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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    lisasinglem- WTG on the performance- sometimes i get caught up in life til someone calls to ask how i'm doing and i have to think a min and go "oh yeah the cancer lol" I think thats CAPE WORTHY!!!

    I also get some encouriging words, it does make us feel united! ALso those are great!!! I am gonna find one that says chemo sucks!

    Wherria- Sounds like your family is a bunch of FIGHTERS! its in your blood girl! i know you'll beat this!

    Lizzy- I have a 1 scar over my port and one on my neck and thats it, the tubes kinda bulge a little over my collar bone and near the neck scar... kids ask whats that a lot LOL I used to use 100% glycerine soap but stopped, dont ask why LOL when i was in the hospital they gave me baby shampoo that was very mild but somehow it got in my mouth (i guess without hair it just srota went everywhere lol) it was not pleasant

    omaz- i have read anti-cancer i found it to be very informative i took some of the advice to heart (like certian foods that are high in anti-oxidents) But the author recently had a reoccurance of his cancer (i had the latest edition with an updated preface) so it made me think either he didnt take his own advice or it doesnt work as well as the book says... BOTTOM LINE ITS BETTER TO EAT HEALTHIER NO MATTER WHAT THOUGH!!!

    Calamatykel- you're onto something with the pain and emotional state correlation- my onc did tell me the better your attitude the less SE you'd have.... Next tx you'll do much better cuz you'll have gotten used to your port!

    Iowasue- i did have a nice weekend took the kids swimming, tried to tan my uber white bald head LOL i am in South TX so its not quite feeling like fall yet!

    Sorry to hear about your headaches! Hopefully its something minor that can be easily fixed!

    Good luck to all that are doing chemo this week! you're in my thoughts and prayers!!!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I see that he has a relapse chapter - I haven't read that far yet - is that possibly what got him started with the idea for the book??  It says on the website that he has been ok for 16 years....

    Here is his website for the book - 

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    I haven't read the book, but it does say on the website that he was cured, then relapsed, then was cured again, then wrote the book.  This looks like it is sensible advice for any one, it doesn't say it is going to cure or 100% ward off cancer, just that it is healthier than the 'typical' American diet/lifestyle.

    Not saying don't eat your veggies!  Just, does it matter if he relapsed again?  (Other than we are sorry to hear it, of course). 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Lizzy- I don't start today but hope to get my start date. My mind is swirling and a bit overloaded at the moment.  (c:  Two cuts for my port as well and I can feel the liitle tubes through the skin with my fingers, kinda creepy.  You'll be in my thoughts tomorrow.

    calamtykel- I had those same symptoms from my port and also agree that emotional wellbeing helps with pain.  Deepak Chopra said something like; every cell in you body is listening to your thoughts.

    Happy Monday to all and to all a good day.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Lisa- I LOVE your story about the woman who stopped you and told you that she was a BC survivor. What a sisterhood this is, huh?

    Calamtykel- I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling crappy, but you're right mind and body are connected. Big hug to you.

    ALL- I've started meditating at night and it's really helping me have the deepest sleeps. I downloaded an app onto my iphone that walks me through guided imagery. There's a tonne of stuff on the net re how to learn the breathing techniques etc. Anyway, this has been helping me not to get so stressed. Have any of you tried it?

    Also, as part of my "integrated therapy" I'm going to see a social worker this morning about cancer and anxiety. It's part of my doctors plan for all cancer patients. I'm really hoping we don't have to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. I'll report back later. Has anyone else seen someone (SW, Psych, etc) re cancer?

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Good morning all. And good luck to everyone getting Tx's this week.  My Tx is tomorrow, but I'm a little afraid that my psychiatrist is going to want to delay it.  I see him this afternoon, so I'll keep you posted. I wish I had another week before Tx anyway, because my se's were much more prolonged this last time, and I didn't get very many days of feeling relatively normal.  Oh well, the quicker it's over with, the better, right?

    Zenith: Happy belated birthday! I'm sorry you were feeling so crappy, and I hope you're feeling better today.  The upper body pain sounds pretty incapacitating.  

    Lizzy: Okay, not a GWB fan, so I begrudgingly thank you for pointing out the ways he helped us!

    Yes, I lost eyebrows and lashes about 2 1/2 weeks after first Tx. 

    Yes, dexamethazone (Decadron) can make you wired.  It can also cause mood fluctuations, so if you are prone to depression or any other mental illness be sure and discuss this with your doc (like in my case, I only get half the usual dose and for a shorter period of time, and I don't believe it has made se's any worse).  It can also cause weight gain/water retention., so don't be surprised if your weight goes up a little.  Statistics say that a majority of women undergoing brca chemo will gain between 5-10 pounds due to several factors - chemo drugs that increase appetite, esp. for bad carbs and sugar; steroids; lower activity level; induced menopause that causes changes in body composition; and water retention.  If you notice a lot of water retention (if you gain 5 or more lbs in a week, if your feet/ankles/hands are swollen and/or cold all the time, if you press on your skin and it leaves an indentation) you might want to talk to your doc about it, because they might recommend diuretics.  Otherwise, the usual steps - drink lots of water and lower salt intake.  Just remember, the water retention will go away after Tx.  It seems cruel, with all the other stuff we're dealing with to add weight gain to the mix!

    Onemonga: I don't have any answers on the liver issue, but I did want to clarify some of the language that's been used.  Liver enzymes can be abnormal for a variety of reasons (usually quite resolvable), but that DOES NOT mean you have liver damage! Hope it gets figured out soon.

    IowaSue: I'm sorry to hear about the headaches. Hope that gets figured out soon too!

    As for the alcohol question.  I often enjoy about 1/2 to 1 glass of wine in the evening (I'm a lightweight, but enjoy good wine). I never talked to my onc about it, but I've all but stopped, especially during first 2 weeks, because I noticed that it really drained my energy, even when I drank only a little.  I would point out, though, that while there is no link between smoking and breast cancer, there is strong scientific evidence that alcohol IS linked to breast cancer.  

    My quote for the day: "Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.  It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." Yours truly.

    Good luck to everyone today! 

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    Hi all,

          I got a rose velevet GAILA over the weekend, I think it will help keep my head warm as the weather gets cooler so as others have said if you haven't gotten one yet they're cute.

    zenith4289 I hope you feel well enough for the LGFB class. It's a real pick me up. I took the class post op and was in full make up in my hospital gown, all dressed up and no place to go:-).

    Calamtykel I'm glad you're feeling a little better. If it helps I had a really hard time after my port. It was sore for a good two weeks. I hadn't realized I wouldn't be able to swim for a full week and I had it put in the week before our lake vacation. I was allowed to swim halfway through but the nurse had said "just one microbe..." and that ruined it for me. I was actually more weepy than I had been post op. I think for me it just really drove home that I had cancer and it was serious. It was right over my collarbone and that area hurt every time the line moved. The good news is I don't feel it as much anymore and I am feeling less down since the pain improved. I just fine I need to grieve with each step and then I move on. Hope you have a great day.

    texasrose you have a beautiful family, and it sounds like it will be a wonderful fundraiser. So glad to hear to tumors are shrinking! Don't tan that head too much, I think it' d burn pretty easily:-)


  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    Hi everyone.  I am feeling better this AM.  Plan to go to the look good feel better class at 5 this pm.  My eyes are dry and sore though so i won't be using any eye makeup.  My brows and lashes are hanging in there.  I need some exercise so plan to go walk in the mall before the class.  Good luck to all having tx this week! 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Sweeeny - good idea about downloading the guided imagery - I have one that someone gave me but don't like it too much, I'll look around on the web for others - Thanks.  Timely too, I had a difficult night waking up feeling scared about my next treatment Tuesday.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796


    I hope you all had a good weekend- 

    Wherria: thank you soooo much for the info you provided.  Yeah, bc was not enough...we must add weight gain!!!!!!  I took those dexamethasones this morning and w/in 5 mins I felt them going to work!!  I like your quote for the day.  It is true.

    Sweeney: I have not been to a head wash yet but I am sure, at some point, I might want to!  It can, and should be, very cathartic.   Go, sit down, talk, enjoy!  Why not?!  A good friend of mine is from India.  She is Buddhist.  She gave me a plant and inside of the outer pot was a popular Buddhist chant.  There is nothing wrong with chanting or meditating or doing anything that makes you feel better.  I have 3 Blackberrys and am on the NON-IPHONE network (!) but I do have an ATT cell as well. I tried the Iphone but was living on the water in CT and that joker never worked.  Verizon coverage and network are fantastic so I stay with them.  There are tons of apps out there and I am sure I can find something on my Storm.  Just do what makes you feel good.

    Zenith: good to hear from you.  I am glad you are feeling better.  I am hoping I can go to LGFB this Thursday but that will also be day 3 after chemo.  I will have to see.  I hope you are able to go.  "Blink" is good for dry eyes...just so you know.   Take care and enjoy that class ;)

    Adey:  OMG..yes I can feel that line.  It is kind of gross!  I am sorry you are not starting today.  I thought the port insertion and then trying to start was kind of quick.  Keep me posted. 

    Texas: I do agree that forgetting you have cancer is cape-worthy!!!!!  I will toss another one out there later today!!!!!  Glad you had a good weekend...trying to tan your bald head!!!!!  Sounds like you had fun with the kids and that is good for the soul.   Have a good week.

    To everyone:  George W. Bush tightened up the ADA so big business could not buy itself decisions in court against cancer patients.  That is why he did what he did.  The ADA, and the rights of cancer patients, were mysteriously getting trampled in the courts and decisions were being handed down in favor of big business.  No more!!!!

    The pill bottles on my counter are growing!  I take synthroid and mobic(joint pain from heavy weight lifting days), Centrum, Calcium, iron and B12 to get extra per the chemo folks, and now there are all these other bottles.  I need someone to tell me if I should or should not be taking all of these together   etc...  I am going to bring all my pill bottles to chemo tomorrow!

    Good day, girls!!!!!!  I have last minute shopping to do.

    Your FEARLESS Leader!

  • onemonga
    onemonga Member Posts: 54

    WHERRIA: You are absolutely right, I did not mean that I have liver damage only that the blood tests indicate an abnormality in the liver enzyme levels. The question is, what caused this abnormality and is it the result of chemo or the Cipro. I have really tried to do my homework this weekend and I'm not sure if the info I found is just what I wanted to hear or that the info is is overwhelmingly in favor of the Cipro being the culprit. I will talk to Doc today and see where I go next. Whoever thought that I would be rooting for chemo infusion on schedule? The worst part, I feel really good, just in time to get zapped again, I hope.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Dear god in heaven Lizzy why on EARTH do you have THREE blackberries?? One blackberry and one iphone nearly kills me.:)

  • DebJ
    DebJ Member Posts: 41
    Lizzymack1:  i  am needing information on the ADA and cancer patients, if you know where to find.  I just received notice my FMLA was up and that I could take an additional 6 months medical leave, without guarantee of employment and with insurance premiums coming out of my own pocket.  I knew this would happen.  I still have some banked paid time off, but am trying to decide what I want to do.  While our Human Resource department will explain at length, our company's policy and FMLA, they do not volunteer any information regarding what kind of accommodation they must or will make for a cancer patient.  Never think the Human Resource Department will advocate for you.  They are looking out for the company's interest totallly.  I have looked up ADA and what I am finding says cancer patients may or may not receive accommadtion, but I don't know when this information was posted. I want a clear picture of what my rights are before I decide where to go from here.  I have worked 23 years for this large healthcare company.  I find it quite ironic that, despite all the mission statements, the vision statements, and the fact they have one of the most prestigous Cancer Centers, if you get cancer you are a liability, and nothing could suit better than to get you off the payroll.  Any current info will be greatly appreciated. 
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I only have a min before i hae to pick up my daughter (its 1.4 miles and i am WALKING TODAY!!!)

    anyhow Lizzy so funny bout the pills i keep them in my purse (ya never know!) and it makes noise and i feel like a "pill popper" lol

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Do ya'll really like the Gaila hats you've gotten? I didn't order one because the pictures online looked weird to me; I thought I'd look like the Pope with one of them on.

    I went to the LookGood/FeelBetter class this morning. If they have one in your area, definitely sign up. You get tons of free stuff and it's good stuff: Mac, Bobbie Brown, Clarins, etc.

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    LadyinBama I was also a little wary of the Gaila hat after seeing the online pictures but in person I do like it better.  Plus I watched the video and they said that you can push some of the poufiness down under the ties to flatten out the top a little more.  I figure I will at least wear it sometimes, it is nice to have various options. 

    I have been resisting getting a wig but now that my hair has started to come out I think I want to get one just to have the option of wearing it if I want.  I am getting my husband to go with me to the American Cancer Society tomorrow to check out what they have.  So far I still have a normal looking amount of hair on my head but at some point soon it is going to get patchy.  I agree with ckptry about grieving each step and moving on, I was really upset about the hair loss on Saturday but now I am feeling more at peace with it.  Every time I put my fingers through my hair some comes out and a ton came out in the shower, I keep expecting to see bald spots every time I look in the mirror but not quite there yet.

    And ditto to the Look Good Feel Better recommendation, it is fun and the piles of makeup are totally worth it!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    LIB- I had to go look and... dang those things are poofy!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    DebJ - I was wondering about the ADA too.  I will run out of sick time and vacation and then go on short-term disability if I have to - but I don't exactly understand the rule of FMLA and ADA.  I did the paperwork for FMLA and am taking FMLA sick time - ?

    Hats - I found a couple cute ones at Target today on sale.  I stuffed my hair into them to see how they would look 'bare' and they seemed OK to me.  Hope the family likes them.

    Hairnets?  Has anyone found any??

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Okay this is a mini vent- My husband flat out refused for me to walk! He said i couldnt do it ect... why the heck does every treat me like i am sick and DYING!!!!!!!!!!! some of my friends are shocked when they hear me say i was doing laundry or anything- like my husband is gonna do EVERYTHING! GRRRRR (on the plus side it did flash flood here for bout 15 minutes would have been refreshing but then uncomfortable to walk in the rain LOL so i guess my husband knows best!) But come on when i feel great let me ACT LIKE IT!!! i hate to hear "you should be in bed, resting ect..." come on this isnt the 90's where chemo really wipes you out like they used to portray on tv! Do ppl really expect for me to curl up in bed and wait to die??????????????? I FEEL NORMAL, BESIDES THE PORT LUMP AND BALD HEAD I LOOK NORMAL- PLEASE TREAT ME NORMALLY! okay end of vent

    About the GAILAs they do look poofy but there are diffrent ways to wear them where they dont poof- but if you find an alternative that you like go with that :)

    well gotta make dinner! ENJOY THIS GLORIOUS MONDAY LADIES!!!!!

  • ckptry
    ckptry Member Posts: 333

    LadyinBama   The Gaila hat is puffy but easy to push down. I think the velvet one may be a little flatter. Like you said, I just figure it's nice to have a few options and the colors are so nice. I haven't worn my wig yet but had to wear a sleep hat now that we're getting some fall weather here. I just think a wig will be nice if I want to go out once in a while with my husband incognito (without getting the hush puppy looks); although when the hot flashes kick in I may have to go naked:-) Yesterday my head suddenly felt very hot but it only lasted a few seconds, I'm not sure if that means they're on their way.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Gaila GIVES us those hats free!!!!  You all are hysterical!!!!  Like someone said, it can be worked with and it is made of very nice silk.  Get might be pleasantly surprised!

    ADA: People, the *reason* W rewrote it is to STOP companies from attempting to ABUSE cancer patients so now companies know if they run afoul of the law, they are going to be sued and the cancer patient is going to win.   Therefore, all you have to do is say you are taking time off as outlined in the ADA and the bigger your company, the better it is for you.  Our country is broke; The Dept of Justice and the EEOC oversee the ADA and that it is upheld.  Well, not only do you win in court, the United States FINES the company in question so for your company to give you trouble about taking time of, which is so effing egregious and disgusting to begin with it makes me sick, site the ADA.  That should shut them up because they know the cost of the lawsuit and the cost of the FINE from the US Dept of Justice is going to SO FAR OUTWEIGH the costs of keeping you on, they have to change their underwear!   HR is not your friend.  They may like you and feel bad about your situation but their job is to try to get rid of you because, bottom line, they are supposed to save the company money.  Do you honestly think the  US Govt wants to pick up your cancer care tab?!!!!!!!!!!!  HELLL NO!!!!!   When it comes to the US GOVT vs. business, the US GOVT WINS!  This is why you all should say a quiet thank you to W.  Also, if we are all good employees and just got sick, who the eff is big business to try give us s*it about taking time off or try to fire you?  Don't sign anything, don't take any sneaky offers from your company and, if all else fails, I am giving the numbers to the Dept of Justice and the EEOC to call. 

    Office on the Americans with Disabilities Act
    U.S. Department of Justice
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Civil Rights Division
    Disability Rights Section - NYAV
    Washington, D.C. 20530
    Toll-free number: 1-800-514-0301 (voice)
    TTY: 1-800-514-0383
    Fax: 1-202-307-1198
    Web site: 

    In the end, the bigger your company is, the more lawyers are salivating over the very notion they will violate ADA because, not only will the case be landmark, it will also be a huge settlement.

    Don't hesitate to call a lawyer if you need to but, remember, W did not even want these cases going to court so he tightened it up completely so a company would not even bother harrassing a cancer patient about taking time off.  He wanted to make sure there is nothing they could do.  Your income and benefits are also supposed to remain in place.   For now I have to go but I have tons of info on ADA and I will forward it some time this week to the 2 parties in question.

    It nothing short of sucks that we have to be thinking about this.  In the end, why the hell should we even have to go this far?   It is gross and W saw the abuses and he fixed that once and for all.  Now are you all still thinking he is Mr. Devil, Pro-Big Business??!?!? information seems to refute that!!!!!!

    Your FEARLESS Leader!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    BTW...since W fixed the ADA, not ONE company has successfully attempted to fire an employee and challenge it in court!!!!!!!!!  he he he!!!!!
  • DebJ
    DebJ Member Posts: 41

    thanks Lizziemack1.  I am going to make some calls tomorrow and find out as much as I can.  I am wondering, have any others asked for accommodation, and if so, what did you ask for.  I know schedules are the most obvious issues, but I am wondering if anyone has asked for other things.  thanks all.  

  • onemonga
    onemonga Member Posts: 54

    TEXASROSE: OMG, I feel your pain or lack of pain. Today and the last week I have felt really good, back to normal. I guess it's to prepare me for my next zapping. Every day family members ask me how I'm doing and when I tell them GREAT their response is like they think I am lying to them just to make them feel less concerned.Gees, if we all felt crappy the whole time we are on chemo we would do ourselves in already. Let us enjoy feeling good and NORMAL for as long as we can until the next cycle. Ok, enough venting.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    SoHard: I've got to leave early for chemo in the morning but just wanted to say Happy Birthday (tomorrow) and hang in with the chemo. I'll be doing my second round tomorrow too.

  • Elizabeth27
    Elizabeth27 Member Posts: 21

    Hi ladies,

    I need some help. Just today my hair started coming out. Every time I run my fingers through I get quite a bit. I have a wig and plan on getting it buzzed. How quickly does it come out? Can I wait to next week? I have plans to go away this weekend and would rather wait until after, but don't want to show up bald at work on Monday. Any advice will be much appreciated!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Onemonga: LOL on the next ZAPPING!!!!  It was just funny the way you wrote that!  

    Sweeney: 3 Blackberrys: one is personal, one is business and 1 is a batline for a family member who is sick!  I just love me a bunch of blackberrys!  I used to love PALM before the PRE was a gargantuan disappointment but, to be honest, I was on Palms for over a decade.  About 2 years ago I had no choice but to Blackberry.

    DebJ: your questions are getting specific.  You can TAKE what you need.  That is up to you.  To be quite frank, if you are already asking these questions, you probably suspect there might be a problem.   I would be liberal if what you take; chemo is hard enough and designed to kill off the ever-stealth pre-bc/c cells.   More to this point, and I think it was Wherria who said it last night: cancer loves stress.   Stay as stress-free as possible during chemo for optimal results.   There will be other jobs; there will be other options but you will never get another body so don't bust your hump if you don't have to.

    Dexamethasone: this stuff makes you wicked hyper!!!  I am more frenetic than usual! 

    Avoidance techniques: Oddly I was more nervous before my bmx than I am before chemo.  I purposely schedule 20 things to do the day before to keep me busy and not have time to think about it!!!!  Dexamethasone has surely helped me today ;)

    Mussels: I am true New Englander and I love mussels.  Due to the bmx and the immediate recon and drugs associated to that since late June, I did not have my summer dose of mussels!  Part of the issue was concern over that being perhaps the only fish that could be extracted from BP (!) and sold in the northeast.  Well I took a chance today and purchased mussels.  All I do is steam them but I did have to  question why the heck, the day before chemo, did I decide to eat something I have not eaten in a long time?!   That was a little risky.  Oh well!  What's done is done!  I also had, in the back of my mind, the idea my taste might change with chemo and my little mussels won't taste as good so I decided tonight was the night!

    Texas: why are you wanting to walk IN THE RAIN!  Our immune systems are a little nowadays and you are trying to open the door to calamity!!!  I am glad someone stopped you!  I added you to the cape list for both forgetting you had cancer until someone asks how you are and NOW for trying to walk on our behalf in the rain!!!!!   

    Sohard: HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!  I will be thinking of you at chemo tomorrow!

    Finally:  GO GO GO GAGA!!!!!!!!!!   And Eminem!  They just about won all the MTV VMA last night!

    Dexamethasone is telling me to go to shopping and I must abide!!!  Actually I need Biotene!

    Oh girls...onward and upward, right?!

    Your FEARLESS Leader!

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Lizzy:  This is what I've been using:  Tom's natural care soap and deodorant (2 different products), Johnson's baby shampoo, Cetaphil lotion and skin cleanser (2 different products), Udderly smooth lotion, Biotene toothpaste, tea tree oil for the nails.  I went to the Look Good, Feel better class today, and she did say there that many women experience dryness everywhere and many of the products in the bag were gentle products.

    Also, to answer your question about eyebrows and lashes, I've not lost any yet.  I've also not lost hair on my legs and I would not mind that going at all!

    I was reading anti-cancer and it stressed me out.  We are supposed to avoid anxiety but it was filling me with anxiety.  I agree that a healthy lifestyle is great to strive for and that is what I aim to do.  But me personally, I had to put the books down.  Some of them were contradicting each other and I just was getting upset.

    Gaila hat:  I too wasn't sure I'd like it, but you can push the top of it down so you don't look like a chef.  And it is easy to put on.  But I have 2 favorite hats that I've started to wear.  And I also got a scarf from abonitascarf dot com.  It snaps on so it is super easy.  And the print is so pretty that I think those three items will be what I wear most often.

    Happy birthday SoHard!

    Elizabeth:  My hair started coming out on Thursday.  By Friday it was like you said ... when I run my fingers through it, huge clumps come out.  It mostly comes out in the shower.  But, while it does look much thinner all over, you can only see a bald spot on the very top of my head (as of Sunday).  I know I should get it shaved, but I already cut my very long hair short two weeks ago and I've been resisting shaving it.  I can wear a baseball cap right now and still look like I don't have cancer.  I also wore a nicer hat to church on Sunday and you could still see that I have some hair.  Maybe you could do that if you needed to for work on Monday?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    57Colleen:  I hope you had a good tx today and you are feeling ok.  Post to let us know how you are doing.

    Ann97, Omaz, Sohard and ME(!): good luck tomorrow with your 2nd and 3rd txs.  I hope everything goes well and you have a good day ;)

    Your FEARLESS Leader!

  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    Happy birthday tomorrow Sohard and good luck to you, Omaz, LadyinBama, and Ann97 on your treatments tomorrow.  And extra special good luck to our fearless leader Lizzy on her very first chemo treatment tomorrow! 

    Elizabeth I'm not sure how long it takes for hair to come out, mine just started coming out like that (bunches when I run my hands through my hair and tons in the shower) on Saturday and as of tonight I still have enough hair to cover my head.  If you already have a wig then you can wear that on Monday if it is all gone by then, right?  I am sort of confused about what your question is.  Maybe you are wondering about having time to go get it buzzed before wearing the wig?  I ended up deciding that I would rather do the buzzing at home with my husband so I bought hair clippers at Target today for only $20, so that is an option too.  At first I didn't want to buzz my hair at all but the shedding is getting kind of annoying.  I'm thinking that once it thins enough that you can see my scalp I will probably buzz it.  So far the leg hair is holding strong even though (probably because) that is the hair I wish would go.  Eyelashes and eyebrows seem normal so far too.

    Onemonga You cracked me up with the whole "if we felt crappy the whole time on chemo we would do ourselves in already".  Honestly I have been a little surprised that I have felt pretty much normal for most of week 2 post-treatment and now in week 3.  So I think Texasrose should be allowed to walk in the rain if she wants to!  Walking in wet clothes/shoes would have been kind of unpleasant, though.  Exercise is supposed to be good during chemo so if you feel up to it, do it!

    And I am laughing at both Lizzy and Sweeney for having multiple "smartphones".  I just got my first one about a month ago - a Droid, before that I just had a basic cell phone for calls and texts.  So far I seem to mostly use my Droid for playing solitaire. :)