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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day warriors:

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Wherria: I hope you are, as I type, having a nice morning with your pups!

    Tex: Why don't you look into what Adey is doing? The doc is in New Orleans which is driving distance from you, albeit a very long drive! At least you would end up with a fraction of what you used to have!!!! Also, if you search "Houston Brava Method" you might find some leads on PSs that do Brava right near you. Why not give it a shot? I did not love my humongous old fat sacks but am looking forward to some nice, smaller boobs that aren't in sag city! Applegate is 6 months younger than I am. I know what you mean about how she started lump, went bmx and was spared chemo/rads so why do they call her baby a miracle. I understand your point.
    I found out the hard way I am not an "implant" person either but I do encourage you to consider Brava. Brava has worked with people as thin as 88 lbs so if they can harvest fat off of that person, most people will be able to do Brava recon!

    I just knew I wanted *some* boobs but had no affinity for the old, poisoned ones so as soon as they acted up, I got rid of them!

    That is a beautiful dress. Just fabulous. You should get yourself some replacement, small boobs and you will be all set!

    As for soy and bread, I don't really eat any bread, croissants, baguette, bagels, pitas etc... and, if I do, it is a low-carb pita. I do have wheat pasta which has soy lecithin but, again, I eat it rarely. I eat pasta once a week and I don't really use those pitas. Old London melba toast has soy lecithin as the last ingredient. I will eat those instead of crackers/bread. I will still have a bagel once in a while as I really like those. It is all in moderation. I think bc patients should have a "card system" for soy consumption each week to keep track but then, if anyone created that, it would be an admonition soy is the culprit in a lot of this! IN any case, the dietician at Yale said if "soy/lecithin etc.." are the last ingredient, don't worry about it having any affect.

    I seriously think vegan/vegetarian eating is NOT going to help bc patients at all but rather low/no carb is the way to go. I agree with the cardio oncologist that was on the news with Diane Sawyer last week. In my pre-bc life, meat was almost totally off the menu and I could eat carbs/carb-related products all day. It is a shame that what we are left with is eating gross animal protein but what the hell are you going to do? I know that to call my bc "estrogen" driven is basically calling it "carb" driven.

    The contractors are here again today...will write more later, girlies!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Texas-  Poo!  I'm doing the vegan thing too.  I think that Ezekiel bread has no soy.  Great dress!

    Lizzie-  I think it depends on how you do the vegan thing.  Obviously eating french fries and pasta and bread doesn't do it. 

    Good luck to us all in navigating this cancer maze, blech!

    I can't wait for Ireland and then NOLA (not looking forward to drains though), yipee!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Adey: I should be more clear, too!  I did not consider myself, pre-bc, or at any point in my life, to be a vegan/vegetarian although I ate almost exclusively fruits, vegetables and carbs.   I have never tried the vegan/vegetarian life, even though I have huge issues with animal protein.   All I am saying is I think I did an unwitting disservice to myself with, what I now know to be, detrimental consumption.
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    You and me babe!  I trashed my body having too much fun.  (c:

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    My sense with avoiding animal protein was avoiding all the hormones they injected it with.  Capitalism has ruined our food sources.  My feeling was that I could avoid cancer/catastrophic health event by not eating animal proteins.  I did not eat a bunch of luscious, bad carbs but just preferred a diet of wheat pasta, sauce, gardenburgers, cheeses etc... and it appears that I unwittingly fed my ER+ (carb-driven) bc.   I would like to say I had fun and it was a blast but the only carbs I consume that are fun are the LIQUID ones!  Aside from that, it would appear that eating animal proteins is one of the only options for my ER+ bc.  Damned if you do, damned if you don't comes to mind!  As for those animal proteins, I can eat chicken and fish and very little beef but what I will never, ever, ever eat is PORK!!!!!!!  That S grosses me right out!  Never, ever, sausage, no bacon, no pork chops...none of it!  NOTHING!  Gross-a-munga!

    I guess now that I am eating animal protein I can place my bets on what my next "C" will be!  It is a wonderful world! 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    I love brats and they are so disgusting!  It was the liquid fun I was talking about.  (c:  You know what?  It is a wonderful world (most of the time).  I am trying the vegan, organic, I'm a good girl thing.  Let's see how I do.  (c:  But I will still have wine with dinner!  (c:  I found organic wine.  That makes it better, right?  Ha!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    i should be more clear i am undertaking a "whole foods plant based diet" and also am cutting out things like oils and such. Mostly whatever the movie from forks over knives said LOL

    Before b/c i was a ovo/lactate vegetarian so this diet isnt too much diffrent, just remove the dairy and egss- But i sure do miss cheese! LOL

    Adey i will look for it @ whole foods i know we dont have that at HEB or walmart here in my town, i leterally spent half an hour reading all the bread lables. LOL Oh and to add to what lizzy said- basically if the product has soy listed in its ingrediants but NOT as an allergen its not enough soy to do anything (so like under the list of whats in it- if it says may contain this that and the other)

    I AM SO CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST WANT TO GO TO FREAKIN MCDONALDS AND GET A BURGER LOL but if i am not mistaken they use soy as a filler LOL

    I agree if you're going to eat meat and eggs go with free range and no hormones added- so much better for you! Although there are the fruit chews that are 100 fruit they are better thn a fruit roll up- i say this because that is what i had for lunch LOL (i ate WAY too much of the flat bread yesterday!)

    oh and i will def look into the Brava thing- i wonder if i am doing this well after what point would y'all coincider recon? Like if you were in my sitiuation. I just didnt want to do the boobs and then a few mo later it be back.... i know i am driving myself crazy LOL

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    texas You can look into reconstruction at any time. I think you should do whatever makes you happy. If you do it and it comes back in a few months as you said that doesn't mean you won't treat it and knock it back to NED again. And hopefully it will NEVER come back. I know you're like me with the young kids; I just found the flap surgery had too much recovery time for me to do that. I think thre are some places that do one step reconstruction with alloderm and implants, but I imgaine you have to stay within a certain size. I hated the TE's but the nice part was that they fill them while your in the Or so you don't wake up compeletely flat. I know what you mean about the clothes having extra material or darts. You can always look into prosthetics to wear in bra if you don't want to go the surgery route but want to be curvy sometimes:-)


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: the one thing I have taken away from all of this bc crap is life is short.  If you want some new, fake boobs, go for it.  There is no sense in trying to time it.   If they find more bc then they will just cut through the new boobs the same way they did the old ones.   I hate to sound crass, but this is our new world.  Live for today and do what you want. 

    The other night I was watching a repeat of "The Office" on TBS and Stanley says "my doctor told me if I don't change my sexual and eating habits soon I am going to die and I don't plan on making any changes so don't you rush me with your stupidity!"   It was something along those lines.  It got me thinking...why make a bunch of changes and fuss is just better to accept life on life's terms and enjoy yourself.  I think misery and stress do a lot more to kill us, and fast, so do what makes you happy.

    I think the Latin for this type of life is CARPE DIEM! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Yeah i have to weigh my options :) on one hand i would love to and the other no- maybe i should wear my fake boobs a bit and see if i like having boobs LOL this is coming from a gal that used to be a double e so its hard being an -a LOL i am just vain i guess- i know i shouldnt be

    Okay my husband found this blog that breaks down FOK and its a really long read so if y'all have time on your hands.... LOL interesting ;)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    oh and by the way i KNOW i have mentioned this somewhere not sure where though but @ first when i was DX'd my onco plain out told me changing my diet wouldnt be a miracle cure- he said "if you were stage 1 or so i would def tell you changing your diet will have some benificial outcome, it helps you get through treatment ect... but you being stage 4 i say if you want to have snickers for breakfast eat a snickers for breakfast" LOL i laughed when he said that cuz honestly i have eaten candy for breakfast on occation!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Carpe Diem makes me think of Dead Poets Society, good movie.

    Texas- Thanks for the link.  Wow, that was a looooong one.  (c:  The China Study totally put me off dairy.  The reviewer does not like that book.  Very interesting info.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    My onco said... minimum 30 min of exercise each day....where your heart rate is increased. Eat sensibly but don't deprive yourself. I think that I have said before but I was in my best health prior to my diagnosis....and I got two times cancer. Go figure. I am eating healthy, reducing sweets (my downfall) and trying to exercise as much as possible but if I want to eat a chocolate bar....I will. I have never ate pork...the thought always grossed me out. Grew up in vegetarian household (my mom) so although I do eat meat...I can easily do without.

    I had to drag myself to spinning tonight. I am feeling a little run down. Need a couple of days doing nothing and watching movies :)

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Seriously I had been having signs of my monthly. Premonthly headache last 4 days and today cramps sm amount of blood : ( I thought it was gone forever and that made me happy now this. Anyone else in their mid 40 get it back?

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Adey- did you enlarge the image when she typed "i pity da fool who doesnt enlrage this image" ? LOL i totally did LOL

    okay now i am even more lost....

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Maybe if i just ate whatever the hell i wanted, didnt care that my thighs dont allow my jeans to pull all the way up. Started exercising more since i havent done ANY since school started (except the 3 mile walk to pick upo the kids- once- on the hottest day of this year LOL) I will do all right!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    I did not!  I'm a fool to be pitied!  (c:  Go with your gut.  All we can do is our best.  I went through a three week detox to get back on track and my next goal is EXERCISE! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day warriors-

    I hope everyone is doing well today.  

    I wanted to make an announcement about something I saw on GMA this morning and now I can't remember what it was called!  In any case, October 21st is a day when participants in this "event" will wear skin-colored skull caps to cover their hair.  It is to show solidarity for those going through chemo.  I can't stand the fact that I fail to remember what this day is called. any event, I hope you all will consider wearing your skull caps that day!   I am going to do some research and see what I come up with.  I do, however, know this is the nature of the event.   More to follow...

    Tex: there are no answers and there are no right moves.  It is not like anyone met us on the "if you continue this behavior you will get bc" highway giving us a detour and telling us what, if anything, we were doing that was not agreeing with us.  It is not like anyone went headlong down a deleterious path.  It just happens to some people.  I think such a confluence of factors bring cancer on, not the least of which is stress, they can't pinpoint what causes it.  I think if you try to figure it out, you can drive yourself mad.  This is why I say live for today and do what you want, within reason. 

    Rachel: well said.   If I want ice cream, I will have it but not a lot.  

    I hope you continue to enjoy spinning!  It is a great workout.  Good you pushed yourself.

    Iowa: All I can say, and this is an overshare- I am still bleeding anally.  Perhaps my body is confused.....!  I never had hemhorroids or ":fizzures" before chemo.  I have 3 tablespoons of Benefiber in a glass of water every morning so regularity is maintained.  It is still happening.  I have had NO bleeding at all indicative of my cycle coming back unless I am having my cycle out of my ass!   Of course, no one has any clue about this bleeding and we all know the story..."this has nothing to do with chemo, tamoxifen or cancer....blah blah blah!"  JOKERS!   Perhaps you are still having your cycle because the powers that be think you should have another child!!!!!!  You better watch out....remember Joan Lunden?!?!

    Adey: Dead Poet's was great.  Good for you on trying some new eating styles.

    Well, today it is foggy and humid in CT.   I looked out the window and saw dew on the branches out front and all I could think was how easily that could be misconstrued for ICE!   Only a few more months!  This February I am going to the equator for sure!

    Good day, all-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Exercise: Adey-I keep an Excel spreadsheet keeping track of my workouts.  I was very surprised to see I have not worked out in over 2 weeks!  I was stunned.   That is not like me.  I, too, have some "getting back" to do!  I don't know how that happened and 2 weeks is a LONG time for me.   Strange.
  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Well, you do have a thing or two on your mind!

    Not related... idiots.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Adey: thanks....there I go off on a nutritional tangent precipitated by my newfound interest in "The China Study!!!!"   I want the NASA pilll NOW!  

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzie: I'll still be bald on Oct 21, so I'll be in solidarity whether I want to be or not :)

    Texas: The docs have never said a word to me about diet/nutrition, but it just makes sense to me to eat healthier. But like Rachel, I'm not going to add stress to my life by getting nutty about everything I put in my mouth!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Lizzy -this baby machine was shut down 7 yrs ago, I hope anyway. Just think its odd to not have it for 11 months then have it creep back into my life.

    Does anyone know about how long does it take for chemo and herceptin to be out our bodies??

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Iowa: all kidding aside, you need to keep track of this "spotting" in a journal and, if it keeps up for 7+ days, you should call your onc.  I was told to contact in the event of any spotting.  Either that or call your gyn.

    Lady: well, at least you will be naturally "en vogue" on the 21st!  I am still trying to find information on it!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    IowaSue - I read that it takes about 18 weeks to get the herceptin out of our bodies.  Course everyone is different.  I hope some of my joint stuff gets better.  I am 5 weeks since last herceptin today, how about you?

    Lizzy - How is your rash??

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    I feel overwhelmed by the nutrition stuff. And I worry about my kids and what unknown dangers I am exposing them too. A few years ago my BIL gave us his kids' wooden playset. I started reading up that before 2000 alot of wooden playsets/decks  had been treated with aresnic which is a carcinogen. I made dh get rid of it. It was awkward b/c BIL's kids had used it for years. Hard to know what's overkill. Taking yoga and meditation at the Y in hopes I can keep the worries from snowballing. I wonder if things are feeling scary for me b/c I have my last herceptin treatment coming up.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Omaz: the rash is still there but it stopped spreading and the pill they prescribed controls the itching.  I just wish it was showing signs of improvement.   Thanks for asking :)
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - Do you think a little sun exposure would help?
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Oh i know as parents we sometimes go off the deep end trying to keep them safe. I totally cut out plastics i dont care if its bpa free or what the heck we are supposed to be on the look out for- i figure NO plastics and i wouldnt have to worry... LOL

    mri today @ 5- looking forward to it, i just wish it would get rid of my numbness issues

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    I am 7 weeks post herceptin. I think my joints already have improved still have some aches and pains.