full moon really, ha ha. not so much. fell asleep at 2am, should have looked out the
sitting outside by campfire or inside by fireplace
0 -
outside by campfire (unless it's raining).
Hot chocolate with or without marshmallows?
0 -
roasting them till brown or black
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I never got over the childhood impatience of burning 'em, then pulling off the burnt skin and reburning 'em 'til there is no more marshmallow...
Roast weinies on a branch you picked (and sharpened) yourself, or a store bought metal "roasting" fork?
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cool never did that
roast on branch
buns or plain off fire
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eat one right off the fire, and the second one in a bun
rather be in charge of appetizers or desserts
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desserts....I always have a much easier time picking up/making desserts...appetizers throw me
rather select a Christmas gift for DH/SO to give you or be surprised by what they pick out?
0 -
ia m always surprised ( but id rather pick it out) shhhhh
wrapping the gifts or a pretty box and ribbon
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Pretty box and a ribbon (I'm a rotten package wrapper)
Like it if you receive clothes or prefer something else?0 -
both if they know my taste. my hubby and daughter and i write cards....we r competitive...who can make the person cry first with these see that is better than presences
saving the paper and ribbons or ripping through them and throwing them out!!!!!!
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used to save, now throw (but keep gift bags)
like going to Christmas parties or would rather stay home
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I enjoy going to Christmas parties
bath towels....thick cushy ones or thinner, stiffer ones?
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Any other party I'd rather skip, but I still like Christmas parties. (But I do want to get out early!)
Turkey for christmas or still sick of it from thanksgiving and have something else?0 -
I will answer both
bath towels, cushy or stiff? REALLY????? of course cushy soft extra big with my hubby in there too
Turkey for Christmas or sick of it? never sick of it. I will eat anything they serve me
done shopping or not
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not (but I have made a start and I have 3 december birthdays to add in as well)
outside lights up yet or not
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tree up or not yet
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tree no lights
big blow up (whatever they are) or a nativity
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Big blow up... My kids like them better.
Large or small Christmas celebration ?0 -
small - the family has dwindled.
hot tub or sauna?
0 -
neither, am hot enough already & scared of LE
rather be hot or cold (you can guess my answer )
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cold - I'm like you Ruth, have my vey own thermostat!!!
rain or snow
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snow, snow snow!
sending out Christmas cards or just email/phone greetings?
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cards, if I can get organized enough to get them put together
a note on the card or ye ol' Christmas letter
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note on the card
Christmas trees: theme tree or old fashioned (mix of ornaments collected throughout the years)
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old fashioned
if you have a him/he/them Christmas presents or not
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don't have a pet anymore, but when we did, we'd buy him dog biscuits
send Christmas cards or gave it up?
Ruth, I have a question about something you said earlier.... Do hot tubs and saunas cause lymphedema? I haven't been in either of them forever, but love taking hot baths - my thermostat doesn't work at all... it's permanently on COLD. I would WELCOME a hot flash!!!
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hot tubs & saunas raise the body temperature and could possibly cause or trigger a LE attack. I don't think hot baths or showers could get you as hot as a hot tub or sauna could. I love a long, hot shower myself.
shower or bath
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soap or bodywash
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bodywash....soap is too drying.
(Ruth, I sit in a whirpool almost everyday post exercise at the health club...never heard it could trigger a LE attack...good information)
Use a washcloth/exfoliating cloth or a plastic scrungee (in the shower)
0 -
washcloth - I'm not fond of plastic against my skin
lots of short couple day vacations throughout the year or save up time and take a month
Ruth, thanks for the information. I wasn't aware that heightened body temperature could cause LE.