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You know youre a cancer patient when....



  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2010

    when you let co-workers feel your Foobs to see how dang hard TE's are and no-one thinks you are strange anymore...

  • changes
    changes Member Posts: 42
    edited July 2010

    Anacortes Girl - this was a GREAT idea for a thread! I've been reading through these and laughed and laughed! I particularly loved the post by Momand2kids. Keep them coming!

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2010

    when your name has been on the church bulletin for over a year.

    when your response to anything bad/painful/stressful (but not cancer-related) is "well, at least it's not chemo"...

  • MicheleS
    MicheleS Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2010

    when you vomit just thinking about the chemo-suite...

    when you vomit in the elevator on the way to see your onc (and you aren't on chemo-anymore!)

    when your pharmacist knows you by name...

    when your pharmacist calls to check up on you because you haven't been in for a while (happened today! LOL!).

    when your onc texts you a "happy birthday" message and you cry hysterically.

    when your therapist hugs you and she isn't a "huggy" type of therapist.

  • pickle
    pickle Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2010

    When you're the envy of everyone at Girls night out because you didn't have to pay for your Brazillian

  • still-kickin
    still-kickin Member Posts: 12
    edited July 2010

    When people STOP teasing you about your age on your birthday and congratulate you ....and your proud .

    When you are still in your pj's, drinking coffee at 10 a.m. on Monday morning and you start complaining cos you WANT to  go to work.

  • didel
    didel Member Posts: 733
    edited July 2010

    When you buy Nair hair remover for your face and Biotin supplements and Nioxin shampoo all in the same purchase!

  • redskies
    redskies Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2010

    your total lack of fear makes new car salespersons sweat.

  • krcll
    krcll Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2010

    when you go in the pharmacy and actually know what all the drugs are for because you already have most of them in your medicine cabinet!

  • krcll
    krcll Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2010

    when you smile very broadly at anyone else with super-short hair because you are convinced they also have chemo-hair.

  • krcll
    krcll Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2010

    when you break down crying at Penny's because you had heard they had mastectomy bras and you kept looking and looking and didn't find them and you just didn't want to do the hushed voice thing of asking if they had -whisper-"masctectomy" bras and, damn it, I just want to be like everyone else and be able buy my bras without feeling like I am a freak just because I have to have a pocket in mine!!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2010

    ,,,, and when your lovely daughter immediately drags you round to the "barely-there extra uplift for skinny/tarty teens" section and you want to cry all over again...

  • Karen09
    Karen09 Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2010

    ....when you have bought enough immodium to have shares in the company....and are afraid to go out in public without it. 

    ....and when you have a planned "outing" with friends, get the diarrhea, and pop an Immodium like nothing and go about your plans.  Before BC I would have cancelled and taken it easy.  During BC, going out with friends was too precious to cancel barring an emergency and diarrhea was too normal to let it ruin the day. 

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited July 2010

    When you turn up at the prearranged time for an Estee Lauder make-over, determined not to buy anything afterwards, but get anything you want for nothing because your scarf fell off.


    ...........and when the scarf fell off, your naked head was covered in hickeys left behind by son sticking suction cups all over it.

  • diana50
    diana50 Member Posts: 253
    edited July 2010
    when your sex life has become motorizedCool (thanks arimidex)
  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited July 2010

    When your seven year old tells the lady at the cash register that the Dr. cut mommy's boob off.

     When you are excited that you only have two hairs under your arm to shave.

    When you are happy because somebody tells you that you don't look so yellow and pale anymore.

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited July 2010

    When having a wreck doesn't seem so bad compared to what you have been going through.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited July 2010

    When shampoo isn't on your shopping list, and hasn't been for months.

  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited July 2010

    When you're using the lint roller on your head to get out the stubbies!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited July 2010

    Your idea of a "fashion statement" is color-coordinating your compression sleeves.

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited July 2010

    when you find yourself sitting in the waiting room at a regular dr's appointment telling the people next to you the short cuts (back entrance) into and out of the busy parking garage and through the building(s).

    your chest is flatter than your stomach..........

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2010

    When you can count the number of eyelashes and eyebrows you have left.

  • mimiof4
    mimiof4 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2010

    People keep telling you how good you look, and you wonder, "If I look so good in a wig and have no eyelashes and one eyebrow (the other drawn on), how bad did I look before I had cancer?

  • changes
    changes Member Posts: 42
    edited July 2010

    When you are THRILLED instead of depressed at the idea of turning 50!

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited July 2010

    when you are excited to show your facebook friends your fingernails have finally grown back long enough you can paint them.

  • Ca1Ripken
    Ca1Ripken Member Posts: 829
    edited July 2010

    You have used your baby's butt cream..... 

  • Faith316
    Faith316 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited July 2010
    When the lint roller isn't working so well on your head anymore so you start using duct tape to get those "prickles" out.  Duct tape works great.  Here is the funniest thing we did.  I had some "prickles" that just wouldn't fall out and the lint roller and duct tape wouldn't pull them out.  I was so tired of having them.  My friend got a pair of really fine point tweezers and for hours over several days, would patiently sit and pick my prickles out.  He guesses he picked out several thousand.  Now, that is a TRUE friend!
  • Faith316
    Faith316 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited July 2010

    When everybody wants to touch your head; first when it is bald, and then when the baby-soft duckling fuzz starts growing in.  (Kind of like when you are pregnant and everybody wants to rub your belly.)

  • yramal
    yramal Member Posts: 90
    edited July 2010

    I really have nothing new to add, but I know that I have absolutely no modesty left as far as showing my breasts! They've been squeezed and photographed more times than I can count. I mentioned to the radiation tech that I might as well go without the robe because i just didn't care anymore who saw my boobs, and she said, "Honey, the robes are for the other patients. You don't want to shock them....."

  • marcy4
    marcy4 Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2010

    I cannot think of anything to add, but I love this thread.  It certainly is good that we can all laugh about what has happened to us.  Despite all the drugs we are  taking, have taken, or will take, laughter really is the best, and easier to take, medicene.