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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: yes, I had to just go home :( 

    Ginger: I had no idea that because I had a TE in my breast they could not MRI my head...seems strange but I guess it is because they keep me moving you back and forth through that magnetic ring so I could not go through it.  

    Sweeney: I don't know when the CT scan is but I think they really need the contrast of the MRI.  I half want to elect to get the other one removed, get the MRI and then start over on recon in a few months.  I shall see....

    JSW: yes, they have a metal port and, in fact, the PS uses a magnet to find the port to do fills.  Honestly, though, I, of all of my docs and people, should have remember.  It is just that this thing is nearly deflated and hugely useless.  I am so pissed that this nearly deflated foob is negating my option to get an MRI.  I am really pissed about that.  If it wasn't for this infection in the other breast site, I would have never had a TE in.  In fact, by the time it comes out, and unless I elect to have it out sooner, it will have been in 1 year.   That is crazy.

    Speaking of cleaning, I just went plowing through 2 drawers of my humongous 5 drawer lateral file cabinet searching for tax crap.  This is going to be an awful, pre-tax weekend :(   In any case, this is the first year I will be filing without an extension, on April 15th!   Good times...I do have to get to the accountant just slightly before the 15th for final touches.  

    I hope you enjoyed happy hour and dinner with the DH.   Sounds fun.  I actually, for the first time in months, had a few mojitos whiel out to dinner with a few friends and they went right down!!!!   I have not drank in a year so 2 mojitos gave me a nice buzz!

    I think I will fire up the magic bullet and mix up some liquid madness as I continue to search for documents that I filed/totally misplaced while on chemo!  I am NOT looking forward to this...

    Later, gators!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy I just realized you are coming up on a year since your diagnosis.  What a year, huh!
  • Sorry Lizzy!  I think we should lobby for a law that if you have BC you dont' have to file taxes that year!  We have been working for three weeks to get all our paperwork together for the online sales.  It's been a nightmare. I  never filed any state sales tax last year (didn't have any anyway since they were internet sales, but apparently I was supposed to file zero anyway) so that has been our nightmare- I just applied for, got a business registration number, which I thought I already had done in May, and filed that now, delinquently.  praying they don't bite me for this....:(  But what can you do.  Breast biopsy, four surgeries, chemo and losing my dad all in a matter of months - it's amazing we have anything to submit at all.

    I just got our final numbers together for the accountant and hopefully that will get taken care of this week.  Resolution:  to keep more organized records next year.  

    The sun's out here, amazingly; not sure how long it will last but I'm cleaning for friends coming tomorrow - church at my brother's church tonight - and cooking for tomorrow.  Insanely busy!  With the sun out, I'm determined to put in some garden time today!  

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    ginger that is so funny about the cats! They must've loved it.  I'm having the toenail problems too. Maybe I'll get some silver sparkle bandaids for summer sandal season:-)

    jsw I'm exhausted just reading what you did. Good for you for making it to happy hour. I can't belive you're getting ready to move and working while in treatment -treat yourself to something fun, you deserve it.

    sweeney my daughter has gorgeous hair too, I know exactly what you mean.

    Lizzy I'm sorry you souldn't get the MRI, I'm sure you were looking forward to some peace of mind. Don't worry, lots of people forget which is why they ask so many times.

    I have the list the psycghiatrist gave me, it had the chemical names so I had to translate them. I said I was on one of the prohibited meds and she said this is what I can tell you today, I guess they flip flop. She gave me a handout from the Journal of Clinical Oncology and the safe meds are Effexor, Pristiq, Endrnax, Lexapro and Remeron.

    kel Thanks for the support. I am sorry you have to deal with this also. I never understood why women would stop tamoxifen until I felt the way I did. It's just hard to imagine until you're there.  I'm so glad the rest of you are doing okay with it.

    I had a weird experience yesterday. We were out and  I took my daughter in to the BR. When I went to wash her hands I looked up . I guess I was expecting to see my long dark hair in the mirror and I was just startled to see this woman with a grey crew cut. I thought I was over the hair thing but I felt a sense of loss. I guess the grieving will go on for  a while.

    have a great day everyone, lots of sun here finally


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658 are one superwoman...just reading what you do each day makes me tired ;)

    I spoke with my insurance recently and we will begin to put together a back to work plan over the next 13 weeks. They are going to take it pretty gradual. My work will be a little upset as I think they thought I would be back sooner. I still have some achiness in my hips and some tingling in my feet and hands. I guess either residual effects of chemo or some Tamoxifen effects. Otherwise, spring is here...the sun is out! Have a great weekend!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    thanks wherria-  i did only take 1 dose it didnt work so i didnt take it again :) otc ibprofin works the best....

    How many of y'all are about to celebrate your 1 yr cancerversary?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals:

    Ginger: that is hysterical about the cats!!!!!!! I have a quick little cat story that is, in some ways, similar. A number of years ago a friend of mine was getting a divorce and she had moved back to CT and was renting a large house from a friend of her's. As a favor to her, and because I was getting ready to move anyway but was still house hunting, I put my stuff in storage and stayed with her for like 3 months to help her meet the bills as she was also unemployed. The house was large and commutable to Yale so there were a few people she rented to, each for less than 2 months, and what an eclectic mix we were! In any case, there was an Asian man who was pre-doctorate at Yale and another doctor who was studying in Hawaii but was doing something at Yale. It was such a weird experience for me because I had not lived with anyone since my last engagement but it was kind of fun. In any case, the Asian man would bring home these HUGE prawns and leave them, out in the open air, on the window sill. My friend had 6 cats!!!!!!!!!! He actually complained that the freakin' cats were eating his shrimp!! Ya think?! The doctor from Hawaii was fun and we would stay up drinking beers and watching baseball! His fiancé was back in Hawaii so, hot as he was, I had total respect for that! In any case, it was a fun summer but if you don't want cats to chow your toes, don't tie the equivalent of shrimp to them!

    Omaz: what a crummy year, indeed!

    Calmtykel: let me know when that lobbying bus leaves because I will definitely be on it! I cannot believe how I thought I had it all together and what a mess I made with my chemo filing! A any case I finally got it all together but still a mess. What gets me is all the brokerage stuff BUT because I did not work for 8 months of 2010, I am filing on time because my income was quite low! He he he he! If I actually make it through this year with this negligible income, I might actually be eligible for financial aid for the first time in my life next year!!!!!!!! Well..then again, perhaps not as we still don't know what else the govt cut last night. Perhaps they are going to close universities and the entire country will have to work the land as it were!

    I don't know about you all, but I have never been eligible for a single dime of any assistance, aid, grants, financial aid for school etc... so I can't even imagine what "cuts" they are going to make? Perhaps my hair??!?!

    Ckptry: speaking of hair, what happened to you when you were helping your daughter was her hands happened to me yesterday. I was sitting waiting for the MRI I would not be having (!) and a woman was outside the radiology area looking at the registry. All I could think was her thick hair was so beautiful and I secretly wonder what will ever become of my new, super androgynous, butch crew do!  As I glanced away from her I caught a glimpse of myself with my Yankees cap on and hardly any hair. I do miss my long hair. When a hairdresser told me it might take 3 years to get back to my original length I was surprised. I am hoping it won't take that long. I have to admit I am kind of "girlie" with my hair and I miss having pretty hair! Ok, I am done!!!!

    Tex: my cancerversary is April 17th, or what I like to refer to as 2 days after D-day! When is your's?  I am so glad it is coupled with tax day, the day I hate the most each year! 

    Rachel: I bet you are looking forward to going back to work, however. I have been out for over a year now and sometimes I wonder if I will ever be able to work. Do you feel confident you are going to be able to return to work and feel up to the task once again? This tennis elbow feels like someone is sticking a knife in my arm and the PT told me some exercises that don't seem to be helping too much. Sometimes I wake up and can't even move that arm for a few minutes. I don't think I could ever take a job where I was on the computer all day or doing much for that matter...perhaps I will just trade my brokerage account for the rest of my life!

    If the lovely US of A one HAS to work to have health insurance especially after a dx like bc. I can't even buy insurance in the open market and, sadly, we almost had a govt shut down over budget issues so I think Obamacare got knifed during these negotiations which means healthcare companies can continue to pre-exist people like me. And the beat goes on....

    Speaking of the govt, I better get my docs together for the big filing on April 15th. It is a ritual that I do a "sad" hour with friends on April 15th! To work off my imbibing, and to celebrate my cancerversary, I am planning to go hiking and will download that old song "born to be alive" for my listening pleasure!

    Enjoy the is still in the 50's in CT but I will take it!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Lizzy I don't think you can judge working by how you feel now. I finished chemo 12 weeks ago and I am still wiped out form grocery shopping. The supermarkets are so huge; I used to push the cart with both kids without even thinking about it and now I feel like the aisles are a mile long, lol! But I can do more than I could a month ago. Plus your body has been fighting the TE infection and your sleep is disrupted. I think you've just got to give yourself more time to heal.


  • Just wondering - do you guys ever dream you have long hair again?  I have  a frequent dream that I wake up and have longer hair again suddenly. :) 

    People keep telling me how much they like my hair now - the teenagers at church told my daughter that I'm "rockin' that look!"  But it's just not "me" somehow......I do like the whole baseball cap thing, and I spike it up straight and wear a scarf about 2" wide like a headband, and tie it behind my ear.  I guess it looks cool but it will be nice to have regular hair again.  Even as a short do it doesn't look natural since the bangs are nearly non existant and it's getting kind of weird around the ears - sort of sticking out.

  • Cat story - one of ours is pregnant.  During all the chemo, etc., I completely neglected to have her spayed (just got her brother neutered) and it was suddenly too late.  I think it happened the week my dad died.  But anyway, she's noticeably round now.  Hoping she doesn't have too many; but we already have homes lined up for them if all goes well..........should be interesting.  My 14 year old is keeping a vigil on her; she doesn't want to miss it.

  • Cat story - one of ours is pregnant.  During all the chemo, etc., I completely neglected to have her spayed (just got her brother neutered) and it was suddenly too late.  I think it happened the week my dad died.  But anyway, she's noticeably round now.  Hoping she doesn't have too many; but we already have homes lined up for them if all goes well..........should be interesting.  My 14 year old is keeping a vigil on her; she doesn't want to miss it.

    I got a row of garden dug, hauled some chicken manure up and dug it in, and got a pathway put in.  Hit the farm market and got eight Kale plants along with seeds - Swiss Chard, etc.  Focusing on greens this year! :D  Wish I had time to plant them in this gorgeous weather, but I'm off to hear my brother preach in a little while ; his church meets on Saturday night, coffee house style.  Lots of loud rock music and stuff - it's a lot of fun.  The kids like it because they can "dress down".  ;D 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- mine officially is 7/22/10 but i knew about a year before. I am pretty sure i've mentioned before what a hard time i had of anyone taking me seriously due to my age and what a shocker to be dx with stage4 right out the gate!!!I agree with cpktry- even though we are months out our bodies went through a LOT and in some areas are still not back to normal. Added to that is all the other things that come up like infections and such... It may be a while before we will be back to 100%!

    Cal- when our goat was pregant we were the same way... i honestly thought of getting a baby monitor to be able to listen at night cuz they tend to give birth over night. One started labor early in the am which was perfect cuz it was about the time we'd let them out and give them fresh water. The other nanny was a stink butt and did it at night- we woke up to a new little one, thank God there were no complications, (the first couldnt get her second kid out and we had to assist)

    The whole family from my husband's parents to my then 4 and 2 yr olds were in on it... The mirical of birth is no joke!

    Dreams about hair... in my mind's eye i am not bald/short haired i always have my reg do,  which is shoulder lengthed...

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I was worried my hair would come in straight because I have loosley curly hair. Apparently my hair is now long enough to curl and boy is it ever curling! I don't even know what to do with it yet. Until today it was laying closly on my scalp but not today. I tried finger combing it and all it did was stick up all curly in different directions. These are little bitty curls, I will need to tame them somehow.

    It was nice to shower and be done and out in record time these past months. All the hairs popping out all over my face drive me crazy. I wonder what will happen when I start the aromidex, more hair, less hair?

  • lol!  somehow my posting showed up twice - once with only half of it.  strange!

     Ginger - I keep spiking mine.  I have some really wild hair going on right now - I'm trying to stay away from all chemicals, but I use a gelatin gel that I make using knox plain gelatin and it's like 'Stiff Stuff".  It's actually a lot of fun.  I like it like this - but DH says he really misses my long hair so I guess we'll have to compromise. I  love throwing a baseball cap on when I dont' feel like doing anything with it.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Sad cat story- our family cat of 15 years Tiger died this am. He had a breathing spell Fri. night was fine Sat. then died this am.  Making for a pretty gloomy day.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Sorry to hear about your cat Sue.  (((hugs)))
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Ckptry: It is funny that you mention the grocery cart. I had 2 cases of water in mine and was finding it hard to push it. I am still so achy....I am sure you are right. I am only 8 weeks post-chemo so I am sure, as we move into summer, hopefully I will feel better. My sleep is awful....that is for sure. Thanks for your reassuring words, I appreciate it.

    Kel: You were like WONDER WOMAN this past year! Not only all the bc stuff and family and loss but you were also home schooling 4 kids at the same time! I do suspect you change in a phone booth!

    I bet your hair does look great. You seem to be naturally blonde and you have straight hair it seems so that is always looks great short, long etc... I bet it looks really good.

    Kale and swiss chard...good for you! Good for us, actually...we all need to be doing that. I would have a small garden but I do have woodchucks and moles out here. My neighbor and I actually have an issue because he has a huge garden that he refuses to rabbit fence in and the moles, woodchucks and the like are eating at his place all summer! He actually asked "ME" if it was ok for him to SHOOT the animals because they like to tunnel at the perimeter of my yard. I don't have to tell you all how that conversation ended!!!!!!!!

    That is great that you have homes lined up for the kittens. I wound up with my cat, aka THUG, by adopting her from her life along the highway where someone dumped her so I am all about being responsible with kittens. The other day I was petting her and giving her kitty love while she sat on her windowsill perch and as I was doing this, she slowly turned her head to glance out the window. All I could think was she was hoping the other animals did not see her as I might ruin her street cred!!!!!!!

    Texas: 7/22/10...your cancerversary is coming up also. I can understand why the docs had so much trouble believing you had it. I am just happy they found it and we are all getting treatment.

    You have goats?! You will not believe this but only in Connecticut! There is a somewhat posh suburb of New Haven where a man I knew lived with his family. His wife had goats and she would tell me how she spoke to them etc... In any case, what a ruckus ensued...the neighbors went to the town, fought it out and forced her to get rid of her goats. She cried for weeks. I felt so bad for you. Mind you, acreage is not plentiful in places like Connecticut and to have 3 acres for a home is fairly palatial as things go. They had 5 acres and STILL had to get rid of their goats. So sad!

    I do have dreams where my hair is long. All the time. I never dream of me with short hair and I am still a bit surprised when I catch a glimpse of myself! What does work out for me is I have been wearing baseball caps for 20 years in my downtime meaning to the gym, grocery store etc.... and especially in the summer when I like to drive with the windows down and not have to choke on hairballs! When I see me with the baseball caps, I am ok with what I see. When I see me with it off, it is weird.

    Ginger: I have curly hair also and have spent much of my life straight ironing! That is one thing you might try, if it is maybe 1" or longer just to get it under some semblance of control for a while.

    Yes, I am also with you on face hair: I actually have to have my first waxing in 9 months this week. I so hoped the upper lip hair would not come back!!!!!

    Iowa: I am so sorry about your cat. My cat of 18 years died a few years back. I was so brokenhearted. I am so sorry for your loss. They are like part of the family. I still think of her and she was trained in Japanese only! I spoke to her always in Japanese! I am hopeful that, if there is an afterlife for cats, she will be an ambassador for some country to Japan!!!! I still miss her today. She was long-haired calico..she was so pretty! I am sorry you had to have this happen.

    Off to make copies of tax junk. Enjoy your Sunday, girls!

    PS- I volunteered with the elderly for years and would actually like to get into elder care management which is why I am going back to school for nursing. IN any case, I used to visit a few women in a nursing home and would say "hi girls" when I arrived and finally, this one day, one of them said in a pretty upset tone "we are NOT girls and stop calling us that!!!!!!!!" I will never forget it! Ihope you all don't feel the same way about me calling you girls! I think it is complimentary actually but I could be I have been in the past!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Sue--sorry to hear about your cat. We got our first pet last year--cat named Oreo--she is such a part of our family now.

    Lizzy--I am almost 17 weeks out of chemo and am only now starting to feel more energy--at 8 weeks post chemo, I was still feeling pretty crappy. Seems like only time helps to recover along with some gentle exercise. I feel like I am getting stronger everyday. I have an office job--Mgr of customer service/contracts department so I don't have a physically taxing job but it will be strange going back. I haven't worked very much in the last year through my 2 cancer diagnosis--I think that I may have worked approx. 4 months last year. It will be a shock to the system going back to work :)

    It was supposed to rain all day today but the sun came out after lunch and it is gorgeous. Just got back from 5km walk--my son rode his bike and my other son is at football practice. Spring feels like it is finally here! 

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Thanks Ladies, I will heal from this too, will take time for 15 yrs he followed me every where I went in the house. Last weekend when I came home from being gone overnight I had just shut off my car in the garage and I could hear him meowing at the door leading into the garage from the house, he was happy I was home. Funny no matter how long you have your pets they are always the one happy your home, always so faithful to their owner.I will not get another he was such a good cat I know I wouldn't find another.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Iowa: (HUGS) It hurts so much to lose a pet. I waited 2 years until I got more dogs after losing mine. They are irreplacable, but they do bring lots of joy so I hope you won't close that door completely.

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Sue I am so sorry to hear about the passing of Tiger.  My dear cat Janie passed away just after Christmas and it was very difficult for me.  I still do not feel ready to get another cat but I hope that one day I will be able to.  Maybe after some more time has passed you will feel differently.  Certainly you could not replace Tiger but you could give another cat a happy home.  It sounds like you and Tiger had a special bond and I'm sure he had a very happy life with you.

    Texas Yes, my one year anniversary of diagnosis is coming up too, May 5.  I actually found my lump in early April last year but then had to wait a bit to see the doctor, get a mammo, then get a biopsy before getting the actual diagnosis.  What a year it has been.

    Well I spent another weekend working on the house, I have managed to get just about all of the "clutter" into storage and now it is a matter of doing a thorough cleaning and a bit of organizing of what is left.  It will be another week of busy evenings after work trying to get things done but hopefully by next Monday it will all be done and I can have more time to relax!  One of my favorite things to do in the evenings is knit and watch some tv and the last couple of weeks I haven't had time for it.  So I'm looking forward to having time for that again!

    Today was rads #11, only 23 to go!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    jsw just curious b/c I'd like to do some simplifying here, what did they suggest for decluttering. Sometimes I feel like I'm just moving the same things around all the time before I even get to the cleaning!


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good morning everyone.  Hope you all had a great weekend.  Weather was pretty good here.  I actually got a sunburn Saturday!! My kids had three games that day (2 soccer and 1 lacrosse) and it was a bright sunny day, but still only about 53 degrees, so a little chilly.  I guess that hid the fact that the sun was so strong.  Anyway, got home at the end of the day with "rosy cheeks".  I managed my way through yesterday's 4 Mile Autism walk.  I walked the four miles in 1 hour 6 minutes.  My daughter made me run the last 100 yards with her!  I have never concentrated so much on staying on my feet and not falling down! But, even though it was overcast, the temps have gone up a little here and it was nice to be outside in the fresh air!!

    Calam:  I, too, keep getting people telling me I look great with short hair, and I should keep it this way.  But I agree, its not "me".  I always had long hair, and regardless of what looks good, I will return to that state of being, because it is what I prefer.   So, if I look bad, so be least I will like my hair.

    Texas:  I agree with your "mind's eye" comment.  It's funny, but through this whole thing I never saw myself as the woman with no hair, or short hair.  In my mind it is just me...and I envision myself the same as I always was with my long matter what is staring back at me through the mirror.  Maybe that is our way of coping with the hair loss. 

    Lady:  So sorry about your cat.  That is one of the reasons I resisted getting the kids a dog for so long.  Pets are great, but people outlive their pets, and when you lose one it is very painful.  They become so much a part of your family's life.  It is a loss that takes a while to get over.  I wish you peace. 

    Lizzy:  Funny you comment on offending us with your "Hi girls" comments.  My tendency is to greet a group of people with ‘Hi Guys", and given our current hair state, I have been very careful about greeting all of you that way.  Don't want to offend anyone!  Anyway, almost every time I start to write I type "Hi Guys", and then have to change it.  I personally like being called girls!   On the facial hair....I got lots of that when my hair started to grow back in.  I was actually sprouting sideburns and a beard that I never had before, LOL.  It does calm down after a couple of months.  Although I am starting to notice a little mustache recently.    

    Rachel:  Hopefully you are mentally ready to go back to work.  It is an adjustment, but as long as you are ready for it mentally, you will find your way through.  I have worked the entire time and am very jealous of you guys who got to take time off!  Anyway though, after the first month or so you will settle into a routine and everything will be okay.  It's great that they will allow you to ease into it gradually, that will help.   

    Anyway, everyone have a great day!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Good morning - I had my first post chemo/radiation mammo this morning. They read it while I waited and my technician was a 4 year survivor of triple negative breast cancer.  She was great!  The mammo was ok.  I don't have to go back for 6 months.  That's a relief!

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Carolyn In terms of decluttering, my realtor recommended making the house look as much like a model home as possible.  She suggested getting a storage unit (which I did) and just boxing up and putting a lot of stuff into storage.  Going through that process did help me weed out quite a bit of stuff to get rid of but overall there is a lot that I kept too!  I think once we move and get settled in our new place we will have just as much clutter as we had before I started this whole process.  I think the clutter/no clutter thing is a sort of personality preference.  My parents are totally no clutter type people.  Everything has a place and is always promptly returned to that place.  They don't keep anything around that they don't need/use and they don't have things just lying around on end tables, etc.  My mom does cross-stitch and every night when she is done with it she packs it all up in a bag and puts it away.  Coasters get put back into a drawer, blankets get put back into a cabinet, everything goes back to its place.  I leave my knitting lying about all the time, my end table is piled up with pens, bills, miscellaneous papers, knitting supplies, etc.  Part of the problem is that my current house is too small and just doesn't have enough storage space but the other part of the problem is that I just don't see the point in putting something away when I know I'm just going to get it out again tomorrow.  So I'm not entirely sure how it is going to go keeping my home nice and clean for the next few months while we try to sell it! 

    Anyway, that was a very long answer to say that I'm not really sure how to suggest decluttering your home other than just putting a bunch of stuff in storage. :)

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Great to hear Omaz!! That first one is very anxiety provoking!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day chemosabes and radicals-

    The port is out!!! YAY! The area hurts, though. She was really digging in there to get it out and then when she was done I asked her if she got the catheter as well and she said yes and how that is what they worry about when taking them out. Apparently it is quite common for a piece to snap off.  I caught a glimpse of the surgical dressings and I cannot believe how much blood there is surprsing.  Then when they took the IV out the nurse remarked that I was a "bleeder."  I responded with no, I have never been such in my life.  I wonder if my blood has gotten watery?!

    So there I am in recovery and I told the nurse the vein where the catheter ran through still feels hard and she pressed on it, nearly putting her fingers through my collarbone (!), and said it must be scar tissue....I sure hope so. The area is far more tender than it was when I had it put in. Oh least it is out! Did anyone else still have that hard feeling in their vein after having the port removed?  

    JSW: it seems like rads is not slowing you down at all! Good for you. I hope you get in some knitting and tv watching soon!  Also, on clutter, my stepmother was a clutter fiend and I think, for that reason, I am very no-clutter as was my father and my mother.   The step thing was a part of my life, regretably, from 9 yrs old to 18 yrs old....oh how I wish that was not the case!  

    Ckptry: I will be happy to send my brother over and your house will be decluttered within a few hours!!!! He is "Mr. Toss It!" I am constantly donating extra stuff to Goodwill and we have a place here that is a "free" store so the people don't have to pay for things they need. That is one way I get rid of clutter. I do a lot of recycling also. More about my brother, however, as you all know my BIL passed recently and my brother was busy telling my sister how to get rid of everything to consolidate etc.... !!! Needless to say, she was not happy about this advice! He is a tosser, however!

    Sptmm: Deb, that is a 15 minute mile!!! That is damn good are working it, woman! My personal goal is a 12 minute mile but, and sadly, I am about 6 minutes away from that right now Frown Glad you had a good weekend. That is so funny that you are cautious about greeting us with "hi guys" because of our hair!!!!! The lady in recovery this morning told me how great I look with short hair! Gross!  I think I look like my brother!  Also, on this note, my friend Greg is calling me "Lou" as I have short gray hair and no breasts!!!!!!!   Punks!!!! 

    Omaz: congrats on the mammo!!!!! Big YAY! Isn't it wonderful when you meet other survivors? Especially those with some years behind them. Glad you had a nice experience this morning.

    Iowa and JSW: you two will know when the time is right to get another cat. I still miss Mowgli but Bibbers found me! Just to answer the question, yes, my friend and I had been drinking a number of Coronas when we named Bibbers! In any case, it was about 8 months after Mowgli passed that Bibbers started following me around the parking lot of my job! She would wait for me to leave the building and follow me. Unfortunately she would not get in my car and my friends at work were teasing me that she was committed to her lifestyle and that I, of all people, should respect that!!!!!!! any case, I had a woman that could trap cats come out and get her off the property before something happened to her. In long, you both will know when the time is right, if ever, and they will find you!

    Well, this port removal spot is sore and I was at Yale from 6:30AM and was home by 11:30 so, coupled with my hot flashes, I am going to lay down!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    jsw you're right about the personality thing I think. I let my kids scatter toys all over the first floor, but I know some day they'll be too old for that and I'l miss it. The people next door clean up each toy as the kids play with it and the house always looks immaculate. It's funny b/c there's another neighbor who has stuff everywhere. She said her aunt told her if your house is clean you're not spending enough time playing with your kids. My sister told me not to aspire to the immaculate house. She said I bet the messy neighbor has more people visit and she's right, lol. I just need to find a happy medium. It's awesome that you've been able to organize all of this while working. I hope you treat yourself to a massage or spa treatment.


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: You were awake? Yikes! They put me out to take out my port. I've got to decide now if I want another one put in since I've got to have more chemo. The onc said we can try my veins, but I'm kind of scared to mess with them since I have only one arm that can be used. I'm not sure what it means to "blow out" your veins. Can you actually ruin your veins where they can never be used again? What do ya'll think: another port or no?

    Anniversaries: I guess we are all coming up on our one year anniversaries. I had my routine, annual mammogram in April last year, was called back for another one, then an ultrasound, then a biopsy. All in all, my diagnosis date, the date I was told it was cancer, was May 27. Any others want to share theirs?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - glad you got the port out.  Keep an eye on it for any problems.