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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel-Your osteopath sounds great! The greatest part is that he embraces both the AMA and alternative approaches.

    When I was looking further into some of what you wrote, I stumbled on this little nugget!  Now I know why they are called aromatase inhibitors, as follows:
    Estradiol, like other steroids, is derived from cholesterol. After side chain cleavage and utilizing the delta-5 pathway or the delta-4 pathway, androstenedione is the key intermediary. A fraction of the androstenedione is converted to testosterone, which in turn undergoes conversion to estradiol by an enzyme called aromatase. In an alternative pathway, androstenedione is aromatized to estrone, which is subsequently converted to estradiol.

    Estradiol is also a sex wonder the feeling is gone!

    It is interesting about the tissue testing and certainly $100 seems to be a nominal amount of money and well spent at that based on the invaluable information that could be uncovered.

    I never heard anything about the PH state of the body. Never once. That is also very interesting. Does this mean that we should be testing our bodies regularly, even perhaps weekly, to see that our alkaline is not out of a healthy range? I am going to look into that more.

    Living in CT, home of Lyme, it is nice to know that some doctors are aware and of the 4 different species of lyme disease. Connecticut is a mess with lyme disease and in Fairfield County (the deer know where to eat!) it is a real problem. A few years back I wrote a proposal to the DOT and cc'd the Governor about a way to deal with some of this through a municipal underwriting. They were not interested. Do you know there is no formal plan for dealing with deer carcass in NY or CT? For this reason deer canabalise each other inadvertently. When the deer hits a certain point of deterioration the other deer can't tell it was once a deer and they dine on it. It is awful.

    On the tamox, a lot of people take 10 mgs in the morning and 10 at night. Did you try that? There are some herbs that have a deleterious relationship with tamox. You should look into that as well.

    The study where progesterone inhibited proliferation of the T47-D and sent them into apoptosis was very interesting. I guess to have a PR+ bc means if your bc cells accept progesterone, then progesterone gets in and send bc cells into aptosis. The cells open their doors to their demise! Beautiful!

    In any case, it is all very interesting and I wish you the best going forward with this osteopath. You really should research what herbs tamox interacts with negatively to see if you are taking something that was inadvertently causing you trouble when combined with tamox.

    The osteopath sounds great, though. Good for you!

    LADY:  glad you are doing well!  Great to hear from you.   Glad you are home.

    Well, time to do the crossword! -


  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    5 rads down, 29 to go!

    Lady So glad to hear you are home and doing well.  Good for you for recovering so quickly and getting back home!

    I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!  I am scooting out of work early this afternoon to run some errands and then I have a full weekend of home cleanup activities on my schedule.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Lady, it's so good to hear from you so soon! We are "toughies" (as my 7 yr old says), but take it easy over the next couple of days!

    All- is anyone going to a lymphedema specialist, like a physiotherapist that specializes or an occupational therapist? If so, would love to hear how it's going. My left arm is acting up and I think I have "truncal lymphedema", where the fluid builds up in the torso. I had an ultrasound, they saw nothing but said, "get yourself to a lymphedema physio". I didn't know that I could get lymphedema with only 3 nodes taken out. Jeesh.

    Have a great weekend. We're doing some bike riding and craft making. Fun. Lizzy- I like your idea for crosswords....I'm going to see if I can download a crossword app. Or maybe finally figure out how the heck to do a Soduku! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Sweeney - I am going to LE specialist.  She is certified LANA and CLT.  She helps with both the LE and the axillary web syndrome cording.  My cords are getting less painful and I can move my arm more (yay).  If you are having swelling do get an appt with LE therapist ASAP.  You want to nip it in the bud.  Get a sleeve, make sure you get one long enough and not too tight at the top.  See the step up,speak out website and also search LE here, lots of great help.  Members kira, lago and binney helped me through my hard time!  Feel free to PM if you want.

    Lady - Glad to hear up are up and around!  Don't do too much even though you are feeling good.

    Cal - I am thinking now that I had a lot of 'anovulatory' periods where I don't think I ovulated.  I think these type of periods don't cause an increase in progesterone - maybe all that unopposed estrogen was part of the problem.  I am thinking twice about taking the megace now that the onc recommended!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lady--glad to hear you are home. Always feels better recovering at home.

    Mara... I went to one once but she said I didn't have any signs of LE so wasn't necessary to pursue. She did show how to do own LE massage but of course, prob forgot how about 5min later.

    Looks like it will be beautiful weekend here. I am "trying" a 5km in May and was running on treadmill but will run outside today! Cousins bridal shower tomorrow!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    SPTMM62- sometimes they call and sometimes they wont even when i got scans done at the same place. i think it depends on your nurse, or whomever did the test because they sometimes like to just fill you in... Not an omen or anything!

    Omaz- That game def wouldnt sell to non bc survivors- too bad we cant return our real life game!

    jsw19- how are you liking rads thus far???

    lizzy- does you brain feel lke it gonna explode lol MINE DOES too much studying!

    Lisa that sounds AWESOME!!!!! Hope everything goes well!

    Calamity- Sounds like a great doc! Thats weird about hte progesterone, my birth control method had low dose of prog and my dr had me get off of it because i guess sometimes a cancer can "flip" its receptor status like go from neg to pos and he didnt want to chance me having my iud in if that happened...???? now i am confused LOL

    Lady Glad to hear from you! You rock and i will continue to pray!

    Sweeny- soduku is SO addicting!!!! really anyone can do it which is why its fun (we dont need to know all these fancy words LOL) i think they have how to guides online somewhere!

    Rachel- Way to go! I have honestly stopped a lot of my walking/jogging while i am doing radiation cuz i am being run ragged!!!! Its over april 15th and when that happens i am gonna get right back in there! (i wish i had a treadmill that way i could do it at night when the kids are asleep!)


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, girls-

    Congrats to all of those moving through rads and finishing up!   

    Ladies: we can ALL do crosswords!  Go to and do the daily.   It gives 3 levels of expertise so I believe everyone can find something suitable for themselves and banish the remnants of chemobrain forever!!!!!!  I used to do them with a group on the night train out of GCT when I worked in NY and commuted.  A bunch of us would take a poster out of one of the frames, plop down the NY Times crossword on it and get to work!  We almost always had it done by Stamford! 

    Omaz: I am so very glad the cording is abating.   I am so very glad to hear that.  

    Sweeney: hopefully you are not getting LE.  I do believe, however, that even with one lymph node taken out you are a candidate, as am I.   It is a fear of mine.  I would really encourage you to get like 2 lb handweights and do kickbacks (for triceps) and hammer curls (for biceps).  Also, while holding onto the handweights, drop your arms directly down in front of you so the weights are basically resting on your upper thighs and are end-to-end.  Slowly raise the weights until they are inline with your shoulders and under your chin.  This works your shoulders and gives your neck that great, muscular, defined look in an off-the-shoulder dress.  This works your trapezius (trap) muscles.  Also, try do to just 1 session of 20 minutes of yoga.  I use "Living Arts AM/PM" yoga series.   It is 20 minutes led by 2 revered yoga leaders.  Personally, and no one told me this and it is not a professional opinion but, I do believe weight lifting and yoga will help us fight LE.   I also think pilates and swimming are another 2 that will help.  

    Texas: yes, my brain does feel like it is going to explode!  I am studying a lot and very happy with what is coming of it all.  I am learning a lot.   Keep studying, Tex, as I think you are going to make a great, great nurse.   In fact, without having met you I can safely say I would welcome being your patient any day!  I can just tell you have a heart of gold.   That is what you really need to be a good nurse.

    Ckptry: where are you?  How are you?  I hope things are getting better.

    Rachel: ROCKIN' THE 5KM!!!!!!!!!  WHOO HOO!   Good for you.   Man, I am still struggling to get a decent pace going on that treadmill but practice makes perfect ;)  You will do it and you will do it well.  Perhaps you are going to come in first...we never know! 

    Sptmm: no snow!!!!!!!  YAY!  So glad we dodged that one.  I think it might be safe to say Spring is officially here!  Did you get the results of your scans?

    One habit I got into: I have a pc of fruit and a cup of green tea when I do the crossword.  It is a great combination!

    Good day, all-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzie--I HIGHLY doubt I would be first--perhaps if noone else showed up! Today, was first day that I tried to run outside and my shins were killing...hmmm...might have overdone it this week. So a brisk walk it is.

    Hair--I went to the hair place that I bought my wig from and who shaved my hair the first time and I got my hair coloured. My hair is regularly dark brown and it was growing in a brownish-ash colour---it was the strangest colour. They use an organic colour that is good for post-chemo. It is a better colour but because it is this organic colour stuff--it doesn't take the same as the regular chemical colours--so she said in about 6-8 weeks, if I decide to get another colour--it will be much more vibrant. The lady said that quite a few people have hair the grows in---in a "washed out" colour--I guess just another chemo gift. I will get hubbie to take pic and post.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

          I saw the onc yesterday and she said I have two options beside the tamoxifen. I can take monthly lupron injections plus arimidex, or no antihormonals, which she said is the least favorable option as I'm young she wants us to throw everything at it, etc..... Has anyone had the lupron? I notice it also mentions depression/anxiety among the side effects so I'm a little wary. I'm wondering if I could try the tamoxifen at half dose for a while and see if a more gradual increase works better. I feel really good now - wish I could just do the herceptin and keep my sanity;-). She said joint pain is a side effect of the arimidex and I said I could handle pain more than persistent panic attacks. However she said I need to do both because the arimidex won't stop my ovaries from producing estrogen. I have three weeks to decide.

        We had a 4th birthday party for my daughter Caitlin today, her actual birthday is on Tuesday. It was alot of fun. My sister had it at her house so I didn't have to worry about a thing. There was princess decor everywhere so my daughter was in heaven - she's a real "girly" girl:-)

    btw - I was getting  a card and birthday tiara yesterday and the clerk said let me guess - is it someone's birthday. I said yes, but she wears tiaras all the time - at least she has a good reason now. She said oh how cute - is she your first granddaughter? Gee thanks!


  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Lizzy  I am a huge fan of crosswords!  I haven't done them in a while but I need to make them part of my daily routine again. 

    Texas I am doing well so far with rads.  Only 5 done but so far no skin problems.  I burn pretty easily so I'm not sure how long it will be before I start to get red but so far, so good!  It sounds like you are getting close to being done!

    Rachel Interesting to hear about the hair - that it is common to grow in as a washed out color.  Mine is still too short and sparse to tell exactly what color it is going to be.  

    Carolyn I took lupron injections during chemo to shut down my ovaries and hopefully protect them from the chemo.  Personally I didn't notice any depression/anxiety, at least not any more than what seemed normal given that I had recently been diagnosed and I was having chemo!  It does put you into medically induced menopause so you will continue to have hot flashes and I also had some insomnia but again hard to say if that was due to the lupron, chemo, or general stress from it all.  Feel free to ask if you have other questions about it.

    Well I have spent the day working on repainting one of my bathrooms.  I had painted it a really bright green with dark blue-purple trim so it has taken what feels like a million coats of primer to cover it up.  Painting is hard work, my whole body aches now!  

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  Hope everyone had a great day.  Weather was finally nice here today!! We actually spent the day at my son's soccer games in Massachusetts today...little chillly but bright and sunny.  Tomorrow my daughter and I will be attending Accepted Student's day at the college she will be attending next Fall.  It is a very pretty campus and I am looking forward to walking around on a nice sunny Spring day. 

    No results yet on the tests.  I called again Friday morning and the "test coordinator" said she forwarded my results to the Nurse Practitioner who forwarded them to the doctor on call for "further instructions".  She said she would get back to me as soon as she got them back.  Well, needless to say the day passed and no call.  I am now resigned to the fact that I will not get the results until my Tuesday morning appointment.  But that's okay.  I know this is going to sound really hokey, but at church this morning I felt a sense of peace come over me, and actually had the thought pop in my head that everything was going to be okay.  I believe that, so I am okay with waiting. 

    Lizzy:  Got a small container of GNC vanilla and Taylor liked them.  Thanks.  She wasn't too kean on the banana idea however, she doesn't like bananas.  That's a great idea about doing the crossword to combat chemo brain.  I am definitely going to start.  How's your wound doing? 

    Ckptry:  That party sounds great!! Tiaras and 4-year-old girls are a perfect match!!  I wish you the best of luck with your decision.  I don't have any advice because I don't know much about the process, but I would just listen to the doctor's explanations and then make a decision.  Remember, we can do everything perfectly (including taking Tamoxifen) and get a recurrence, so be comfortable with making the best decision you can given your body's tolerances and that is all you can do. 

    Calam:  That doctor sounds great!  He sounds like the kind of doctor I would like, midway between nature and medicine.  I have heard about PH balance in your body and connection to susceptibility to disease, but I have never had testing for it.  Good luck, I hope he finds a combination between the natural and the medical that you are comfortable with. 

    Omaz:  Glad to hear that you are having some resolution of your symptoms with the therapy, that's great!!  I bet the swimming is helping too. 

    Sweeney: I haven't seen a lymphedema therapist either, but I have been wondering about that truncal lymphedema.  There is an area of my breast, close to the axilla, that is very swollen and a little tender.  I have also begun to have a bloody discharge from my nipple on that side, so I am going to call the radiation oncologist on Monday.  I know she told me after rads that I could expect a bloody discharge because the nipple was in the area of the boosts, but I am now 3-1/2 months post rads so I am not sure if this is normal now.  I am going to ask them about the swollen area and truncal edema too.  I will post any info I get. 

    Rachel:  Good luck with the 5K...I am sure you will be fine with it by May.  Take it slow and steady!! My son signed me up for a 4K next Sunday.  Of course, I am going to walk it, very fast!! I am not quite up to running yet.  But all four kids are doing it, so I will to. My daughter's best friend has a younger sister with Autism and this is an Autism Walk/Run, so we will all proudly represent Gianna!

    I hope everyone is having good weather this weekend and enjoying the sunshine and their friends and family! 


  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Well hello to all.  I don't really know why I have not been around lately.  Maybe I have been trying to put cancer out of my thoughts, but if so, it doesn't make any sense because even four months since my last chemo, I am still dealing with it.  Not just emotionally either.  My body doesn't feel very much different than it did when I was still in chemo.  I have had one thing after another go wrong; I am still weak, short of breath, recurrent fevers and infections, easily tired, etc.  I have a little bit more energy, but even my oncologist says that he's not surprised that I don't feel better yet.  I've also had a few scares along the way.  At one point we thought it had spread to my brain.  I was having a slew of symptoms -- bad headaches, confusion, loss of balance, I even began to lactate in my other breast which is pretty weird for someone who has never been pregnant and who has been post-menopausal since the age of 33.  We did bunch of tests and finally ruled it out.  Then we found a spot on my lung in a chest x-ray, and again did a bunch of tests and ruled it out.  We also discovered I have another immunodeficiency disease I didn't know about.  

    Anyway, it hasn't been an easy time.  Sad to say, one of the most difficult things is how much weight I have gained through this whole experience (you might remember that I have a long-term, very entrenched eating disorder and bipolar disorder, and not being able to control my weight reaks havoc on my mental status).  I was wondering if anybody else has had this problem.  My onc says it's very common, but I can't stand it.  I've only very recently been able to exercise, but I don't overeat or anything like that, but I can't seem to do anything about the weight.  It's not that I want to look like a supermodel (contrary to much public opinion about eating disorders, being thin is not what it's about; it's much deeper and much more pathological than that), it's just that I don't even recognize the body I see in the mirror.  I remember reading that chemotherapy changes your body composition, creates more fat and breaks down muscle mass, and changes the distibution of body fat. So not only am I heavier, but I'm shaped differently, and I am more fat than muscle for the first time in my life.  Anyway, I don't want to go on too much about it, but if you are struggling with the same thing, could you please let me know, and tell me how you're dealing with it.

    I am still giving my all to approach this disease and its fallout with positivity and gratitude that I am alive to deal with it.  I allow in the good moods, and fight against any negative thoughts (though the weight thing/body image is usually stronger than I am).  I am grateful to my doctors, my family, my friends, and to you, my chemosabes, even though I haven't been around for a while.

    I'd like to be back in the fold, though, and I have always continued to think about each of you. 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    wherria - I have missed you and am so glad to hear your news!  Chemo also changed my body fat distribution.  I have a 'fat floaty' now around my middle.  In fact when I started back to the pool I notice how easily I float now, sortof like a marine mammal all I have to do is move my arms and legs and I move along the surface.  I don't have to spend much effort at all STAYING at the surface.  I am also working to take the chemo pounds off.  Glad you are here again and sorry to hear of all the trials along the way, glad they turned out to be ok.  (((hugs)))
  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Wherria! It's so good to hear your "voice" again!:) I know exactly what you're talking about. I had a bit of a scare too, it was terrifying and exhausting and made me want to forget every dogforsaken minute of this ordeal. So I get why you were away for awhile, I was too. Glad you're back though.

    And I know we won't be on this board with eachother forever but I hope that we always keep it on our email update list. It would be nice to always know, that no matter what, if one of needs the others in the years and decades to come we can always pop back in and support each other.

    On weight. I'm in a constant battle right now. Mentally and physically. My middle is so soft and I've developed a double chin that wasn't there before. I weigh the same, my clothes all fit again, but I'm definitely NOT the same shape. It's one of the hardest things for me. I feel like I left any youth I had left in me at the door when I finished chemo.

    Happy Sunday everyone. I hope there's sun where you are!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Sweeney- True.  I got up from the porch swing this morning and hobbled back into the house.  Reminds me of the scene in 'The Electric Horseman' when Robert Redford character Sonny Steele gets up in the morning after sleeping out on the ground around the campfire and the Jane Fonda character asks him if he is injured - and he says something like 'no, some parts just wake up slower than others'.  Yup, I think I have some parts sleeping in till noon!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, girls-

    Ckptry: granddaughter?! Well, based on what I see on the "Jersey" shows, the average age for a mom is 19 (!!!!!!!!!!) so perhaps it is a compliment!? She might not have vision insurance also...certainly a possibility!  In any case, you look pretty young to me.

    Sptmm: glad Taylor liked the GNC Vanilla. I know it was sunny in Mass yesterday but it is cold up here! 50 degrees a spring day does not make! I hope it is a little warmer on the island today as you traverse the campus grounds.

    WHERRIA! You are back...good to hear from you. I have thought of you. A nurse at Yale said it best one day "breast cancer is not the cancer that will make you skinny." Unfortunately it helps to pack on some pounds. It also wreaks havoc with our chemicals and, I know you are in menopause, but the rest of us may or may not be in meno, which further adds to weight problems. Sadly I was thinking the other day with the amount of time I am going to need to workout daily to try to manage weight, I am not sure there will be time for meals! A good thing indeed. It is what it is. Don't let it get you down.

    Is that your new puppy in the photo?! I can't tell but good for you if it is....oh no, are my eyes going now?!?!?

    Sweeney: before bed, hold your tongue to the top of your mouth until you feel the muscles in your "chin" working and keep pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Do this until that muscle that holds the fat under your chin closer to your chin is fatigued and do it each night. FIGHT THE POWER! Effin gravity, menopause, chemo, bc, over-40-weight-issues...FIGHT THE POWER!

    Tamox headaches: anyone getting them? Well, the way I report most things on this board is after it has happened. So there I was getting those tamox headaches, around late afternoonish each day. I would lay down and hope they would go away and they usually did. This week, however, they seem to abate completely. For this I was happy until last night I woke up with such a wicked pain in my head, in one spot only. It was like someone had a manicotti in my brain and was shorting super balls, through the manicotti, to one spot on my head and it freakin' hurt. Guess where that spot is? The spot where they thought I had mets to the skull. I hate to say it, girls, but if cancer is going to kill you, by the time it does, you are ready to go anyway! I am only joking...don't get nervous!!!! In any case, as soon as I open my mouth about this I know I am going to be remanded to scan country. I still have it this morning but it is not as sharp as it was when it woke me up not once but three times last night.

    Joint pains: don't even get me started! My elbow is so bad, sometimes I can't even type. I get this pain in my neck which renders that side of my neck just about immobile and I do feel like I am 150 years old with these aches and pains.

    Alas we are all in the same boat but I am just not that forthcoming about my crummy aches, pains and SEs. This headache, and because it is so focused in one part of my head about the size of a half dollar, is scaring me.

    It is 51 degrees here and I am still clutching my little heater! I think the weather folks think we should be outside dancing in the streets....50 is NOT warm enough!!!

    Later, gators!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - you should come visit down here.  It was about 95 degrees yesterday.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Omaz: Hey, this is my Goldilocks story and that is TOOO HOT!  
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - Took me a minute, I'm thinking Goldilocks and for some reason came up with the Rapunzel story....Oh dear!  Yes it is too hot.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    BTW: I totally forgot to announce along with Omaz heading IT and her assistant in IT, JSW, we can add to that list Calamtykel and she will head up R&D for our thread!!!  Kel does a lot of work and brings research and valuable information to us so she has been promoted!
  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  Great day today.  Our campus visit was great, saw the dorms (which we hadn't seen before), met the coach (I hadn't met her before because I was going through chemo and my older daughter took Taylor to the visit), and scheduled all her classes.  She even hit it off so well with one of the other freshman coming in to play field hockey with her that they decided to be roommates (my first impression is they are like two peas in a pod..a little scary how alike they seemed)! A little windy and chilly, so weatherwise not so perfect, but bright and sunny!

    Wherria:  Glad to have you back!!! I am sorry you have had such a rough road of it!  I hear you on the bumps along the way, it can be very frustrating.  And everytime you tell someone about a problem, they test you for mets!!  I can tell where this is going to be a pain. 

    Omaz:  I am with Lizzy, I hate the cold, but 95 is too damn hot!  That marine mammal comment had me rolling.  I was laughing so hard my daughter looked over from the couch, wanted me to share the joke!!

    Lizzy:  I had those headaches for a while too.  I never got headaches before but for a couple of weeks I was getting them so I guess maybe they are Tamox related.  Like yours, mine seem to have abated too.  I am totally with you on the scanziety, but I think from this point forward, everytime we tell a doctor about an ache or pain, or any other symptoms they are going to be "ruling out mets".  I am beginning to think this is not going to be a fun way to live and I am definitely going to be selective about which aches and pains I share with my physicians from this point on.  I second Kelly as head of R&D, she seems to really do a thorough job!

    Sweeney:  Totally with you on the parts that sleep till noon....hips and knees...everytime I get up I hobble!  On the age, I definitely feel like I look much older now than before chemo!  So now I feel old, and personally I think I look old too. 

    I hope everyone had a great Sunday!  Back to work tomorrow, yuck!  I have been playing the lotto a little lately.....just want to win and quit my job!!!!!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Wherria--I am in the same boat. I have put on a lot of weight through this last year. After my rad hysterectomy for cervical cancer last May, I put on about 20lbs -- I am guessing from lack of moving for a while and just plain laziness. Then rolled right into breast cancer and treatment and put on more weight--I was one of those very lucky ones that seemed to be able to eat just fine through chemo--that combined with steriods made me a little "rollie pollie". Anyway, to combat it--or at least try to feel better--started exercising again and also follow Weight Watchers. It is hard as it seems to be very slow coming off--so far lost 5lbs but I do feel better for the exercise. Have a long way to go to get back to where I was but it will come gradually. As long as I see some improvement in both weight and energy--I will be happy.

    My body is really achey---sometimes get off the couch and feel like 100 years old. I seem to suddenly have some pins/needles in my hands---which I am guessing is Neuropathy that I never had during chemo but now seem to have...great.

    As for scans etc--it is so hard to determine what is probably just leftovers from chemo etc and what may need to be investigated. I ache all over so it would be hard to pinpoint. I am hoping to get through to my checkup without seeing my oncologist for other reasons!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    rachel - I have the pins and needles in my hands too!  Kindof like they go to sleep, esp my left one.  Also started after chemo.  Fingertips also get numb.  Kindof waxes and wans.
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Omaz---exact same as me....guess it is a gift from chemo. From what I have read, it can take a while to go away. I'll just add that to my aches and pains :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Speaking of numbness, more frequently than ever I wake up and a limb, usually arm, or an appendage, usually hand, has fallen asleep.  Never did I realize I could "sleep wrong" so much!   I wake up and sometimes I actually get scared when I have to go through the process of moving my arm around to get it to come back.  In all my life I have never woken up so much with "sleepy" arms and hands.

    Hopefully in 6 months we will all be thinner, feeling better and have more hair!  We must have faith that our current state of affairs will not become our lot in life! 

    Speaking of weight, the other day I cleaned out my kitchen cabinets.  I don't really keep a lot of can stuff etc... in my house because I don't eat it.   Low and behold, however, I found a can of tomato rice soup.  I decided I would have it for lunch.  My metabolism is fairly unforgiving anyway but sure enough, as I hardly ever use salt, the next day my face was puffy from the sodium.   I was amazed what an immediate and deleterious effect it had on me.  It is like I paid the bill immediately for eating that can of soup!   Salad and vegetables, protein shakes and animal protein, egg whites and tobasco....these are the things my life is made of now!  Just as well as I don't think my body will make anything good of much else.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Rachel and Lizzy - Reassuring to know we are all suffering the same.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: yes, indeed we are!   But I  will be damned if I am going to continue  like this.   Whatever it takes, I am going to win and chemo and bc are not going to leave me an 80 y/o feeling heap by the side of the road! 

    In a few weeks, I am starting a survivorship clinic.  It is at the hospital and runs for like 4 months or something and I go once per month.    You have to understand I am funny and find a lot of things funny!  More to this point, I asked them if I get mets will I be kicked out of the clinic!!!!  We must laugh! 

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Wherria Welcome back, it is good to hear from you again.  I'm sorry you have been having a rough time lately.  Hopefully things will begin to look up for you soon.

    Debbi It sounds like you had a fun weekend taking your daughter to visit her college.  Hopefully that was a nice distraction from your worries about your test results.  I think your appointment is tomorrow so I hope you get good news!

    I had rads #6 this morning, now only 28 to go! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    only 9 more rads to go! I started getting htis peeling skin area outside of the radiation field and the nurses figured out its where when my arms are raised for rads it folds onto itself and it getting irritated LOL

    SO far so good...

  • lol!  A promotion! :D  I hope some of the info I dig up can be helpful to someone.  I have a fairly obsessive personality, unfortunately, so when I start on something, I end up reading all I can on it!

    Wher!  Weight -YES my middle is bigger, but I haven't "gained". This really stinks!  I am doing all kinds of ab exercises - if I could afford it, I'd have a tummy tuck!  I definitely feel like I don't have the muscle that I did.  I have been running every day but had to stop and take it easy for the past week - my knees hurt!  :(  I don't know why; they didn't hurt before and I'm afraid it's all the hormones (or non hormones!) in my body causing joint aches.  I feel mentally like I'm getting old!  I refuse to do this............

    Carolyn - re: the shots to shut down the ovaries, it stands to reason that any hormone shift could cause depression/anxiety.  I think, and so does my osteopath, that chemo caused my ovaries to go into menopause.  I haven't had a period since August and this is me...who never missed a period since I was 14 - except when I was pregnant, so something's definitely amiss.  But with this and the other menopause symtpoms, I really don't feel anxious or depressed.  I have some slight mood swings but NOTHING like the ones I had with PMS!  That is a welcome relief.  If it were me, I'd rather have the shots than the tamoxifen.  My doctor didn't give me that option--just wanted to rip my ovaries out.....  I know there are alternatives to arimidex - I have a friend who couldn't tolerate it and she went onto Femera and is doing much better on that.