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  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Rozem there is a very slight risk because yes they remove nodes when the remove breast tissue but most of us don't have that happen. Here's a picture but I'm not sure node areas adjacent to breast area.

    A pectoralis major muscle

    B axillary lymph nodes: levels I

    C axillary lymph nodes: levels II

    D axillary lymph nodes: levels III

    E supraclavicular lymph nodes

    F internal mammary lymph nodes

    source linky

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Ashla- I just went to a breat cancer support group and I got the name of a plastic microsurgeon at MD Anderson in Texas that he is doing this surgery. The PS speaker at the group that night told me. So exciting!

  • Z11 study...thanks. I will be doing my research asap. And lago, GREAT diagram. Gives me an image in my head of all the things we're talking about. So glad to have joined this forum!!

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Lago ...great diagram! Now I know what everyone is talking about axillary.....I thought they were ALL under the arm!

  • CindyLooWho
    CindyLooWho Member Posts: 260

    Thank you lago!

  • nickythebean
    nickythebean Member Posts: 25

    Forever- it looks like we have very similar diagnoses and timetable. My surgery is currently looking to be end of Feb or beginning of March. I am on same treatment as you, with the addition of Tykerb, for twelve weeks once a week (halfway through!! Yay!). Then on to AC for 12 weeks, every 3 weeks I think. Then surgery.

    I brought the ALND issue up to my BS the first time I met with her and she said it was absolutely necessary. They have biopsies one of my lymph nodes and it was malignant. The scans showed at least 4 lymph nodes involved. Maybe that makes a difference? By the time of my surgery, though, the cancer may be undetectable anywhere. ("a complete something response" they call it) Even then, she said, they would all need to come out because she said there could be traces that just aren't being picked up on the scans. ???

    I was not prepared with my research at the time, but you bet I'm gonna be the next time. I have 5 kids under age 10, most of which still like to be picked up, among the dozens of other lifting I do all day every day for my kids and family. I am pretty sure I would completely fail at keeping LE at bay.

    Good news is I have another breast MRI this coming Monday to see if the meds are working. My tumor, even though it is massive - the size of a Twinkie- has never been palpable. Nor can it be seen on mammo or ultrasound. Just MRI. So I have had no way of feeling it to see if it's shrinking. I am praying we're moving in the right direction!!

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    Hi guys, It feels like 2 steps forward and 1 step back a bit this week...

    Finally came home on Sunday, 9 days after surgery, with the 2 abdo drains still in place and visits daily from the community nursing service. One drain came out on Monday and then the last one yesterday, Tuesday. The site of the last one was pretty red and irritated and the nurse really yanked it out. My stomach has really been paining me since - feels like the tubing ran along my re placed belly button and has bruised/grazed it on the way out :-/

    Histology report came back showing I did have some cysts in both breasts but no signs of cancer. The one enlarged "solid" node mt BS spotted and removed came back as "reactive" but with no cancer. Although I have tried to research that wording I am still not sure if that means it was on its way to cancerous, had been cancerous (I think it would have said that if it was?) or if the reactiveness was nothing to do with cancer... Will ask at my follow-up.

    Still NO regrets at getting off the lumpectomy/radiotherapy treatment plan and swapping over to the BMX/free TRAM. Just a sense of rightness.

    My PS has done a lovely job and I am surprsed at the amount of stomach control I already have, and feeling I have in/on the breasts. I also cannot tell where the transferred tissue starts so all is very smooth.

    I will be restating my Tamoxifen on the weekend - when I am up and moving a bit more, since it can cause DVT... Then back end of next week for my next 3 weekly Herceptin.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Jenn you sound happy. Sounds like you're doing great just give yourself time to heal. I didn't do TRAM and I needed a several weeks to feel better

  • swimmom01
    swimmom01 Member Posts: 32


    It sounds like you are doing good! You will be amazed how feel in just a few weeks. i started back to pilates anout 8 weeks post.

    I also had one drain that gave me some issues, I think it was up against a nerve but its amazing how quickly those incisions/little holes heal. My PS told me it could be up to a year before new belly button heals and looks good.

    As the feeling my husband loved to play " can you feel this " game of course it was a good 4-6 weeks out from surgery.

    Hope your recovery continues to be good.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    And if you find a doctor that says they don't feel comfortable with study results please know that studies like Z11 give us statistical proofs which override the personal views of surgeons. Surgeons are human like the rest of us and some resist change just like the rest of us.

    In approaching my drs I have always asked them "what do the studies say" or "what do the statistics show" rather than "what is your opinion" or "what do you think". Working in cancer clinical research myself I am very stats driven and will go with stats rather than a doctor's "personal experience" every time.

    I had lost sight of that when I was initially talked out of the BMX I wanted - if I had stuck with the recurrence stats the BMX would have been the sensible option right from the start ie: lump/rads still leaves a higher statistical likelihood of local recurrence than BMX.


  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    lago  thanks for that illustration - so E and F never get removed right?  so when they do a msx they can leave levels 2 and 3 which seems odd since they look like they are part of the breast tissue?  does that make sense?

    thanks for the info on the Z11 study, like Kayb said the issue is that leaving the nodes holds true if you are having rads to the axilla

    jenn - thanks for the update 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Rozem I had only level I removed. The thing I'm not sure is if this diagram shows all the lymph nodes in this area. I don't know if there are more associated with the breast or if these are it. I also don't think they are able to remove some of those nodes… go to the source linky and print out the page and ask your BS to explain it to you. Also you need to know what they mean by "small tumor". I anything over 5cm is not small but not sure what size the study refers to. Best to print out that study too.
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    There is even a more recent study than the Z10-11 that shows radiation to the axilla is as effective as removal (in the absence of gross disease).  It came out last year...I think it's linked here somewhere on this thread...I have a couple links on my other computer....will try and post them later.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    Since it is in your nodes, you will get rads yes?

    You may want to ask her about the lastest study showing rads is effective...also, YOU decide if you keep the axilla.  Not the Dr.  You're the one who has to live with the fall out.


  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Solt, you have mail :)

  • krifit37
    krifit37 Member Posts: 2

    I am triple positive Stage 3 grade 3. I have completed chemo and am about to start radiation! Had mastectomy in may!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Welcome krifit37! Congrats on finishing chemo!  
  • krifit37
    krifit37 Member Posts: 2

    Thank you!! 

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Hi All, have any of you gotten any info from your MO about green tea extract supplements?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    krifit37 Mastectomy done, Chemo done, now rads. You're are getting closer to the finish line. Yay!
  • sduch1
    sduch1 Member Posts: 25

    Hi, I have been reading about the 1yr vs 2yr HERA results and that 2yrs has not proven to be better. In reading up on it, it appears that "they" are saying Herceptin (in general) offers a 25% reduction in recurrence. I had thought that Herceptin offered a 50% reduction and was a little disappointed to read this. My onc doesn't really talk stats with me. Do any of you ladies know anything more about this?

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Welcome krifit37. 

    You'll find great information and great friends here.

    Shore:  I didn't drink Green Tea during chemo because I was told it fights with the chemo but I'm drinking it now.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Welcome krifit37- someone close to my neck of the woods!

    I am not too far behind you in treatment. I know you are ready to be done with it. Not too long now:)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Welcome krifit37--wow u'r on u'r way. How are u feelin now? U will find so many amazing people here and knowledgeable (not me) but u can feel comfortable asking or telling whatever u'd like and someone will know believe me. (not me) I'm on alot but I just try to learn from everyone, I'm old and slow and can't type but I still come by. These ladies are so nice so this is a great support place to come.

  • @Nickythebean: wow! Do we ever have a similar diagnosis! I am going to have to go back over the pathology report again. I have no idea how many nodes were affected. I feel like I understand my diagnosis on my breast cancer so much more than this lymph node stuff. All I seem to have retained in my memory is that from the biopsy, I was told that axilla node tissue sample tested positive for cancer. I'll have to go back and look this over again. I meet my oncologist next week on the 18th. I should get some questions ready for him.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Cam-you make me laugh! Thank you. This week, I need it. My friends and family keep asking 'so, how are you doing.' I respond back, ' oh great! They are are going to slice my chest open, push a port in, and then pump toxins into me the next day. But yeah, I'm fine.' I know they mean well, but distract me, make me laugh! So, thank you Cam, today I laughed.

    Welcome krift! These ladies are wonderful. Every so often, I put my two cents in, but really, I'm with cam, theses ladies are teaching me.

    Lago- so no antioxidants at all?

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    MsTori - I had to keep reminding myself that the medical staff have done all this stuff "for me" not "to me" :-)


  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Hi everyone!  Kayb invited me to come hang out here as a triple positive gal.

    I have a question--I found out about the cancer on September 26th and didn't cry much, just when I talked to my mother on the phone.  I haven't really cried at all.  I'm not mad either, just kind of resigned, like let's get this over with.

    This morning I threw up after I woke up.  I do have a tendency to take stress out on my GI tract, but I don't ever throw up.  Think that is just nerves and bottled-up emotion?  I'm a scientist and I know I can be a little too stoic sometimes. 

    How did you all react in those early weeks?  I tell you, I have been very scared as the diagnosis and treatment plan is all falling into place.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Welcome pbrain, sorry you have to be here. Yes all kinds of reactions are normal and valid. I was a let's get this over person too. My gi tract is what goesvwonky, but I get the big D instead of the throwuppies! LOL

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Welcome pbrain!  kayb - you said it well.  Keep a little notebook of stuff, questions, appt cards, symptoms, whatever is on your mind write it down so you don't have to remember to remember it.