
  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Like your new Avitar, Dance! crack me up! I have my appt this afternoon to find out if I can have my belly moved to my boobs.

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Thank you Chacamom, thats very sweet of you.


  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    jackboo, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.  Never had a MRI and won't ever; too much metal in me.  Hope your anxiety will be in check.  Let us know, please?

    lago, I know you are not kidding, but I had a visual of someone's butt being moved to their chest in total; made me laugh so dang hard! 

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Hi vicki

    Thanks for your good wishes. Will post when I return from MRI Tom aft.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Vivkilind did they look that different from nippless foobs? Tongue out
  • wasgij96
    wasgij96 Member Posts: 17

    Cytoxan/taxotere then once complete (4x) then herceptin by its self. Does that sound right or should i be having the herceptin with the chemo. Seems like most do it (herceptin) with the chemo. I want to ask my onc. before  round three, but he is away for awhile on stress leave (perfect) :) What do you all think ?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    wasqij96 you might want to read this: linky and discuss with your onc. This is from 2009 so maybe something new has come out or Canada (and other countries) are slowly changing over. I don't have the exact research articles but this info is from this site which is pretty reliable.
  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    jackboo - thinking about you.

    Well, can I get an "I told you so?"  One week post TX WBC down to 1.4 and so now I have Neopagen (sp?) shots for three days.  The chemo nurses all acted like I was some special case "we NEVER give Nuelasta with Taxenes" - well, guess what, they will for me.

    PS recommended implants, no shocker there...

    Worried, worried worried as usual about weird things...a bump in the middle of my chest (that resembles a tiny smooth mole) and my face is in rough shape - some bumps and even on closer examination, broken capillaries?  My face was very flushed after TX last week for a couple days - could this be related to the Taxotere?

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    lago, not even close!!!

    Today I am feeling some aches and pains in my hips and thighs.  Took some Tylenol; hope it will help with my headache.  5th headache in 7 days.  I am at least happy they are not migraines, but man, getting old.

    kltb, I have been breaking out since tx on Friday; zits everywhere.  I look like a sixteen year old the night before prom!  Hope your WBC goes up soon. 

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Ladies:  That Taxotere plays havoc with your skin, but it will pass....don't stress over it too much.  My onc said a light bit of cortizone cream and it worked a lot....I looked awful but probably worse to me than others.  Know that this will pass!

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    kltb: Thanks for your kind wishes. On the taxotere and neulasta shots: Here in Uk I'm pretty sure the shots are standard. Docs  go for the gradual approach rather than one injection after chemo. My husband gave me the injections starting on day 5 (for 5 days, if my memory serves me well!) I did have some bone pain issues to begin with but overall I felt reassured to have the protection from a possible fall in WBC. As it was I had a throat infection on cycle 3 and needed antibiotics.

    Wonder why the nurse made that comment? I did TCH so had shots from get go. 


  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    This week (after my 11th Taxol/Her treatment I'm finding little patches of little itchy bumps. So far they are all on my thighs.  I had one and it 'grew'. Went to family doc today and while I was there I started scratching my other leg.  Now that I'm home I'm finding more little patches.  Doc. prescribed an ointment and antihistimine.  I'm wondering if this is a delayed reaction to either the Taxol or the Herceptin.  If yes I hope it is the Taxol as I'm probably finised with that.

    Anyone have such a thing? 

  • doudoulong
    doudoulong Member Posts: 5

    My first pathology report shows the tumor is Her2 positive (IHC score 3+). But the second-opinion pathology review shows that it is Her2 negative (IHC score 2+, FISH negative).

    My oncologist recommends TC*4 without Herceptin based on the second-opinion pathology review. He thinks third-opinion HER2 test is not needed since the first HER2 test is done by QUEST and the second HER2 test is done by a research university. 

    On, I saw the sentence:

    "In other cases, tissue from one area of a breast cancer can test HER2-positive and tissue from a different area of the cancer can test HER2-negative."

    I feel uncomfortable to forgo Hercetin if I cannot prove my tumors are 100% HER2 negative while my doctors thinks no Herceptin is needed if he does not have evidence that my tumor is truly HER2 positive.  Maybe I need more knowledge about the IHC vs FISH testing accuracy. Since there is no clinical evidence, I cannot predict how risky it is to forgo Herceptin in my case. He also said I am not eligible for the clinical trail to get herceptin for HER2 Score2+.

    Anyone has the same experience? Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

  • bucky317
    bucky317 Member Posts: 178

    wasgij96--I received the Herceptin with the 4 TC's and then just the Herceptin. I would definitely ask why you are not getting with your chemo now.

    sorry haven't pm'd you lately. End of school year and craziness going on.  Hope you are feeling wellSmile!!!

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    Vicki - I had the zit problem with tx #1 and 2 but after that I have to say my skin was really in better shape than it ever had been.  Maybe it was all the water I drank!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    doudoulong FISH is the standard and most reliable. When IHC is 2+ (unequivocal) the Fish is ordered. Go with the FISH result. Your onc is not bullsh*ting you. linky

    The issue of not sampling enough tissue is common in biopsies. I'm not so sure that is true once the remove the tumor(s). This is why they usually retest everything after surgery and do not your results on the biopsy.

    You don't want to take any extra drugs you don't need. There are risks will all drugs, even aspirin.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Kitchenella, I didn't have itchy bumps while on taxol but I did have various weird skin things going on like discolored patches of skin and zits. I finished taxol on 2/1 and the brownish skin patches went away. So did the zits, thank God!

  • bucky317
    bucky317 Member Posts: 178
    doudolong--I too had a neg FISH for her2, equivocable on Oncodx, and positive on IHC. I had Herceptin. I too, was an unusual case and it was brought up to the breast cancer review board. My MO told me there were a couple of MO's on the board that didn't feel Herceptin was needed, but the conclusion was that since I did have one definite positive result, Herceptin would be a good thing. I am glad I got it.  Did you have an Oncodx test?
  • bucky317
    bucky317 Member Posts: 178

    Almost forgot.....I was at a bbq over the weekend and met a wonderful woman who had breast cancer 11 years ago. Of course,....I had to ask the biology of her tumor, since I have my Masters degree in breast cancer now. LOL!!!

    She was in her 40's at initial diagnosis, 2-3cms, lumpectomy, chemo (couldn't remember drugs, but definitely not Herceptin)2 positive lymph nodes, and radiation. She is doing fantastic and doesn't see her MO anymore. She said she was definitely Her2 positive. She didn't take any estrogen-sucking drugs, so she must of been negative for those, I would think.

    Nice to meet long-termersLaughing

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Great story bucky - thanks!

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi all

    haven't been on in forever

    just catching up on all the posts - this is a busy thread!

    jack - good luck,  i have major back pain too since b4 BC but of course now your mind wonders at every ache and pain i second everyone else's advice and take an ativan. 

    bucky - great story, so nice to hear of survivors more than 10yrs out

    kitchella - i had weird dark blotchy patches on my skin during taxotere - they have since resolved themselves

    how is everyone handling the hot flashes OMG mine are so bad, especially now in the heat.  I am literally dripping in sweat when i have one.  It is really gross. 

    on a happy note - I AM FINALLY GOING TOPLESS!!!! no more wig!  its super short but i can actually leave the house.  Oh how these simple things make me happy.  I will try to post a picture if i can figure out how

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    wasgi- I just saw your post.  I am from Canada.  I had H with my last 3 doses of taxotere.  I was on FEC-D.  I had six chemos all together

    feel free to pm me if you want more info- I am being treated at sunnybrooke

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    Anyone who did Herceptin every 3 weeks alone.....did you every vary from your schedule?  I have a vacation scheduled in July and it will fall on the week I should have Herceptin.  I'm hoping they will work with me on this.....anyone have any experience?

    Rozem - yes...the hot flashes are terrible!  I'm amazed I don't smell like a pig all the time cuz I sure sweat like one, it's pretty gross.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    kellogs - i am taking a holiday aswell - i am having my H a few days before, not sure if they can move it around more than a couple of days

    i know this is TMI but i find that since i have been put in this awful menopause i don't have stinky sweat - just sweat.  I think its because we don't have all that estrogen like we used to

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    I agree....thank goodness it's not stinky or that would be a problem.  I feel like I have a river between my boobs half the time....not really attractive

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Hi ladies

    You will be proud of me. Got through the MRI scan fine. Just noisy! Kept my eyes shut the whole time. Of course there is now the wait but Ive reminded myself that this was just a test to determine tx for sciatica. Hope Im proved right. Also had eye test this morning which was normal. Tomorrow back to my job application!

    Thanks for holding my hand guys!!!!


  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303 glad it went well Liz. 

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Yeah, Liz!!! Blessings and hugs!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Hi, doudolong! I had an "equivocal" HER2score on the IHC test, so the ordered the FISH and I came back as HER2+. I got an oncotype later which indicated HER2 negative but my MO AND the Genomic Assay company that administers the Oncotype concur that the FISH is the "Cadillac" and most reliable? So, congratulations! Even though my final determination was HER2+, my IDC was multifocal with the largest being 3mm, so no chemo or Herceptin for me...and I know how you feel about wanting to be sure you are doing everything you can! You'll find a lot of good information and support here! God bless you!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Yay Liz!!!  So glad it went well for you!!!