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Bonfire of the Goddesses



  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited February 2012

    Geewhiz!!! Gee Whiz!!! You missed going to THE best shoe store in New York!!!???? Oy! Gotta come back! Speaking of smelly New Yorkers on the subway... have you ever visited the city in the summer??!!! That's when the city REALLY stinks!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2012

    I rode those freekin smelly dirty trains a lifetime...even fell down an entire flight cause the railing was greasy from those dirty people my hand kept sliding till i turned over...that was just before i retired.and i got up,filled a police report and went to the dr...I believe i must torn my rotator cuff and right after that fall it acted up.

    The entire NYC smells like a dirty hamper in the summer!!!!!!!!

    The city that never sleeps!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2012

    Why are the subways so smelly?Is this a place for homeless to live? May be the could add a shower car and a washing maching car.

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    besides the subways, Grand Central is quite smelly and scary.  Ever notice how dark it is when you get off the train and the walk into the terminal?  that's so you don't see all the garbage and rats and whatever other debris that has accumulated over the last 100 years.'s just creapy down there.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2012

    when everything is said and done if you need to travel in NYC damnit you can get there....anywhere...between GCS and Penn station its still a wonderful train/bus connection.

    the smell on the trains are either from homeless who sleep/live on the trains and the dirty people who dont shower or put deoderant on.....

    And there are always people and is an experience!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2012

    Does putting Vick-Vapo-rub under your nose help?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2012

    Seems to me TIDE that advertises taking those big trucks to disaster sites, should think about New York city.  medieval cities sound like what you are talking about. Has anyone read about the public poo-per/pee facilities in Europe, especially Paris. They give awards for the most innovate on keeping them clean.

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited February 2012

    Okay, sisters! Visited Manhattan today with the DD. Rode the subway and it DID NOT SMELL. Visited the newly renovated New York Historical Society. DD downloaded 2 for 1 coupon. It was terrific!!! Highly recommend a visit!

    Headed over to the Eneslow Shoe Store. Met a tourist from San Francisco. She ended up purchasing the same shoes that I was wearing.... And three other pairs of shoes! DD and I passed on buying shoes today... Did take copious notes for the future...

    Walked back to Penn Station and.... Bulletin! 32 Street between Madison and Fifth Avenue smelled! Other than that... It was a nice day in Gotham! Feel free to come visit!!!

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    forget the subways and about them taxis?  Oh man, don't get me started on the taxis drivers and how they smell. 

    Liked the post of the vicks vapo rub.  What about that stuff medical examiners put under their noses when when performing autopsies...don't know the name of it?

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited February 2012

    You got to be pretty desperate to hail a cab in Manhattan! Just a word from the wise... Do Not flag one with it's windows open in the summer! For sure their air conditioning is broken! And if you don't know exactly where you are going and the fastest way to get there.... be prepared to idle... ChaChing!

  • scuttlers
    scuttlers Member Posts: 149
    edited February 2012

    But then again, you just may get the "Cash Cab"!

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited February 2012

    Oohhh...New York Historical Society sounds very cool! Two great tips VR!! I broke down and took a cab from Greenwich Village back to Parker Meridian. It was super late, and I wasn't interested in fooling with the subway. And, yes ma'am!!, I know ALL about the smells in summer. Watch out for those greenish tinged puddles near the trashbags waiting for pickup, lol! I lived up there for awhile. I miss it terribly, smells and all!! We went to see Venus in Fur...that was a little too edgy for me. It is a limited engagement Broadway show with rave reviews. I will second your "Oy!".  I am throwing the lady in the seat next to me into the fire...she was either drunk or really whacked out on something and would not shut up talking at first, then fell completely asleep leaning into me. She was twice my size and I had to wedge my foot under my chair to not get knocked out!!

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited February 2012

    GeeWhiz... Glad you got to see Venus in Fur. Perhaps you were there Friday night when my friend was there? She loved it too!

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    Scuttlers:  LOL....good one.

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047
    edited February 2012

    I'de like to throw some stuff in!  My sinuses, whether it be infection or allergy I am sick of it!  My swollen glands and ear ache, the pain in my jaw.  Most of all I give a big HEAVE as I throw my anxiety onto the flames.  I hate it and what it does to me!!!  BURN and be gone!!!

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited February 2012

    Throwing in my port-a-cath which has only been in 10 weeks but has caused so much trouble. Supposedly internal stitches, working their way out and splitting the mostly healed incision. Not working yesterday after they jabbed it twice (OW OW OW) and then having to have my chemo put in through my hand veins and having to swap veins halfway through when the first one stopped working.

    Getting the port checked back at the centre that inserted it - will either have to be revised or replaced, (OW OW OW).

    It is ON THE FIRE!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2012

    Holly Hell....that fire is blazing.....where is everyone??????come over ladies...we have 2 sistas who need some help here......come out come out where ever you are......

    Its burning.....yeah its burning....oh yeah its really burning......

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781
    edited February 2012

    Need to throw my bosses daughter in again...holy apropriate! how do you go from running a department and being an important member of the team to being scapegoated and blamed....need to re-evaluate my job...where I am in the world. she goes

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2012

    Laurie-----I may actually have an answer to your problem at least in part. Surgery can mess up Eustachian tubes and sinuses this is a for sure ---ENT doc can verify Has to do with the endotracheal tube. Then post-op----Being without food and water can mess with the salivary glands. I had one salivary gland quit on me after one surgery and the ent doc told me to suck on lemons. Asked if lemon candy things ( sorry forgot the name). He said that would be ok but sucking on real lemons would be better. ODD.--------in an older tome of nursing we used lemon glycerin swabs---------patients hated them----we used to refrigerate them to make them more palatable

    . They they went to peppermint. It was then that I got the reason for the lemon. Don't know why the glycerin.

    Lets throw into the fire those people that believe ideas of old don't work.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2012

    Jenn if you are spitting stitches---------you need to know what type of suture they used b/c you could be allergic to it. When Vycril was invented it was purple stained (70's) ----Why dunno-----, but people were spitting stitches all the time. Then then came out with Vycril unstained. Vycril took the place of catgut sutures which were protein. Anytime you have a protein you can have an allergic reaction. Vycril was suppose to solve that problem. BUT just with anything , things for an individual can go wrong. You may be allergic to Vycril. If this is your situation, then you can tell them in the future not to use vycril.------If you google Vycril ----It's been many years and my spelling of it could be wrong.  I have never tracked the history of Vycril. It may have a history in certain individuals that it causes an allergic response.

    For those that don't know what spitting a stitch means is------the body doesn't like it , it will cause it to work it's way to the surface, as it comes to the surface, it will look like a pimple and may be reddened. It will then break the surface and fall out. Spit out of the body---thus the words " spitting a stitch". The problem with this is what is was meant to hold together can't be held together. Secondary response, is infection b/c it leaves and open area that allows bacteria to invade.

     Jenn -----hope this gives you more control of the situation versus worry------Namaste sheila

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2012

    wow i just learned 2 new things about bc.never heard of spitting that must hurt.


    on another thread i read Golden Handcuffs..does anyone know what that means?ill tell ya.its when you are stuck in your job cause ofmany different things.the co.has the golden handcuffs on ya..

    so we are gonna throw in the spitting  stitches along with the golden handcuffs and watch the fire burn again.14K handcuffs.that really suks.

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited February 2012

    Gee! I just got home and saw those bonfire flames erupting from down the avenue!!! Must mean that some of the sisters should be feeling a little better by now....

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671
    edited February 2012

    I will stop by and warm my hands and send good thoughts to those who seem to really need them tonight. Sandee, that just sucks. But ignore what you can and dont let them define you. They can call you by whatever names they want, but you do not answer. You know who you are in your heart of hearts and you know that you can and have done anything you set your mind to. Everything else is just noise. Let the fire of camraderie warm you all tonight. And VR....WHat a small world!! YES! I was at that wacky play last Friday night. Right next to a drunk huge woman taking up too much of my seat. The actress could shift gears like nobody's business...absolutely amazing. Without her, I would probably be asking the drunk lady to share some of whatever she had stashed in her flask!!!

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited February 2012

    Thanks SAS! I will make sure to ask next week at my appt. Yes, this has been slightly painful and highly inconvenient. Definitely belongs on the bonfire!


  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Member Posts: 3,696
    edited February 2012

    Almost forgot... But I am tossing my latest uterine polyp into the fire! Yes, it was just six months ago that I had my last polyp removed and scrapping due to thickening from tamoxifen. Had another D&C a year before that for polyps. So, 2012 looks like it's starting off "normal" for me. Actually I am getting used to being knocked out first thing in the morning. I guess this is what my new normal is all about....

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2012

    I spit stitches - had the whole thingee going on, and fluid running down my side for three weeks.  I remember when the first one split, pain like I had not had from the actual surgery, just a hand movement and ping, then it came out the skin about two weeks later.

    So onto the bonfire,I do have list to get me going...

    • the surgeon who did not put in a drain when doing lymph removal...
    • the surgeon who did not have an MRI done prior to surgery since it had been two months since the mammo and US....
    • the surgeon who did not make certain I got the pathology report even when I asked.....
    • the surgeon who somehow screwed up my records probably forever by noting that I had ongoing cancer instead of putting a start date on it, so now my supplemental insurance will NOT pay..... yet....
    • the supplemental ins for not paying yet, been 3 months....
    • the clinic that had hubby down for the mammo reading and me as the insured, but not that we were married....
    • the primary ins co that did not see past that after 29 yrs w same co.... eh
    • the clinic that still has not coded the ovarian cancer test right so the bill will be paid.....MAYBE THAT IS WHY THE HORMONE TEST IS NOT BACK YET????? but I am not paying that bill, they can put it as a lien against our house, lotta good it will do since even though wwe had not been late on any payments, we are foreclosing and filed bankruptcy to protect ourselves so we can move and breathe again....
    • my head for hurting from the smoke....
    • IDEM for not turning off the neighbor's OWB so we can breathe and keep our home and run our business and retire here as planned....
    • the neighbor....
    • the Christmas decor that is still hanging about... at least our contractor who was filling every crevice in our house so we can breathe without smoke from that OWB... he hauled the tree outside LOL lights and all, he said bye bye Christmas, that was two weeks ago, so we won't throw him on the bonfire....
    • the printer for not talking to my new laptop and printing and making my life easier.....
    • the virus that killed my bestest computer ever, dead, the computer techs worked for hours and told me to bury it, had a moving worm that even hid in documents to not be extracted.....
    • my dear computer...
    • the white pumpkins squished on my porch because they melted from the spring thaw in January, they were decorated for Christmas with little wreaths..... when they freeze again I will haul them to the bonfire, now they are too gross to touch.... BAWHAHAHA poor little pumpkins....
    • the piles of leaves all over under my bushes and on my 12 flower gardens !!!! augh!!!! that i blew there with my high-powered electric leaf blower when i could not do much else w them since too ill last autumn and too much smoke to be outside, had to wear a mask and it did not hellp, and now those 23 million oak leaves from 50 oak trees expect to be picked up in spring.....

    did I mention the neighbor?
  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324
    edited February 2012

    WOW, I just came by to warm up by the fire and now my tushie is burning from all the funk on the flames!  Stand back girls, so now I think I will toss on the fire the current women's health issues that the political candidates are trying to force on us.  When did they get to make health decisions for me???  Ridiculous!  Kitty

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2012

    VR -Lovey tell them you want a hyster /tube/ovaries out--------when they want to deny it, tell them and get your doc to back you up---I did it in 96 when twin had BC. The whole boob uterine tubes ovaries thing is connected. I just wish I had those jars from Egyptian times, If I knew I was going to loose so many body parts. Mom died at 89 only loss was cataracts. Dad died @75 of end stage renal disease, but it was his own fault, he wouldn't follow any medical advice, sounds harsh, but true----esrd was caused by uncontrolled hypertension and he wouldn't take his meds.  But he had all body parts intact.

    Then we come to my generation and body parts are all over the US. The cousins are reaping the benefits of early pesticides and fertilizers of the last century,particularly, in Canada.

    VR----use the same words I used and get your doc to back you up."If I end up with uterine/ovarian  CA by not getting/ not doing a total hyster/bso, then you are responsible for any cancer that occurs with full knowledge that it could have been prevented. This is on tape of course yes? make your own tape.

    They initially in disapproved my Hyst/bso. Once I made that statement , the hyst/BSO was approved in 24 hrs.  It was not considered treatment modality at the time for BC. But I was as you are, a voracious reader. I knew based on my reading that what they were telling women at the time was false. Sister got the same within weeks.  

     Get the works out, if they aren't performing a function.

    LOVE you sweetie Namaste sheila

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited February 2012

    My call for a cure - one year since diagnosis....  All my fears into the FIRE!!!!

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    spitting stitches, new one for me too.  that explains why my breast incision split open on both ends a week after my first surgery.  I thought I would bleed to death.

    Also, since my brca is negative, no mutated cancer gene, this means my cancer is,  this will get the blaze really roaring.....want to throw in the nuclear power plant I grew up less than a mile from that gave me, my mom and my aunt breast cancer, and my mom and niece thyroid cancer.

    After 9-11 people came around door to door to offer a pill to help fight off the exposure from a nuclear fall out if a terrorist attack should occur at the plant.  We told them that won't do us any good since some of us already got cancer from radiation fall out and we live too close so what good would it do.  And here is food for thought, one of those planes flew over the plant that day, it's on the Hudson River 35 miles north of the twin towers.  This was the first plane that hit.