
  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391


    Yes, it does at times seem surreal. I think it was when they took out my port (just a few days after my last herceptin) that I was thinking, "What the heck did I just go through?"    Then I started getting all scared about not being on Herceptin and would it come back. All very natural emotions as you transition back to a normal sort of life. Whatever that is.

    I love the "fangs" too!!!  Mine are getting LONG now. My hair is actually "ok" with me now. Yes, I wish it were longer but I dont feel like a post chemo patient anymore.

  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    I had my first radiation treatment today.  The treatment itself was fine.  It took about a 1/2 hour because they took X-rays in between the Rads.  Bad news is that one room was 'down' so they were backed up and I had to wait an hour for my treatment.  That was after my first bus was slow which made me miss my connection which was also running late so I had to wait 30 min. rather than the normal 20min.  I left my house at 1:30 and got home at 6:30.  Hopefully future days will be better.


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Rozem, Nora, glad you are happy with the hair. Mine is still in the duckling phase, you know, sticking up all over but short and thin. Peggy, I am glad you have your first RADS over. Hope next tx is quicker for you. Much love.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    After reading here, I scheduled my rads as early as I could in the morning to avoid the potential break broke several times, but only hit my schedule once.

    Roze.  FANGS!  I love that.  LOOOOVE it.

    Eve, I get my exchange on the 17th of July.  I'm pretty sure my MX side/TE will still be smaller than my leftie because we didn't fill the TE to capacity because of scar tissue issues.  I can't wait to get this rock out of my chest!!  I still have to go read about what to expect after pocket work.

    I hear it is more painful than a regular swap.

    Anyway, I'll likely post pics from Texas post I'm just that shy ;)

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Hi all - hope eveyone is well.  I had my one week post TX labs today and I guess the Neulasta did its job - my WBC was up to 14.7.  I told them I was going to leave there and promptly go wander around in large crowds just for the hell of it - kidding of course. 

    On another note, at my drs office, they give you the little slip of paper with your white count, red count, platelet, and hermatacrit counts and then send you across the hall so the nurses in the chemo labs can take a look at your numbers and tell you its okay to go.  But they have a printout too that I am guessing has all the info on it...I refrained from doing an obsessive "so, how's that calcium looking" questioning.  I figure I will wait to ask again until the next time I am actually scheduled to see my MO so I won't be left to my own devices if it has risen.

    Hope everyone has a good week.

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Hi everyone:  Playing catch up reading the posts.  Fangs...:)

    I have my next 6-month mammo/ultrasound tomorrow...wonder how long I'll continue every 6 does get you a bit wound up.

    Take care everyone!

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    tonlee - why so late doing the exchange?  just curious as they told me about 5-6 months after they put the TE's in -(3 mos after last fill) you may have already explained but i missed that

    arlene - good luck, im sure all is well - i think for the first 2 years its every 6mos -

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Roze, my PS moved to Texas and I am following him last fill was Jan...this is the soonest I could schedule two weeks away from my family.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Kltb, my onc office gives a printout of all your labs right to you, as well as a list of all your next appointments. Also they are available on line the next day. There is even a program that let's you compare results from.previous labs. Like my magnesium is always low, and I could see how far it dipped right after chemo, and recovered till the next one, kinda cool. I always had to wait before my infusion so the labs had a chance to result, I usually needed a magnesium infusion with every chemo, and Herceptin. Arlene,good luck tomorrow. Tonlee, that is a real commute, LOL. Much love.

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391


    Yes!  We want pictures. It's so weird now that I had my BMX and DIEP I don't look at my breasts as really "mine" yet. Heck, I'd whip em out if anyone wanted to see them (and have!!!) it doesn't bother me. Is anyone the same way?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Nora here's my list of public bathroom boob/expander/tatts flash locations that I remember.

    Maggiannos in Schamburg (2 of the 3 bathrooms there)
    Sun Wah Barbecue in Chicago
    Starbuck's in Chicago (Armitage Ave and I think 2 others)
    Bathroom outside the Chemo waiting room|
    Athen's, Greektown Chicago
    Italian Village, Chicago
    Nordstrom, Chicago

    Due note that there is usually at least one lady flashing if not more. I've covered a lot of bathrooms in almost 2 years

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,250

    dang, I am waayyy behind on the flashing!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,250

    rozem - that is a normal TE to exchange time frame if everything goes as planned, lol!  I had the right TE for 16 months, the left came and went several times, but from the final put back it was 6 months to exchange.

  • scottie52
    scottie52 Member Posts: 19

    ArleneA:  It's my understanding that once diagnosed, you'll always alternate every 6 months, between a mammogram and breast MRI, unless you have mastectomy and implants.  Then there won't be a need.

  • scottie52
    scottie52 Member Posts: 19

    TonLee, whereabouts, in Texas?  Since my PS bailed on me, maybe I'd like your's!!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    Hello ladies!

    I saw my gynecologist today to discuss postmenopausal (chemopausal for me) crap. We discussed some very personal stuff, and I've just gotta ask you guys if what she told me is true for the gals here. I hope this isn't too personal - if so - don't reply!

    She said that vaginal dryness happens once you are postmenopausal, and, if you don't have sex regularly, that the tissues in the area tighten up - making sex painful, even with lubricant. She said that if you only have sex once a month or so, it's likely to hurt each time. However, she said if you have sex twice a week, the tissue stays stretched out, and it doesn't hurt.

    Is this true in your experience? Inquiring minds want to know. Like mine! I'm not a twice a week kind of girl so this would be an adjustment for me! I'm sure DH wouldn't complain, though.  Tongue out

    And for those of you who had that "in between time" - when you didn't have a period but it wasn't clear hormonally if you were postmenopausal or not - what did you use for contraception? She said my options are (1) vasectomy for DH - doubt that will happen (2) some kind of IUD thing that isn't hormonal...or tubes tied...NOPE, not interested or (3) continue condoms and spermicide but realize the spermicide may irritate tissues. My choices sound pretty limited. I hate f*cking bc.Frown

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Hi dance

    I'm peri men and still having periods every 5 or 6 weeks. Here's what I noticed and a what stage of my treatment it happened.

    During TCH: chemo pause. Vaginal dryness and uncomfortable having sex, not that it happened often as I felt too yuk.

    2-3 months post chemo, this dryness ceased and returned to normal. I realise now that I ovulated and then had a period.

    Now: no dryness but it is more uncomfortable to have sex than it used to be. When it happens more often it's definitely easier, so yes I would agree with your doc about the use it or lose it theory!

    While I am posting, can anyone advise me on how much is ok for exercise on my bad arm. Just started back at the gym and not sure if I can lift weights etc...


  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Lago.....I love it!!!   You sound like me.  :)

    Dance....How old are you? I am 48 and just had a hysterectomy/ooph last month. Chemo put me into chemopause, I did not stay there, my periods came back with avenges less than a year after chemo.  I'm still not "allowed" to have sex because when I saw my GYN last week he said I wasn't healed up enough yet. I have never heard what you are talking about. YIKES!

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Your gyneocologist is correct. When I went into menopause my gyn told me the same thing. Our bodies are meant to be used. She called"shopping". She reminded me to " go shopping" more often! And to enjoy it!

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Dang.....I didnt want to hear that....It's about the LAST thing on my mind these days.  (sigh)

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    jackboo - thank you so much for sharing your experience!  Love the use it or lose it analogy - thank you for making me laugh!  Laughing

    nora - I am 44.  I know my periods may come back.  For now, though, nadda - just 4 wks PFC as of tomorrow.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...uggghhh!!!  Trust me, I didn't want to hear it either! 

     ashla - so now I have another term to use when sharing this with DH.  LOL  Thank you for making me laugh, too!  I will just have to learn to adjust to the new "me".  

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    I know I should probably know the answer to this because of how long I've been going through this but I dont. I was delving more into my diagnosis and noticed something. Not only did they list me as triple positive they listed it this way  ER+ PR+ HER2+++   Is there such a thing as Her2+++   Does that mean my HER2 status was over the top or was just them saying I am triple positive?  Confused.

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Thanks.... I finally started reading a lot of my records. I was too scared to look at them before. I am able to look at them now without panicking. I wasnt able to do that before.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I have to say that although I have been married for almost 39 years, I have only been flying solo, (or rather been "shopping" alone) for a long time, I have only recently had this problem. I was postmenopausal before Dx and really did not have a problem. But chemo really did not help, as some.of you have said. Didn't feel like it. I am going to try the cocoa butter they recommended on another thread. Because even though I fly solo, I haven't hit the ground yet! LOL much love

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    DanceT I can attest that is absolutely true. I was shocked how sore I was. I didn't think I would get better. Well I haven't had any pain for a very long time (at least a year if not more). If you're not a twice a week couple then get yourself a vibrator and become one. If you don't use it you lose it!

    I was 49 during chemo. 49+2 now. Went through chemo-pause and it's not coming back.Still need some of that Jane Jetson stuff (AstroGlide) but things are working just fine.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    Lago - thank you so much for the honesty and input, as always!  I think I'll be sending DH to the "love" store, LOL!  
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Oh I also used Replens every day for a month then went down to 2X a week. Now I don't use it at all.

     and you two should go pick out one together

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Remember when we used to talk about the cute guy in study hall ?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    What you still don't talk about hot guys?!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    lago, you are a wealth of information.  Thanks!  And, uh...will think about the store.  LOL