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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    at park w kids, cant type much- results of mri show spine pushing on spinal cord so have to see orthopedic suergeon- 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    tex - For us 'spine pushing on spinal cord' is good news!  Who'd of thought!
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day warriors!

    I hope you all are choosing your battles and fighting only the good fights!

    Wherria: An ex of mine, who I remain friends with, is bipolar. I understand, from that perspective, what you might be going through. At the time I had no clue what his story was. All I remember was coming home from the city (we both worked on Wall St) and we were on the bar car, already pretty buzzed from happy hours (!) and the bartender cut him off. He, in his terribly expensive suit and very good, previous football player physique, CLOCKED the bartender!!!!! He knocked him right out cold with one punch. I remember slowly backing away with some friends of our's as we were all stunned. I did break up with him after that and in subsequent conversations he revealed this bipolar dx and a lot about him made sense thereafter.  It was through that experience, however, that I am very familiar with the volatile and extreme highs and lows.  It is not easy, Whitney.     

    It can easily be as much a task to control the "push" desire and tone it down. Clearly I think you starting a running thread or joining a running thread would be great. If you start one let me know and I will support your thread even though I am not ready to start trying to run again as I will have drains again probably right through Christmas.

    You probably don't get "YES" which is the Yankee network but they have an excellent running show, normally aired on Saturdays, largely covering marathons, preparing for marathons and some associated topics like choosing running shoes. I am sure there are a lot of these programs out there but I do happen to like the YES show. You might want to join a running website. Managing ourselves in a large part of the battle!

    Tex: I would get a "Grey's Anatomy" type of book and study the spine. Find out what muscles you need to build up to negate that process. It is entirely feasible some lifting might just help you enough and certainly more than surgery. You are smart enough to know when to avoid a surgery, I am sure, but these back surgeons waters are equally as murky as the cancer tx waters. At least, with cancer, we know the waters are supposed to be murky whereas with back surgery, I don't know why they make such a mess of so many people. Lifting, my friend, lifting...that is where it is at. If your husband has a bench at your house, lying on your stomach with the bar on the floor at the head and slightly in front of the bench and simply pulling that up and down from the floor will strengthen your back immensely. I would go with light and long for lifting and help yourself before those jokers want to start with their knives.

    You are way too young and have been through way too much to be going into a back surgery situation. Do you feel anything weird in your spine? Is that why you had the MRI or was that just an ancillary finding? Proceed with the greatest of caution, woman!

    Well, I am in such a cleaning mood today! Organizing, cleaning and motivated at that! I am going to wash some curtains now! Good day, warriors-

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi all, I've been reading lots of posts but not contributing much. Sorry bout that. I've been struggling with seesaw emotions and being back at work. I think it's the Tamox but I find that sometimes the littlest things at work set me off in the direction of over-worry. I can't sleep, I"m running through the scenario in my head, I can feel my adrenaline levels up and heading into Fight or Flight territory. I used to worry a bit, but it's definitely bigger these days. I really do think it's the Tamox. It just seems as if I'm not able to let it run off my back as easily as it used to. Are any of you grappling with this too? Over worry or over anxious type behaviours??

    Have a great weekend everyone. We're off to a wedding in Toronto this weekend. Fun! (Rachel, I"ll be looking for you in the wave of pink running across TO this wkd!:)

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311
    p.s TEX- very glad to hear about your spine results...funny how that could be good news now in the "new normal", eh??
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    yeah surgery is the LAST thing i want- i am going to look into the whole weight lifting, deo you think a rehablitation place could help me with my neck...

    i posted earlier about my numbness in my arm- that was why i was so worried about them losing my ct scans because we were waiting on those results to either do an mri or some sort of treatment (if it had been cancer)

    yes funny how that hearing c the news "you have a jacked up spine" is the BEST CASE SENARIO in this situation!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Texas: Good news, well like Lizzy said, it's good for us! Anything that doesn't involve cancer is good :)

    Sweeney: I've been the same, try to read every day to keep up, but don't feel like I contribute much. I'm on Arimidex, been on it about 3 weeks, and haven't really noticed any side effects, except maybe feeling a little irritable or short tempered or something. I just know I've been finding fault with my hubby a lot lately.

    Everybody have a great weekend! We are having beautiful weather here.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Omaz and Lizzy:  I am feeling okay physically.  The results came back clear.  So, everything is good.  I am still very sore and honestly having trouble dealing with it. I feel like I just want my breast not to hurt!  I was all healed up and doing good...and now I am back to the swelling, the soreness.....ARGHHH!!  I have major swelling in my breast from fluid accumulation, but I refused the doctor's offer to drain it.  He said eventually my body will reabsorb the fluid and the swelling will go down, and I just really want to heal and get back to my life so I will skip the needle and just wait.  Mentally I have been in a bit of a funk lately.  I feel like I have taken three steps backwards and I miss my classes at the gym.  But I returned to the gym on the treadmills last week so that made me feel better, and I just keep telling myself that three weeks will fly by and I will be able to get back into my routine.  In the meantime, I try to remind myself how good life is and all the things I have to appreciate.  But I am struggling.  In a dark place right now, not quite sure why.  Sorry about the vent.

    Sweeney:  I am with you on the mental funk!  Although I don't know if it is the Tamox or just all this BC news everywhere because October is coming, just seems to be smacking you in the face everywhere you go.  Anyway, I have had a very strange range of emotions over the past couple of weeks.  I am not one to cry (I hardly ever do) but all of a sudden at work yesterday I started crying...and you know, I really can't even tell you why!  Really weird.  And I absolutely worry too much about things some times, have to actually calm myself down quite often telling myself I am overreacting.

    Wherria:  Your gradual plan to get back to running sounds great.  Hopefully you will build yourself back up quickly, but you must be patient.  You will feel worse if you get hurt and can't work up slowly!  I have been reading a lot lately about the benefits of exercise and I am very glad that I started my exercise routine, it has made me feel much better about I hope it works for you too. 

    Texas:  So glad to hear of your "good results"! I am with Lizzy though, I would investigate the lifting aspect and other noninvasive methods of helping your spine to realign before surgery.  Even physical therapy or a chiropractor first.  You can always have surgery later if it doesn't work.  My son had problems with his back a few years ago, and he went to an exercise therapist who help him strengthen his back muscles and the pain disappeared. 

    Lady:  I think you mentioned anal bleeding a couple of pages back.  Just wanted to let you know, I had a problem with that too, but I was also struggling with not constipation exactly, but more like "sluggish bowel", so I think that had something to do with it.  Just a little too much effort to go maybe.  Anyways, since I have been off the iron, it has gone away.  I would mention it to your doctor anyway, just in case. 

    I finished that Anti Cancer book, it was really good.  I am interested to see if any of you have tried meditation.  There was a section in the book that pointed out that meditation, like exercise, has multiple benefits.  I was thinking of maybe trying a little.  He said you only have to do about 10-15 minutes a day to reap the benefits.  Does anyone have any experience with meditation?  Where would I start looking for "how to" classes?

    Have a great weekend everyone!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    I discovered something so cool on Windows 7 tonight: if you press the windows button + tab at the same time, your screens will show up in the center of the screen sort of like cards and if you keep hitting tab, it scrolls through all open screens and keeps shuffling them, in sort of a rolodex fashion!   I don't care what the feds say about Bill Gates and antitrust nonsense, the bottom line is he made a better  mouse trap and I don't know what my life would be like without Microsoft!!!!!! 

    Sweeney:  I live with this awful fear that I am going to start a business, become really successful and then be diagnosed with mets and die just as I realize success again.   Let me tell you, I am not a woman that thought like this pre-bc.  This disease leaves you twisting mentally and also sometimes it does not take much to rattle my cage.   My patience and tolerance is low.  I share this with you because I think that under similar circumstances, it is entirely feasible I will be ruminating and driving myself crazy with replays and forecasting.   I have no idea what to expect in my future but my current findings are NOT good!   I am sure I will be joining you in such anomalous, previously very unLiz-like behavior!

    Something  I thought was strange for me: normally I will deal with everything head-on and right away.  In any case, when I first started chemo I ordered all those hats and wraps.  Well I decided, in one of my spare rooms, to make a hat wall so I could try them on and decide what I wanted to wear daily etc...  Well my friend came over with her husband and sister and she had previously seen my hat wall a few days earlier.  She decided to show her husband and sister and I could tell she was leading them in there to show them the wall and was sort of making fun of it.  Well, I knew at that time what she was doing but "chemo Liz" let it go.  Sure enough, we are on the train last week and this guy across from me is talking to me about the Yankees for like an hour (!) and then he tells me about his hat wall.  I looked right at her and said "you thought you were pretty (expletive) funny mocking me for my hat wall, didn't you?  Showing your sister and your husband as if it was something to laugh about or that you had previously spoken to them about in a mocking tone behind my back.  Did that make you feel good?  Did you think I did NOT know what you were up to?!"  Well, she turned beat red and did not say anything.   All I could think was that guy talking to me about his hat wall woke up that memory of what she pulled and I had no compunction about letting her know.   What was weird was the initial delay, the lack of follow up and then dropping a bomb out of nowhere!   Sweeney, our post-chemo selves are a puzzlement!

    Tex: a rehab will definitely help you with your neck.   Honestly, it might be nerve issues in your neck.  I have pinching in my neck and tonight I was reaching up to get something in the kitchen and I felt this wicked sting in my neck!  I thought I was bitten by a bug.  Then I thought the centipede that I saw in the basement and DID NOT KILL had come upstairs to bite me!   It is so weird this "no kill" spider thing with me.  This from a girl who stood in the middle of her bed screaming at 11 years old for my father because there was a spider in the corner of my room!   He came running up the stairs and, although he killed the spider, he did remind me I had to stop my spider nonsense and that they won't bother me if I don't bother them!   Well, he must be proud of me now!  

    Sptmm: you know you are in a funk?  Because bc is an all-encompassing, never-ending miserable battle from the depths of hell!!!!!!!!  Seriously, you were trucking along before you were dragged back into the surgery mix.    I am not even joking when I tell you I am so looking forward to this last surgery so I can get back to a work life before I am dx'd with mets!  I am not joking....I feel so under the gun, like I have such limited time to do something productive and have some good times before this stuff comes knocking again.   You know I am positive by nature but I am also a realist.

    I have to share with you all some weird stuff, aside from all the physiological business, that I have found since chemo ended.  First, I lose my train of thought a lot and I find myself going "oh yeah, I have to do that" and it could be even moments from when I have to do it.   Now I have all the smart phones and calendards etc... it is just weird.  I also forget I don't have cash on me.  I am a cash carrier.  I always have the debit and credit cards but I prefer cash and like I found myself having to use my cards to pay like for really small purchases because I just did not remember to bring cash, get some out of the safe etc... .  It is the weirdest thing.   As a matter of fact, when I went to the dermatologist I, again, forgot to carry cash and the parking lot there does not take cards (because they might have to file taxes on that money!) so I actually paid with change I had in my console!  It is just really weird, these little things I am finding so odd.     And the beat goes on, right?!

    Oh, warriors, I wish you all a lovely weekend.   Sweeney - I hope you have a lovely, trouble-free time in Toronto and that CNN captures footage of you chasing Rachel, trying to get her attention, through that sea of pink!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi,   I don't have much time to post, kids have a 4 day weekend. sweeney, I just saw your post. If you remember I had a really hard time on Tamoxifen. My onc said she could count on one hand the number of times she's seen that severe a reaction, but my bs said she saw it quite frequently in young women dealing with severe estrogen depletion.For me it was scary to stop, but in a way easier b/c I could not function and take care of my family so I had to stop.  I know it's awful but just wanted to let you know you're not crazy. I've heard the side effects can get better with time.

    Lizzy The oncologist I saw at MSK in the city was wonderful. I just couldn't travel in to the city for treatments b/c of the kids. My first appt we had to wait a few hours b/c there was an emergency. It made me realize how stressed I'd be trying to make arrangements for the kids when stuff like that happened, so i went to SK in NJ. But if you are worried they are missing something it might be worth just going for a second opinion and having someone look over things for peace of mind.   I do the same with my kids, like taking them to Johns Hopkins. Most of their specialists are out of network and it hurts financially, but for me psychologically I need the peace of mind that I have some good people watching them.

    Debbi, Sorry you are not feeling well. I completely understand. We just want to get on with our lives and things keep pulling us back to bc. I'm so glad your results were clear. I'm sure the fluid must be painful; why not let them drain it. I know when my back is acting up the pain really wears on my mood. Hope you are feeling better soon. I am taking ameditation class at the Y. I took a wkend course once in NYC. Everyone was talking about how realxed they were, and I coomented that I felt stressed out. The psychiatrist running the class laughed and said there is alwys someone who hears everyone saying how great they feel and says wait a minute, I feel like crap! He said it's like peeling away the layers of an onion, if you have trauma those feelings come to the surface and you need to face them and then they longer you do meditaion the easier it gets. I just started a class at the y. Here is the website for the class in the city I went to. (uggh can't copy the link, it's Dr rcihard Brown.  I actually saw this dr in person , he is so nice.  The course is expensive, offered free to 9/11 resonders. I actually did it pre bc (thought I had stress then , lol). I just need to learn to make time for my own health, but easier said than done. Anyway, I can't remember if there's a discount for cancer patients, I know he's worked training staff at MSK too.

    Texas So sorry about your pain, but glad it is not bc related.

    Well, I am struggling a little myself. Not too bad, but I think as my last herceptin tx comes up I realize I am losing my security blanket. Sometimes I wish I could have a few days away from the family so I could crawl into bed and hide, but then again it's good they keep me going. Lizzy, I have a lot of that cognitve stuff -it's almost like someone put a drape over my memory and I find it extra hard to remember things. I also lose everything. Its' scary when doing your 1st grader's math hw is challenging!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbie....I took a few meditation classes at my support centre. Mindful really helped me to get through the funk I was in post-treatment. It did help me to quiet my mind. The one course I took is called "Healing Journey". It was started by a cancer patient and it as you can download content on line. Hope that may help. After my chemo I had appointment with a nurse and she said that the year post-treatment can be as hard as during treatment....obviously we all can relate. Be easy on yourself!

    Well tomorrow it is the Run for the Cure here and it is supposed to be cold and miserable. Will give me motivation to move faster.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks guys for the tips and reassurance, I will look into all your suggestions. 

    Good Luck Tomorrow Rachel!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Debbi - I think regular meditation would be very good for me.  I have tried a couple times to get a routine started but didn't stick to it.  I do have a biofeedback program that uses breathing and monitors 'heart coherence' and that is for me like meditating.  I also didn't stick with that but I will start back to it today.  There are two main places that offer the biofeedback heart rate monitor and software: emwave  and  wild devine
  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Hello Ladies.  I've missed you! Been to busy for the last few days to be here very much.

    Debbi: I think meditation is a great idea.  Rachel mentioned mindful meditation, and I would recommend that.  There are many, many kinds of meditation.  Some religious in nature, some to focus the mind, some, to relax the body, some to remuinate on problems, etc.  Mindful meditation seeks to empty your mind, to try not to think at all.  As thoughts do pass through your mind, you just acknowledge them, and let them go.  Or if there is a sensory change in you or around you, for, example, you would again just acknowledge it, "Yes, there is a breeze I can feel on my skin" And then let it go.  It might sound very strange, but it can be very helpful.  The idea is to go in with no expectations.  Yes, you try to relax, but the goal is to mindful, which is to take note of your experiences, physical and mental, acknowledge them, one at a time, with no one thought having any more power over another (you can see how that might be helpful). Being mindful of what is going on in your head and in the world around you, and rather than reacting emotionally, you let your mind see it, be mindful of it, and then let it go.

    Tex: So sorry about your pain! And so sorry for you and me and everyon here, that when we are bothered by anything physical, we will, at some point or in some way, inevitably need to worry about it, get scared by it, and eventually, make sure it's not cancer.  That said, I'm glad your pain isn't cancer!  

    As for the lifting, I think its great.  There are certainly people here with more experience with lifting than I have, but please make sure to work on strengthening your core muscles before or as you work specifically on your back muscles.  Sometimes back pain is actually caused by weak core muscles.

    Lizzy: yep, same stuff.  Forgetting things from my keys to my birthday! Doing things differently, not by conscious choice, but by accident.  I spell things wrong or forget how to spell (a lot of times when i'm writing, I switch letters around and put thim in different order). I often can't think of words.

    And I HATE when other woemn say to me, "Well it's all just part of getting older.  I kmow when I went through menopause..." I don't need to say any more, because I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about.

    Well, I just ran out of time.  Love to you all! 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Well it was a cold and miserable day here for the Run for the Cure but it went well. My youngest, who is currently training cross country, ran the 5km in just over 20 min. He kept pace with a few adults along the way and they cheered him on and reminded him to keep going. We were so proud---he finished first out of all the kids. I walked it with friends and family. I'm not sure where my kids get their athletic abilities from!!

    This week I am now working until 4pm and am feeling a little run down so I am planning a day off to relax and recharge.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi, today I spent in ICU with my friends husband while she was on a ventilator and sedated.  She had back surgery two weeks ago and then developed Guillain-Barre syndrome.  She can't swallow or move hardly at all and is on the ventilator.  It was hard to see and her husband is just beside himself with worry, they are very close.  Anyone have any experience with Guillain-Barre syndrome??

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy thanks for the windows tip! I just had a few minutes of fun playing with it LOL

    Omaz I will pray for your friend and her family- i have heard of it but havent had any dealings with it.

    Debbie- meditation sounds like a great idea. honestly i dont think anyof us will get back to our pre cancer selves emotionally EVER, it just isnt gonna happen... we are here for you whenever you need us. Funny the dr said your body would reaborbe the fluid- wouldnt that just mean swelling else where? Drs can be so moronic, would it have hurt any to drain it?

    rachel- way to go girl! i love the new profile pic- i am not sure when you added it but i just noticed! I am happy for your son thats an impressive time!

    Agree whitney! oh its not just aging! a lot of these things are brougt on by our treatments


    oh yeah we did a TX meet up in san antonio this weekend and it was so much fun! all the ladies were awesome! if y'all want to see a pic its on the TEXAS thread under the GET TOGETHERS forum

    well i got to call it a night :(

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    I was thinking of you all fondly this weekend. I am absolutely engaged in this baseball drama and will resurface in a few weeks!

    Tex: isn't that cool?! I love it! I look forward to switching screens now! Glad you went to the TX meet-up. CT does not really have an active group aside from the fact that we are #2 for bc dxs in this country! It seems kind of weird that there are not more on this site? I hope you join the gym. I think lifting is one of the greatest gifts you can give your body.

    Omaz: that is awful. I have had no experience with that. In fact, the first time I heard of it was from you. That is just awful. I feel for you and what her family is going through. What a startling turn of events. It is just scary. Geesh...I hope there is a turn for the better soon. Best of luck and I am sorry, I wish I had more information for you.

    Sptmm: a Yale student, just as I was dxd, had purchased something from me off of Craigs List (I deliver, even though it is a ½ hour, for free for Yale students!) and she actually gave me a card with the "Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo" rather well-know Buddhist chant. If you saw the movie "What's Love Got To Do With It?" about Tina Turner, you will remember her repeating that chant in one poignant scene. In any case, I have found that chanting does help. a lot of ways it is something you have to practice every day. I am frenetic by nature and I do try, using some of the tricks I learned at survivorship clinic, but in the end I guess it is not important enough for me to calm down and do it. I think, however, if you can martial the "no-vacancy in your head" space and do it, I think the benefits are wonderful. Think of all the work our mind does? All day and never stops, luckily. I think meditation is a nice break for the mind.

    Ckptry: yes, perhaps I will get a second. You are right, there is nothing wrong with seconds. I also have Blue Cross and I think I am covered in the Northeast in general.

    Christie?!?!? Uh oh.....we all better get the *&^% off the beach when he says so!!!!! Geez....I hope that "get off the beach" comment is not a cornerstone of his campaign!!!!!

    Rachel: that is so great that your son ran and did not outrun the adults! Was it purposeful that he did not just race past everyone? That is just great. Good for you for walking. He got his running from your fabulous, pre-bc self! Own it, woman! I mean, of course, you are still fabulous but just not fabulously running just yet ;) Only a matter of time.

    Wherria: good points on core. I will tell Tex the "lifting" diet now!

    Tex: if you do join the gym, you do need to work your muscles rather methodically. The following is the way you need to work your muscles, by group: Day 1: back and bi's; Day 2: chest and tri's; Day 3: shoulders; Day 4-glutes, thighs and calves. Legs are a really big day and the reasons you need to work your muscles in this way, and light, when starting out is to avoid injury. You do all your pushing on one day, all your pulling on another day and then shoulders and legs separately. Shoulders can involve both pushing and pulling and legs are just a big workout. Now although it is your back that is of issue, you have to work the entire system because are only dotted lines to each other. Also, and to speak to Whitney's point, you need to do some core work with a medicine ball. I forget because it has been so many years and probably 50,000+ crunches (not joking) that I really forgot to remind you of that. The bonus about lifting is that you can eat more because your body desperately needs the additional "protein" fuel. In fact, just get a jug of Muscle Milk off of Amazon (no soy) and add 2 tbsp of coconut oil after each workout and you will be good. That is the best way to get very beneficial coconut oil (which you have to have daily to really reap the benefits) and you will get the extra calories, protein and coconut oil you need. If you have any questions about any of this, or about lifting, just PM me. I can most likely answer your questions.

    Well, I have some errands to run. I hope you all had a nice weekend and for those of you working and getting run down, I wish you all the best. Sometimes I can't even imagine working full-time again. It is such a strange place to be.

    Good day, girls-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Thanks Wherria and Lizzy for helping with Wherrias point :)

    Blah the dreaded core work outs- LOL

    is the medicine ball the big blue ball or the weighted ball? i have the big blue one...

    P90x also does the workouts in a similar rotation- oh and i have tried to get back into the P90x but just too much pain... hopefully the working out will loosen everything up so i can eventually do something more hardcore ;)

    Tomorrow is my appointment with my orthopedic guy LOL hopefully he doesnt expect to cut me tomorrow LOL they told me to plan to be there for 2 1/2 to 3 hours...

    Night ladies i have a big bio test that i have to get studying for!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Omaz:  So sorry to hear about your friend, that must be so upsetting.  I have no knowledge of Guillan Barre so I can't offer any advise, just prayers for your friend and her family. Thanks for the tips on biofeedback, I am going to look into that too. 

    Wherria:  Try not to be so hard on your well meaning friends and their comments.  They have NO CLUE.  Not only are you experiencing menopause, which for most women is an aggravating and difficult time, but you were thrust into it prematurely, which I think makes it worse.  But they can't even imagine what you have been through, so you have to cut them some slack.  I understand though how frustrating it is

    Tex:  Thanks for the kind thoughts, you really are right.  I will never be the same person I was, but that is not necessarily all a bad thing.  Cancer has caused some positive changes in me too.  I just have to slog through the doldrums and take it as it comes.  The gym sounds great, but be careful and ask for advise from the staff or the doctors.  You don't want to make your back pain first, especially not with little kids at home to run after and pick up! Good luck on your test!

    Lizzy: Thanks for the chant, I am going to give it a try tonight.  I, too, am frenetic by nature, so meditating will be a challenge but I was very impressed by what I read in the Anti Cancer book and think that he really is on to something with effects of stress and cancer.  It seems that maybe meditation will work, so I am going to give it a try.  Lets Go Yankees!!!!

    Time to go to work.  Have a great day all!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    Tex: I hope you did great on the exam!  Bio is hard.  The med ball is the weighted one.  Another "ball" that is great for abs is the bosu ball.  Reason being is balancing on that thing and trying to do crunches becomes 100% core.

    Sptmm: GO YANKEES indeed! Last night was a disappointment.   Chanting, I am sure, is good for the soul and I don't believe you are becoming Buddhist, from one Irish Catholic to another, by using that chant! I hope you are feeling better these days, Deb.  I wish you well with that.

    Omaz: how is your friend?  Any changes?  That is just horrible how it happened and so soon.  I hope there has been an improvement.

    Wherria: how are you today?  Also, you never mention LE.  Has that improved?  Just wondering.

    Hope you all are having a nice day.  It is cold and rainy here and the Irish in me LOVES this weather!   It is cozy up to the fireplace weather!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Rachel: I am so sorry, I forgot you this morning, I was in a rush.  That is great that your son did so well on the Race for the Cure.  How old is he?  My youngest ran cross country two years ago and loved it, and man that kid could run forever.  He doesn't do it now because the fall is soccer season in school and cross country, but he had fun while he was doing it.  As for you walking..that is great! Nothing wrong with walking, as a matter of fact I love it now.  Even with all the working out I have done, I just can't manage to run more than half mile at a time...but I can walk four miles at a steep incline really I do.  I like to think walking is just as healthy for you!  Oh, and that spinning....I have done two classes so far, and what a great change of pace for me.  A very good workout, but boy is my butt sore for a couple days afterward!  Hockey season is almost here....GO ISLANDERS!!!!

    Tex:  Hope the test went well!  It woudn't hurt to have the fluid drained, but honestly I am tired of medical procedures.  And I am a little worried about truncal lymphedema.  The top portion of my breast swelled up as soon as I started radiation (not the surgical site, but above it) and after this last surgery has gotten even more swollen.  The doctor's say there is no such thing as truncal lymphedema but I have researched it and I am convinced that is what is going on here, so I hesitate to stick a needle in the breast, as maybe it will cause even more swelling.  Funny though I did a Zumba Tone class the other day (doctor said okay to Zumba because it is just dancing) anyway this was basically Zumba while holding light weights for toning.  I am convinced that the swelling decreased after doing the class, so I am hopefuly that it is starting to go away on its own, and as I begin to get back to my regular work out routine, I hope it will hasten the proess.  I think maybe moving my arms with the weights, got everything flowing again and helped with the swelling. 

    Lizzy:  Thanks for thinking of me, I am feeling physically a little better.  Like I told Tex, the Zumba Tone, I think, helped reduce the swelling a little and the soreness is beginning to fade quickly.  Mentally, I am just toughing it out.  Feel like if I just slog through this funk I will come out on the other side and go back to feeling normal.  As for becoming a Buddhist, I think my Nanny would roll over in her grave if I even considered walking away from the Catholic church...LOL.  I am pretty sure that is almost a sin,,LOL! But I think the meditation, if I can make it work for my frenetic mind, will be good for me.  I tend to be very stressed out. As for the game tonight....our backs are against the wall...I think it is AJ Burnett pitching tonight...he better bring it! 

    Omaz:  How is your friend doing?  I am sending out prayers and positive vibes!

    Oh BTW, on the memory issue.  I am a little ahead of most of you as far as finishing chemo first and I am very happy to report that over the last month or so I have noticed a major improvement in my memory as I approach the first anniversary of my last chemo!  So hang in there guys, it really does get better.  My memory is almost back to pre-chemo....almost. 

    Okay everyone, going to make cupcakes for my college age daughter's game tomorrow (insane huh, that they are in college and still want cupcakes...LOL).  Have a great night everyone!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbi...Glad to hear you are feeling better. Yep, hockey in full swing here. Both of my boys were at hockey tonight. My son who runs (he is 9) ran cross country after school today and then to hockey game.. He has endless energy. Go Leafs!

    Busy weekend ahead of sports and it is Canadian Thanksgiving!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Debbi def keep up with the zumba tone if it helps

    lizzy- burning knees????  the skin or bones?

    Okay so the OS wanted me to do surgery GASP! okay lol i figured as much- i have a ruptured c6 disk... he said since its ruptured best course of action is surgery where they scrape out the disk and add a filler so its not bone on bone... um yeah i'll have to think about that!

    Oh i will have to miss 2 weeks of school and wear a collar for 6 weeks! LOL

    i think i made a b on my test but i will find out thur- more homework so i will be back later

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    DEBBI- I hear you on the tears thing. It just seems overwhelming sometimes and I truly believe Tamoxifen doesn't help on this count. I think Lizzy is right and BC is just a pit sometimes, one that on certain days is hard to climb out of. Have you tried the meditation thing yet? I haven't but that might be a good idea, one I can try pretty easily. I'm going to look around the web for, I'll let you know if I find anything good. So far one of the things that has worked or me has been tackling a small job- like cleaning the laundry room or a bookshelf etc. It's concrete and I can see positive results and it makes me feel better. Anyway, hope you're doing okay.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    real quick- i just read some stats that 90% of herniated/ruptured discs require no surgery and heal on their own and with exercise... yeah heading to the big city for a second opinion!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi - My friend is doing better.  She is able to write on a pad and is taking some breaths on her own.  They are hoping to start weaning her from the respirator tomorrow! Thank you for your well wishes!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: that is great news!  I am so glad to hear that.  The entire turn of events was rather frightening.   Thanks for letting us know

    Rachel: how do you do it?!  Do you and your husband change in phone booths?!   I can only imagine you are momma cab (how I refer to my sister when my nephew is talking about needing to get somewhere!) and your dh is pappa cab?!?   Well, go Leafs!  

    Texas: EXERCISE!   SECOND OPINIONS!!!  All good stuff!   Congratulations on the exam.  Bio is hard and there is so much to remember.

    Sptmm: thanks for letting me know memory issues get better!   I appreciate the report from the front lines!

    Night all-

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Omaz:  Great to hear! I will continue to pray for your friend, hope she makes a full recovery.

    Tex:  Sorry about that diagnosis, but very glad you are getting a second opinion.  Back surgery is a very scary prospect, and often doesn't work.  So, second opinion is definitely the way to go.  And I can tell you from my recent surgical experience, after everything we have been get to feeling normal and then be dragged back into the recovery phase SUCKS!  Hopefully you find a doctor with better options.

    Sweeney:  I googled Mindful Meditation, which is what is mentioned in the book.  There are several online books, etc.  But according to one website, from Rachel's Hospital I think (Princess Margaret Hospital) there is also a You Tube Video by some guy teaching you how to do it.  I am going to look for that one when I get a few minutes to try it out.  As for the BC pit, yeah that is exactly how I feel.  Like I just need to get through the sludge and thinks will get better.  The exercise helps me a lot, kind of like your tasks, I feel sooo much better and more positive when I leave the gym.  I think as I am allowed to get back to my exercise routine, I will begin to feel better.

    Lizzy:  My memory was a very important asset to me and I am very glad it is returning.  I sense that you are the same way, so I wanted to let you know there is hope.  Yeah..Yankees win!

    Rachel:  Hockey (Roller) began last week for us.  Soccer (both school and club) is in full swing now.  It is amazing sometimes how much energy these kids have.  But busy kids don't get in trouble!  BTW, your boys are adorable, I have seen the pix you posted on FB.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    So my insurance will allow me to go to a PT w/o needing refferal from a DR cuz i dont even have a PCP- anyhow the PT place needs a reffering dr, so i call my oncologist to see if he can write a refferal his answer "no that not my area of expertise" well hells bells thats why i need them to refer me so i can get an evaluation- i honestly am gonna see if my gyno will write the referal- damn hoops i got to jump through! i am not a circus monkey!