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  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    dancetrancer - so glad to hear this. Have a great day!


  • eileenohio
    eileenohio Member Posts: 268

    Dance,   Whew  what a relief !!!!  Great news- I agree with Lago  go Dance !!!!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,256

    tonlee - yay for heart progress!

    dance - yay for B9 liver things!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Ok, Pbrain the Queen of fretting here.  I'm on these boards, learning a lot and I see so many women with diagnoses so much less frightening than mine.  Her2-, nothing in the nodes, hormonal receptor positive, tiny little tumors and they have BMXs.

    Am I living in La La land thinking I'm ok with a lumpectomy?

    Friday night fears are catching up to me.  Wait until Sunday...that's always the worst night of the week for me.  I'll be in a froth, I'm sure... 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Pbrain if it makes you feel any better the my tumor was 6-6.5cm and triple+ like you. I had no choice with lefty. My breasts were barely a 34B (not very full). Believe me I was considering a LumpE but when my BS told me it wouldn't be possible I wasn't surprised. Then when the MRI showed 4 suspicious areas, one that my BS was really concerned about (ended up LCIS) he recommended a double.

    So my point is your BS wouldn't recommend a LumpE if it wasn't possible.

    BTW I did do that live chat today. I asked about what she (onc) though about the vaccines for breast cancer. She replied: very promising but not ready for prime time yet!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Pearlady, I'm a clinical pathologist by trade, which means I specialize in blood tests.  As far as I know, there isn't a blood test for the Her2 receptors since they sit on the surface of the cell and don't circulate in the blood.  There could be some experimental blood tests out there, but I've never read about them.  Most of the Her2 status has to come from actual testing of the tissue.  

    What has your doctor told you about testing the Her2 status for you now?  Most likely, you will need a biopsy of the bone lesions.  Has she/he suggested that? 

  • pearlady
    pearlady Member Posts: 390

    Congratulations Dancetrainer.  Now go out and celebrate!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Thanks Lago, my BS came in and went through all of the options for surgery and radiation. She went from lumpectomy to BMX and described all of it.  At the end of that discussion I asked her what she would do if she was me and she said lumpectomy.  She's skilled and experienced and had just sonogramed my lymph nodes and felt there was no issues there.

    When I was first talking to her, I was a candidate for intraoperative radiation, which is a half hour dose while still under anesthesia.  It is done internally and she said that it has 7 year outcome data and she feels it is very good because it is immediate and internal.  My Her2 status nixed that.

    I trust her, and I trust my nurse case-manager who has been in breast oncology for 23 years, but I just worry I'm being naive!  You have helped this fretting, clueless dweeb! 

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Dance, that's great news :)

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Well, I'll be damned!  There is a blood test.  I don't think it is FDA cleared in the US, at least I've never heard of one, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work.  Wow! 

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Hooray Dance, Hooray TonLee!

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    PBrain....great information! 

    Another topic.  I have a friend who was just diagnosed with Triple Negative and she was told that it is not aggressive.  :(  She's going to have the following for round 1 are Adriamycin and cytoxan. Round 2 will be Paclitaxel.   I'm not familiar with Paclitaxel.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Dance, so happy for you! Pbrain, listen to your onc and your instincts. You will make the right decision for you.

  • Jane64
    Jane64 Member Posts: 10

    Hi ladies i just finished my 6th chemo tx yest. I cant believe that part is done still have herceptin and radiation but feel like the worst is over now. For those just starting chemo hang in there you can get through it. This site has been a great source of info and a friend to me. Now i need formy hair to come back. Good luck to all.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Congrats Jane and wonderful news Dance!


    I hear ya. After months of agonizing I also opted for lumpectomy. In my situation and for most women all the statistical analysis shows virtually identical survival rates for lumpectomy v MX/BMX. I believe we do have more women who chose MX/bmx in the US compared to the rest of the world. my reason for considering BMX was not a survival benefit but for peace of mind. I discovered from this forum and other sources that no matter what we choose...peace of mind re cancer post diagnosis comes slowly if ever.

    My breast surgeon says not to panic if there is a recurrence in my breast That will not be what kills me

    Did you have internal radiation? My breast surgeon is in the trials or it too. Not an option for me.

    I like Kayb had neoadjuvant chemo. I also had a pCR. Nothing left but scar tissue for the lumpectomy. That's when my decsion for lumpectomy was made. My bs called me after the post chemo MRI and said the tumor appeared to be gone . He said" so we're going for the lumpectomy'...which is what he and the MO had advocated all along.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    On a totally irrelevant subject. I had lemongrass green hot tea at Wendy's the other day. It was just so aromatic and delicious. IMHO...very soothing. Would have loved a bit of honey in it but........ It must have some good and bad se's but I don't really care .

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Dance-that is great news.

    Ashla-since you mentioned green tea and anyone here following any specific diet? I can't remember if we touched on it or not. I also seem to recall something about tahini?? Hummus???

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,256

    jennifer - with hummus some feel that garbanzo beans are too estrogenic, despite being good for you in other ways.  With tahini, the sesame seeds in the tahini have the same problem.  I am following a no dairy, soy, alcohol, sugar, high-sugar fruit, or pork, no processed foods or starch, such as white flour, pasta or rice, kind of diet.  Lean, grassfed or pasture raised, organic or wild caught protein (chicken, beef, eggs, fish), high fiber and low sugar fruit, non-starchy vegetables.  I am doing this in 30-day bursts, and reverting to South Beach/mediterranean in the meantimes for maintenance.  No limits on portions so I don't feel hungry and I am fortunate to like these kinds of foods so it is not hard for me to do. 

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    TonleeA- yay!

    Dance- also yay!

    Jenn- you sound great! Pray your tram is healing well.

    I like hearing good news. Lifts my spirits!

    Thank you to everyone for your support and helpful advice. I hade my first chemo yesterday. Thanks to my mom and SpecialK for helping me come up with a solution to ice. Yay! It worked, and def kept me awake. Last night after dinner was a little rough. Nauseous bit no vomiting. And my hips and legs just ached so bad. Today- Just took my phenergan at 8 am, decadron at 9 am. Also just took my B6, acetyl L-Carnitine, and L-Glutamine. Half my counter looks like a pharmacy! Lol! Have my Nuelastra injection at 4pm, will take my Zyrtec at 3 before. I think I'm getting this all down. ?? It's a lot to remember and do. Hanging in there.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    IMHO if you are going to follow any guidelines for nutrition I would recommend this.

    I followed an everything in moderation nutrient rich diet. virtually everything I ate since dx has neen nutritionallly nurtient rich and not processed. Did not do green tea because there is some evidence it may actually enhance cancer cell growth.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,256

    mstori - Hey girl!  Glad you are hanging in!  It will get easier once you get a system down - the first time it is a lot to remember and organize!  How are you feeling this morning after taking the anti-nausea?  I think so much sitting in one position, plus driving time, yesterday is probably contributing to your achiness in hips/legs too.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    SpecialK- good morning! My tummy is settled this morning and no aches, no fever. But my face, neck, and boobs are really flushed and red and a little warm. No other areas, just those spots. Can the decadron do that? I took 1/2 tab like prescribed for only today and tomorrow. And only other med has been phenergan.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    dance great news!!!!!! you must be so relieved 

    pbrain lump/rads is just as effective as a msx, i agree with others and trust your doctors and your instincts.  I am going forward with a bmsx but thats only because i've had 2 growths in the same breast (one b9 and the other the cancer) and just feel like my boobs like to make "stuff".  ALL of my doctors including second opinions outside of my hospital have told me that survival is the same with either choice

    that being said, i need some prayers for surgery on monday.  If praying is not your thing, some good vibes up to canada would be great :) im really feeling nervous and anxious for this to be over and done with.  I am afraid of the pain and recovery - but i know from reading all the experiences here that i will bounce back, if ever so slowly

    thanks so much

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Kayb- good mom impression. :-) the fluids are flying in and had an egg this morning. Will be sure to get protein. Thank you for looking after me. I need it. I hate the unknown. This face, neck, chest and boob flushing is the thing bothering me now. Pray it goes away soon. I'm going to take a shower and see if it helps.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,256

    mstori - yes, steroids caused me to have a flushed face and chest - it went away 24 hours later.

    rozem - sending you maple leaf shaped good thoughts!

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    SpecialK- thanks. It's reassuring to know its all normal. I'm journaling too, so I know for next time.

    Rozem- your in my prayers!

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    ROZEM-- THINKING OF YOU giving" hugs"

    Ms Tori-- Drink lots of water!!! Hang in there

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Ang- drinking a lot! I feel like a fountain! Lol!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    msTori - I also had flushing from the steroids - fun, fun. Tongue out

    rozem - sending positive energy your way Monday!!!

    Thanks all for the congrats - I am indeed ever so relieved and thankful!!!  My mind was starting to go into dark places...will have none of that now!  (hearing Lago's voice and seatbelt speech) 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653