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  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516

    At least I'm feeling good this week (3rd week of TCH #3) but the bad news that in spite of all my efforts (ice) my fingernails are not faring well-looks like Taxotere has it in for them. They have become incredibly sore in the past week and are turning white as well as developing some dark areas as well. They hurt so much that they woke me up last night:( MO looked at them today and was not too optimistic since I have 3 more TCH to go. I've just asked Lago for her opinion and it sounds as if her nail issues began this way as well and at around the same time in her TCH treatment. So, far I don't have any toenail issues. 

    On a very positive note, my MO ordered a baseline Pet scan which I was terrified to do and had been avoiding since the beginning of chemo until I could get my courage up to face it. I finally went for it and got the results back today-all clear!!! Hooray! 

  • carberry
    carberry Member Posts: 997

    thanks windlass I am off to find some Tumeric. dont know what the flavor of tumeric is so will have to experiment as to what foods to add it to..

    congrats dragonfly1 on neg pet scan more thing off the worry list!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    dragonfly - I am sorry to  hear about your nails!  The icing didn't prevent it?  That is too bad.  Don't stop icing though, maybe it will help it be less severe.
  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366

    Tumeric my friends, all i know is its a powerful anti-oxidant. I eat it regularly anyways, in my indian curries. I get it from the indian store in packets. Now, some ppl get a teaspoon of tumeric (or half) and mix it with orange juice. But let me tell you ladies, its NASTY! I couldnt do it, so I went and got the capsules from a health store. I take one capsule daily. In india, if someone got sick, or had a burn, basically they rub tumeric on the wound, because of its excellent healing properties. So imagine what it can do if taken orally. Lots of East Indian ppl take it routinely to maintain a healthy body. I know my cousin takes it and he is diabetic.

    So this is why I take a capsule a day,keeps the cancer away LOL. I also now, again  my mom told me about this, is pure aloe vera juice. Its the same thing, its has healing properties. I am taking this also. I got it from a natural food store. I drink about 10ml a day. If you google aloe vera juice, there is some information on how it can benefit you. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,246

    dragonfly - Hi my friend!  I missed you.  Yay, Yay, Yay on the PET scan!  I was nervous on that day too.  I had some pain in my mid-thigh that pre-dated my diagnosis that I was so sure was a problem.  I was very relieved when mine came back clear.  I am having an echo tomorrow afternoon.  I am sure it will be fine but I have been retaining fluid so I am a little nervous.  I had a high EF on my pre-chemo one, a 78%, so it would have had to drop quite a bit.  I am sad about your nails - I have one bad one that was damaged when I removed my acrylics and the lifted part is moving from the fingertip toward the back of the nail.  It is now 2/3 of the nail.  I don't think it is going to make it but the others are fine.

     I went to that "Look Good, Feel Better" thing today.  It was at Moffitt Cancer center and I met some nice people.  They have an American Cancer Society lodge adjacent to the center which is like a hotel (on the campus of the Univ. of So FL) and they have a "gift closet" for the Look Good peeps.  You can go in and get a free wig, hat , scarf - whatever you need.  The lady who ran the meeting said you can get a free prosthetic also which I was interested in because my makeshift fake thing is uncomfortable and I hate it.  I got so excited about the free wig I forgot to ask about the prosthetic - I am such an idiot!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    dragonfly - Hurray on the clear scan - huge sigh of relief!!!
  • pejkug3
    pejkug3 Member Posts: 277

    Adding my HURRAY to the PET scan results, Dragonfly.  What a relief!!

  • saralmom
    saralmom Member Posts: 216

    drangonfly - GREAT news!!!!

  • kriskat
    kriskat Member Posts: 116

    Awesome news dragonfly !!!

  • carberry
    carberry Member Posts: 997

    Surgeon called last evening and the 25 nodes that were removed were all clear!!!! yeah have not had any good news in a long time, also said he got clear margins on the tumors ( I had 3)  Yeah to me! I am going to make some cosmos for my dear work friends who are  coming to visit me this afternoon for some good ole work gossip.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,246

    Oh carberry I am so happy for you, what a relief!  Enjoy your friends and celebrate some good news!

    I used to live in Rome, NY not that far from you!  My children were born there.

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    Carberry: Congratulations! That's amazing news!

    Clear nodes are a huge deal. You deserve to celebrate. :)

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    Carberry Clear margins and clear nodes-that's wonderful!!! Congratulations!!!
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    carberry - WONDERFUL NEWS!!!
  • carberry
    carberry Member Posts: 997

    specialk  save me some room down there cause when I retire I'm headed to warmer weather!  They are saying a rain-snow mix this weekend..AAAHHH thought we were moving on!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,246

    carberry - I remember it well, snow on the bulbs right after they come up!  We moved from there to California in 1990 and they had packed all our coats and sweaters and were loading them in the truck and it started to snow.  It was May 10th!  It was ridiculous.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Congrats Carberry!!

  • Iamstronger
    Iamstronger Member Posts: 102

    Congrats dragonfly and carberry!  FANTASTIC news!!

  • carberry
    carberry Member Posts: 997

    Thank you everyone,  went in for Herceptin yesterday have to meet with the rad oncologist in 2 weeks to consider options about rads. May want to still radiat the chest wall and surrounding tissue even though nodes were clear, hopefullly they will be a ble to stay away from armpit area and decrease the chance of getting lyphedema. 

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    I met with my Rad Onc this week.  He said the lifetime risk of LE is only 15% (though some studies show much less than that) for radiated axilla.  Said in his experience, if a woman isn't experiencing LE from surgery by the time she gets to Rads, then that drops to 1-2%.  Said he's NEVER had a woman get LE from axilla radiation.

    (Of course I have "cording" so Rads will likely push me over...heh.)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    TonLee - I got LE and cording from rads.  My risk factor seems to have been cellulitis (infection) about 10 days after lumpectomy.  I had to take antibiotics and the infection caused swelling up into my shoulder and armpit.  Apparently infection plus rads can increase risk of LE.  I didn't have axilla irradiated, just the sentinel node area.
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    I remember you saying that Rads gave you LE Omaz.

    Right now I have cording on both sides of my body, going from my breasts down over my ribs...AND up my right arm into the elbow. 

    It really took off when I stopped working my upper body hard during exericse (revision surgery two weeks ago) today I started back with working it out, though not hard, but it already feels better...less tight.

    I am getting my second (third really) opinion on Monday. 

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245

    Last chemo on 4/13/11!  One treatment earlier than I expected so I'm more than thrilled.  Now off to rad onc in a couple of weeks and Herceptin-only treatment.  Finally remembered to ask the staging so I hope it shows up on this post.

  • meglove
    meglove Member Posts: 105

    Just took my first tamoxifen pill today at 8 pm. Wish for minimum SE!! I found one little soybean size lump near my scar line on the right, two on the left, BC on the right. went to see onc yesterday. He does not think it is a recurrency but he will check me again after one month. Did anybody checked the scar line? what does a normal scar tissue look like? I had a CT scan on March 19 and it was clear.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Meglove I hope you have the same SE as I'm having on Anastrozole. I keep taking the little pill and waiting for SE. I did have some heartburn initially but that seems to have finally gone away. Could have also been leftover from chemo too. I started March 1st… and I swear my hot flashes which were minimal to start with are less frequent then on chemo.

    My BMX was 8/31/10. I did have a little "crusty" after my first tx that formed on a small part of the scar but it fell off. My skin didn't heal as well as it does off chemo. Now my scars are completely smooth. Rub your hand on them and you can't tell where they are. I am fully expanded now too so I'm sure that smoothed them out too.

  • meglove
    meglove Member Posts: 105
    Lago. thank you. My onc told me not to touch them every day, because then I would not notice if they grow or not. The lumps are under the scar skin.
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Your Onc can do a fine needly biopsy Meg.  I'd ask for it.  Hell I'd DEMAND it.  lol.  If it's going to recur, now would be the "best" time to find it...

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Tonlee, I had terrible hideous ugly cording...for a really long time after mx. I got in a warm, not hot shower, and for months leaned my arm above my head into the wall to stretch. The warmth loosened things up. I also lifted weights above my head and did tricep extensions. I went through all the rads and all the cording is gone and no signs of LE. I am sure this will clear for you and you will sail through rads!!!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    LE - My LE therapist 'released' me today.  She said I have the skills to manage things from now on and the LE in my arm is very mild and appears to be stable.  She kicked me out of the nest!!  She did say if I develop a problem I can always get referred again...
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    Thanks for the info..I've added stretching in the shower to my list of things to do...I did it today and it seemed to feel better....looks the same...but feels better :)


    I see my Onc next week.  I'm going to ask for a referral to an LE specialist just in case.  My PS said he could snap the cords for me, but I wanted to see if they resolved on their own.  Snapping doesn't sound good at all....