Bonfire of the Goddesses
valjean, i have loved that book....twice. i started reading it a third time, but gave it to someone else to fall in love with! thanks for telling, and how great to sort of share the name!
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Hi, have to admit I skipped a few pages. But I know enough to agree that hugs and prayers are needed.
It is always a comfort to see Lucy here at our northern hemisphere wee hours. But Tomboy? Do you have insomnia like I do? I sleep then wake in the middle of the night and cant get back. I have to get up for work soon and only 2-3 hours sleep. I better turn off the alarm and doze. My last "quiet" week before classes start and leaving home at 7 daily.
Lucy I love the cartoon.
Hugs Blondie, and hope you go to step down care while you heal. You deserve to rest and have help with moving around AND getting your meals. As if BC and carrying Mr. O around sren't didnt ask for any of this and you deserve care.
Ducky hope your cough is clearing. DH has been coughing since Christmas. Love your soup cartoon.
K, hope to hear good reports on Brian. And anything else on your heart.
Gma, gentle healing hugs.
Val, I love hearing from you...seems like so long ago I met you and Granny (now FK) amd Jo on the Stage 1 thread.
Slow thanks for always encouraging us here.
Will try to catch some Zzzzzs- alarms OFF
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Thanks Ducky for the update on Blondie. Prayers for Blondie, FK, and GMA...
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Hubby talked to my mom yesterday. She told him that she might stay a bit longer than she planned if I need her. Stepdad's boss is being very understanding and letting him take time off to bring mom down and pick her up.
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good morning
I'll get the results from Brian's CT scan today between 2-3
I'll let u no
Val and nice to hear from U
I miss both of u
DUCKY,,how's the coughing today?Tx for keepin us in the loop
I think I have sinusitis...that's all that's missing from my life.grrrrr
It's sunny outside and I think I'll get some air today
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Thinking of you Kracker and hope the news you got today was good!!
Hope you're doing better today Blondie!!
Hope you are all having a good day today, free from pain.
Love to all!!
Edited to add: Joan, always so good to see you!!
Mommy, nice to hear your Mom will be staying longer. Enjoy your time with her.
Crog, so good to see you too!!
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Update..........Blondie has to be off her foot for 7 to 8 weeks.
She is going upstairs in the hospital where they have a rehab unit.....for 7 to 14 thing she can do.......there is no one home to take care of her, and she will get all her meals, plus care and rehab which you nd I know she would not get to if she needed to go herslf.....
Will keep you posted.......
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Joan, yeah, i guess i do have a little insomnia. I usually get to bed by midnite here, and then read for an hour or two. now that i have a fitbit thanks to a certain someone, it says i wake once an hour. and last night it said i got 4 1/2 hours sleep. if you are up, we can talk! i am not working right now, so i dont have to be up xcept for appointment days.
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Thank you for the update Ducky. I'm glad she will have someone taking care of her. That's great news that she will have access to food, rehab and pain meds!! Hopefully she will have internet too!!
What a coincidence Tomboy, I have a Fitbit too! Although, I'm not fit a bit, yet.
Any news from Kracker???
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Nothing from FK........not yet.....
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Thanks Ducky! She is due for some GOOD news!!
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Glad to hear that Blondie will be in rehab. That will be good.Waiting to hear from FK,,,,,
I don't think I would want a Fitbit, telling me how badly I sleep!
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A Fitbit would tell me what I already know.....that I wake up every 2 hours every night! Ô¿ÔStill keeping good thoughts for K's Brian & Sandy. ♥
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I'm so glad Blondie isn't on her own. After my surgery, when I was left alone during the day, was very hard. I know my neighbors were a call away, but never wanted to ask for help. Lost weight that first week because I didn't plan enough food to be left for me.
FK Brian is still in my prayers.
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glad to hear the news about Blondie!
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FK, thinking of you and Brian.
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Slow~~ "not fit a bit", hahaahhaahahaahaa!!
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Valjean.. I'm the same as you.. awake every 2 hours EVERY night.. It's 3am here in Aussie at the moment .. and as usual I'm awake.. Uugh..
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OOOh, sorry! what happens to me is, i curl up reading bco or my kindle, and i fall asleep everytime. i actually got in bed by 12:30, and i got up at 8:45. cancelled my appt with BS, at ten, i already picked up results, benign. But i asked her to call me anyway, because she said she may want to do a punch biopsy anyway. supposedly its just an area of fat necrosis they are watching, but why is it getting bigger? And i want to ask her if i can have that reactive node out!!!! it is really bothersome. Oh, and my med onc's NP did the visit last week with me, and at the end of the clinic notes, she said i didn't have a uterus or ovaries. But i did! last time i looked! and my gyno right after said i did, he looked at em!
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Good Morning Goddesses,
So happy to hear your results are benign Tomboy! Good grief, I hope the fat necrosis stops growing!!
GMA, When I had problems with my wounds healing they tried a wound vac on me. They are supposed to be wonderful for promoting healing. Unfortunately because of the area of my wound, they couldn't get a good seal, so I couldn't take advantage of the technology. Can they try a wound vac on you?? Hyperbaric chamber is also supposed to promote wound healing.
Thinking of you Blondie. Hope your rehab is going well. I miss seeing you and can't wait for you to come back!!
FK, Keeping you and Brian in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs to all.
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no news
FREEKIN dr.He doesn't have anything to compare it too
He has everything in his chart...Bastard WANs him to come in on the 29th with his records that he already has...such bulllshit...Of course I yelled and screamed and then he got Nasty too
Tomorrow my GD will call with a calm head
Tomboy,,,Im sorry U r still goin thro shit
Does it ever end?
Ducky thanks for the info...I'll pass this info to Joan....I spoke to her this morning..She too is glad she is goin to Rehab
I went to the basement out today
Thanks for UR concern
Slow U been watchin for me...I appreciate it
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FK..................WTF........are you kidding me................what the hell happened to his previous this a new Dr................I would have been f/n nuts.............
I'm thinking maybe he suspects things are ok........otherwise he would be on this like flys on shit.........and then to wait till the 20th for his next appt.................has this asshole ever heard of a "fax machine".........
Keep us in the loop.......and you calm down...........
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Oh no FK! That sucks - plain and simple.
Yes, Ducky is must calm down. We don't want you getting sick.
Hopefully your GD can get some answers out of them. Dumb asses.
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Everyone is going through so much lately.
I hope this makes everyone smile. It sure made my heart smile.
Absolutely adorable.
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FK.. Oh.. So sorry.. How upsetting.. I would have steam coming out my ears too.. It's not fair. !!
Tomboy..Glad you have B9 results.. But WTH.. Talk about confusion.... enough to make you wonder yourself if you really do still have those ovaries and uterus.!! Mean to say, my memory is so shot lately I could of had mine out and forgot !! Seriosly.. Is it any wonder we don't have too much confidence our doctors !!
Slow.. So cute.. 😃 Thanks for sharing it..!!
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BOO... It's so quiet here.. to play with :-(
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Google Boo image:
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I have a dog named 'Bou (after Caribou Coffee). Does that count?
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Boo is VERY cute :-)
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Adorable picture!
Good Evening Goddesses,
Been busy with tax stuff. It's taking me forever to get anything done.
Hope you all have a great weekend free from pain.