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  • saralmom
    saralmom Member Posts: 216

    I wonder about the timing - maybe your guys know this.  It looks like to participate you need to have finished AC, but does it matter when?  And can you have already had a year of Herceptin?  I doubt I am eligible since I'm so far out from diagnosis and tx, but am just curious...

    I clearly need to start keeping up with the Clinical Trials forum and the .gov website -  and start advocating for myself! 

  • blondie45
    blondie45 Member Posts: 82

    saralmom - I am about as far out from treatments as you and am curious also about your questions.

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,528

    Sorry that I don't have time to read this whole thread right now.  Will have to do that the next time I go in for my Herceptin.

    Gemzar with Herceptin put my liver mets into remission 7 years ago.

    I have continued with Herceptin alone and am still in remission. No SE at all.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Denise that's awesome regarding your long term remission. Keep it going.  40 nodes!? Where did they find 40? That's a lot of nodes! Did they take them from both sides?
  • saralmom
    saralmom Member Posts: 216

    Denise - love hearing about such a long remission!!  So great!

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    I was thinking the same when I saw 40 nodes!  Holy cow!

    What wonderful news of hearing about your remission!  Thanks for sharing, Denise

  • SLOGeek02
    SLOGeek02 Member Posts: 2

    Hi Ladies.  I have been lurking here for about two weeks now, and figured it was time to introduce myself.  I am so grateful to have found you all and really cannot tell you all how much you have helped me.  :)  Thank you!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Welcome SLOGeek. Sorry you had to join us. The beginning is so scary because there is so much you don't know. Feel free to ask questions. No question is stupid.
  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    Hi, SLO - Welcome! Let us know how we can help and what questions we can answer. Much love to you.

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Hi SLOGeek...

    You will find a wonderful warm group of people here. Welcome and as Lago said, "Sorry you have to join us"

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    On the TDM-1 trial - here is the scoop on AC. You can either enter the trial BEFORE you do any AC, at which point your AC phase becomes part of the trial. (That's what I am doing - hence my getting enrolled in the trial before CelloMom, even though she applied earlier, since I haven't started AC yet and will begin next week).


    You can start the TDM-1 trial AFTER you finish all four AC treatments. Apparently, once you start AC, you can't officially be enrolled in the TDM-1 trial until you finish the AC. You can't start in the middle.

    If you are already doing AC, Sara, you can sign up for the trial NOW, then they will process your tissues and do all the blood tests etc. so you would be ready to start when you are done with AC.

    Your first/next step would be to find a hospital that is administering (?) the trial now near you, and get an appt with an oncologist there ASAP. Even if you don't get into this particular trial, it would still be a good idea to get a second opinion from an onc at a top research hospital and have that relationship.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I wonder why the TDM-1 trial is only looking at AC when there are so many of us HER2+ doing THC?

  • slousha
    slousha Member Posts: 181

    It was told that AC with trastuzumab could cause damage to heard

  • saralmom
    saralmom Member Posts: 216

    windlass - thanks for the response.  I actually had AC last year in April and May.  And I'm almost done with my year of Herceptin.  So I wonder about the timing - do you need to be JUST out of AC, and can you have had Herceptin at all already...  

    I did have a second opinion - and actually a 3rd opinion - when I was first diagnosed and planning for treatment.  But perhaps it would be good to check in again about new things that are coming up in treatment options...   It feels like such a pain - I just want to be able to trust my doctor and I mostly do, but this is kind of nagging at me - not necessarily THIS trial, but her openness about things that may come along in the future too...  

  • cellomomof5
    cellomomof5 Member Posts: 49

    Probably because THC includes Herceptin already.  Since T-DM1 has Herceptin as part of the molecule, you wouldn't do it at the same time as THC.  And since the other part of T-DM1 (Maytansine) is a chemo drug, you wouldn't do it concurrently with T&C.  Oh good lord, I'm not sure that what I just wrote even makes sense to me! 

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Lol Cello,

    Makes sense to me.  There isn't much of a difference in the results of AC-TH and TCH, so it makes sense that they might be able to generalize results for both....I hate that we have to wait for the results!!! 

    I go for revision surgery tomorrow (closing up the wound I busted open back in Oct.)...Here's hoping it goes well!!  I need to finish my fills before I start Rads.

  • blondie45
    blondie45 Member Posts: 82

    SLOGeek02 - as others have said welcome but sorry you had to join us here. You will learn so much from everyone here.

  • Ca1Ripken
    Ca1Ripken Member Posts: 829

    Welcome SLOCGeek!!  Sorry you are here... but these ladies are awesome and you will find great support here!!

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    My second once per 3 week herceptin yesterday. Little cough and nausea but the smell is so gross. Chemo flashback. Other than that no SE. Libraylil

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366

    I have a really bizarre question, If im wearing a prosthesis, will it show up on the scanner at airports. The last thing I want is someone to suspect something. It will be embarassing and upsetting at the same time. Let me know for those of you with prosthesis.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Reninrah you might want to read this thread: Outraged by TSA  

    No odd questions here. Chances there is an entire thread about it Tongue out

  • carberry
    carberry Member Posts: 997

    hi everyone...back from MX and diep, also reduced right side.  Awwsome PS here in upstate NY  New flat, hard tummy and new smaller ta tas!  Home after 3 days and doing great, although carrying around 4 drains, but doable.  Now the wait for the lymph node report.  Wouldnt be a normal day without worrying about something. so glad to hear about the remission with herceptin, that is  so much hope for all of us and the world of Cancer.

  • Iamstronger
    Iamstronger Member Posts: 102

    HI all,

    Anyone have any recs for lotions/moisturizers and cosmetics that don't have all the bad stuff in them and also don't contain soy?  I am finding that if they don't have the nasty stuff that they do have soy or some form of soy.  I figure that the soy is at the end of the labels so it isn't too much, but wonder if there is some other stuff that some of you may have already researched and found to be chemical and soy free. 



  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,246

    Products by Korres and Boscia seem to be the best from the research I have done.  Check for products you want to check on.  A very surprising number of them have ingredients that we should not be using!

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324

    Hi Vmarie I use a little brand called Malibu Secret, you can google it. nothing harmful and it smells like the beach. Also it is the only body lotion formulated like a face lotion that works On anti aging .

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    nmoss - how are you feeling?
  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    Yikes, my first day of pre-chemo fasting and I am STARVING. I start AC on Wednesday afternoon.

    Please send encouragement!

    (Here is the thread: )

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366

    Hi all - just wanted to know if any of you guys are on this new Metformin trial? Trial is about pxs who are not diabetic using metformin on a daily basis and seeing if this helps to reduce BC reoccurence..... I havent decided if I want to go on it yet or not. Wanted to know if any of you gals have heard about it?

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    Redinrah: I have not heard about the trial, but I have been reading a lot abot insulin and glucose regulation with regard to BC. Is that the idea behind the trial? Have you been offered a spot in a clinical trial?

  • Thatgirl
    Thatgirl Member Posts: 34

    @Vmarie...I use coconut oil and olive oil.