
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Kltb04 lots to consider with reconstruction. I thought for sure I was going to have rads given the size of my tumor but opted to try for implants anyway. (had BMX 1st). Ended getting a pass (gray area). Looking back I'm so glad I didn't have the option for lump. I'm so glad I did the BMX.

    As far as temp to call my onc said 101 but that seems higher than most oncs say. I never got a fever. Matter a fact the digital thermometer I purchased is still in the package. I bet the battery is dead. I wish I could find the old kind in the store. They don't go bad.

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Kltb04: thanks for your wishes about my job. We have a similar dx.i was 41 when dx. My tumour was 2.5 cm and in an outer quadrant (bottom of breast) where my underwire of bra is. I was given a choice between mx and lump. My surgeon has 25 yrs experience. He said I qualified for a lump but would need rads. Apparently the recurrence risk is the same with both tx.


  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    kltb, thanks for mentioning the random pains; I have had pains in my right arm and left shoulder most of the day.  If I still have them in the morning, I will mention it to the nurse when I go for my Neulasta shot.  Hoping your fever doesn't get any worse.  Keep us up to date on how your doing. 

    Other than the weird pains, I am feeling pretty good, but like kltb, I have no illusions.  I am well aware that SE's could hit me anytime in the next several days.  We will just ride it out. 

    specialK, so excited for you!  Keep us in the loop.

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239

    Glad your first day went well vickilind61!  And how nice to have so many loved ones with you - yay!!

    Congratulations on being done, Dance!! Happy dance indeed!

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Vicki: you seem to be doing so well .Long may it continue. I have been thinking back to my own TCH. I was told to ring the hospital if my temp went up to 38.5C or higher. I confess to becoming obsessed with that darn thermometer.There was one occasion when it nudged up very close but i felt really good and decided to wait a couple of hours. It then dropped and I was glad because it saved me a half hour trip to the cancer ward at Sheffield hospital-yuk. Not advocating this, just what I did. The only other time I had an issue was when my throat flared up. Again, I felt really good but my onco put me on antibiotics straight away. Crazy times, but you sound like you have tons of support and the right mental attitude. Keep us updated.


  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Job update: I have been doing a bit of research regarding applying for a job post cancer dx. (UK) I went on the Macmillan website and was quite surprised to discover that anyone who has a) had cancer b) in current tx c) finished tx is classed as disabled! It seems to be all about protecting your rights for those in work. Examples include: being relocated to ground floor if stairs are a problem. Time off for medical appointments. Consideration for ongoing fatigue issues. Adjustments to working day/duties.

    When I was dx I was teaching and told in no uncertain terms that i had to leave because of the infection risk. The doc was adamant about this. Unfortunately, I only had a temporary one year contract so I went on sick leave and never returned. Now I'm job hunting again.

    If you meet the requirements for the job here and are "disabled" it means you get a guaranteed interview. 

    I'm torn: Don't consider myself disabled, don't want special tx, but equally worried that this employer might look at the medical history and discount me. I have to reveal it because my last school will be a reference and although they are not allowed to reveal medical info on a reference, they will state that I went on long term sick. Ummm.....


  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675

    Disabled? lol...I wonder if we could get a disabled parking sticker? I am a teacher, and I'm around young kids, and have done ok in regard to all the bugs that go around. It should be our choice if we want to keep working or not. And if someone wants to fire you or let you go due to absenses, they can find another reason other than cancer? I wonder if being "disabled" might be a card you could play to get a job, as some companies may feel required to hire a few disabled people, and you aren't "disabled" as others who might be very disabled.

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Eve: glad you were able to continue teaching, although I note that you didn't have chemo and hence the double whammy of infection risk and hair loss.

    Just to be clear: I do not intend to play any card. However, the fact remains that my dx has had a detrimental effect on my career. Perhaps I am being negative, but I am not hopeful for this application.


  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675

    Jackie, I don't think I could play the cancer card either, but if I absolutely had to, who knows. I agree with you in regard that you got the double whammy with chemo and herceptin. I don't think I would be functional if I took chemo.  I'm having immune issues this year. I did get the first real flu in seven years. I don't feel as well this year or have the energy I had before. I take a lot of immune boosters. Will you always be on chemo?

    What is good about my job is I'm the boss. I have about 29 employees, but have administrative help, who stay on top of things, which made it easier on me. They stood in the gap for me this year. I do have one part time employee who had a kidney transplant. She was out for a year or so. Although she has had a lot of medical issues, she is doing quite well, and I wouldn't consider letting her go due to medical reasons. There might be other employers who are symphatic to those who had cancer or other medical disabilities. I hope that having cancer would have a detrimental effect on the career of bc women.

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    jackboo, I hope your interview goes really well.  Take advantage of the automatic interview and then kick some tuckuss. 

    I am very fortunate; have lots of family to suport me through all this.  My DH is so very atttentive and worried.  Ithink when I make through the next few days with little to no SE's he will start resting easier.  So far, so good.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Vicki - I saw your post on another thread about swimming (and didn't want to butt in there) but my MO never mentioned anything about swimming to me and I got in the pool on vacation.  Of course, my version of "swimming" is standing in about 3 1/2 feet of water while my kids play so it's not like I was getting the water in my eyes/nose, etc...

    lago - yes, when BS mentioned the option of lumpectomy last time I said nope, not even an option and she fully supports that decision...not that I am looking forward to such major surgery but I think its the right choice for me.  I am pretty sure that the PS I am going to is going to recommend implants as well and I am leaning toward that too, regardless of their longevity.  I just don't think I can deal with some of the other surgery options.

    Oh, and on the thermometer - I still have a good old fashioned kind!  It's my mom's and I guard it with my life lol.  I just find the digital ones so unreliable.  

    Temp hovered around 99 to 99.2 last night but was gone this morning.  Fingers crossed it stays that way.

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516

    Stopping in to report good results-I had a breast MRI this week and got the call Friday that it was normal with no areas of concern:) I feel a huge sense of relief because I had a normal mammo/US in January right after finishing Herceptin and now a clear MRI 6 months later. It's the best birthday present ever-my birthday is tomorrow and I'm going for my 4th annual skydive and I have hair this time!

    Although I continue to follow the threads almost daily, I don't post as much these days but thought a little good news would go a long way. Hang in there everyone-it really does get easier as you move further away from active treatment. Life is good:)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    kltb04 implants are only guaranteed for 10 years BUT usually last longer. Don't assume you will need to replace every 10 years. Also the exchange was not that bad of a surgery. I went home right after. Replacing implants I would think would be even easier. I have no regrets going with implants rather than the other procedures (even if I was eligible for the DIEP). I know people say that implants aren't "natural" but give me a break. What's so natural about putting your stomach, butt or thighs where your boobs belong?! Wink It's all not the way we were made but that's just OK with me.
  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    dragonfly - thanks so much for your post and CONGRATS!!!!  Have fun tomorrow -woo-hoo! 
  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Dragonfly, jump, girl, jump! And thanks for posting, good news is always helpful!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Dragonfly: Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!!

  • Fitz33
    Fitz33 Member Posts: 123

    Dragonfly:  Best wishes for a happy birthday and congratulations on your tests.  You and I had treatments about the same times and I've just recently had my second 6-month exam and US, making it a year since treatment and all is well.  It feels really good and I know what it means to celebrate like that for a birthday. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Tomorrow I start my chemo rehab. I spent an hour with my therapist discussing my tx. She said she wouldn't even start my tx until my red count came up. Here I was happy cause it was a 9, and I didn't need a transfusion. LOL our references really change when we have bc! LOL. But at least she explained why I am so tired after walking just around the house and into the doctors office. LOL, so funny. Maybe by tomorrow I will be off the D train too. Much love.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    LOL Moonflower, yep, it's all relative, isn't it?   So what number does she want your hemoglobin to be at before starting rehab?  I, too, am going to be taking it easy until mine gets up closer to normal and stays there.  

    I'll trade trains with ya, I'm on the C.  Tongue out 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    DT, if we got together We' d be normal, scary thought huh! LOL!!!!!! Well she said we would start just Rom tomorrow kinda to see where I am at and go from there. I didn't realize the hgb should be up over 30 or more. LOL . got a ways to go.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Dragonfly - happy birthday! Have fun on your jump. I look forward to seeing another awesome video :)

    Question about returning periods...I haven't had one since starting chemo in September, but have a lot of cramps this week. Is this a sign that its coming back? I pretty much decided to take MO advice & not have an ooph, at least in the near future, but now that I feel so crampy I think my period is coming back & its hard not to freak out about it even tho 2 MOs told me not to.

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    dragonfly; let that hair blow around and have a Blessed Birthday! 

    kltb, I don't think I would be doing much submerging either.  Hoping she gives me the okay to sit and walk in the shallow end at least. 

    lago, you made me lmao!  butt for boobs?  Too funny; what a visual!!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
     Vickilind61 you do know I'm not kidding (see SGAP Flap and IGAP Flap procedures). A friend of mine did one of those. She "mooned" me. They look nice.
  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Please hold my hand ladies: Went for an appoinment about my back today following on going sciatica. I developed this long before Bc and in my head I know that its unlikely to be a connected to mets. However, the orthapedic doctor has order a spine and lumbar MRI scan. He said it was routine with patients with a history of cancer. He was very nice and not concerned but I am a bit claustrophobic and its tomorrow as I was offered a cancellation. Scared because there is always that chance they will find something. Anyone had an MRI scan?


  • roulag
    roulag Member Posts: 126

    Lago, you made me laugh out loud just now!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    jackboo - yep, I've had a lumbar MRI.  No biggie for me, but I'm not clausterphobic.   In fact I fell asleep inside it despite the loud banging, knocking noises.   Just ask for some chill out juice/pills.  Why stress yourself out?  Take the happy route!  Holding your hand!  It is indeed standard to run those kinds of tests for back pain that is not resolving, especially with the history of cancer - it does NOT mean at all that that is what it is, especially since you have a prior history!   A flare up of your prior condition is MUCH more likely.  Your doc is just being thorough and cautious - good doc. Smile
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    ^ what danceT said. Seriously they are still scanning my liver! Once the see something they keep scanning it but don't assume mets. You get "zits" on the outside that go away you can get "zits" on the inside too. They are always double & triple check once you get the cancer diagnosis. I've only had the breast MRI. My head wasn't in the tube so I was OK. Get the chill pills but you will need someone to drive you. Also bring foam earplugs. FYI if you have expanders they can't do an MRI.

    RoulaG Did I made you spit up on your screen too? Glad to make you laugh. Most important thing in life IMO. Tongue out

  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239

    I've had several MRIs jackboo and agree with dancetrancer: ask for the happy pills, Ativan might do the trick. I zone out when I'm in them and think of a happy place. I was raised in the Pacific and I often think of a beach I would frequent and imagine myself lying on the beach.  I also imagine the music of John Cage and the dances of Merce Cunningham and imagine what they would think of the sounds of the machine and what they would do with them artistically.

    Ask if someone can go in the room with you. My sister-in-law went with me for one and my husband for another and would squeeze my toes whenever I would wiggle them - it helped to have someone right there. 

    Yes, good doc being cautious. It is routine for us now and just think of the info s/he will garner for your sciatica treatment! 

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Thanks to you Dance, Lago and NWArtlady

    I have some Lorazepan anti anxiety tablets I could take. I wish now I was having full body MRI. Last 2 days had weird occasional pain on inhaling and dull ache at back of shoulder. I have been sneezing a bit and slight runny nose but my head was going to lung mets. As you can see I'm not a happy bunny at the moment. The worry always there. You guys are great! I'm sure I'm not alone in having these blips.


  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Holding your hand, Jackaboo!