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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • ckp - I'm amazed you were able to go to church on day 3!  I was about dead on day 3!  Day 4 was my turnaround day.  :) 

    My church may also be helping with my anti-nausea meds since our prescription drug plan really stinks.  They'd rather pay for a rehydration in the hospital than the meds to prevent it.  Still trying to figure that out.  It's wonderful to have people who care.  One positive of having BC is that you see how much people really love you! :)

  • rosesrx
    rosesrx Member Posts: 264

    Thanks for not bumping me off.  smiles.

    So glad to hear people tolerating work and chemo too.

    Ran into the pathologist and he explained what he saw verses Mayo clinic findings and even offered to show me the slides errr no I wouldn't know what I was looking at.  Did not do well in micro in college.  Gotta love working in a hospital.

    MMM that stevia sounds good with all those different flavors. The agave nectar just isn't doing it for me.

    Shalom,  Shawn

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Lizzy: I'm not sure if I'll be Aug or Sept; I'll find out next week. But I'll still be checking in here even if I get bumped to Sept. I feel like I know all of you already.

    Sue: I got one of the ACS free wigs. I figured I'd try out a free wig before I bought one. I have a feeling wigs are going to be too hot and itchy for me. I imagine I'll stick to hats and scarves.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    P.S. Do you not find it surreal that we are all sitting around talking about how we are going to deal with being bald?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Adey: We ALL cry!  one morning I was watching "The View" which is probably what started my crying to begin with (!!!!!!!!) but, out of nowhere I just started to think about everything and started crying.  Well, low and behold and thankfully, GEORGE LOPEZ was on the show.  I went from pity party to hysterical in minutes!  That guy is a riot!  I love him so then I felt I was going round the bend as I went from sad tears to funny teary laughing....a Freud special?!?!?  Jaeger....YEAHGER!!!!!!!!!!   I had a Jaeger/Goldschlager night=2 days recovery time! 

    RADS!  wow...I have a LOT of company!   That is not great for us but it is nice to have each other!

    Rose: I HOPE to get the snowblower in the same way!  You have to understand, I don't get deals very often so I was happy to have that happen.  They really made my day!

    Ann: rads does not bother me as much as chemo either but what does bother me is they want to empty the cancer fighting 2 bullet gun on this one episode.  I was watching Sanjay Gupta on CNN and he had a writer, Elizabeth Cohen, who wrote a book about becoming the empowered patient.  The bottom line is, as patients, we are vulnerable and do want our doctors to like us.  In fact, what I  found striking was that, apparently, is our #1 goal so we don't ask questions etc.. .  Well, I am going to question the necessity for rads.  One of the reasons I did get a bmx was trying to avoid rads.   Who knows?  That is January's battle, I guess?!

    I hope you all had a great weekend-


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: thank you for chemo-sabi's, btw!!!!  Good stuff!  I added it to the opening post and credited you with that clever little ditty ;)  Also, at least, and I am glad to hear, you know what your turn around day is!   VERY GOOD STUFF, INDEED!

    Wherria: I was talking to a friend this weekend who had a black lab in high school he loved.  He also had a benigh tumor in his head, the size of a baseball, that had to be removed.   His lab went through all of the surgeries with him and was right by his side for most of the lengthy recovery but apparently Bear had his own challenges.  Dogs, as I am sure you know, are very intuitive and knew my friend was not healthy and my friend, still today, believes that Bear let go so he would not be a burden and harm my friend's recovery.  My friend truly believes Bear did not want him to redirect the attention he needed to get himself better, to his now sick dog.  Bear, the lab, died at 8 which is kind of premature for a lab but I think Bear knew best and, although it hurt my friend terribly to lose his best friend, the harm and suffering my friend and Bear would go through trying to support each other to better health would have been no good to either one of them.  In the end, he feels his dog let go so he could get better.  I hope this helps you deal with Bixby's parting a little better.  Again, though, I am sorry for your loss.  Can you tell I love animals?!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796



    OMAZ:  August 24 

    ONEMONGA: August 25

    ZACHSMOM: August 25

    ANNM:  August 26


    JSW19: August 27


    We have a lot of girls doing their first chemo dance this week!!!!!!

    My wish is that all of you starting this week are taking some comfort in the anecdotal writings of those that have gone before you on this thread.  I know it is scary and we are going to have a few tough days but I am just happy that you can read the stories of those that are already in it and doing ok.  Maybe no one is doing great, and certainly we all wish this was NOT our lot, but for now we are dotted lines to each other and want you to take solace in that basic fact.

    I thank you all for your participation and continued sharing of some very deep and profound facets of your experience.  The more unabashed we are, the more solid our bond will be.   More to this point, I ordered fake tatoo eyebrows that come on a sheet and you put them on like the old cracker jack tatoos!!!!!!!!!!!   Well, perhaps this is the bottom?!!?   Oh yeah...and I ordered eyelashes and my shopping cart got messed up online and I wound up ordering an extra set of like lush lashes with like tiny fake diamond-type studs on the upper lash line!!!!!!   And I guess Halloween is already here!

    Your FEARLESS Leader

  • KeepingtheFaith
    KeepingtheFaith Member Posts: 17

    justduit    I will also be doing 6 weeks of rads after chemo because I had a lumpectomy rather than a mastectomy, so rads are basic protocol.

    zenith    I have lost a little weight since my dx, which is okay by me as I am overweight anyway, so I need to lose.

    lisasinglem   well, didn't get to do anything fun yesterday, but today when I got up, hubby told me to get dressed as we were going somewhere. We went to the city, ate lunch at Olive Garden and then went to the movies to see "Dinner for Smucks". It was a funny movie and a nice break from the not so pleasant routines of bc tx.

    EnglishTeacher   I will be doing 18 weeks of chemo too, so you won't be alone. I start this Thursday and counted it up and if everything goes according to schedule should finish just before Christmas, then will start my 6 weeks of rads.

    jsw19   You needn't worry about being left here alone, as I will be here for some time to come and I am sure many others will too. I will hang around as long as anyone needs me, even if I get finished.

    Gentle hugs, DebL

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Sounds like most of us are on the mend from chemo.  I kept having just annoying morningsickness like queasiness.  When I went for my Herceptin the onco nurse sat and talked to me.  She said there is no prize for having nausea meds left over.  Her suggestion was to get something on my stomach early am then nausea med.  I took her advice with toast and a zofran chaser and felt great Friday.  The hair is  still around, however it is way past time for a root adjustment so I am ready to join all of you that have cut yours.

    IOWA I am 57 also

    JSW I believe we are both her 2 positive (I will have Herceptin for a year)

    Anyone having neoadjuvant chemo (before your surgery)


  • Liz - I actually saw that term somewhere else on this or another of the boards on this website, so I can't take credit!  Can't remember though where it was!

     By the way, whomever said about the crying is right on.  I'm about to burst into tears right now.  I'm bored.  I want a life again.  I think this week is going to be my "good" week (I'm actually feeling good right now--  just not mentally.)  My 13 year old daughter went with my parents to a Newsboys concert in Ocean Grove yesterday and came home with fabulous photos of Asbury Park and the abandoned buildings there on the boardwalk, etc.   I feel like i really missed out.  :(  But now I'm thinking that if I feel up to it, I may throw all four kids in the car and drive down to  the shore, photosensitivity be danged!  

    I just need to get away or something I guess.  When you're home most of the time, it's so easy to just keep thinking about the cancer.......

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413


    "OMG.  Thank you for that post."  I wrote that on the Courage to say no to chemo thread.  Your response was very helpful for me.  Wanted to make sure you knew that.  Thanks.

    I am the one that talked about crying.  Tears don't come easily and last night was the first time I cried (I was diagnosed 5/5 - my 48th bday).  I tipped a few too many and went (as a passeger) for a motorcycle ride.  Something in the freedom and beauty... whatever just sent me over.  About time I guess.  (c:


    You're always there to make me feel better!  Is that a song?  Looks like I'll be starting in Sept too.  BTW your thoughts on chemo have also helped me so much.  Thank you.  You dah bomb.

  • youngmomof3
    youngmomof3 Member Posts: 35

    Hi ladies, well it has been a while since I posted because I wasn't sure if I would definitely be doing chemo in August but it looks like I will be doing it afterall. Little refresher on my situation: I did TCH x6 from end of January till May and then did BMX with reconstruction in July. After 6 rounds of chemo I was still left with a 5cm tumor which showed there was still some live cancer cells remaining(I started out with about 9cm overall within one breast but in a few different spots). So the chemo did kill some of the cancer but not all of it. Had SNB done in Jan(clean) and 3 more nodes removed in July(also clean) and I had clean margins from the tumor that was removed in Jan. So overall pretty good news but my onc was still concerned b/c the chemo didn't kill all of the cancer so he recommended that I do an additional 4 rounds of AC every 3 weeks starting this upcoming Thursday. he said it was my decision. I went for a 2nd opinion which said that I should just do rads and not anymore chemo b/c there hasn't been any studies done to show that additional chemo decreases the chance of reoccurrance. My onc told me that he was being ultra aggressive & that most other oncs would tell me to just do rads. I am nervous about the risks to my heart with AC(well the A anyway) especially because I have been getting Herceptin although that will be stopped while getting AC. I feel that if by chance there is even a single cell that is hiding out in my body and is waiting to set up shop, that I need to do everything I can to kill off every last damn cell. I don't want to regret not doing the additional chemo down the road so that is why I decided to suck it up and go for more.

    Believe me I am not looking forward to feeling crappy again esp since I have no idea how i will do with the AC.  I am not looking forward to losing what little hair I have left on my head or my eyebrows or eyelashes all over again. The one good thing i can say is that I have decided to take the next few months off from work(I am an elem school counselor) to just focus on me and my family. I worked through my first rounds of last time but it was stressful for me so I am going to embrace being home and taking advantage of hanging with my kids (8,6, and almost 2 years old) when I am feeling well. So ladies add another member to your August group & I wish you all the best.


  • justduit35
    justduit35 Member Posts: 7

    Hello Everyone! 72 hours post 1st chemo and hanging in there! Not much nausea today. I have been swishing with Biotene and drinking a lot of water. I can feel my mouth on the borderline of forming sores so I am doing everything to prevent it. The most annoying part for me is the joint pain in the hips, tailbone, and knees. I could use a butt massage! Ibuprofen is not helping so I took my first Percocet tonight. I am no longer on the steroids so my energy level has dropped. My body does not feel like my own. It's all doable, though.

    I hope everyone else is doing well! Take it easy!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Youngmom: Take the time off because, as chemo compromises our system, putting ourselves in additional stressful situations is just so defeatist.   I understand financially a lot of people can't take the time off and I totally understand that.  I am just happy that you can this time.  I really believe the chemo, and to a certain extent rad cycles, require rest.   I don't think the body is designed for all of that so take the time, work will be there and, if it is not, some other work will be there.   Worry about yourself for now and be selfish, pamper yourself, take it easy and worry as little as possible about nonsense.  Keep yourself away from toxic people and situations and you should do just fine ;)  I am glad you are taking time for yourself and your kids.

    Adey: It sounds like you had a good, cathartic night.  They are desperately needed.  If that is not a song we will make it one!!!!  I am really glad you joined us.   If I have not said it before, we are seemingly simpatico!!!!

    Thisishowilive: I wish you the best tomorrow.  Best of luck and check in and let us know how you are doing,

    About me: I am getting my port tomorrow and my Pet on Tuesday so as soon as those results are in, a chemo-sabi I will become!!!!!!!

    I wish you all a wonderful week and keep works!
    Your FEARLESS Leader!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796


    On a Wing and a Prayer

    I'll never forget that fateful day
    When I heard the doctors say
    We have bad news, the tests are in
    I suddenly lost my happy grin.

    They said don't fret, but to no avail
    We will get through this..we will not fail
    There is no choice, we must stand tall
    And beat this thing, once and for all

    Three months have passed and I am weak
    My body tired, my soul so bleak
    I will get through this that I know
    But at this moment, it does not show

    I want to rest my weary fears
    And pretend for a moment that I don't care
    To carry them all through the day
    Just makes it harder...please go away

    Four months have passed and I am bright
    My cheery soul shines through the night
    I think I've beat this monsters grip
    My strength and courage, I came equipped

    Today's the day they'll tell me so
    You've beat this month to go
    Let's sing and dance the night away
    I'm happy won't you stay

    I always knew right from the start
    I would prevail...for I've got heart
    They said don't fret...what did they know
    I had to prove it was my show

    I fought this beast and now I've won
    Thank you mommy...said my son
    I don't know what I would have done
    For it was all or merely none

    I' ve shown such strength and through it all
    I never wavered, I stood so tall
    I made it through, from there to here
    All because of a wing and a prayer


    I hope you all enjoyed it-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Lizzie---I just want to say---this discussion thread is so good--cause you keep it jumping! BTW---my china wig hasn't arrived yet.....once it does, I shall post a pic....have to compete with your bedazzled eyelashes! You make me laugh....which some days is kind of hard. THANKS :)

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413


    Thanks from the heart.  I'm floundering a bit these days.  May your port go in lickety slpit.  Happy Monday, off to work.  A

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Welcome back youngmom, I remember you posting here earlier.  I'm sorry you had to re-join us but I definitely agree with your sentiment about wanting to feel like you did everything you could to get rid of the cancer!  I start 4 rounds of AC on Friday and I think a few others are doing AC so we're right there with you.  I'm also worried about the AC and Herceptin issue, I started my Herceptin a month ago in anticipation of doing the TCH regimen but due to allergies had to switch over to AC.  My Herceptin has been stopped and I have heard that keeping up with exercise during the AC can help protect the heart, plus it is also supposed to help with side effects so my husband is encouraging me to start walking every day.  I've never been a big fan of exercise but I guess this is as good a time as any to start!  My husband wants me to go get those Sketchers sneakers that are supposed to help tone your butt while you walk!

    It looks like we don't have any starters today but good luck tomorrow to Ann97, Thisishowilive, and Omaz! 

    Thanks to Liz and everyone else for keeping this group hopping, I love coming back and reading all the updates!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Adey: no floundering!!!!!!  I want you to get that old song from the 80's "don't worry, be happy!" and make it your mantra!!!!!!

    Rachel: We are going to be one hot pair-you with your china hair and me with my dazzling lashes!!!!!   When I got the confirmation of my shopping cart I was like nooooo!  I can't wait until they arrive!  It must be taking them quite a long time to gather up some animal fur to make your wig over there in China!!!!!

    Jsw: it is one thing for your husband to want you to walk but also tossing in the Sketchers sneakers idea?!   It seems like perhaps he is perhaps trying to benefit a little from this walking!!!!!!!!!!  joking.   Good luck this week. 

    About me: my port insertion was cancelled today because my white cells were high on the friday bloodwork.  Before my pet scan tomorrow they are going to retest my blood.  If I am good then the port goes in on Thursday, if not I am sure they will start searching for why my white cells are high and meanwhile I feel a sore throat coming on!   Here we go!

    I hope everyone is having a good day and best wishes to you all-


  • jsw - I feel that exercise did help with my first round of chemo.  I don't know that it made the first three days any easier, but I did bounce back quickly on day 4.  :)  I came home from my treatment and took a long hard walk and got all the blood pumping, up hills, etc.  It felt good to do so.  I figured I was sweating, and sweating helps get rid of the medicine as it breaks down.  When AC breaks down, it is toxic and that is what my nurse said - the C is toxic to the bladder, so you MUST MUST drink TONS of water.  Pee every hour - flush it out and don't let it sit in there as it can damage your bladder.  I drank more than I ever did in my life.  

    I did light running on Thursday night (so that would be day 4) and went running again Friday and Saturday.  I didn't go as long as usual; only about 25 minutes, but it felt good to be "in control" so to speak.

    Yesterday, Sunday, I felt totally normal- completely.  The only issue I had was that I woke up in the middle of the night and turned on the bathroom light and was nearly blinded.  It's made me very photosensitive.  It was like strobe lights and very dizzying! I backed out of the bathroom into the dark  hall until I could adjust.  

    I think exercise does help.  It circulates it and sweating releases toxins.  it's not the time to start a vigorous routine, but anything to get moving will be helpful to your muscles, bones and circulatory system.  :) 

  • I posted this on the main chemo board, but just wondering if anyone else has had their bloodwork done a week after chemo.  Mine was done today and my platelets were on the low side as was my mchc level (no idea what that even is.)  The nurse didn't seem concerned as they were still well within range to have my next treatment, but not within "normal everyday person" range.  Should I be concerned?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: MCHC measures iron and it basically means you might be moderately anemic.  Did anyone suggest you take iron while on chemo?  My onc did.

    I pulled this from the internet for you:

    So you've gone to your doctor and had some blood test done. You are looking over the results wondering why the hell you have low MCHC? Here are some reasons why this can occur.

    The first reason would be anemia. This is when your body is low on what it needs regarding energy. Usually iron deficiency. Healthy people have an adequate number of correctly sized red blood cells containing enough hemoglobin to carry sufficient oxygen to the body.

    The typical level that is considered normal range of MCHC is MCHC: 32 to 36 gm/dL


    Hope that helps-


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    I had my 10 day blood work today from my first chemo and my neutrophils (sp?) are very low---my Nurse told me that they need to be at 150 for the next chemo and right now they are at 80. They don't seem overally concerned---just to be cautious and stay away from sick people. Don't become a hermit but stay do you do that?

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    P.S. The best thing is that I actually feel good--no side effects and don't feel sick---go figure.

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Hi all ...I am laying down... I can say two down...four to go...I am going to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate...and sleep... Chemo wasnt as bad as I thought....They gave me hemoglobin level was 6...

    hope everyone is in good spirit...

  • mlv2356
    mlv2356 Member Posts: 22

    On my 7 day blood work, my WBC went from 14.2 to 2.3.  The nurse said it would need to rise considerably in order for me to have my second round. Well, second round was last Thursday at which my WBC was 14.7.  Actaully ALL of my numbers were higher just before my second tx than they were at my baseline before my first tx.  The body has a very strong way of bouncing back. 

    SE Questions - I have the worst tension headache and have had it since Thurs.  Anyone else?  What have you taken to reduce the pain?  Also my left thumb, index and pointer finger all feel like they are frostbite with pain. I know Nuoropathy is common with the Tax family of drugs but I'm doing A/C right now. Suggestions? Ideas?  Thanks.

  • thanks lizzy - yes, I do take iron in a really "soluable" form from my nutritionist.  Now I'm terrified of getting my period! =:O 

    It is only very slightly low - norm is 31-36 and mine was a 29.6, so almost borderline.  Came home and had a little red meat and going to have a very green salad for dinner! :D

    I'm more concerned with the platelet levels; those were a 131 and norm is 140-440 on the lab work.

    Of course this is day 7 and day 7 is supposed to be the "low" point.  Nurse said they would probably move up by next Monday, although she couldn't be 100 percent sure.  WBC count was 5.6 - norm 4.1 -10.9 so I think I'm doing okay so far there at least! 

    I definitely don't feel overly tired or anything that would indicate's just scary cause if side effects are cumulative, then do the blood counts go down more each time?  

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Do you have to take the Neulasta (sp?) or do they test your blood first, and if it is ok, you can skip that devil? Just wondering. I see the onc tomorrow and can ask him.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lady: I don't think miracle blood would help you aviod a Neulasta shot!!!!  Sorry!  

    Rachel after you show yourself in public with you China wigs, I don't think staying in is going to be a problem as you might be asked to stay home!!!   Yeah, they say try not to go out and especially we are all heading right into flu season and the weather changes.   Is anyone a "Seinfeld" fan?!  Remember the boy in the bubble episode?!  Yeah....a few more months! 

    Mlv: Tax is not the only drug that causes neuropathy, as follows:

    Certain chemotherapy drugs can cause peripheral neuropathy such as vinca alkaloids (vincristine), cisplatin, paclitaxel, and the podophyllotoxins (etoposide and tenoposide).
    Other drugs used to treat cancer such as thalidomide and interferon also can cause peripheral neuropathy.

    I am only pretty sure I read somewhere that putting fingers and toes in water helps with neuropathy and, if memory serves, it was cold water.  I will get back to you on that one.  Make sure you are not running the shower too hot and I know it is August and this should not be an issue but it is 65 in Connecticut today and will be low 50's this evening.   In any case, I will gather more information for you and will post later.

    Calamtykel: unfortunately my onc told me unequivocally TAC SE's get worse with each tx.  I don't think any of the numbers are things to worry about but just try to keep a low profile while doing chemo if you can.   I think the best thing is to just stay in.  I have a friend from work who thinks being out on disability is some sort of party time and I had to remind this person I have CANCER and am about to start chemo so, no, not too much fun here.   She was questioning what I have been doing etc...!!!! times...avoiding people so I can stay healthy.  People don't even think...what does she think I am at Six Flags!?!?  Whackos!  I am answering my phone less and less these days!!!!!

    I hope you are all having a good day-

    Your FEARLESS Leader

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sohard: so glad you stopped by.  Rest, relax and let the med work!

    Question to all:  how often is blood taken after each tx?
