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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    JUSTDUIT, KAZMTAZ AND IOWASUE:  Good luck!  Sending positive vibes your way.

    Liz:  I look forward to being an expert by Halloween.  Being an expert means I'll have a good portion of this behind me!

    Welcome Kate and Zachsmom. 

    Zachsmom:  I join you in your terror.  I start one day before you but I'm 4 TC.

    Calamtykel:  I'm glad to hear you've turned a corner.  I hope the pain on your face turns out to be nothing.

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Rachel: You might try ginger tea.  I haven't had it myself, but I've read in several places that it can be helpful with nausea.  Hope you're feeling better soon.

  • Rachael:  Warm or hot water with a little cinnamon in it is helpful in staying hydrated.  And the cinnamon kills that icky chemo taste!  I've been doing lots of ginger tea.  I seriously HATE the stuff, but it really does help quell the nausea and take the edge off!  I'm happily without it today and hope my tummy remains happy until the next round!

    Ann: face pain is gone.  I don't know what that was all about but I did read that chemo can cause toothache like pain - how strange.  I hope it stays away.  

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311
    Okay Friends, I'm going to try and get technical and go change my avatar headshot. I'm doing this for everyone who's contemplating shaving it off. Last weekend Rob and the kids cut and shaved it and then my 7 yr daughter took the most beautiful picture of me. I think it's a good picture, and an honest picture, because I'm looking at her and the reason I'm doing chemo is FOR her. I want to be around for a long, long time. So give me a minute and I'll change my headshot and maybe that will help anyone who is thinking "should I shave or not??". XO
  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Sweeney - You look great!

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Rachel Ditto what everyone else has said about ginger ale for nausea.  I also agree with Liz on the supplement drinks.  I got a bunch of packets of Carnation Instant Breakfast (a powder that you stir into milk) because I like the taste of them and like Liz said we need to get our nutrition any way we can.  My onc's office gave me a booklet on eating during chemo and it recommended any sort of enriched drink like Boost, Ensure, or the Carnation Instant Breakfast.  Also if you are having trouble drinking plain water you may want to try mixing in some flavor packets such as Crystal Light.  Personally I find the flavors on those to be a little strong, I prefer to dilute them with about twice the recommended amount of water and then you have nice mildly flavored water to sip all day.  Oh, and the booklet I read also recommended using straws if you are having nausea and/or mouth sores.  Apparently the straw helps get the liquid to the back of your mouth past the sores and for whatever reason people seem to drink more when using straws.

    KatherineNaomi Welcome to our group, I hope you will find us to be a very supportive and entertaining bunch!  I also start on 8/27.

    Zachsmom Don't be scared, we can do this!  I am also doing 4 AC then 4 Abraxane and I start 2 days after you.  We are all in this together and we will all get through it together!

    Calamtykel So glad to hear you are feeling better.  I think you are also on AC, right?  So I am using you as a model for what to expect when I start next week!  My onc has prescribed me Emend and Zofran, he said the Zofran was to use as needed but it sounds like I should just go ahead and take one when I get home and then keep taking them every 8 hours for the first couple of days. 

    Sweeney You look great and I love that your daughter took that picture of you!  It really does make it all the more special.

    LadyInBama  So sorry to hear about the mess with your drain coming out!  Mine had also gotten clogged and there was some leakage when it came out but nothing near what you described.  Definitely keep an eye on the area to make sure you don't still have fluid building up. 

    Good luck to today's starters: JUSTDUIT, KAZMTAZ AND IOWASUE and I believe also MOMMICHELLE

    Do we have anyone going in for round 2 yet or are we still all on round 1?  Hope everyone has a great day!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Katherinenaomi: Welcome, welcome!  Like I tell everyone, sorry you might the criteria to join us but we are sure are happy to have you!  If that provides any solace.....!!!!!!

    Sweeney:  Lookin good!  Rockin the bald!  I don't know if anyone remembers the movie "My Blue Heaven" with Rick Moranis and Steve Martin?  Very funny comedy about witness protection but, in any case, near the end Steve Martin meets this woman in the grocery store, frozen food section, and declares "you're so hot you could melt all the stuff!!!!!!!"  It is such a classic scene!  In any case, there you have it Sweeney....lookin good!  Show young Brad Pitt this new look ;)

    Calamtykel: I am so worried b/c I think I need some work on a back tooth but chemo is supposed to start next week....I know I need to get to the dentist but I have all this other stuff Friday, Monday and Tuesday ..scans etc... but I am only pretty sure your post was a wake-up call for me.  I am a wreck!!!!!!!!

    Justduit, Kazmtaz and Iowasue--congratulations on your start today, I wish you well and you are now on the path to getting healthier and getting this OVER!


  • rosesrx
    rosesrx Member Posts: 264

    Prayers, Blessings and good Vibes to JUSTDUIT, KAZMTAZ AND IOWASUE. 

    Kelly so glad to hear you have turned the corner.

    Sweeney I like the pic looks good. 

    I haven't heard from ONC about the PA for the CT and bone scan.  It's like someone said it is a journey or a level like in Mario Brothers.  ;-)  Just sitting tight here not shopping for wigs,  Today may be a google free day  NOT . 

    I did buy a new cloth microfiber shower curtain and new hooks yesterday so I can take it down and wash it weekly with the whites.  So much nicer and less smelly than the clear vinyl.  So the mildew is gone. eeewwey.  

    Rebooting the laundry and getting ready to go back to work Sat after 6 weeks off.  

    Peace,  Shawn 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Good morning,

    Good luck with your tests tomorrow Liz.

    So, I'm getting a list together of things I need to buy before chemo starts to be prepared.

    I welcome any and all advice from been there done thats and awesome researchers!


  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Adey For a list of things to buy there are 2 threads that are "stickied" at the top of the chemotherapy forum here (they have little pictures of push pins next to them).  Anyway, one is called "tips to get through chemo" and the other is called "more tips (and a shopping list) for getting through chemo" or something like that.  I found those to be very helpful in creating my shopping list.  There are lots of things suggested but you can pick and choose what you want to buy in advance to have on hand and what you can wait to buy later if you need it.  For example, I went ahead and bought stool softener and anti-diarrheal meds because I didn't want to be having to run to the store if I had either of those problems!  But I decided not to buy eye drops since if I end up having trouble with dry eyes I would still be feeling well enough to go to the store. 

    I haven't started my chemo yet so I don't have anything to add beyond what is on those lists but perhaps others who have already started will have additional recommendations.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413


    Thanks so much.  I will check it out.  I haven't started yet either but am gearing up.  Take care.

  • mlv2356
    mlv2356 Member Posts: 22

    Sweeny - you rock shaved!!  I got my 14" locks cut off on Monday.  My hair is now finger width all around except a bit longer in the bangs for when I wear my baseball cap.  I've got a lot of compliments from friends saying I carry short well.  Just when I get used to short it will be gone.  So I figure at that point I'll need to "Rock" bald or be "sassy and sheen" : )  My avatar is me holding one of three ponytails up asking if we can glue it back on. 

    Calamtykle - So gald to hear you have turned the corner. Yeah.  There is a new dawn after infusion day.  I go in today for round 2.  I packed my boxing gloves this time : 0

  • mlv2356
    mlv2356 Member Posts: 22

    Chemo Bags - I had a dear friend put a bag together for me with some things I would not have thought of.  Not sure if they were mentioned in the Push pin threads, but she included a fuzzy blanket, Dr. Scholls fuzzy socks with rubber soles, magzines, a water bottle with straw, inspirations written on 3x5 cards to read, a Journal with pen, lip balm and a candy bar (for my husband).  I know the chemo rooms have their own blankets to use, but I like having my own.  The socks come in handy since I wear sandles to treatment and my toes got cold - very handy.  The water bottle with straw was great.  I read somewhere that we drink more through a straw than just drinking from a cup.  Journal has already been written in several times with notes from the nurse, thoughts as I sat there, grocery lists etc.  Of course the candy was gone before we left : )  And she put this all in a handy cloth carry bag so I know it's my "official" chemo bag.  Very sweet and SOOOO handy.  Love it.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413


    What a great and thoughtful friend.  I will take some of her ideas!

  • jsw:  This next time I'm asking for zofran.  At least for the day I come home.  I'm not having a repeat of last week!  When my nurse friend found out that they only sent me home with the comp., she said "Wow- they really gave you the bare bones!"  ACK!  Zofran is expensive - I think it's like $25 a pill. But I can't do a repeat of Monday next time if I can help it and I will take it BEFORE it sets in.

    Today I'm anti-nausea med free - it wore off around noon and I'm okay so far.  Tummy's a little tipsy feeling but I dont' want the drowsiness so I am going to see if I can go without.  I can eat and stuff so that helps.  

    I just feel achy this afternoon in my bones.  It could still be the neualasta or maybe I'm just tired.  I haven't taken anything - maybe I'll pop a couple of tylenol.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    I just want to share that I look like a dog with mange.  I have so many bald spots in my head.  I'm starting to wonder if getting it shaved was such a good idea.  If it were longer, I could just start pulling it out in handfuls.  Now, I'm trying to pull it out with duct tape, and the bald spots look terrible.

    I'm hoping it all comes out soon.  I don't mind being bald - but I don't want to show my head like this!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Adey: thanks for the well wishes...mugga, CT and bloodwork tomorrow and then PET and something else Monday as well as meeting with onco nurse and then onwards and upwards!  Adey...all you need to pack is a 5th of tequila, margarita mix in your 2 can Sam hat, Blackberry and headphones for some slacker radio listening and cash for bail after you are tossed out of chemo for some stupid charge they will work-up!!!!!!!  Make me proud, there, missy!!!!

    Question: how long does it take to get chemo?  I am getting TAC and I will ask the nurse at my info session on Monday but it seems like you guys are there all that true? 

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Liz - My first TCH treatment, I was there for 4 hours, but they said they run the drip really slowly the first time in case there is a bad reaction.  My 2nd treatment (next Wednesday), they said to plan on 3 hours, though it could be less.  Good luck on all your scans!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lisa: thanks for the info...I was thinking it was like 7-8 hours and was adding that to my list of things to worry about.  I seem to be in the minority with TAC as well but, according to my oncs, that is the gold standard for bc chemo.  I think the "A" negates a lot of people from being candidates for it.  In any case, sorry about your fur!   I am so push-me-here-I-come, I have not even really started making plans for this hair.  I want to get it cut and shaved in the same day, I think.   I really don't know what I am talking about!  In any case, I hope the scan results are good, especially the mugga scan.   So much to think about!


  • DebJ
    DebJ Member Posts: 41

    hi ladies.  I am wonderng about your work situation.  Right now I am out on  "family leave",  I was really surprised to talk with my boss this a.m. about returning to work on an intermittent basis, and her attitude was more to just not bother and burn my time until I go through my Extended Benfits time.  This was all done in a conversation that was meant to reassure and support me in taking all the time I need to get well.  My work has always been good, and I have about  21 years with company.  I just had planned from the beginning to work through this, once I got post op and at least one chemo in.  I looked into Family Leave and Medical Leave, and my real concern was having to pay premiums at 101% out of pocket once I used all my time up.  I think this is what my boss is "suggesting" I do, again, at this time in a nice way, in regard to my good service and for my own benefit.  What do you think?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi, I got my port in ok yesterday.  Feels ok, I'm just a little sore and tired so far.

    Chemo next week. 

    lisasinglem - I made an appt to get acupuncture the day before chemo, thanks for the suggstion.

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    calamtykel  Ask for the generic of zofran.  Most pharmacies will fill the prescription with the generic version anyway unless the doctor specifically writes "brand necessary" or something like that on the script.  Mine said zofran on the script but they filled it with generic (ondansetron) and it was only $10 since that is my usual co-pay for generic meds.  Check with your insurance to be sure but usually generic meds are covered at a low co-pay amount.  My pharmacy even fills some generic meds for only $4 but I guess this one was not on that list.

    I think I am even more anxious about the nausea than the hair falling out, I just hate so much the feeling of nausea and vomiting!  I have Emend and the generic Zofran on standby but I'm also getting some ginger tea and crystallized ginger to chew on.  And some peppermint tea too, peppermint is also supposed to help settle the stomach and I really like the taste of peppermint tea.  With peppermint it is the peppermint oil that soothes the stomach so tea made with peppermint leaves works or candies flavored with peppermint oil, not artificial flavorings.  Altoids are one candy that does use peppermint oil. 

  • jsw  - don't worry about it yet.  I had a friend who NEVER took any of the anti-nausea meds - never needed them!  I get carsick easily and had morning sickness with all of my kids.  I'm not prone to stomach viruses, but I am prone to "things" making me nauseous.  Forget spinning and carnival rides and such - NO way! 

    if you're anxious, just keep on them-- I learned that.  And the suppositories are VERY effective - they don't lay in your stomach and they work very rapidly and they work longer. 

    I have mint growing outside and I've been steeping it - Ginger Chews are helpful and so are the pieces of candied ginger that Trader Joe's and some healthfood stores sell.  They taste horrible (to me, I hate Ginger) but they DO work in a pinch and they work fast.  

    You can buy organic peppermint oil in most healthfoods stores.  I have some that I really love - I mix it with a little water in a tablespoon and give it to the kids when they get tummy aches. 

  • mommichelle
    mommichelle Member Posts: 92

    1st chemo was uneventful, went very well so far!  Nervous about waiting to see what happens next.  Hoping that my chemo buddies IOWASUE, KAZAMATZ, and JUSTDUIT also had good experiences.  I thought of you often, as well as many others on the boards!  Here's to few side effects!

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    DEB J- I was wondering about work too, before I started all of this. I had only been with my company for 7 months when this hit. My benefits package is excellent and has me off on short term disability at almost full pay and then will move to long term disability (after 17 weeks) with again almost full pay. I maintain all my benefits, at their cost, while I'm off. So this was an easier decision for me. BUT, having said that I have gone through one round only of TC so far (tomorrow is round 2) but for the last two weeks I felt well enough that I may have been able to work if my company forced me to. I would've perhaps needed a nap during the afternoon and some accomodated work, but where I work we're set up for that. So if you find yourself needing to work, you can do it. You'll be pooped, but you'll be able to do it. Throw into my mix that I also have a 4 year and a 7 year old that I'm trying to reserve energy for! i.e. I couldn't just come home from work and crash for the evening. As well, my colleagues and boss were super supportive in me getting well and using any all insurance and benefits to help me.

     However, my onco said yesterday that I will feel an "accumulated response" as I go forward. I can only imagine this means more tired. More fatigued. More bone pain. So who knows. But I sympathize with you, this is no easy decision. And the problem is that with BC and the beginning stages there are so many unknowns- how long will it take to recover from surgery? how will i react to chemo? how will radiation feel after so much chemo? The list is endless. Hopefully my story helps. As I said, I know this is a big decision and not an easy one. Sleep on it and maybe your brain will be fresh in the morning...:)XO

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Ooops! One more thing...for everyone talking about nausea (and there's a lot of us!) I HAD NONE. Not one little blip of nausea. I had all the meds in hand but nothing was needed. So it can happen that stomach upset isn't part of the mix. Now don't get me talking about diahrrea...that's a whole other topic and full of TMI.

    Hopefully this will put some of you at ease. And god knows we all need a little of that...

  • stlcardsfan
    stlcardsfan Member Posts: 227

    Hello all,

    Seem some asking about how se's progess as you more treatments. For the most part, se's are cumulative. They get a little worse, and happen a little earlier with each treatment. But, for me, ended earlier too. What I found to be helpful is jot down each day how I felt, etc, and then used that for comparsion during each cycle. By # 3 , I knew what to expect and for about how long. It helps to with the Chemo brain.

    for early shavers, when the stubble starts to go, duct tape or lint rollers work well. After a few days it is done. For some, myself included, I had about 5% hair left, and that grew thru treatment. Once chemo was done, and real hair started to grow, I cut the fuzz was cut off.

    The first few days after each Chemo cycle are most critical - ie when most of that stuff leaves the body. so hand washing, flushing toilet, etc very important.

    Hope this helps!

  • well, that's pretty depressing.  :(  Chemo effects being cumulative.... I guess it makes sense though......

  • by the way - anyone having irregular heartbeats?  I see online that it can be a side effect of some meds.  I have had it all my life (I've had  3echos and supposedly have a healthy heart) but when I had lyme, it would palpitate and definitely when I was pregnant it did all the time!  Since i've been running and ditched the lyme disease, the palps have stopped completely.  Now I noticed them a little again - it sort of skips a beat, which is what always happened in the past.

    I'll mention it to my doctor but just wondering if anyone else has had this.  Maybe it's the anti-nausea meds also.......

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Liz- how'd you know I have one of those hats!?  You and me TAC sisters.  (c: