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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • KatherineNaomi
    KatherineNaomi Member Posts: 49

    Hey Lizzy, so glad your first treatment went well. For me the Neulasta side effects didn't kick in right away. I got mine on a Saturday morning and didn't start having pain from it until Monday morning. You should be just fine for your LGFB class. I went to mine on Monday and it was great! Lots of free goodies and it was nice to connect with some other women in real life who are going through this too.

    My hair started coming out on Friday (day 14) and I lost a handful everytime I took a shower. By Monday I had lost about 40% of my hair but since I have really thick hair nobody could really tell but me. I got to enjoy the Jason Mraz concert Monday night, my last night with long hair. By yesterday it was coming out like crazy so we buzzed my head. Shed some tears but I'm getting used to it and it's really quite comfortable. My 5 year old told me I look handsome :) Probably because that's what I always tell him after his hair cuts!

    I hope everyone is feeling well and taking good care of themselves. We'll be done before you know it!

  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Lizzy: I get my Neulasta shots at 1:00, and by 5:00 or 6:00 I have back pain.  But it hasn't been severe until the next day.  If your experience is like mine, I really don't think it will keep you from going to your LGFB class.  Good luck!

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    I had only 4 nodes removed as well, and was told LE was just something to be careful of, a possible outcome, not neccesarrily a given.  The random factor is 4 out of how many, since they don't know how many are left. 

    For some reason I had not thought much about this until now, I guess cause I thought I wouldn't have to shave for a while, and I could think about it later.  We have a variety of hair clippers and beard/mustache trimmers (mens dept) in the house.  Never occured to me to try those.  I guess I will do that and maybe get an idea of style/brand or whatever.  I think my underarm is the same as it was before all this.  Thanks for the suggestions!

    The LGFB class was kinda fun. 

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Chemo Sistas, I am wondering if anyone is wearing a wig. I picked mine up Mon. from the american cancer society and I really do not like it.  My youngest daughter does not like me wearing hats she thinks I look sicker than I am, so just wondering what the rest of you are doing. I do hate the looks people give you like they are so sad for you, when really I feel fine.  I like the fact that I can get ready in half the time and I don't have to pluck my eyebrows or shave anywhere.Thanks

  • Hi all -

    I posted the other day but then I went back and couldn't find my message.

    It's been a rough few days.  My port site hasn't been terribly sore but the back of my neck on that side and my shoulder blade - OWIE!  Major hurt when I take a deep breath.  It is going away now, but I think they irritated a WHOLE heck of a lot in putting this puppy in!   

    I had a chemo Monday.  It was  a scare at first - the doctor was worried about my breathing pain so ordered a chest xray but it seemed to be in place and things were okay, so we got a late start.  she accessed the port and did the chemo and things were pretty smooth.

    However last night I started feeling like real crap - nauseawise.  I guess this is the "delayed nausea".  I was up most of the night just not feeling well and tossing and turning from the steroids and the port pain.  I didnt' sleep at all.  Today I'm wiped out from the nulasta shot.  Really feel like poop. 

    I'm so discouraged.  Even walking hurts cause the port sort of moves, or the tissue around it moves, and it's still sore, so all i wanna do is lie around.  This really sucks and really is not me.

    I try to tell myself one more AC treatment and then the taxols start but I can't seem to get out from under the gloom cloud since I had my port surgery. 

    I did take milk of magnesia last night - only 1/2 a dose and I think that contributed greatly to the nausea all night.  My stomach gurgled and rumbled and this morning I was in the bathroom many many times.  I don't think I can even do a little of that stuff- maybe it's better to be constipated for a couple of days than endure that!

    Hope everyone is doing okay - is it me or does EVERYTHING seem to hurt after chemo?  It's like all the skin where my mastectomy was feels so weird and tight!  It never feels like that any other time.....

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Calamtykel - the port does take some time to get used to, at least for me it did.  I don't think they do any irradiation when they put in the port but they do take an x-ray or two just to check placement but I think thats all.
  • jsw19
    jsw19 Member Posts: 212

    My surgeon was also sort of dismissive of lymphedema, he said something about he felt like the risks were actually much lower than what is generally portrayed.  So I have been shaving my underarms as usual with a regular razor and having no trouble.  It does seem like I need to shave my underarms less often these last couple of weeks.  However, my leg hair shows no signs of going anywhere.  Grr.  The hair on my head is fine but thick so even with all the shedding I still have full coverage.  It just looks really limp and flat, since it is fine and now pretty thin it just looks sort of blah.  Another thing I have noticed is that my hair normally gets really oily if I don't wash it every day and right now I have not washed it for 2 days (afraid of the shower fallout) and it is not oily at all.  Oddly the shedding seems to be less today but since I am on AC I just can't imagine I'm going to get through without losing just about all of it.  For those who have lost/shaved their hair already, what are you doing now about washing your scalp?  Do you still use shampoo on the remaining stubble or do you use some other soap? 

    I went with my husband and picked out a wig at the American Cancer Society yesterday.  I don't plan to wear it every day but since it is free I figured I may as well get one to wear if I feel like it.  I was totally open to getting a different color or style but I ended up with one that is very similar to my current style and a bit darker in color.  The other ones just didn't seem right on me.  My husband has always liked redheads (my hair is light brown) and to his dismay I don't look very good as a redhead.  In the end since I looked best in the one so similar to my normal style I told my husband that means that either I am so used to this style I can't see myself in anything else or I have just already chosen the very best hairstyle for myself!

    I'm glad to hear that wherria and Lizzy had good treatments yesterday.  What about everyone else getting "zapped" yesterday? 

    calamtykel Good to hear from you again.  I am also on AC but not dose dense so it is every 3 weeks.  I have only had 1 so far (#2 on Friday) but I also didn't start feeling poorly until the next evening.  My treatment was on a Friday and like you said I started getting the gurgly stomach on Saturday night and then felt nauseated on Sunday and part of Monday.  Also Monday I started noticing heartburn and now I am on medication for that so hopefully my stomach will feel a little better this next cycle.  I also had a lot of trouble sleeping and Ambien CR is what finally worked for me. 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    IowaSue44---I have a wig (one that I purchased from a wig place specializing in cancer patients and another that I bought on ebay--yep--and it looked like it). I only wear my wig when we are going out somewhere where I don't feel like answering a million questions or putting up with the stares. I have two young children who both play hockey---so although the team knows what I am going through--I wear my wig to the games. My kids don't seem to be concerned either way. I'm not comfortable in the wig--although it is close to my old hair but just has bangs--I feel completely different with it on and it feels too long--so I may take it back and ask them to trim it shorter. I am much happier in scarfs or bald for sure!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    One question for the group---I am heading into my 3rd chemo treatment--then will be halfway point (wooo hooo). However, then I switch from FEC to Taxotere. I have heard a few horror stories of Taxotere and actually joined a support group that meets each week and heard a few horror stories there aswell. From taking a look at the list that Lizzie made at the top of the page--looks to be a few people on Taxotere--any feedback? So far, my FEC treatment has gone relatively good (1st had vomiting but they switched me to Emend and I sailed through my 2nd). Crossing my fingers for similar experience with Taxotere.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Iowa: a lot of times people are just dazed out or their minds and they process slowly so it takes them a while to synthesize.  After years in NYC and tourists staring I decided long ago I will not make eye contact.  Just try to avoid looking at others for a while and let them stare.   Gawkers, after all, are not the sharpest tool in the shed so give them no concern and ignore!

    JSW: I think the lymphedema talk is a 'better safe than sorry' thing for most docs but the chances of getting it are not that high.  If shaving is working for you with a razor, do it.  The only reason they warn us is because a cut calls the water bus to the scene and that means we might not be able to properly irrigate to get the water out.  I was too afraid so I won't take any risks!  I am just sooo looking forward to liberating myself of the hospitals and doc offices, I don't want to open the door to any further engagement!

    Calamtykel: I am so sorry you are having challenges over there, missy!  Our bodies are going through a lot right now including surgeries to get rid of these "poison" sacks or to ameliorate the situation with a lumpectomy etc.. so naturally you are going to be aware of these feelings.  They are real and I am glad you share.  The foob area does not bother me at all anymore or the port area.  Hopefully you will feel more comfortable soon.. 

    Who was it that was told the emla cream could not be used at each infusion?  I was told it can definitely be used each time and it can be painful if you don't.  I can't remember who said it but I would call the doctor for an rx and self-administer before going to the clinic.

    Rachel: good to hear from you!  My brother played hockey and I can only imagine the wig provides a modicum of warmth at the very least!  I will never forget those 5AM practices and how very cold the ice pavillion was.  Perhaps I would have liked a child wig back then!  When the time comes, I am going to buzz my hair off and give it to the kids in the Yale Children's Hospital who have alopecia for any one of a multitude of reasons.   They have a program there so I will gladly donate.  In fact, because of the cause, I might just buzz it anyway even if it is not going!  Why not let a child have my hair.  After all, I don't really need it!  I am on taxotere ...for just over 24 hours now.  Rachel, just be careful about support groups.  A lot of times they are filled with people who are not supportive but rather with people who want to vent their scary stories.  Our ears and eyes are our windows to the world and information filters.  Just be careful about what you let in these emotionally precarious days.  I wish you well.

    Your FEARLESS Leader!

  • Ann97
    Ann97 Member Posts: 142

    Calmatel:  I thought it was just my imagination, but yes, my whole chest feels so tight the night and day after chemo.  Feels like my TE are going to burst.  The first time I even got up and looked in the mirror to see if everything looked normal.  So weird.

     Sorry you are feeling so poorly.  Feeling bad does bring us down emotionally.  :(  Hang in there.  I hope for your aches and pains and SE to go away quickly.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Rachel - I am on taxotere and just had #2 yesterday.  I am icing my fingers and toes and wear an elasto-gel cap and suck on ice during the infusions.  They have run both of mine slow and things seem to have gone alright I think.  I am having some nerve issues but it may be related to a previous spinal surgery.  Hope that helps -
  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    I am on Taxetore,  (T &C 4x)  but I don't know if you can go by me--no SEs from chemo at all.

    CHEST TIGHTNESSIS A SE OF TAXETORE, you need to let the onc know.

    Sorry, I will catch up on the rest later.  But just had to put in the se.

  • Regarding lymphedema: a friend of mine just got diagnosed; she had her BC about five years ago. She got bit by a spider a few weeks ago on that arm and it became infected.  Went on antibiotics and the infection went away and now she started with lymphedema.  :(  She was surprised (as was I) because she is young and very physically fit. 

    Omaz - not irradiated - but irritated.  I'm afraid they've irritated nerves and muscles and such.  My oncologist said that in order to place the port, they can manipulate your arm in various ways, and shoulder and neck.  She said that everyone's anatomy is different despite what they're taught in med school - that vessels can be in different places, etc.  Guess I just got lucky!  Hope it does go away soon - I'm just tired of the whole freakin' bc thing at this point.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Calamtykel-Sorry you are having such a tough time of all this.  I would just encourage you to view it like a race.  It has a definite end that you can see on a calendar.  And just keep remembering it will all be over soon and will be a distant, unpleasant memory and you in exchange will be happy, healthy, with a full head of hair!

    I am on Taxotere.  The only real thing I can say about it is I do have a mild allergic reaction each time they give it to me....itchiness.  I just had my third infusion and they have slowed it down to a rate at which I just get a little itchy, nothing I can't handle and apparently not a common reaction.  I am not icing fingers, toes, nor do I use ice chips although I have heard people who do.  No problems with my nails and I use baking soda/water gargle for about a week after treatment, not really for mouth sores but I find myself developing thrush on my tongue.  Anyway the baking soda/water works and it never gets beyond a hint of a problem.  I still have hair, albeit very thin hair (you can see my scalp all over) and unfortunately still have leg hair, underarm hair, and arm hair....GRRR!  As far as nausea I have a slightly queasy feeling for a couple of days but nothing that makes it difficult to eat, just an underlying sense of nausea.  I do however lose my sense of taste after each treatment for about a week, that is really annoying .  It doesn't taste like metal, just doesn't taste like anything!  So, it just takes the joy out of eating. The worst side effect for me has been constipation, and that apparently is from the antinausea meds and steroids and not really from the Taxotere. 

    As far as the wigs go, I am with Rachel...I prefer the scarves or hats.  Hate the wigs, feel like I am trying to be someone I am not.  And funny thing, but I don't feel odd not having hair.  I really wear the scarf because otherwise my appearance might startle other people, not because it bothers me to have no hair!

    One side effect I might warn all you girls about, that nobody warned me about until today is extreme muscle fatigue.  I had a little stumble this morning leaving my house to go to work....and fell flat on my face.  It seems that one of the side effects of chemo is muscle weakness and when I fell even though I caught myself with my other leg and my arms, there wasn't enough strength in them to counteract the fall.  I was fine, just a scrape on my knees and hands, but wow did that feel weird!  The onco says activity is the best solution to this problem so I am going to talk a walk every evening to work my muscles back into shape.  Anyone care to join me!  Walk Carefully however!


    CHRISCPA Member Posts: 6

    Still lurking, maybe I will lose that status one of these day.  I too am on TCx4 and very mild SEs after tx 1.    I did ice my hands during the Taxotere but not my toes.  Both are just fine so far. My biggest SEs were the shoulder pain from the Neulasta and the sleeplessness during the decadron.  I have worked every day but went home early the first 3 or 4 days to take a nap ( no wonder I couldn't sleep at night) I started losing my hair last Thurs, 2 wks after tx 1.  I have short thin hair and by Sun. it was awful.  My hairdresser (also went with me to buy wig) met me at her shop Sun pm and buzzed it off.  I am wearing a wig because I go to my office each day and I don't want to deal with the clients knowing that much of my personal business.  I am very glad to get home and take it off.  It is above 100 degrees here this week and it is warm.  It still feels funny but I am getting a little more comfortable each day. I have 2 daughters getting married in Oct.  6 days apart and my sister said she wanted me to look nice for the weddings so she paid for a good wig.  My best church friend didn't know I had on a wig until I told her.  I also attended the LGFB class this week and it was great.  Learned alot, maybe I will be able to look good for the weddings. My 2tx is tomorrow I hope it is as uneventful as the 1st.

    Question for those with a port.  The nurses told me they are going to spray numbing solution on port before  accessing.  Does anyone else have this instead of the emla cream in advance?  Just curious if this works well.  My port is low on chest andin breast tissue and the nurse from last time told me to be sure to tell them to use 1 inch needle for access.  The surgeon left it accessed at surgery so this will be first access for chemo.

    Calamtykel:  My port was really uncomfortable for the first couple of weeks but it is finally getting better.  I had the port put in and then chemo the next day.  It probably would have helped to have some healing time in between.

     Lizzyattheshore: I just finished all my Corp tax returns.  Need 2 more signatures then I am out of here.

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    Might be no hope of actually catching up, but anyway--

    On the LE did anyone get their sleeve yet?  Mine is ordered but has not come in.  According to the DR for that- there are different levels of it and some are just a permanent condition and oh, a bunch of stuff.

    Chris, I made everyone for that sign yesterday!  Had PS today, so was afraid to plan a full day of work, but did end up back to work by 12.  Also going for chemo tomorrow.  Good luck to you!  You may have to give up that lurker status. :)

     First fill of TE, rocky start, but went fine.  Not bad at all

    I can't remember where I saw it, but worked for me--take the steroid earier in the day, like at 3 or 4 pm.  Mine just says take 2 pills in the morning and 2 at night, the first time I was up for the better part of 4 days/nights. I know some people have blister packs, and some are only getting it in the IV.  Again I have the really bad allergies, I already take some other steroids for that already.

    I loved whoever put their hair outside for the birds! I can't find it now, I am sorry!  When my hair was long I always brushed it outside for that reason and so there was less hair  inside to clog the vaccuum and the drains.  (it was very long).

    And add me to the list of people sick of this whole process.  What a drag!  But we are getting there ladies, we are!  Where, idk.............where's that trip we are going on again?  Can we leave now? 

  • lisasinglem
    lisasinglem Member Posts: 239

    CHRISCPA - I get the spray every time and have not used the emla cream.  I haven't had a problem with it at all.

    Taxotere se's -- I get TCH, and my worst se's are an underlying nausea after I finishe my intense anti-nausea meds.  I take a generic "ondensatron" - don't know what that is exactly - for 3 days after each tx, and I feel alright as long as I'm taking it.  But once I finish, I get kind of a constant low-grade nausea until about day 8.  Not like I'm actually going to throw up, and Ativan or Compazine seems to take care of it, but constant.

    I also have very dry and uncomfortable skin on my hands and feet.  No nail problems (though they are not really growing at all), but I'm using a lot of lotion on my hands and feet which makes them feel less raw and more comfortable.  

    My hair mostly fell out on my head.  I had it buzzed after the first tx, and when it started coming out, I really looked like a mangey dog, so I shaved it with a razor.  Now, I am supposed to be bald on stage every night, so I end up shaving it about once a week, since some spots are growing a little bit.  My leg and underarm hair is sort of growing, but much slower than normal - like I used to have to shave every day and now it is maybe once a week.  Still have eyebrows and lashes.

    I also have muscle weakness.  Thanks for pointing this out.  I have been trying to go on a walk every day, and I have a lot of hills around my house that I used to race up all the time.  Now I find that my thigh and calf muscles are so sore when I get to the top and I have to move really slowly up them.

    I lose taste for the first 10 days afterwards.It feels like I have burned my mouth, and everything tastes like cardboard.  No mouth sores yet, though.

    Days 4-5 are usually the worst for me.  Like I have a hard time getting out of bed with fatigue.  Anything I do is an effort, and all I want to do is lie on the couch and watch trashy tv.

    I only get dexamethesone in my IV on the day of tx.  I don't take it orally because I have diabetes, and it plays havoc with my blood sugars.  I don't find too many se's from it, other than 2-3 days of really high blood sugars.

    I think I am starting to be a little depressed.  I have found that I don't get very upset about anything, but I don't get very excited about anything either.  I'm an actor by profession, and I can portray excitement easily.  But, I'm thinking of making an appointment with my therapist, whom I haven't seen since I was diagnosed, because I've been through it before, and it took a long time in denial before I saw anyone about it.  I think I am just tired of feeling sick, tired of feeling scared, tired of having to reassure people that I'm alright, and tired of trying to convince people that what I'm going through is serious.  Half the people I meet seem to think I'm on the verge of death, and the other half thinks that breast cancer and chemo "have come so far" that it isn't really a problem anymore.  I've been asked over and over again if my issues are only emotional - like chemo USED to be really hard, but now it's no big deal right?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    oh calamtykel - can I claim chemo-brain since I just had a treatment yesterday??? you clearly wrote irritated and I couldn't read!!!
  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    Hello chemosabes.  Well, Tx was fine, but today has been totally crappy.  Serious nausea even though I've taken everything for it, serious diarrhea, terrible headache and fatigue, muscle weakness and pain, dizziness.  Just had my Neulasta shot four hours ago, and it usually causes some pain the night of and then hits me like a truck the day after.  

    I am on taxotere (CTx4), and have had all kinds of se's, including Shingles, horrible mouth sores, all the things mentioned above.  I have no hair anywhere, which I'm actually enjoying.  I kind of like being bald, except inside in the air conditioning. But don't be too alarmed by my story; my onc has told me I've had an unusually difficult reaction.  I still count myself lucky, though, because I haven't had any infections or heart complications that could get in the way of treatment.  

    On the lymphedema topic, I have it.  I see a lymphedema specialist (she's a PT who specializes...) two or three times a week.  I am also very thin and have had a lot of cording from the surgeries because of it.  My PT has to pull at the cords from both directions to get them to pop away from the scar tissue that's keeping them stuck, and it really hurts.  I do my PT exercises several times every day, but progress is slow.

    Sorry to be a bummer today, but that's the kind of day it is.  I'm really frightened that if the se's keep getting worse, my onc and my psychiatrist are gonna pause Tx.  Trying to stay positive, but still scared.

  • lisaattheshore
    lisaattheshore Member Posts: 88

    Wherria, you are rowing a hard row, that's for sure!  On a plus, I think the A part of the chemo is the one with the heart side effects, not the TC (could be wrong about that--any one else?).  Was that the second treatment?  Are you expecting to do rads after?   Please take care of yourself.

    Lisasinglem, you wrote: 'Half the people I meet seem to think I'm on the verge of death, and the other half thinks that breast cancer and chemo "have come so far" that it isn't really a problem anymore.  I've been asked over and over again if my issues are only emotional - like chemo USED to be really hard, but now it's no big deal right? '.  This is SO SO annoying.  I am so with you!  Sometimes I don't know if I should stranle them, educate them, or just walk away.  And 'only emotional'  HELLO, that's REAL!  FWIW, at least do a phone consult with the counselor.  It's so much more worth it than just hanging out thinking 'here I go again'.  Especially since you have someone you liked already.  {f you were waiting for someone to tell you, consider yourself told!  ;) }

    Did you see the thread titled 'dumb things people have said to you/about you'? 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    I just wrote a long entry trying to catch up and lost it! So I'll probably miss something I wanted to answer.

    First, see my new avatar. DH buzzed my head tonight. It was falling out quickly, so I decided to bite the bullet and just do it. It was a little depressing. I told DH that a year ago he married a pretty, healthy, vital woman and now he has a sick, scarred, bald wife. It actually feels freeing to not have hair if we could just convince the rest of the world that this is a "look". Maybe we can start a trend .. Demi Moore, Sinead O'Connor, Brittney Spears and all of us!

    Lizzy: On the neulasta: I was told the pain would hit quickly, within a couple of days, if I was going to get it. But I didn't get it for 7 days! So, as usual, there are no one size fits all answers. Lizzy, be sure to do the Claritin or Zyrtec; it really helps ward off the pain.

    Sweeney: Ya'll is a contraction of you all, so "ya'll of you" is a little redundantSmile Just want you to know how to use the lingo. You can teach us when "eh" is appropriate.

    Calamytkel, Wherria and others having a hard time: This all sucks at times but just keep praying, putting one foot in front of the other, and we will all survive.

    Rachel: I'm wondering about the Taxotere too. My onc said we'll do Taxol if I'm really set against doing Taxotere, but Taxol has it's own demons. He said there is a nearly 100% change of neuropathy, to some extent, with Taxol. Plus it would be 12 weeks to do instead of 6 weeks with the Taxotere. So now I'm leaning back toward Taxotere.

    Had my second FEC yesterday and so far doing ok. More nausea this time, but took some extra meds today and that's helped.

    Good night from GI Gina (that's what I feel like now).


  • Shari51
    Shari51 Member Posts: 9

    Hi there Sweeney ! Check your "private messages".  I'd love to get together over tea or coffee....

    Hi everyone - I am just visiting your discussion board  but can totally relate as I went through a mastectomy and chemo less than a year ago.   I was also given Taxotere.  Had some side effects, but all in all, not too bad....ok there were some pretty tough days for sure.  I truly wish each of you as easy an experience as possible in the weeks and months ahead.  Believe it or not, the craziness does actually come to end, and life does return to normal. I never thought I'd get through it but I did.  One day at a time...... Sending positive thoughts to each of you ...

  • Mmahle46
    Mmahle46 Member Posts: 44

    Hi Y'all!

    Sorry I haven't posted.  My daughter has been in the hospital again.  She is okay a UTI which caused contractions due to the stent.  If the baby hasn't come by 38 weeks (4 weeks) away they are inducing her.  Between that and working I'm exhausted!

    I wanted to show y'all my avatar.  That is my Grandson and I.  He wanted to look like the boy in Avatar-The Air Bender so, I drew on him and then he drew on me and from there we did a number on my daughters hugely pregnant belly.  It got a little crazy but, the kids had fun.  It helped my Grandson deal with a bald Grandma!  Thankfully the markers were washable!

    I hope everyone is doing well and I wish you minimal SE's.  I have my 3rd of 4 FAC TX's this Friday.  My Mom is flying from Oregon to help around this zoo that I live in.  :o

    Have an awesome rest of the week!


  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    HI all,

    On Wigs- I hate my wig. I've worn it 3 times in total. Once my 4 year old outed me, remember? Still feels like a fur hat or a spy disguise. I wish I hadn't bought it. I'd rather go bald, but it freaks people out. Just today I had a mom at my son's school burst into tears at the sight of me. I felt so bad for her, she was having a rough day and thought I was at death's doorstep. I often feel like I'm a walking cancer infomercial I spend so much time explaining BC to people.

    On Taxotere- It's not that bad for me. I"ve had the "dead mouth" as I call it, absolutely no taste sensation whatsoever for about 8 days. Food is icky, it just tastes like whatever texture is in your mouth. I have been using ice on fingers and hands and have had NO issues with neutropenia (sp?). Muscle fatigue for sure and also loss of some short term memory but nothing too crazy. Also just all round fatigue, lots of napping. But I need to exercise more for sure, at first I was really good at this but I've gotten lazy.

    On "Y'all"- I know I've been in North Carolina and Florida and heard them say "Are all y'all coming back now?" So what's the deal behind that, eh?

    On Feeling Crappy- Almost all of us have mentioned at some point feeling down, scared, blue, depressed, anxious, whatever- pick your dampened mental state. We're allowed. This is a scary and upsetting disease. But I think the best we can do for ourselves is take that part of the disease as seriously as any other SE. When I went to the social worker the other day I was skeptical to say the least, but it helped. She helped me a great deal actually. And months previously when my doctor said, "how about some anti anxiety meds?" I'm glad I said yes. Whatever it is that we each choose to do to handle this, the last thing we should do is beat ourselves up about feeling scared or crappy. If you want to watch tv all day and nap. DO IT. If you can only walk up the block before getting sweaty and dizzy. HIGH FIVE YOURSELF. If you have to get to your doctor and say, "My brain is being affected by this disease." RUN DON'T WALK. Just my two cents friends, I think it needs to be said out loud so that no one thinks this is some secondary sort of side effect that we should have to cope with without help and support.

    ON LGFB- I love my new makeup. I'm very glamourous these days. LIZZY- I'm pretty sure you'll feel fine by the time you go. Or am I too late? Are you already there? Hope you're not throwing up all over your perky little cosmetician.

    Goodnight y'all. Sleep well, friends.

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Oh and I can't believe I forgot this....

    Ladyinbama- You look GORGEOUS. No seriously. What a strong and beautiful picture. Big hugs to you.

  • Zachsmom
    Zachsmom Member Posts: 39

    'Half the people I meet seem to think I'm on the verge of death, and the other half thinks that breast cancer and chemo "have come so far" that it isn't really a problem anymore."


    Exactly!! How perfectly stated. Same here.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    GOOD EVENING CHEMOSABES! ( I speak Japanese and Wherria is the one who correctly conjugated "sabe!!"..makes me proud of my skills!)

    Chriscpa: welcome back!!!!! Lurker!!!!!!! Lurk no more!

    Shari: welcome to chemo land! Thanks for stopping by to share some information.

    Sweeney: I am fine but have been on the phone and I realized just this evening that this contributes to DRY MOUTH! Also, that luscious, seductive monster fatigue has me embracing that notion! I took at nap this afternoon. I had more mussels and salad for dinner then 20 minutes on the recumbent bike. I feel ok...just some heartburn (never had this in my life!) but had a little milk, no pills, and am ok. Hopefully can make LGFB tomorrow because have to get Nuelasta anyway so may as well go while I am there!

    Wherria: you do, undoubtedly, have a lot to deal with. I give you a lot of credit as well because you do seem to hold it down. Do I wish you did not have so much? Absolutely. You are, however, an inspiration. I know...more dubious titles you never wanted!!!

    Lisaattheshore: my BS said we would talk about the LE sleeve later. I thought, before chemo dragged out to December, I would be going to TN for Thanksgiving and traveling for Christmas as well but I clearly doubt that will be happening. For some reason I felt more comfortable having the sleeve if, forbid, I was on a flight and something were to happen, I would prefer to be wearing the sleeve but I guess bridges to cross! Hair for the birds? Does that help them cozy up their nests? Interesting! I have to read up on that!

    Lisasinglem: you will be back to doing those hills at your previous pace. It just takes time. I give you credit for going out to walk. I am on the tread and recumbent of upright bike. I wanted to buy an Arc Trainer this year but that is $5K better left unspent right now! My tread is also needing some attention so I will replace that soon. In any case: people. I know exactly what you mean. I think I told you I worked in theater when I was young. I think it is a challenging job to have while going through this type of situation. I think a therapist is a great idea. Don't hesitate...we have all been there and this is an emotional rollercoaster of a ride we are on. Don't to the therapist about something to calm you. I know that seems to be the last thing you want because you feel you want to have reactions and know you are in tune with your life but sometimes taking something to help you through a frustrating evening etc... you can, in essence, blame your lack of emotion on something else, ya know? It sort of lets you off the hook for a while. I know this sounds convoluted...perhaps it will make sense to you when you read it!  Don't forget you also had a really nice experience over the weekend when one of our own stopped you to cheer you on!  This trip is a mixed bag.  Do whatever to help you get through. 

    Lisaattheshore: yes, the "A" can affect the heart. Consequently, if anyone has "SE" questions, I have all my materials handy as I just received them a few days ago. They are comprehensive lists so, any questions, fire away!

    Ladyinbama: what an adorable avatar! I think we all look like kids again. Lady-do I take Claritin before Neulasta or right after? Any recommendations? No, I am not looking for a replacement for medical advice and I am fully aware you are not a doctor!!!!!

    Mmahle: Good to hear from you again. I was wondering about your daughter. I am glad you checked in although I wish the news was better. I am glad your mom is coming to help. Another adorable avatar! GOOD STUFF! That is a great pic. Keep us posted, please.

    Sweeney: whatever get together/vacation our group plans, you must come! You are a freakin' crack-up! Hoping I am not vomiting on my perky little cosmetician! They actually do our make-up there?! I thought just gave us stuff! Ok...I will keep an open mind!

    Let the emotions flow, girls! Share it here. This is one heck of a trip and we share the GOOD and we share the BAD. We are a crew...this means we support one another.

    Sweet dreams to all-

    I remain...

    Your FEARLESS Leader!!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hair for the birdies, that is me! Birds make their nests out of string and twigs and grass and hair too. Some birds pluck their own down to line their nests. We are on a big piece of land here and seeing the hairs float away felt sort of nuce that day.

    We used to live on the flight path for the Horicon Marsh in WIsconsin, except we were in Illinois. Literally 1000's of Canada Geese would fly by twice a year. We also had all sort of migrating and local  birds. I loved feeding the birds and watching their nesting habits. I can not feed the birds here, We have bear, one specifically who is stealing garbage left out of doors. We keep ours in doors, the garbage.  I have idea what I would do with a bear, my dog weighs 14 pounds. 

     I go on Monday for AC  #4  but I still feel pretty weak from the food poisoning on Sunday. I guess I really should call the coordinating nurse, I do not like to call the doctor. I would tell someone else to call, but me, nooo. argh

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    5AM: Roids are still kicking in!  Consequently, when I went to find and edit my "Walmart" post it seems that either I was reported or the purveyors of the board decided I must be censored!!!!  I was innocuously searching so I could "fix" my lingua!  Oh well!

    Lisasinglem: I cannot believe that I totally forgot to mention this downright ludicrous comment a "joker" made to me in texts while I was IN CHEMO on Tuesday:  she says "oh, I am glad you are STILL ok (I guess I should be dead by now!)" and then asked "are you seeing BLACK CROWS around your house!?!?!"  This frosted flake thinks she has powers (??)...!  In any case, yes, I do see black crows but I live near a lake and there is a nursing home around the area!!!  Not that I believe in myths but, needless to say, we all know where someone is going with black crow comments!  While I am at chemo noless!  Unbelievable!  I had to share that little comment with you.  Hopefully that makes you feel better!

    I think I am having the antithesis of chemo brain! First I finally get inspired to hook sabe to chemo, which in the recesses of my mind I knew be correct anyway, and then at 5AM I remember I want to tell her a foolish person comment to cheer her up about how ridiculous(thoughtless, just plain nuts) some people can be!!!