
  • NancyJill
    NancyJill Member Posts: 127
    vickilind: you are funny! Benedryl: it probably saved me from a horrible initial Taxotere reaction, which gradually showed up as Benedryl/steroids wore off over a few days. Glad that many of you are doing well. Today I found out at diagnostic mammo 3 months post-rads that I have No Evidence of Disease!! Whew!Laughing 
  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Nancyjo, congrats on NED!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Congrats nancyJill!!!

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Great news NancyJill! That NED sounds like a swell guy! ;)

  • PixieNel
    PixieNel Member Posts: 48

     i haven't started my chemo tx yet but my onc stated that in case, i have fever that broke out during my treatments. I have to be admitted to hospital right away.But from this forum, i just read that with paracetamol tabs , u guys are fine. are there any cases here where you really have to be admitted during the chemo course?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Pixie, I got an infection in my TE And had to have it removed. Ended up in the hosp for three days, all from a small fever. Some one else on the boards ended up in the hosptal from a fever with really low white counts. So listen to your doc.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Pixie I know that at least two of the members on our march chemo board have had to be admitted for iv antibiotics. My mo just said to call if temp goes over 100.4. I jumped the gun at 100 but she said to call tomorrow and update her office.

  • roulag
    roulag Member Posts: 126

    Pixienel, I know I am not triple positive, but I spent 3 1/2 days in the hospital last week with a neutropenic fever caused by a skin bacterial that found its way into my blood. Fevers are very serious, especially if your white blood count is low. Please be diligent if you feel at all sick.

  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    Pixie I was hospitalized twice while on AC.  The first time was the first week of my treatments.


  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324

    Happy Summer Ladies! Hope your all well! I just reached a small milestone and got deported yesterday! It feels strange to be without the port but boy am I happy! I did my recent labs and all is fine! What a relief, but it still feels like I am for for TODAY. I gues we will always be looking over our shoulders. Due to go back in August for labs again. I just returned from London and Paris and that was my I'm done goal, I cried when I reached the Eiffel Tower because I can honestly say there was a long while there I didn't feel I would get there. But with all of your advice and comforting during this journey we made it. Thank You.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    Congrats Nancy and nmoss!


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    kltb04 There seems to be a new standard developing for removing nodes especially under 5cm tumors. It appears for just a few positive nodes they don't remove more in many cases. The findings show that radiation does the job and no need for more removal. So they may not remove more unless they see an issue once they get in there.
  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Nancyjill - great news

    Nmoss - so happy for you that you got to Paris.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    What Lago

    nMoss...SO GLAD TO "SEE" YOU!  Your trip sounds wonderful.  Missed you girl. :)  Congrats on the deport!

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    lago, I think I am part of that newer standard; had 4 removed.  I see so often 15, 19 or more removed and often fewer than 5 are involved.  That concerns me, given the likelyhood of LE. 

    Is it the "standard" to have rads when there is node involvement?  I had some minor nodes active but my MO has not mentioned any rads for me; should I ask?

    nancyjill, hoping that you and NED become the best of friends.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Vicki, what is a minor node?  Do you mean micromets?

    The new standard that came out over the last year or so says 1-3 positive nodes def. benefit from rads.

    Some Oncs like to quibble about "microinvasion"...but as my RO said...cancer is cancer.  If it is in the nodes then it has spread.  Period.  There is no such thing as a "little" cancer.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Vicki Usually no rads to nodes if no node involvement but if you tumor is over 5cm they typically do rads. I was in a gray area and got a pass. I think they were worried about hitting my heart since that's where tumor was (posterior region with close but clear margins too). If nod involvement they do rads.
  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    TonLee and lago, 2 of 4 nodes were positive.  One had a .5mm tumor and the second had 30 cancer cells.  My largest breast tumor was 1.1cm down to .5 cm.  My MO didn't even mention the possibility of rads.  Time for paranoia to set in?

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    Huge congratulations, nmoss! 
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Is she sending you to a Rad Onc? My MO said to me that rads was a question and sent me to the rad onc to get a review. I think my MO knew I would get a pass but didn't make that call. I would question your onc on this. I'm no onc nor did I have rads so I'm far from knowedeable… and the treatment keeps changing.

    I am almost 2 years from my BMX. At that time removing level I nodes for tumors over 5cm was standard. I'm not so sure it is anymore… and that's just in 2 years.Things change so for 2 nodes out of 4/tiny tumor maybe no rads… you need to be your own avocate. If you don't like her/his opinion get another.

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    lago, I like my MO but can't help feeling like she's behaving as if I were still just a DCIS case.  I know it doesn't make sense, and maybe it is the paranoia but my sit has changed so many times since the beginning.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Just because you get a 2nd opinion doesn't mean you have to change oncs. I know a friend of mine went to see my onc for a 2nd opinion (she's stage IV) because my onc is well know for HER2+. My friend got some new ideas but did not change oncs. She too liked her onc and treatment center.

    It might give you piece of mind to go for the 2nd opinion. I know I would in your case.

    Edit there are some DCIS cases that end up getting mets. Not typical but can happen

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    That's just it lago, I am not 'just' DCIS anymore.  And I have been thinking about getting a second opinion.  My insurance co has assigned a nurse navigator to me; haven't called her yet.  The idea is to make sure I am getting the full benefit of the insurance and some guidance also.  I don't think she is a oncology nurse but maybe I should start with her....hmmmm

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Good luck Vicki. It wouldn't hurt at all to get another opinion. I guess I need to ask my MO about rads then! My one node that was involved was REALLY involved so I don't know if that will make a difference. I obviously want to do everything in my power to treat this. Won't rads affect my reconstruction though?

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    kltb, yes rads affect recon.  If someone (?) decided I needed to do rads, I am not sure what would happen with my TE...?  Does anyone know?  Rads affect the skin, so...hmmm.  Chemo brain today. 

    edited for spelling/  :(

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    vickilind - I got 4 MO opinions, LOL!  Your situation is way beyond DCIS, for sure. You are not being paranoid at all.  No harm in seeking another opinion.  You don't even have to tell your primary onc if you don't want to.  Peace of mind is invaluable. 
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,250

    vicki - some docs want the TE fulled expanded prior to rads - so fills during chemo - and then a long period of waiting with the fully expanded TE (at least 6 months) after rads before they will exchange.  Some ladies have healing issues with their skin post-rads and can ultimately lose their recon.  Some docs don't want any fills prior to rads and no fills for that long waiting period, then slow fills and a wait until exchange.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    SpecialK the PS I consulated with did mention 6 months with TEs so maybe he is taking rads into consideration.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Congratulations NMoss!!! Blessings to you!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Congrats to everyone with their good news!

    Vicki, if it is any help, I interviewed four oncologists, three BC surgeons, and went and had a conversation with an RO, all before I ever started treatment or surgery. Then, I went with the people I thought would provide the best treatment, include me as part of the team, and I would feel a nice connection to. I have spiritual with one, funny and irreverent with another, and genius smart with the third. Couldn't be better (although the genius one keeps me on my toes...way above my level)