how about just my name ( I know I am lame)
Buying Christmas gifts or making them? ( I love making..can you believe that!!!! can't right a note on a Christmas card but I can make LOTS of gifts) go figure
0 - creative bones in my body (which do you make, Susan?)
like to make a grand entrance or slide into a party
0 -
it must be late and tooooo many drugs, i was picturing sliding into the party across the
oh my goodness, I like to "sneak" into a party
Ruthbru, I make anything that looks interesting in a magazine. Making a bridal brooch bouquet for my daughters wedding right now. If its a craft, i love it
Staying to the end of the party or get out early
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say I'll leave early but usually end up being the last to leave
make a toast with champagne or wine
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extra dry champagne
proper glasses or who cares
0 -
who cares
open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day
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open before Christmas eve and re wrap them so no one knows...yep I said it,,shhhhhh
pretty bows on packages, or just happy to get the paper on
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pretty bows (in fact each evening I'm curling ribbon so it's not such a daunting task when I start wrapping, last year my hands just about fell so I'm trying to make it easier on myself)
look for bargains or just pay full retail
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one big present or lots of little ones
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depends on who I'm buying for - for hubby one big and then some little ones, for grandkids lots of little presents
When buying gifts online, have them gift wrapped and sent direct to the recipient, or have them sent to you, you wrap and then ship all presents together?
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gift wrapped & sent
(Susan, the brooch boquet sounds neat! When's the wedding?)
if you had the money for one: remodel your kitchen or your master bathroom
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oh now this is funny (dripping sarcasm) married 31 yrs, in this present house 19 years, never had the master bedroom done yet. we are in the smallest so I guess i would remodel kitchen, again, cause i live in there more. although I would like the bedroom done......someday, or not
ruthbu, the wedding is July 6th in my friends backyard. she has an old farmhouse with lots of land,,,,and a newly remodeled question, go on vacation or remodel something ( we have vacationed a lot. which explains a lot)
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we're in a new house so no major remodeling projects so I'll choose a vacation!
fascinated by the Mars explorations or not really
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I am interested.
(the wedding sounds neat!)
still consider Pluto a planet or accept the scientific world's decree that it is not
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I'm afraid that I still think of our solar system as having 9 planets....
Enjoy reading science-fiction or think it's just stupid?
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like it some
rather have dinner with the President or the First Lady
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Probably the first lady, but I'd prefer having dinner with both of them.
Ride a bike or walk?0 -
marry for companionship or adventure
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loving adventure
love at first sight or not that easy
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love at first of our friends was never serious with any gal he dated, we thought he'd be single forever...met a gal at a wedding and 6 weeks later they were walking down the aisle..they have a wonderful marriage 30 years later. I hear lots of stories like that.
hate going to the dentist or enjoy it (guess where I'm going today)
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HATE!!!!!! good luck
making christmas (individual) cookies or bar cookies
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individual cookies when I do it, which is seldom, as neither hubby nor I can eat most grains (especially wheat).
believe in "soul mates" or think it's silly
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I do believe in soul mates; and not just in the romantic way. I have friends, people whom I knew the minute I met them, that we would be friends for life.
Believe that the departed can have some influence on what goes on here on earth or think that is silly
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No, I don't believe the departed can influence what happens on earth but I did once have a very eery unexplainable series of incidences involving a dear friend who had died so I have to say who really knows.
strictly use a digital camera or still use one that requires film?
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enthusiastic about new technology or feel overwhelmed
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like to play card games or board games
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Card games
Inny or outty0 -
enthusiastic about new technology or feel overwhelmed
0 -
enthusiastic - just wish I had the money it takes to have it all....
ereader or real book
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real book
holiday at your house or at a relative's