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  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    No matter how you prepare for it, there is no way to understand how devastating that initial big burst of hair loss makes us feel until you experience it. In my case it seemed to coincide with the moment that whatever was left of my hormones went haywire or disappeared.

    Like Lago will have probably 6 mos of freedom from shaving ....anything....

    And the Brazillian was truly ...well....Kardashian....

    And surprisingly many of us have the most beautiful skin...everywhere... after our treatments are done!

    We've been there and are in various stages of bouncing back and you will be too!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    ((((Hugs MsTori))))

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,256

    Hello all - I have been up in D.C. for the vaccine trial and to take my FIL to the World War II memorial - he is a WWII vet, 87 years young - very good trip, just got home last night - lots to catch up on!

    ashla - look on google image for the drug (by its proper name - like anastrazole) and it will show you pictures of the pills - find the one that looks like yours - look for markings or letters, you can find the manufacturer that way.

    mstori - sending you a hug - losing the hair is a bummer but you will move past it, and it will come back.  I think the anticipation is a lot like what we feel before the first chemo - then the hair goes and we move on to waiting for it to come back!

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Thanks Lago, Ashla, and Omaz. I am so glad I have you ladies. It was more traumatic than I anticipated. After she shaves my head, we are going to play around with the scarfs and turbans I have. I do like the bonus of no shaving and not having to support Gillette with their crazy outrageous razor refill cartridges.

    Is there something special I can use on my head after? Like lotion? Should I still use a baby shampoo? Something to soothe it? I heard my scalp might be tender. I've prob asked this in the past as well. Forgive me. I can't keep it all in my memory. I will copy and paste this time though.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    SpecialK- welcome home! So good you were able to get away and enjoy. :-)

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    ms tori i got a real hair wig that i swear was nicer than my real hair.  I actually felt good when i wore it - long, straight, thick hair that i always wanted! get whatever makes you feel good

    so i had my last Herceptin yesterday! yeah!!!!  that was my only good news this week.  I'm still in a ton of pain, these expanders are just not agreeing with my body.  They ruled out infection/seromas.  They took out 30cc from each breast so now i am expanded to 150.  They still feel like rocks attached to my chest with a big ol elastic band.  Does this feeling ever go away?  I can't imagine living with these until the exchange.  I am really not happy right now

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    Ms Tori, you do still want to wash your "hair", so use shampoo and I did put conditioner on also.  Remember that we are heading into winter, so you will want some knit caps to keep your head warm.  Relda turned me on to Buffs, like the ones they use on Survivor.  If you google buff headwear, you will get LOTS of hits; they run about $20 and up, but are versatile.  I have two and just ordered one more.  My hair is starting to come back.  I am more than 5 weeks PFC so I have peach fuzz.  I have LOTS of hats and scarves.  I, personally, did not use any wigs.  Just didn't feel like me.  Try (being the operative word) to have fun with it.  I know I found it very freeing with no hair.  But I am weird that way.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Rozem- yay!!!!!!! Congrats on your last Hercepton. :-)

    thank you. I am going to try on wigs. I have to go up to Jacksonville as none here in town. I was just waiting to my head was shaved. I didn't want to encourage any loss my trying on wigs. Lol! I hope your TE start feeling better, and stop causing you so much trouble.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    MsTori I know when it really happens  it's a little bit of a shock, but then u get used to matching u'r scarves and hats with u'r outfit and it's more fun than having a bad hair day.

    Another thing that happened to me --I sheeded my skin (like a snake) it was peeling everywhere and the bottom of my feet were never smoother LOL

    And when my hair grew back it was all white/silver--that was a shock and it came in straight--I always had frizzy hair and it's still straight so we'll see.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Thanks Vicki. I remember SpecialK mentioning buffs. I will check that out. Yes, the weather is starting to trend colder....even here in N. Florida. :-) my aunt enjoys knitting, so I think I will end up with many knitted hats. Lol!

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Cami- I like the idea of no frizzy hair. :-) thanks Cami

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    camillegal, I am waiting to see what my hair is going to look like.  I was dark blonde with gray around my hairline and it was pretty straight, so I am curious.  Bless my sister's heart, she is a three year survivor (YEAH!!!) and she has male-pattern baldness since finishing her treatment.  It is very depressing for her.  I am the one who wouldn't care and would just stay with a shaved head. 

    And the smooth skin: one of the few bonus's.  My skin feels like a baby's, it is so soft!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Well that was the good news, now my skin is horrible--I use great lotions and it's blotchy and my arms look all dried out and really old so whatever reason ??? And I always had good skin. And this is something new it happened very fast. ??? 

  • vickilind61
    vickilind61 Member Posts: 143

    camillegal, I am sorry about the horrible skin.  I've had blotchy skin for years and been dry for about 5 years.  I still have dry skin, but it is so smooth.  If the skin change happened fast, I would mention it at your next appt with you MO.  All of my skin changes took place over several months.  Like from the start of my chemo through now.   Mention it.  Can't hurt.  And the doc's always want to know these things. 

    Keep us posted.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Vicki another silly thing--my feet were as smooth as silk even my Onc had to feel them, but my toenails fell off and grew back sideways-That's the stupidest thing. LOL

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370

    I developed skin pigmentation on my forearms they said it would go away but it hasen't and it's been almost two years since the first chemo tx...they said it was rare ..looks like large birth marks...

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    MsTori, I used an organic baby shampoo/all over body wash on my head during chemo. Dry skin was a problem too, so to moisuturize, I used organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil (read about it on here & it's amazing - I'm still using it). I also liked L'Occitane hand and foot creams and put little cotton socks and gloves on over the cream at night.

    Rozem, Yay for last herceptin. Hope you feel better now that some fill was taken out. Maybe going really slow with that will help.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Sol, a micro-infarction (as we call them in the US, I've seen the French researchers glamorize them by calling them infarctlettes) are relatively common in women as we get older.  They are usually 100% asymptomatic and will definitely heal themselve.  The only reason they can see it on the EKG is because the small amount of heart damage happened in an area that caused small changes in the electrical conductivity.  Believe it or not, the heart can revascularize around them, so it isn't a big problem.  And it may not be a life-long issue for you (meaning more and more of these).  We are always just a little hypercoaguable when we have cancer.

    My suggestion is a baby aspirin every day and fish oil by the ton (good for your hair and skin too), also make sure you have your BP and cholesterol in check.  I would avoid calcium tablets unless you've been told to take them.  

    But I'm definitely not your doctor, nor anywhere near a cardiologist, so check with her/him first.  I've just been in the cardiovascular research field for years and years.  And definitely keep swimming!!  You go girl, there is nothing better than that feel of relaxation and smell of chlorine when you are done, no matter how lumbering you are.  Wink  I'm no Michael Phelps, but I just love it and pretty soon I won't have to worry about the greenish cast to my hair 'cause I won't have any!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Thanks TonLee, I definitely don't know too much about Herceptin, even though I work for the company that makes it, but I do know cardiology from a research stand point.  I'm a clinical pathologist who has worked in cardiovascular research for years, so ask away.  I am happy to answer and am also good at answering blood or urine test questions (which is what I specialized in--hospital lab management).  Then youse guys can answer my chemo and radiation questions because I'm clueless, petrified, and not ready to start some of this at all.  I am so frightened to lose my independence!

    Tori, your post made me cry!  My hair dresser is just like yours and she keeps telling me I can lose my hair but never lose my spirit, sense of humor and beautiful smile.  I'll be about 3 weeks behind you sister!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Sol, yeap, I'm going commando!  Tee hee, how beezar I'll look.  But I have a bunch of those Speedo caps that are more like soft fabric then fake rubber, so I'll just lift the wig off and put one on.  I haven't gotten there yet, but I do know I won't need the expensive, hair-damaging, sulfate-filled chlorine removal shampoo anymore.  Hey, never beat yourself up over the loss of strength or stamina.  From what I've read it all comes back.  I love how some on these boards have likened chemo to pregnancy.  Ok, yeah, you don't end up with that beautiful baby at the end, but you get your life!  Or as my buddy says "you've changed the locks and cancer can't get in anymore!"

    Oh, and I'm sure your cholesterol is just fine.  Our diet is such a small contributor to our actual levels, it is more genetics (remember the Vytorin commercials?  Part diet, part heredity).  Meat really isn't that bad for us if you don't char it to death.  It is really saturated fats.  So don't have a half pound of lard with your eggs :-)  Just have some eggs--tee hee.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Anybody have a good suggestion for a website for wigs for a giant head?  I measured my head today and it is so large, it could have its own weather system!

  • ashley2
    ashley2 Member Posts: 24

    hello PBrain, you can try to google Paula Young for wigs. I didn't buy, but I have good references about them. my head is also big, and I tried a wig in a store to know I'm extra large. but my kids didn't like me with the "witch hear" so I wear just scarves and bandannas. 

    thanks for everything I have learned from you, ladies, here. I do not post very much , but I read a lot, and it helps me........

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    The skin on my body is different since menopause.  It's less elastic I it sags more.  Maybe that's it?


    Ugh.  We all mourn your loss with you.  It's hard.  And I don't know if I was the only one, but during chemo I thought.... wouldn't it be nice if I was an odd case and somehow kept my hair?  I knew it was going to fall out...the river denile is deep and wide.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Hey Ashley. :)

    Pbrain...that was awesome information!  Thank you. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    BTW the american cancer society will provide you with a free wig if in the US. Just call your local office, attend a looks good feel better program or call 1.800.222.2345

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Shore- I copied and pasted info.

    Pbrain- thanks, mine is sure a gem. Love her to pieces. :-)

    Lago- thank you- I will check it out. But I have been looking at these buffs on line and tutorials, and I have to say, they are pretty cool! I can really play around with them.

    TonLee- funny, I was thinking the same thing, what if I am one of those rare people that won't lose my hair. Yes....Denial. It's still in its pony tail now, tomorrow, between's going. How long for eyelashes and eyebrows?

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Sol, things will get better & you will be shiny & happy again. I promise you :)

    Does anyone know if it is common or uncommon for someone in early 40s to get period again after chemo? I was 41 at dx & its been a year since last period at start of chemo. My face is all broken out all of a sudden & im wondering if its hormonal and im going to get period. MO said no worries if I do, but I really hope it stays gone!

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    solt - chemo SE's are cumulative so the crappy feeling doesn't really get better - once you are done you will be "shinny and happy" again

    shore my friend got her period 9mos after her last chemo and i have met ppl who got it further out.  My onc said because of our young age we could get it back at any time

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    kayb yes i think my PS got a little carried away - i have a small/petite frame and i think filling me to 180 cc right off the bat was NOT  a good idea.  I seriously do not want them to touch me until this pain/tightness subsides. 

  • loulou40
    loulou40 Member Posts: 31

    Shore, I was 40 at dx my period returned 2 yrs after it stopped (after third cycle of ac), it has been regular ever since.