, of course, some clouds. Can you not even wait for one, single, nice, warm weekend in April!?! I just can't wait. I hope you are having some fun for yourself these days.

    Iowa: hot tubs, unless it is at your home, should always be avoided. Just think of having a stock pot as big as a house and swirling a bunch of human beings around in that thing for a few months....can you just imagine the fungus?! My GP told me a while ago no public hot tubs and, in fact, it is better to just have a jetted tub. In any case, I think the problem with LE and hot tubs is if you have a cut etc... the chemicals used to treat hot tubs (fungus tubs!!) can get in your body. Of course, none of us can risk anything so cavalier now!

    Well, I hope you all have a nice weekend. I am going to try to get some yoga in this weekend. I so want to be in great shape my kickboxing days! I lament the passing of my great body but it takes so much to keep it up. Oh well...if I want it again I will find the energy and enthusiasm to be that woman again.

    Good night-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    LadyBama I use Effexor at 150 mg a day. I do not think it reaches the level of efficacy at lower doses. Of course it may be different if it is being used only for hot flashes, I use it for depression. I was taking as much as 225 mg a day a few months before I was DXed. I was coming off of it, and due to SE's I am back on. I find a good antidepressant with no SE's that I noticed.

    I will know pretty soon when I start on Arimidex. I hope I don't get hot flashes, I hope yours go away and soon! 

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    iowasue  My hair started coming in completely grey (groan, I am not THAT old) at least I don't want to look that old.  I used a semipermanent color, Champagne Toast.  It blends with the roots so I don't get the big skunk stripe and frankly I am enjoying being a blonde. 

    My hair is not so much getting longer as getting thicker.  I see little baby hair coming in all over.

    Of course they made yearbook pics yesterday and me with 1 inch long hair.  Oh well.

    The thing about heat, I would have no idea had I not read it here.  I did not get any instructions on exercise what to avoid (except a handout with about avoiding needle sticks and bp on the affected side)  I meet with the ro nurse on Monday and I'm sure she will be much more helpful than the surgeons staff.  I told him one day there was no communication there at all.  


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    My hair came in pretty white but now at about 15 weeks I see more color coming in.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My hair is pretty consistent, white as it was previously. My hair began turning white when I was 16 years old but it was only in the last 4 or 5 years that I stopped coloring it. My eyebrows are coming in white, grey and brown. That is new because I have previously had no grey hair whatsoever. I hope the har on my head gets more filled in, it is looking a bit thin on the top.

    We are off to see our Granddaughter this afternoon.. Yeah Zoe! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ginger - My hair is still filling in, especially on the top and top sides.
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    Lizzy:  No rest for the weary here, but it is okay I like to stay busy.  We actually went to an Honors College breakfast today for my daughter.  CW Post, the university she wanted to attend, promised her at least $32,000 in academic and athletic scholarships, so she has made a verbal committment there.  She has downloaded a lot of other scholarship apps, so hopefully she can get some more money there.  Part of the academic money is for enrolling in their Honors program, so we went to meet the faculty and current students today.  It was very nice, and while we were touring the campus the sun came out and it was absolutely gorgeous.  It only lasted about 1/2 hour...but it revived my spirit and faith that Spring is just around the corner.  The afternoon was spent with my youngest son attending a hockey game..our beloved New York Islanders.  My oldest son got us tickets from someone he knows...we were first row, right against the glass.  It was great!  Thanks for the skin tips.  I definitely have to start paying attention to that, I think the chemo aged my skin....I am beginning to notice wrinkling.  How is your search for scholarship opportunities going?

    Rachel:  At the game today my son's favorite player scored...John Tavares.  When they put up his pic and hometown, I noticed he is from the same town as you...Mississauga, ON!  I guess he must have played youth hockey in some of the same leagues as your boys.  He is a great player, and we are very happy to have him!!

    Libraylil:  Don't worry about the look great! And if you ever have occasion to see the yearbook down the road sometime, you will say, "yup, that is the year I kicked cancer's A$$!".

    Omaz:  Thanks for the tips on sleeping, I am definitely going to try the Melatonin soon.  I think I have reached that point of desperation. to church.  Have a great night everyone!
