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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Ann97, I am on Tuesday too, TCH - Omaz
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Zenith: You are going to be doing the chemo bell rock with me at Christmas?  Perhaps we will write our own Holiday songs!   In fact, I will start working on it as I think you, Adey and I are going to be the only handful left come December!   Good to know I will not be alone!

    Ann97: when my oncologist at Yale looked me in the face, with all of his massive intelligence on this subject, and told me unequivocally that microscopic cells can sneak away and hide, it just resonated with me.   He was talking with me about rads after chemo.  I don't think any of you that already-I will be the lucky recipient of the double whammy!   Yes, 6 weeks of rads after bmx swap!  great!!!!!  So excited to be emptying both bullets in the chamber on this one occurence!

    On to more important things....Macy's One Day Sale was One Big Disappointment!!!!!!  Do you notice how the retailers are advertising sales but it is sort of not a sale when you get there?!   You have to really work it these days to catch some deals and I don't mean those that jack up everything up 30% and then put it on sale for 40% off either.  I received a gift card for my birthday and was waiting to use it at this one day sale.  I was disappointed :(

    Wherria: my heart is still broken for you.   I hope your weekend is going ok.  I remember I kept thinking I was seeing glimpses of my cat around my house after she died.  Surely it was in my head, with a plethora of other things (!), but it was oddly comforting nonetheless.  I had a chihuahua mix once and he was devilish!  I loved that little dog, though, and after he died, of what was suspected to be--you guessed it--cancer--I did not get another dog.   I am not home enough under normal circumstances and, as you all know, dogs are wonderful but they require more care and attention than does a cat.  My cat would step over my dead carcass going to the food bowl and then should be summarily head back to bed!   I just really feel bad for you, Wherria.  I know he was a good friend to you.  Again, I am so sorry for your loss.


  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Thank you everyone.

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Sohard:  I'm having tx no. 2 on Wednesday.  You and I are pretty close to the same schedule - TCH, too!

    The hair is really horribly ugly at the moment.  Most of it has fallen out, but there are still a few patches which just looks BAD!  Hubby says I should just go to a barber and have them shave it all off with a razor.  I haven't decided yet.  I'm a little afraid I might get those little shaving bumps on my head.

  • KeepingtheFaith
    KeepingtheFaith Member Posts: 17

    Caught up on a few more posts and time to reply to some.

    Lizzymack1, I like your way of thinking---chemo in ice cream---yum!!  I'm not much of a drinker so the margarita didn't entice me as much, though, before this is over I may take up Movies/video games....great idea. Pac Man--and chemo drugs are the pac man and the dots are the cancer cells. Gobble them up----GONE!!! 

    Calamtykel  Chemo-sabi's....what a clever play on words and an apt description. Love it!!

    IowaSue  Don't be thinking you are the oldster of the group. I am 57 myself.

    sohardbnme  I feel so bad for you and your heavy bleeding. I hope it gets better soon.

    wherria  I am so sorry for your loss of your beloved Bixby. My little dog Precious died this past November and I still miss her so much. The photo of Bixby reminds me a little of her. She had long black and white fur too that hung in her eyes if I didn't keep it trimmed. She was a rescue dog. Showed up at my daughters in the middle of a horrible snowstorm when just a little puppy and though we tried to find an owner, we never could, so I adopted her.

    On me,  I am having a bad day today. I really wanted to do something fun today, since I start chemo next Thursday and I don't know how I will feel. Just told hubby I wanted to do something fun. Really wanted HIM to come up with something but he wouldn't suggest anything and then when I did he just said "whatever you want to do"  or "if thats what you want to do", which made me feel like he didn't want to but was just going along with it. I mean, really, if I DIDN'T want to would I have suggested it. Anyway, I ended up getting all cranky then and just came home and did nothing. I think the stress is making me grouchy.

    Geez, I want this all to be over....I know you all feel the same.

    Thanks for listening Chemo-sabi's.... <that makes me grin> 

    Love, Deb

  • I thought I'd feel better once my first chemo was over.  but I'm really bummed today.  I'm actually  having a good day (first treatment was monday).  But I'm still tired, but not falling asleep all day kind of tired.

    I was happy yesterday that I was feeling so good...but now it's taking me down emotionally again.  I've been told several times that the SE's are cumulative -now looking ahead to 2, 3 and 4 of the AC is very frightening to me.  This stupid disease- every time you think you're out of the woods or able to predict something, you find out differently.

    Anyway, I went for a run last night.  Maybe I should do it tonight too.  I don't feel like it, but at least maybe it will clear my head. 

  • DebJ
    DebJ Member Posts: 41

    thank you all for your comfort and support.  I just wasn't expecting such a continuance of feeling bad.  jsw19, your description of that "sloshing" feeling is so correct.  Is there something specific for this se?  I expected to have that "bad day" and get on with it.  Isn't that what the brochures said?   I still have not convinced myself that this is all necessary.  It's  a mind thing I was strugglng with.  I do fear cancer, and I want to be healthy and live a long life--but for the moment, something inside of me is strongly questioning all this.  I think it is perhaps part of my anger and, perhaps, still some denial.   Thank you, my chemo sisters, for keeping me to you all.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Lizzie---I am also going to be having are not alone!

    Sweeney--As I am a faithful reader of Lainey--cool shout-out---I recognized the picture! For those in the US, gossip site

  • 57Coleen
    57Coleen Member Posts: 27

    If anyone is interested, has healthy recipes posted for eating with cancer. I have also heard that sugar is bad for cancer but I still cheat with some ice cream.  Coleen 

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    Liz - I too will be having rads after the chemo is over.  I had a lumpectomy, which is why they want to do rads.

    Deb (Keepingthefaith) - I have had that EXACT same conversation with my husband. Me:  "I want to do something fun, no stress." DH: "Well, like what?" Me: "I don't know, something that will make me happy. Why don't we go to Golden Gate Park."  DH: "Well, if you want to, I guess we could. I don't really feel like driving though." Me: "No, I guess not..." :-(

    That being said, we are going to see the Vikings play the 49ers tomorrow night.  Should be awesome!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Wherria: So sorry about Bixby. I've lost 3 dogs in the last 4 years. it is awful.

     Lizzy: I may end up in Sept. too. I just got my port in last Thurs. I see the onc on Tuesday and will get a start date.

     Sweeney: Ask your nurse if he wants to move to the states, specifically to Huntsvile, Alabama. We could use a little motivation to go to chemo. Let's all strike for hunky nurses.

     All: My doc gave me info on each of my drugs and every one of them had a timetable for side effects that were someone in the range of : Onset: 7 to 10 days; Nadir (worst) 9 to 14 days, and Recovery at 21 to 28 days.. So I'm expecting to feel ok at first and to have it hit me later. So don't feel bad if you still are feeling bad after several days; apparently it is normal. Not that this cheers you up any, but it helps me to know that it's not unusual. I've always drunk tons of water so I'm hoping this will help me flush it out and lessen the SEs.

  • English_Teacher
    English_Teacher Member Posts: 24

    I will also be doing rads as well -- though we are going to try and start in October during my chemo (CMF).  My chemo regiment is actually 18 weeks (and I am just now in week 3) so I am thinking I will be finishing up in December myself!  (and on Dec 20, I have a laproscoptic hysterectomy scheduled so not the best way of celebrating the holidays but that does mean that I should be starting the new year 100% cancer free!).

    I am not sure if I am the only CMF person on this thread -- haven't noticed anyone else.  I do #2 on Tuesday -- I have 6 treatments total.  My biggest SE so far have been skin issues -- pimples and rashes (I feel like I am 14 years old again!).  Part of this may be because I am no longer on the pill (which helped my skin tremendously when I started taking it).  My onc says a lot of it has to do with the drugs, though.  But I am getting bumps everywhere, including my scalp!

    School starts for me on Monday and I am hoping CMF continues to not be that big of a deal (hair is already limp but that might be because I am trying to conserve it by not washing it everyday -- but I got the most fantastic scarf from to use when my hair gets thinner -- and limper).  The scarf was free since I am in chemo -- fantastic people!  Check their web site out!

    I don't always feel 100% part of this group since my chemo is different from everyone else's -- and my side effects are "nicer."  But my thoughts are with everyone, esp. wherria with the loss of her family member.  I'm a dog mom myself (to Stella) and Stella's persistence in continuing our usual life (i.e. walks and runs) has been so important to me.  I wish the best for everyone here on this thread! Cool

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    English Teacher---chemo is regardless of the treatment protocol.....we are all in this together :)

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    HI all,

    I'm in Rads too, I have 4 rounds of TC and then 16X Rads sometime after that. I think it'll start about three weeks after my last round of chemo, so somewhere around the end of Oct.

    Rachel- Ha! Yeah, Lainey and I have emailed for for a couple of years and I'm a big Sens fan, I was writing her and telling her that Carrie Underwood CANNOT move Mike Fisher to Nashville. There's only so much one woman can take- chemo and Mike Fisher leaving for Nashville is not in the cards for me. I sent her the pic for a laugh and some sympathy!:) I had no idea she'd post it!! I must say I screamed a little when I saw it.

    Liz- Really sorry the shopping stars weren't in alignment. That sucks! I feel like we all deserve a little special "alignment"....I keep thinking I should be buying some lottery tickets or something.

    I had chemo on Friday. Am feeling okay today. But Neulasta is tomorrow and my daughter's b-day party is on tomorrow. It was supposed to be a pool party but we're looking at 19 degrees and RAIN! So 12 seven year olds in the house. Me on Day Two after chemo. Keep your fingers crossed for me girls!:)

    Hope everyone is comfortable tonight and sleeps all the way through!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    WOW!  I cannot believe how many of us are having rads as well!  Perhaps we will rename our link to "hope to be DONE by August 2011!!!!"   gadzooks!  

    Chemo: People started putting blue mold (from bread gone bad) to put on cuts since middle ages and this is a staple of medical folklore.  In fact, that very mold, as we all now know, was a staple in development of penicillin.  We don't know where we are today or how chemo will be regarded in 100 years but everyone said the mold was making these people sick and they were going to blah blah blah b/c they used that mold, and years later, we are using that very mold every day.   The medical field has come a long way to refine chemo so there is no telling that chemo is NOT the solution and that history will not regard it as blue mold! 

    Calamtykel: good for you on sugar free!  That is great.  I don't know if I can go totally sugar free as it is naturally occurring in fruit, and the brain needs sugar, but I do think manufactured forms of sugar (just about everything!) are a problem. Pasta is sugar, white bread is sugar...there is so much that turns to sugar in our bodies, it is great to avoid the obvious sources.  That is good health there, woman! 

    Sweeney: I do have a really good shopping story AND also Lancome had a give-a-way so all was not for naught at Macy's!!  In any case, perhaps you got the idea I am a little independent?!  Well, I have a small yard but normally, if I am not out of work burning money in the medical industrial complex (!), I have landscapers but about 1/2 way through the summer, when I found out chemo was coming, I decided I would mow!   In any case, I had a marginally useful mower but it needed tune up.  This JOKER who is trying to park himself in my life ensured me he could do a tune up on it.  Well, he broke it!  Jerk.  The reason he broke it, of course, is b/c then I would NEED him to mow and he could come and park his ass here for 6 hours on the weekends....forgedaboudit!!  After him doing the yard twice and then NOT TAKING HUGE HINTS about leaving, I went to Sears Hardware to buy a mower.   My shopping story gets really good here!  The new mower would not stay running.  The guy at Sears was so nice and he was talking to me about the maintenance contract (which I never buy!!) and finally I just told him I have bc, need it for about 2 months to the end of the season in CT.  He really felt bad and was so nice.  His eyes were pools of caring.  In any case, when I called about it not staying running , that guy was not there but the other manager said "fine, bring it back and pick a new one out?!" I was like ok?!  Sure, I will be right there!  Long/short they just about gave me a $400 mower!   I was STUNNED!   They felt because I was inconvenienced etc.. they would make it worth my while.   The guy that sold me the mower last night, when learning I had bc, offered to mow my lawn for free!  As it turns out, that very caring, nice young man is the store manager and what a nice guy.  The other guys there today were teasing me about going to dinner with him and all I could think was he and I know something you all don't about me!!  Even still, I am 40 but look mid/late 20's and that's what they thought I was.  Alas, what a nice group of people, so helpful and genuine, it all turned out well!  I was amazed!   They made a Sears Hardware shopper out of me!  In the end, I think the guy I saw when I first bought it really hooked me up.  It feels nice to catch a break once in a while!   Very nice...I am writing a letter to Sears about my experience and in a few months I will get my new snowblower there!  I don't like the summer heat and mowing but I love the fresh winter air and have NO problems snowblowing!   I love it!

    I hope you all had a great day-


  • lizzy - yes, totally sugar free wouldn't be good- the body needs some sugars.  But I mean instead of adding a teaspoon of sugar to my coffee, I use stevia instead, which is a natural sweetener.   And carbs are converted to sugar in the body, so while I''ve never done "no carb" I try to reduce the amount of carbs I eat; that came from the lethargic feeling I'd get later.  I've alwasy had a problem with blood sugar lows so it's helped to regulate that, and the headaches I would get if I really did something bad like cake AND ice cream... :).  Do I still indulge now and then?  Yeah! :D  (somebody brought me a homemade cherry pie tonight....WHO could say no??)  I use milk in my coffee-  milk has sugar in it, etc.  I love fruit - what i meant is that instead of eating more vegs, I've been eating more fruit than usual and just trying to be careful to not spike my bloodsugar too much.  (The vegs were tough to stomach on those first few days of chemo!)   :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: I volunteer with the elderly and one of my old girls told me about stevia years ago.  When Truvia came out I could not get over how much it sounded like stevia! 

    I don't do sugar in the coffee etc... but I do like myself some gummy worms!!!!!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Watching SNL and updating this board! 

    I have the following people listed as TBA's and want to make sure A) I am correct and B) to question if any of you have secured dates.











    Please let me know if I have made a mistake or if I have an update to make.



  • rosesrx
    rosesrx Member Posts: 264

    Liz,  I just want to know if you are going to get the snowblower the same way you got the lawnmower?  I loved the story.  Great that you caught a break. 

    As for me Rosesrx bump me off....errrr I won't know til the 30th so it may be Sept.  See you there.  

    I will be lurking to see how you all are getting along. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Roserx: there is a huge misunderstanding.  You don't have to LEAVE our thread if you are not starting chemo in August.   I will leave you on the list unless you WANT to be omitted.  This is not some "start by August 30th or you are getting booted" situation!  I may not, as well as a handful of others, start until September. 

    You are not subjected to any demarcation unless you make one yourself.  

    We are an open and rolling group here.  We will be here in September, October, November, December, January, February and so on!!!!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am so sorry your dog died today. I understand all too well and have shared your pain at this loss. I send you comforting hugs and love and blessings.


  • oooo lizzy - no, you need to get some of Sweet Leaf's "Vanilla Creme" stevia.  It is fabulous!  They have all different flavors and all you need is two or three drops in some seltzer and you have cream soda!  Without the sugar or chemicals! :D

    I've used it in yogurt, coffee, even when I Make cookies or cake, I've reduced the sugar and added in stevia.  You can make a good cheesecake or pumpkin pie too! :D

    However, you have to be careful with stevia - there's a very fine line between enough stevia and too much.  A couple of extra drops and it is nasty and bitter.  So you have to go real slow and find where that is.

    Sweet Leaf makes lemon stevia, chocolate, chocolate raspberry, apricot, English toffee (like Wurther's originals!) and other flavors.  Vanilla is my fav, but I'm having English toffee this morning in my coffee!
    You can get it online at Iherb or some healthfood stores carry it, but it's more expensive.  It's $9 a bottle at Iherb but a bottle will go a LONG time, even around here!

    My kids LOVE it in milk!

  • Found this  - many videos from the Look Good Feel Better program!  The first video is an intro, and then there are other videos with tips for hair, eyes, skin, etc. 

  • Zachsmom
    Zachsmom Member Posts: 39

    Yes, all set for Wed. and feeling better about it. Thinking I'll just have the folks at the wig place buzz my hair before I see or feel anything I don't want to see or feel.

    Here's my inspiration:

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    I too am getting rads because I had a lumpectomy.  And Liz, I will be right here with you through the holidays.  Now that I am getting 4 rounds of AC and 4 rounds of Abraxane my last treatment won't be until mid-January.  Plus I'm also on the year of Herceptin plan so yeah, who knows if I'll even be done by August 2011!

    EnglishTeacher, I agree with Rachel - chemo is chemo and we are all in this together.  Now I will admit I am jealous of those who are getting 4 or 6 treatments instead of 8 but I do hope that everyone will stick around and cheer us all on until everyone is able to say that they are done with chemo!

    Zachsmom, I'm so glad you are feeling better about things.  Calamtykel, I went to a Look Good Feel Better clas and it was great, I recommend it highly to everyone.

    Deb, I had that weird sloshy feeling last weekend too and I mentioned it to my onc this week.  He wasn't sure if it was a side effect or part of my reaction to the Taxotere.  He didn't really have any recommendations for dealing with it other than to prescribe me some anti-nausea meds.  I didn't take any yesterday, though, because I am saving them for my first AC treatment this Friday.  Fortunately I started feeling better yesterday afternoon, except then I got a massive headache.  Also one eye is really itchy.  Bizarre!

    I am thankful for the chemo and the job it does in killing off the cancer cells but I just wish it didn't cause so many unpleasant side effects.  Researchers out there, get on that!  Make us a new chemo that only kills the cancer cells and leaves all the healthy cells alone! Smile

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi all.  Just catching up a little.  I had my 2nd treatment (TC) on Friday....2 down 2 to go!! I love being able to say I am halfway done. I too will be having rads X 30, so the journey is far from over but it is nice to think I am halfway through the chemo as that has been my biggest fear since receiving my diagnosis. Just a few notes based on the posts I have read:

    Sweeney:  I make a policy of NEVER CRYING, but reading your post from the other night had me in tears.  It is so nice and kind of amazing that all of us from so many different places, so many different people could talk so freely and share the worst and most intimate problems together and, in my case at least, feel better about myself and my journey just by visiting here.  Your words really summed up exactly what this board is, thank you for that.

     Wherria:  I am so sorry about your dog.  To have to go through something like this, and lose a precious pet, is just heartbreaking.

    Mommimichelle:  I tool had problems with my tastebuds after treatment, especially like you described with everything tasting a little off and most notable water did taste "murky".  The good news is that after about 4-5 days it went away for me and I hope it does for you too.

     Sohard:  I understand exactly what you are feeling, as I too got the "period from hell" after my first round.  Luckily for me the "hell" part only lasted three days and then went back to being a normal heavy period.  I am still staining now, two weeks of menstruating on a three week cycle...lovely!  I am beginning to wonder if I will have my period the entire time I have chemo..wouldn't that suck!  On a more serious note, I had problems with anemia before starting treatment and when I went for treatment on Friday my iron was very low, probably they thought from the heavy bleeding.  They had to give me an iron infusion, but I was still able to get my treatment.  So, beware it may be a problem but they can fix it. 

    Debj:  I know this is kind of late, but I read your post about work a while ago and I hope everything works out for you.  I have to work because of my personal and financial situation (I am a single mom with four kids and an ex-husband whom nobody can manage to force to pay child support) so I have been working straight through and it has been okay.  Actually I think it really helps to have to go to work so you can't concentrated on the little aches and nauseous feelings.  I think that helps keep them little and in the background.  Sometimes when you concentrated on something it becomes a bigger problem than it really is.  So, if you feel better working, I would definitely give it a try.  You can always stop later if the side effects get bad. 

    I know a lot of you have been talking about your hair.  I made it to my second treatment with my own hair, rather thin, but still passable.  When I questioned the onc about what my chances were to be the one who didn't lose the hair...she squelched any hope I had (she did it very nicely, very funny lady and very nice) but basically told me that my second Taxotere would run those little hair follicles over like a MACK truck!  So here it is day two after treatment two and my hair is coming out in droves.  I just finished cleaning it off the WALL of my bathroom!  Must have been flying off while I blow dried it last night.  I am considering letting the kids buzz it like they want to because it is really getting annoying....there is hair everywhere!  We had talked about a mowhawk but I am losing most of my hair right around the part line and in the front.  By Tuesday I am going to look like those old bald men with the halo of hair around the bottom of their heads!  Well, I will think about this a little more.

    For those of you wondering about cumulative effects, I am only two days out of my second treatment but I will be honest.  I feel a little worse this time than I did last time.  Last time I had no nausea, this time I am slightly queasy but not enough to stop eating or functioning.  And I am a little more tired.  So, while I guess the SE are a little worse the second time, it is only marginally worse. 

    And Lizzymack, our fearless leader, you are hysterical!  Keep me laughing and thanks for keeping the board moving. I know it is very time consuming but without that stimulus sometimes these threads have a habit of disappearing. 

    And for those of you starting in September, don't go, I had started the end of July and everyone welcomed me.  Just like Lizzy said, it is more about the journey and the sharing, not about the start date

    Thank you all for your companionship and your thoughts, I think you all know how much they mean to each and every one of us!


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    I am possible getting rad. after chemo too, I has bilateral mx and the marigine was not as cleans as they like to see, only a mm between 1 of the tumors and breast bone, I have to go get a second opion from a rad. oncologist after chemo. 

      I also want to say day 3 after chemo and all is ok very little side affects after TCH last Thur. keeping my fingers crossed. Wondering if everyone got their free wig from naional cancer society? I pick one out from them to order just incase I need it in a week or 2, they also gave me 2 hats. Very nice of them. Have a good day all.

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Omaz:  I'm TC.  ThisishowIlive is also starting with us on Tuesday.  How are you feeling?  I'm getting more and more nervous. 

    Liz:  I join you with the rads after chemo - also after a BMX.  The rads don't terrify me like the chemo does.  I'll be glad to start rads because then the chemo will be behind me.

    Wow Sweeney - 12 seven year olds in the house without chemo would be interesting ... let us know how that goes!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

          I'm on day 3 after my first cycle of AC. Took the nuelasta yesterday and just a little sore so not to bad and I was able to take the kids for a walk this morning. We went to church and as we were leaving one of the elders ran out with a bouquet of flowers for me since the pastor had told them friday was my start day. I haven't cried all weekend but that just touched me so muc, especially since my 3 yr old decided they were for her;-) They even offered to help us from a fund if we can't get more coverage for the neulasta but we're trying to appeal to the manufacturer first, seems they have aprogram if your copay is acertain amount (ours was $860 bringing my total for premeds (not including chemo to $1100 for one cycle). Uggh, we seem to fall through all the middle class traps. Sorry if I'm repating this, I feel like I have chemo brain already, although my baseline hasn't been too high since I became a sleep deprived sahm;-) I am trying to stay mellow to fight this cancer but it's not easy. Ok vent over. Hope everyone is doing well. We figured out my last taxol treatment will be on my birthday 1/7.  Evicting cancer form these premises for good would be a great bd present!


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    I cried for the first time last night.  Trigger; a motorcycle ride and Jaeger (me not the driver)!  What a dork.  That's what I get for partying with reminiscing boyz.