
  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    SpecialK - I'm getting my Herceptin weekly (my choice - just feel I handle it better that way) for now.  So they have been running a CBC each time I go in.  I'm not getting much red meat, I will admit...have an aversion to it since I tried to eat so much during reflux worse, and it started tasting bad to me.  I have been eating lots of fish (salmon and shrimp), beans, eggs for protein...and a little turkey.  Chicken grosses me out, too.  Tons of veggies, green leafy, etc.  I'm sure my aversion to beef is NOT helping the red cell situation. Frown

    I need to be better about the walking...I find when I get increased energy - I do more household stuff like cooking/cleaning and then feel too wiped out for walking.  I also find that when I do walk, I am wiped out the next day.  But I've been doing it maybe 3 times a week with light arm and leg exercises.  My energy level has actually been lots better the last few days, so I plan to do more exercise as tolerated.  Thanks so much for the encouragement!!! 

  • moni731
    moni731 Member Posts: 212

    dancetrancer-I second the 'trending up' reasoning. I have been low for over a year, wbc,rbc and h&h. I have just recently made the minimums. I too share your aversion to red meat, but also meat in general, which I know did not help. I also cannot have dairy or peanuts. But I found I really like beans, dried peas and almonds. Also started a lot of soy. I found these were easy to digest and palatable. Don't really miss meat now. You might try some vegetarian cookbooks for the protein supplementation. My family has not been so easily converted and I usually end up cooking two different meals! :)

  • moni731
    moni731 Member Posts: 212

    dancetrancer-I second the 'trending up' reasoning. I have been low for over a year, wbc,rbc and h&h. I have just recently made the minimums. I too share your aversion to red meat, but also meat in general, which I know did not help. I also cannot have dairy or peanuts. But I found I really like beans, dried peas and almonds. Also started a lot of soy. I found these were easy to digest and palatable. Don't really miss meat now. You might try some vegetarian cookbooks for the protein supplementation. My family has not been so easily converted and I usually end up cooking two different meals! :)

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    moni - thanks - yep, I'm pretty much semi-vegetarian...just blech about meat since chemo.  I have some awesome vegetarian cookbooks and have been using quinoa (a complete protein), lots of beans (as much as my tummy can tolerate), leafy greens, etc.  And trying to get more almonds in! Glad to hear yours is coming up; it is reassuring to see that it can take a long time without something serious being wrong.  

    Forced myself to eat beef mixed in pad thai for lunch...not too bad, but still...not great.  

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143
    Hello gals, I am going to be selfish and ask you all to put on your thinking caps for me.  There are a LOT of brains here: lago, ton, dance, specialk, and so many others.  Here is my sit: thought I was battling a uti so had two rounds of anitbiotics; last culture came back clear.  Still dealing with the following symptoms: frequency to pee; leaking, and a heaviness in my pelvic floor.  I am waiting for a referral to a urologist, but thought I would pick the brains of all my "doc's" who seem to know more than many doc's I know.  Wink
  • moni731
    moni731 Member Posts: 212

    vickilind- you may wish to try cranberry juice and taking a probiotic. Also, tons of fluids. Dealing with this myself just now...

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    moni, if I drink anymore cranberry juice i will turn red.  It isn't a uti; antibiotics have done nothing for this, whatever it is.  Just feeling miserable and 6itchy from it all.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Can you get thrush in your urinary tract?  If so, it would not respond to antibiotics.  The itchiness I think points to something other than just urinary incontinence due to pelvic floor weakness (which was my first thought).  Or are you saying b*tchy?  Good gracious! 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    vickilind61 do you still have your uteris? it could be prolapsed uterus
  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    yes, I still have all  my plumbing; had a tubal, but that was it.  And there is no itching, just that blasted constant need to go and heaviness. 

    and Lago, I am actually HOPING it is a prolapsed something or other.  Cause the other thoughts are scary.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    When I first read your post I immediately thought prolapse. It's not uncommon and can be remedied.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133


    I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Jennifer and I was diagnosed with idc er/pr + (90 and 95% i think) her2+++ on June 22, 2012.  I have been reading your posts for a couple of weeks now trying to get myself together enough to join the group.  Have not been able to stop crying long enough to do much of anything and seeing how strong you all are makes me feel terribly ashamed of that.  You are all such an inspiration to me.  It gives me so much hope to hear how well you are doing. I started chemo on 7/2/2012 which is consisting of taxotere/carboplatin/herceptin...  Hope this sounds like the right combination of drugs.  I am 39 and live in Florida with my husband and two babies (Sadie 2, Noah 1).  I was recently tested for the brac gene and the test came back negative.  I have 6 rounds of chemo, then surgery (of my choice they say) and then I am unsure of what will happen past that time except I know I will continue on herceptin.  I know feeling down is normal in the beginning but I am ready to move on to a new but normal existence. I am alone on this one since my parents were my only family and they passed last year.  Any advice or guidance would come greatly appreciated. 

    Thanks so much,


  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    I certainly hope!  You know it's sad when you are HOPING for something like that?!  See how cancer makes us sick in the head?!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Jenifer404 I cried so hard like I never cried before when I was diagnosed and I'm a pretty strong woman. I stopped once I had my surgery (did surgery 1st. More common a few years ago). This IS a crying moment. If you don't cry going through this then your super human.

    I got the same poison. My onc is very involved with HER2+ breast cancer. Worked with Dr. Slamon in the initial trials. She seems to think this stuff works.

     Come here when you need strength or some some ears that understand.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    vicki - my onc PA said that sometimes chemo can irritate the tissues in those areas.
  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    I worry when I read so many on this board that got TCH. I got AC-TH. No other cocktail was ever mentioned as an option, and at the time, I didn't know enough to ask. Is there proof that TCH is better at preventing recurrence, or is it just an option that is less hard in the heart? My "C" was cytoxan and my "T" was taxol.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    shore - I saw two oncs, one suggested AC-TH and the other TCH.  In the BCIRG006 trial they compared the two treatments - LINK

    I liked the onc that suggested TCH and I went with that.  I didn't know very much at the time either. 

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391


    I know this sounds crazy. My Mom gets a lot of UTI's now. She never used to. She was at my house taking care of me last month and got out the baking soda and put a half spoonful of it in water and drank it. I said, "What are you doing that for, Mom?"  She told me that it helps stop her from getting UTI's if she thinks she has one coming on and it helps during it too. She's always been more of a person to do natural remedies. 

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    Jennifer - welcome but sorry you had to join us.  Let those tears flow...I think I cried for 3 months!  I also had TCH.  I'm not gonna lie and say it was fun but you can do this.  I am sorry you don't have family to support you except your husband.  I had my parents to lend support also during chemo but my mom passed away May 8th, druing my first week of radiation.  Allow yourself to be sad, mad, anything you feel.  It will get better.  We are no braver than you, we are just done crying for the most part.  I still do sometimes when it overwhelms me.  We'll be here to support you every step of the way! {{{HUGS}}}

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Hi Jennifer,

    I'm sorry you have to be here with us. It's hard to get a diagnosis like that. Crying is very normal, just let it out of you, it's better than keeping it inside.

    This is a very friendly "sisterhood" here. Know that we are all here to talk with, help, and share whatever knowledge we have. 

    Big hugs,

    Nora  XX

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,250

    shore - I believe that statistics bear out a very slight edge to the AC-TH, but many oncs don't like the Adriamycin combined with Herceptin due to the cardiotoxic issues, I don't think you should worry.

    jennifer - welcome and sorry you have to be here!  This is a great group and we will hold your hand along the way!

    vicki - I am wondering if it is irritation of soft tissues from the chemo, combined with some frequency from the Carboplatin being filtered through your kidneys.  It almost sounds like something is pressing on your bladder - you might want to request a pelvic ultrasound to check it out.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Welcome Jennifer - this is a great group of gals - so supportive.  I was a wreck, too, the first several months after diagnosis.  How can you not be?  What a life shake-up.  I still have my moments even a year later.  Best advice I can give is to share your thoughts here - almost always someone has been through the same thing or knows what to do or can give support.  You aren't alone!  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Shore actually AC-TH is a tiny bit more effective that TCH but harder on the heart. It was the first effective combo tested. Taxotere is a new chemo. A has been around a long time and is very effective. Don't worry you got the really good stuff.

    and I didn't get a choice either but if I did I wouldn't have gone TCH because I was concerned about heart issues. Also I find that more women that are node positive seem to get AC-TH but I do believe my onc gives it to all of her patients

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671


    Hi, Welcome to our corner! My kids were 5, 8 and 12 when I was diagnosed. We are all doing great!

    Yesterday, my onc moved me from 3 month to 6 month checkups, woohoo!!!

    Dance, I am vegan. No meat, no dairy... And no red cell issues.

    I am low thyroid, even taking 50mg iodoral and I struggle with Vitamin D levels which is maddening. I live in the South, am outside daily and I take d. Onc says D is best absorbed with calcium glucarate. Will look into that!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    shore - actually, I believe the data shows AC-TH is slightly more effective; biggest difference is as you said - TCH is easier on the heart. 
  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    geewhiz, congrats on the 6 months!   That is so awesome.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Thank you Lago and Kelloggs,

    I appreciate your kind words.

    Lago-yes, my onc is very young (maybe younger than myself:/)  and up to date and feels quite sure of the drugs he has given me and even though I know the statistics...he feels optimistic of the outcome. 

    Kelly I am so sorry to hear that your mother passed.  There is never a way to prepare you for something like that...but, at a time like this it is just beyond cruel. 

    I was told by the social worker at the cancer center that I go to that the support group here only consists of about 5 women and she was unsure if I would find the support that I need at that group, but, that I should try to come anyway. Some people find that it works for them I guess and some don't. It is a small town and she said a lot of people choose not to participate.  Do any of you go to support groups and if so do you find it helpful?   

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Welcome Jennifer,

    As others have said this is a time for tears and as a matter of fact there is a great deal of evidence that tears are healing. Wnen I was diagnosed my eyes were so swollen I could barely see out of them for weeks. Had to ice them to go out! I still cry. As a matter of fact I saw by breast surgeon yesterday for a followup post rads. I cried on my way home. Took me awhille to figure out what got to me . Then it hit me. It was the first time I saw him and his PA together in the exact same places they were standing when they told me I had BC.

    I cried when I went to Target to buy a lipstick the week after DX and they didn't have the color I wanted!

    i had neo adjuvanT TCH too followed by a choice.... Just finished rads a month ago. I cried during rads too. More than once. Still have 5 more...out of 17...herceptin to go.

    I've received such wonderful advice and much needed friendship in this forum as will you but someone here and I don't know who made this simple statement that maybe more than anything helped me through all my treatments. She said " chemo is my friend". I repeated that over and over with each new step often with tears in my eyes . Lumpectomy is my friend. Rads is my friend.

    You may have even more jags when chemo starts . It's the norm in this abnormal journey.

    Cry if you feel it and don't feel guilty about it.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Jennifer.  Welcome to our family.  Hope some of the things you read give you hope and information to ask the right questions.

    Ladies, ANOTHER drug for our arsenal.....on the scene...

    On June 21, 2012 Genentech, the company that makes Perjeta, announced that more results from the CLEOPATRA study showed that women who got Perjeta, Herceptin, and Taxotere had better overall survival (the time a woman lives with or without the cancer growing) than women who got only Herceptin and Taxotere.

    Read more here (of all places):

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Just had theblood count conversation with my new MO. My WBC and RBC's are still low. He said the bone marrow seizes sic from chemo. He says it can take some time for the counts to come up. In rare cases they never come back to where they started. Mine also went up 6 weeks PFC and came down and have stayed down when I started rads . The RO didn't think it was linked .

    He did tell me that mine were high enough that I didn't have to take all the precautiona I did during chemo and I could get a real manicure! Guess what.?I still take the precautions and only got a no cut manicure. I think I may be a germaphobe for life!