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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Good morning Chemosabes!

    Lizzy, It's probably too late, and you've gotten lots of good advice about your poison oak, but I'll just reiterate that my husband really had good results with calomine lotion, although I think Omaz's idea about benadry spray is a good one.  At least until you can get a cortisone shot.  Good luck1

    It's funny.  I don't have the same reaction about the pink ribbons.  The breast cancer awareness and product contributions have made breast cancer the most researched type of cancer, and even though I know a lot of it is just crap to persuade people to buy the yogurt with the pink ribbon on it instead of the other kind, I also think that without this "movement" we wouldn't have had the anti-emetics during chemo that our mothers didn't have, or the aromatase inhibitors for post-menopausal women that our mothers didn't have or the neulasta shots (damn those things!).

    I definitely see your point, and I hesitate to wear the pink hats and the shirts with ribbons, but that's because I don't necessarily want to go around announcing that I have cancer, any more that I would want to go around wearing a shirt that says, "I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis." Anyway, just my take on things.  Still, I do understand the frustration. The ones I feel sorry for are the ones with rare blood cancers, or pancreatic cancer, stc. whose diseases are virtual death sentences partly because they have not been researched as much and don't have have many treatment options.

    The point about the pharmaceutical companies profitting off of the illnesses they are supposedly interested in treating is definitely not lost on me.  Sure they need to profit in order to stay in business, but we all know how excessive their income is, and their bonuses, etc.  And we all know how they manipulate the population with advertising that makes people think that becaue threy saw an ad for Abilify in Good Housekeeping, it must be the answer to all their problems, so they go to their doctors and say, "I'd like you to prescribe me some Abilify!" Which is why I so strongly I can't even find words, that direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals should absolutely be illegal, as well as the incentives from pharma reps to doctors to use their drugs, and the fact that docs get their required continuing medical education credits from the companies that stand to profit from these doctors, and the fact that these CME's, you know, just happen to be scheduled it Hawaii or aboard Alaskan cruise ships!  Actually, I better stop here, because I could go on for a very long time about Big Pharma, and all the unethical, and sometimes illegal problems in our health care system, the American one anyway.

    Thanks, Lizzy, for the cheers about my own devious navigation of the health care system.  And yesterday it worked.  I went back to medical records and requested my most recent labs.  Got them no problem.  A good thing too, since none of my doctors bothered to call me with the results.  But here's the kicker.  Remember how I talked to my onc and told him that even though they were only slight elevations, I was also having symtoms, and was scared about whatever might be going one, and asked him repeatedly to run a complete liver panel? And remember that he said yes, he would order a liver panel.  Well, the f***er didn't order a liver panel.  He ordred the same chem 7 that my GP had ordered, and the same chem 7 that my psychiatrist had ordered. So after begging my doctors for 2 weeks now to order a simple, inexpensive, run-of-the-ill blood test, and being out and out lied to by my onc, I am going to find a GI specialist and call on Monday and beg them to get me in as quickly as possible.  I am beyond frustrated. I am beyond trust. And I am most definitely beyond this oncologist!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Wherria - I have used this company before, I don't know if it is available in your area.  You get your own testing done, doesn't have to go through the doctor.  Do have to pay of course. 

    Liver Panel Test

    A liver panel includes several tests that check how well your liver is working and its overall health. These tests are called liver function tests, blood tests that measure several different enzymes (proteins) made by the liver.

    Significant deviations from the normal range may require further evaluation for liver disease, more tests, diagnosis by your physician, in addition to Private MD's recommendations.

    Private MD Lab Services offers the following liver panel:
    Liver Panel Test $47.99

    The Liver Panel contains the following tests:
    Albumin, serum Alkaline phosphatase, serum
    Bilirubin, direct Bilirubin, total
    Protein, total, serum

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors:

    On the poison oak/ivy/sumac,
    I have all the sprays, clobetasol, hydrocortisone etc... and was just trying to figure out how I could anesthetize myself to the itching while traveling yesterday. I did use one of my leftover pain pills and was relatively comfortable for the 3/4 of the time. I sent an email to my dermatologist today as this rash is spreading to my stomach, side of my breast and over my ribs, after washing all of my bedding and clothes in wicked hot water a few days ago, and I have pre-op in 2 weeks. I need this rash gone by then. I am so pissed. I want this failed tissue expander that has been in my chest for 16 months, gone already. Sometimes I wonder if this rash, just like the infection, is festering because of that foreign body. I am cancelling all plans/appointments this week and am going to focus strictly on getting rid of this rash.
    Thanks, everyone for your input. BTW, I was *never* allergic to this guessed it, BEFORE CHEMO!

    Calamtykel: I agree that the "buy pink" campaign is a bunch of bulls*%$!!!!!!!! Clearly I think it is a way for manufacturers to bank on our disease. Then again, if they did not show us some concern, we would probably feel even more jilted! I just hope that somehow, someway, dollars are finding their way to our cause.

    On the cycle, I am fine without it. The only thing I think about was knowing that I am officially "old" and the "factory" has been irreparably shut down!!!!! Not that I wanted to have kids, and I sincerely doubt at 41 I would change my mind but you never know. Well, I should say NOW I know!

    Tex: I like your idea!

    Omaz: I brought the Benadryl spray with me yesterday and it does work great. I also brought those lotions. Geesh....I have got to get rid of this. I need to get this surgery OVER with and get that damn failed TE out of my chest. I am so tired of having that thing in there.

    Thanks for the tip on the medical lab. That is good to know. It is hard to be a victim of the medical industrial complex and a person that can think for themselves!

    I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I am signing off from Poison Oak HQ!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Wherria- its not that i have a prob with the whole pink movement per se but its more like this HORRIBLE disease is being covered up by all this pink misdirections. Lets be real- think back to before you were ever effected by breast cancer- what were your thoughts on it? Mine were "there is a cure" "tons of ppl get cancer, go through treatment and are better no problem" I never for an instant thought that one might die from breast cancer. They just dont mention it. I know the feel good stuff might help tons of people out there, but personally in my case its been bullshit! I found it early, i wasnt taken seriously because of my age, and the fact i had no risk factors. It sat in my body for over a year from when i found it to when they biopsied it. Oh and the kicker in this crap is i was a VEGETARIAN what do vegetarians eat instead of meat? Soy based meat substitutes, soy milk, ect.... Oh and soy has phytoestrogens in it. Yeah me- i basically fed my estrogen positive cancer that no one thought i had until it spread to much of my body. NOW WOULD I HAVE DONE THIS IF I WAS EDUCATED ABOUT BREAST CANCER? simpily no- had i known anything beyond the minimum i would have demanded they took me seriously at the beginning. As breast cancer patients/suvivors its our job to educate the public about the truth behind BC. Rasing money for research is important but it would be nice if we could educate others in the process. Thats my deal with pink- Also look to where the money goes, most products just say "a % of the proceeds go to breast cancer support" some will list- like SGK and other places. So if its only  % what would that be? if i bought a $5.00 bc awareness mug would it be hopeful to think 5 cents went somewhere useful? I'd just rather donate my $5.00 to a place that is activly doing research.

    Lee jeans has this denim day thing it actually shows you where the money actually goes. BTW not sure if many of you are aware of this but SGK foundation spends on average a million a yr on suing ppl that they feel infringe on their trademark- like using the words for a cure. they have sued many mom and pop fundraisers- where do they get millions to do this?- from their other fundraisers of course, thats why i am not doing the 3day anymore. i dont want to support a cuase like that.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    texas The pink ribbon stuff is hard. I think most people know of someone with breast cancer and think of it as a way to show support. I think I've mentioned before though that sometimes my situation seems surreal. I had to go for a check up with my ps at MSK yesterday. I still can't believe that I am going there as a patient instaedof an employee. I've been in high risk surveillance since my first abnormal mammo at 30, but I still got to stage 2 before they caught it. My treatment has actually been harsher than my mom's was over 20 years ago. I've seen the shirts that say f*** awareness, find a cure. I don't want to be angry, but I just want there to be better options for my daughter.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I'm sort of on the fence with this "pink" stuff. On one side, the awareness has increased the ,oney funneling into research and we have many options for treatment and drugs that help with quality of life. On the other hand, hardly any money from the various product does go to the actual cancer research or support. Double edged sword. I don't want to walk around draped in pink stuff anyway and am also not looking to advertise that I had cancer. Last year, I raised $24K for the Canadian breast cancer foundation and I am doing the run again but on a much smaller scale. Instead, I have participated in fundraising for the cancer centre that provided lots of programs and support to me and my family during treatment. These are the programs that need more money.

    I worked in big pharma for many years and know what goes on with pharma companies and Docs and Pharmacies. Craziness. In Canada, drug companies are not allowed to advertise so it is strange when you buy a US mag and they advertise drugs to take for various ailments!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    carolyn i hope y'all dont infer that i am angry by any means :) i think the F word gets people's attention. Especially since most the college students are fresh out of highschool  i wanted them to look and say "huh?" and really draw their attention in. I think if i was a little more subtle they would probably mistake my flyer for just another run of the mill flyer and not ask me about it. I would totally shout my story at the top of my lungs if i thought it would save just one person from going through what i have to go through!

    Way to go rachel! i am doing the american cancer society's breast cancer walk in october- BTW quite a bit of the advancements in breast cancer came from OTHER cancer research. Because on a cellular level cancer tends to behave in a similar way. Example- researching one type of cancer they found that same treatment worked better in breast cancer and viola! a new treatment is out there. Bad ass dont you think. So wether you are donating to raise $ for lung caner, prostate cancer of even breast cancer- it helps ALL cancer patients out! Oh btw just heard some startling facts 1 in 3 women will get cancer of some sort in their lifetime and 1 in 2 men will also. SO thats 33% and 50% too high of a number for either one of them!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    texas I didn't see your flyer, I meant I agree with what you're saying and it's time to find a cure. I am angry. I am so grateful for herceptin, but I remember in the movie Dr Slamon saying we're still doing the same slash and burn and poison. And I'm angry that there are women like you still having their concerns blown off by doctors. I think so many people who still think this is an easy cancer that comes with a free boob job just don't get our ( or my:-) anger over what an insidious disease it is.


  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Good morning!!

    I just had my usual morning conversation with my pups.  I wake up daily to little Minco giving me her playful little kisses from the side of the bed.  Then I let them out, take my shower, get dressed. Then I let them in the house and we all sit down together on the floor, and I ask them how they're doing this morning, if they slept well, if they had any good dreams, and tell them that today's going to be a great day!  All the while they're wagging their tails so forcefully that their whole bodies are swinging back and forth! Then I give them their breakfasts, and I get a cup of coffee, and we're all off to a good start!

    Anyway, Texas, great point about how research findings from one cancer can end up helping with other cancers, and you're right about one drug tried on another cancer ending up being used for bc.  I wish I could remember which one, but I can't come up with it, and maybe there are more than one.  But I do know that during WWII, officers, I think Navy, who where exposed to musturd gas were found to have changes in their bone marrow, and around the same time, the US Army was experimenting with chemicals very similar to musturd gas, obviously to create "better" agents for war.  And in the process, they discovered nitrogen gas that eventually was found to be very effective against lymphoma.  That discovery developed into the creation of more effective cancer treatments called alkylating agents, from which most of us benefitted (cytoxan, F-5U, carboplatin, cisplatin).  So even instruments of war can end up leading to cancer treatments!  

    I highly recommend the book The Emperor of Maladies.

    Hope everyone has a good day! I'ts going to be rainy here, but it isn't yet.  It's just cloudy, so I'm going out to this forest preserve that has a wonderful array of different kinds of birds.  I've been learning about photography, and I'm getting a little better. Under cloudy skies, I should be able to get some really nice opportunities.

  • ""I made this flyer to insert into the clear outside pocket of my binder when i am at school in the middle of it is a pink awareness ribbon with a circle with a dash (like a do not enter sign) and it says "fuck awareness" above it and "find a cure" below it."

    OH MY GOSH!  I think tha'ts hilarious!  I think we need to start an anti-pink campaign.  And as for you, you went to your doctor and it seems that it was HE/SHE who was "UNAWARE" - You knew there was a problem and they brushed it aside.  My own radiologist told me I had nothing to worry about - that it was just a "cyst".  Maybe doctors need to be the ones who should be AWARE!  Just because there's not a visible lump in the breast, but one in the lymph node does NOT mean that there's not breast cancer there!~  


    Yup, I want some kind of anti-pink thing going.  Just wonderin' cause all I see is "raising money" and you never know where it goes.  If' it's going for  research, that's a crock, because that research WILL eventually profit from the treatments.  To me, that is why they will never look hard for an actual cure.  Can you imagine if they really could cure even half of the cancers out there?  How many BILLIONS would be lost?  How many jobs?  Tons and tons - and in this economy, it'si ALL about the bottom line, all about jobs.  

    I'm not saying they're "hiding' the cure- but rather when you play Easter Egg hunt with your kids - and you deliberately don't "look" hard so they can win.  You turn away, and that's what I think they do - even perhaps if they would never verbalize it.  There are doctors such as the clinic in Texas that is effectively treating brain cancer - what if some of that treatment led to a breakthrough to breast cancer?  But they refuse to even persue it - instead looking for a new "drug" - a new "chemical" to burn it out - instead of trying to figure out how to shut down the gene expression that's causing it in the first place.

    Yup Tex -- F awareness.

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333
    texas now I looked back and found your post about the flyer, I ike it:-) I missed it the first time. I am really a space cadet lately, am almost done with hercetpin but feel a little like I did towards the end of chemo, tired and hard to concentrate. It's been over a year since I've gone more than 3 weeks without getting into that chemo chair; maybe that has something to do with the fatigue:-) Really looking foward to a bc break - of course I finish during Pinktober, so may have to wait a month,lol.
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Wherria - I am reading the Emporer of all Maladies and really enjoying the writing and the subject matter even though it is disturbing at times.  It has helped me to put treatment in perspective and it explains why they treated my Grandma the way they did when she had leukemia in the early '80s..
  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I'm also reading the Emperor of Maladies---well started it and left it at around page 200....need to get back to it. It was very interesting. If I ever finish it, I'll send it to someone else to read if interested!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Texas: Well said. That's what bothers me too, is it seems breast cancer is sugar coated. I read an article in the Miami Herald the other day about Wanda Sykes finding out she had BC and it said she had a double mast and now has "zero chance" of recurrence. Duh! I wrote in the comments section "This is NOT true. You never have zero chance of recurrence. Check your medical facts before you print incorrect info." Not that anyone will pay attention, but I had to put in my two cents. All we can do is be vocal when we see stuff printed or said that is wrong and trivializes our disease.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors:

    I am amazed at the number of varied opinions on the "pink" campaign here on our thread! What I find most interesting is how many of us don't want to advertise/have people know we had/have cancer. So many that wear the pink hats, pins etc... never had bc and do it strictly as a show of solidarity with their stricken sisters. I think it is nice that we have an "awareness" and I do believe, in some way, it is helping those yet to join us in this fight and for the daughters of those of us already have it. It comforts me a bit to see people showing support.

    Tex: I have to speak directly to the absolute conundrum with most vegan/vegetarian protein-based options being riddled with phytoestrogens. It is the worst. I even spoke to a dietician about still eating garden burgers and she said it was fine. I still won't eat garden burgers or any soy products as my bc, too, was/is estrogen-driven. So many women do not realize the perils of estrogen itself. It is also a travesty that you had to sit there for a year, with the tumor, not getting treated and continuing on with your diet which was helping it grow. Don't, however, make too much of a ruckus or you might find yourself on Gov. Perry's very lengthy execution list! I am starting to think, with the number of people he has put down, you don't have to do much to get on that list!!!!! Consequently, and to answer one of your earlier questions/comments, I am not anti-Perry. My brother thinks he is the greatest. I just like to make jokes....about everything!

    Calamtykel: I agree with you there is an "unspoken" don't-look-too-hard mentality out there. Surely if they did find a cure, the jobs would be swung from treatment to avoid death to treatment to save lives but clearly it is not seen this way. Like "Mr. Wonderful" says on "Shark Tank," it is all about money all of the time! Sinister but true.

    So how are you feeling now?

    Lady: thank you so much for commenting and clearing up that awful misconception. I had a bmx and my chances of recurrence are only marginally better than that of those who had lumpectomies etc... Bmx does maximize your chances but does take you anywhere near zero. That is horrifying they even printed that. There is no such thing as "no chance" of recurrence. Lady, thanks for doing your part as a member of the eyes and ears of this disease. So many misconceptions.

    You guys, I am so scared that this poison oak/sumac/ivy dermatitis that has taken over my body goes away before surgery. Yesterday I had to place 9 calls to my dermatologist's answering service to get a call back from the on-call to get me another prescription for clobetasol. I ran out because I am using much more as it spreads and the pharmacy would not refill-something about it being too soon. Apparently there were some jokers working the answering service who never put the page out to the on-call because they are a-holes. In any case, 4 hours later the on-call just got the page and called me. She called in that rx as well as a pill to help me stop feeling so itchy. In any case, she alerted me to the fact that this clobetasol "thins" the skin and that could cause a problem going into surgery. Needless to say, I cannot have that going on so I had to cancel all MLB plans this weekend to stay home and nurse myself through this crap. In any case, getting this damn TE out of my chest is so much more important, I had to forego my plans. As it is, Friday's activity really exacerbated and spread this junk. So, I am off to do more loads of laundry and take the first of 2 showers that I must take daily. I am using "Hibiclens" to get rid of this junk. I also have to wash my sheets, pillow cases and clothes in the hottest water possible every day so I will do 2 more loads after my shower. It is a LOT of work and no fun getting rid of this junk!

    Off to calamine land!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Good luck Lizzy!!!
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    No way kel!!! that is exactly what the first radiologist who did my first ultrasound told me (a YEAR before my dx) "oh its both soild and liquid meaning its a cyst and cant be cancer" Well could have fooled me LOL

    carolyn- i do that too! i scroll over the post and then have to re-read it when someone leaves an interesting replie LOL no worires,

    i have been meaning to get that book- i wonder if they have it for the kindle....

    Lizzy- that IS a big problem with veg diets because of the phytoestrogens in MOST meat replacement stuff... Okay so whats really strange is the fact that the "research" out there goes both ways about that. One artical i recently read is they said soy was good for you because it is such a low dose of estrogen, but not while you are on tamox or similar drugs because it lessons the effectiveness, but as soon as you are off those drugs go ahead and add soy back to your diet... Another artical was saying strictly stay away from phytoestrogens if you have ER+ cancer... so whos right???? Driving me nuts LOL

    Lady you know what gets me is she was probably told by her Dr that getting a bi lat mx would NIX any chances of a reoccurance. So she prob doesnt even know she is spreading lies out there... Thats what got me a little about Christina Applegate- she had a very early stage BC had lumpectomy and no chemo. How was her baby a miracle baby? Chemo is what puts women into premenopause and stuff that prevents them from concieving, not a lumpectomy. I get it, she is happy she survived her cancer and loves her little baby- after going through cancer it must feel great to give life to another, but to say "miracle baby".... misleading to those whom arent in the bc "world"

    lizzy- btw i am getting eaten up by mosiqutoes and have a few itchy spots and i can not imagine it being as bad as yours. My heart goes out to you girl! ANything helping thus far?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: Applegate had a bilateral.  I also believe she had chemo AND she is my age, 40ish, so the baby is kind of a miracle.  I really like her and think she puts a new face on cancer.  Just thought I would let you know :)

    The pills are helping with the itchiness and the calamine.  My plans are cancelled for tonight because I can't sit, sweating, in the humidity and the (potential) rain so I have to put my health first.  I am hoping 6 days of 2 to 3 showers per day with Hibiclens, washing sheets and clothes every day in the hottest water and using clobetasol and calamine, colating applications daily, will help me get rid of this and healthy for pre-op.  I absolutely can't stand this TE anymore.  They are not meant to be in your body for 16 months anyway.  

    I agree the research and info on soy is all over the place.  All I say is I can totally live without soy products but I can't live through recurrence (highly doubtful) so I just avoid it all together.  Soy milk, chic peas, garden burgers...pretty much everything.  I don't need soy, I do need my health.   It is pretty screwed up there is nothing definitive out there.  The collective "they" seem to not know too much more than the collective "us" so therefore I say listen to yourself!  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Tex: no chemo or rads but Applegate did do bmx because they have the BRCA gene in her family.  
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Texas-  You can try quorn products, no soy.  I can't recommend them as I haven't tried them yet but am going to.

    Lizzie-  I'm with you.  I have had my TEs in for 16 months too.  Can't wait to go to NOLA get them out and get me some butt boobs!  That rash just plain sucks.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    Lizzie & Omaz: Just curious, I guess I missed something, but my surgery (implants) got delayed because of my second diagnosis, but I'm finally almost done now. I have my implants and nipples, all I'm missing are my tatooed aeroles (sp?). Why do ya'll still have your TEs in?
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Lady-  I have mine in because I burned myself pretty badly and it delayed my chemo.  Then when I finished radiation I went for a PS second opinion because I had read about Dr Khouri and fat grafting and it sounded great.  The new PS said that fat grafting would take multiple times to fill the skin I have from expanding and I didn't feel like having "empty wallets" for months.  So, he suggested Diep and I started researching and found Marga Massey.  I could have had the surgery sooner but wanted to be healthy for a trip to Ireland in November so my Gap is now scheduled for 12/6.  Whew, aren't you glad you asked!?  BTW congratulations on doing so well and very cute puppy!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Lady: Adey burned herself and wound up having her's in way too long also waiting for the burn to heal and then chemo etc....  My right one is still in because I was hospitalized with a bad infection back in December and the left TE was removed.  I remember asking the PS if he was going to take out both as the right one was already almost completely deflated and he said no.  I guess he did not want to "lose" the pocket he had made.   I still have one, will get that removed and get both sides cut as my PS rebuilds my boobs from existing fat and tissue.   I may or may not do Brava as well next year.  If I come out of this with a natural B, I am good.  Ideally this next surgery rebuilds enough and I am done with the entire matter.  The thing  I am happiest about is not having TEs or implants again.  I am way too much of a tomboy for those things!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Adey: I don't think TEs were designed to be in anyone's chest for 16 months!  I am so glad "we" are going to be getting rid of these things!
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Damn straight!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy and Adey - You two have been on same chemo and the TE thing - interesting!  Glad you are getting ahead of the rash.  May nothing come between you and removal of the TE.
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- i guess i should have been more clear- she only had lumpectomy @ first which was the reccommendation for her particular case- she later chose to have the bi lat because of her gene status so instead of radiation. That way she wouldnt worry about it coming back. (although it may still come back- sorta like the Wanda Sykes statement) Oh and she was younger than you in her mid 30s. I read this lovely article after she had her baby. Sad really for her to have to go through this with her mom, and then to have gone through it herself. I am not downplaying her cancer in the least, just when they put that "miracle" tag to it- misleading. thats all i'm saying ;)

    Soy- too many products have soy in it since manufactuers found out how cheap it is! LOL SO what type of bread do you eat? i couldnt find breat w/o any soy in it at any of the local markets so i opted to home make my own. Oh but i found this FABULOUS flat bread recipe on youtube that is stuffed with this mashed potatoe recipe. I made it tonight and it was awesome!!!

    Thanks Adey! I am going to look into that- the first product i looked at had egg white in it so its not vegan, but i am gonna keep looking LOL i am determined to find SOMETHING tasty to eat! Oksy so looked and it seems like all the products are made with egg white and so its really if i want to bend a little for this vegan stuff... hmmm LOL decisions decisions. On saturday i am going up to whole foods in san antonio so i will check the prices and see LOL (yeah i am flexible on this vegan thing LOL)

    Wow i knew lizzy still hadnt done the exchange yet but didnt know that Adey hadnt either. Since i am doing so well i am second guessing my decision to NOT have surgery...

    Well night ladies! Sweet dreams :)

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Timothea , Hope I didn't miss something again. Do you mean you are not doing well emotionally after surgery or are you having some other rpoblems. Sorry to hear it and hope you fell better soon.


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I guess i am not communitcating very well LOL

    What i meant is because of my great response to everything, (clear scans and all) i am second guessing my decision NOT to have recon- dont get me wrong i LOVE the fact that i havent worn a bar in forever, by style wise its killing me, i am having such a hard time finding tops that fit right and i want to wear. I can wear a t-shirt no problem, but when it comes to any other type of blouse they are usually made with extra fabric to accomodate breasts so they fit droopy there, or if they are small enough on top they are too tight on my gut LOL

    Also post=mastectomy tops are hugely over priced! i am too frugal to spend a days work on 1 top!

    I was shopping ebay while reading the boards last night and when lizzy and adey were talking about their plight of their TEs i was just  thinking maybe i should have done that as well.... Oh well gives me an excuse to shop for a long period of time cuz aint nothin fittin right! ;)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    like this is totally omething i would wear: but once again i cant tell that the top wouldnt work for me