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  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    Great questions.  I'm not  The way I've always understood basic metabolic rate (BMR) determined on more of a daily basis than hourly, but you could certainly make the argument for hourly.  BMR (for those who don't know) is basically the calories required to pump your heart, keep you breathing, operate the internal organs, all before exercise and movement.

    If you plot out your metabolism on a chart, it looks like a bell curve..the most efficient burn of calories comes mid-day...with morning and evening burning less.  (Which is why they say eat breakfast to kick start your energy for the day, a big lunch, and small supper...and also why if you exercise in the morning, it kicks your metabolism into higher gear sooner than mid day, so you burn, overall, more calories all day long.  And if you want to really keep your metabolism humming, take a brisk walk after supper.  That forces it to stay "high" when it naturally would start to come down in time for bed.  So no exercise a few hours before bedtime!  lol It may mess up your sleep...though I've never had an issue weight training at night.)

    Below is something like what I'm describing ...

    There aren't really any good recommends (that I can find based on science) when it comes to the eating every few hours....I do believe not eating big 4 hours before bedtime will keep that last bit of food from settling in the belly.

    And I do think we need 12 hours of fasting everyday (read an article on glucose levels that suggests the body burns fat and calories more efficiently when we have the 12 hour fast).  The fast is easy to do if for example you eat at 7 pm, go to bed that night, and eat at 7 am the next morning.)

    Probably the most frustrating factor in all this for me personally is 99% of the docs I talk to, say it can't be helped (fat in the belly after menopause).  And yet I've found studies done on women who suggest that with rigorous calorie counting and exercise some women can maintain the belly to hip ratio BMI that they had PRIOR to menopause.

    You know it is one thing to read it....experience is another thing.  What I've noticed is, my belly is more prone to fatty-ness now.  If I over-indulge...where once I could just up my workouts to burn it goes to the belly and is very resistant, no matter how much working out, to come off.  That really pisses me off.

    If I cut my calories by 300 a day, I won't even meet my BMR (according to the literature)....not to mention have the energy to work out.

    What this has meant for me in the last several months is this...I can't indulge.  Ever.  If I do, it goes straight to the belly and I have to work weeks to get it back off.

    Um.  That's not realistic.

    And really, who wants it to be?

    But I'm not ready to accept the docs saying it can't be helped, nor am I willing to suffer with constant weakness and hunger.

    There has to be something....I've lived in 3rd world countries where people are hungry all the time and you know what?  The menopausal women STILL have belly bulge.  Even the ones who have never had kids.  It may be much smaller....but it is there.

    I haven't worked for a hard belly my whole adult life to just be shoved over because of estrogen!!

    (I may be floating the River DeNile....just let me float for awhile!  K?)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Tonlee I do think some woman can do it. I am probably one of them. I just need to cut out some more calories but for 4- 5 extra pounds I'm not worried about it. Some of this is just good genes and also how you are built. I've always had more weight in my thighs than my tummy. Still haven't gained an ounce above the belly button… except my arms from lifting.

  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    Hi everyone its Caylee again: I have some concerns and I am wondering if anyone can help me out? I had my first infusion on October 12, it took them 5 times to get the iv in so I got a port placed last thursday, its still hurting my neck and hurts to swallow, is that normal??? Also, I did get my period after the 1st infusion and it was a normal period but then it stopped, I had a normal cycle then the last few days I have been having some bleeding, is that normal??? I go to see my oc tomorrow then I am having my second infusion of friday, scared like hell!!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Caylee chemo can screw up things with your period… but yes you need to report this to your onc. I would also call who ever put your port in if you are in that much pain. To be honest I had mine in my chest. It took several weeks, maybe even months before the discomfort stopped. It wasn't bad but I do have a high tolerance for pain (took no pain meds, no pain pump, no Tylenol after BMX).

    Bottom line… if you are worried you must call. That's why they gave you their numbers.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    Periods: I had one after each of my first two chemo cycles and then nothing since. My MO seemed surprised I got that second one...

    Port: mine hurt for a couple of months and was uncomfortable where the line goes over my clavicle. It's fine now (put in January 2012) but the skin over the port and line seems more sensitive and gets itchy. I am soooo getting this out asap after March next year!

    Thanks for the kind words on my hair ladies 😊


  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    Hello ladies: I was told chemo screws up your period, So, its normal to have bleeding, its not hurting me just surprised im bleeding again. Yup, thats where mine hurts is over the clavicle bone and into my neck. I already had to shave my hair off 2 weeks after my first treatment it was coming out in clumps, didnt like that, now everyone tells me I look like Sinead O'Conner :-) Thanks for your advice ladies. I will bring it up with my oc tomorrow, not, not not looking forward to fridays infusion :-(

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    You look like Sinead!!! I'm so jealous. I so wanted to look like her but instead looked like Gollum. Huge Sinead fan.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Thanks everyone for the 'monthly' advice. ;-) I haven't had anything happen as of today either. So, maybe it's gone. Hate the guessing game, esp if I'm out and about and opps.

    Tonlee- Finding the discussion on hormones and belly fat very interesting. Absorbing as much as possible. As I crave my Doritos. My personal weakness. I've been good though, and trying the Fage yogurt mixed with fruits, honey and whatever I'm in mood for. I am loving the protein count. Thanks for turning me on to it.

    Caylee- if it's any comfort, we are on the same chemo cycle. Friday is my 2nd treatment too. Hang in there. Build up your diet beforehand. Protein, veges, water, ect. I just had my head shaved on Monday. But she only took it down to between 1/2-1 inch. So now that's coming out. We can do this! Oh, and my port is still a little tender here and there. But slowly getting used to it. It was tender over my clavicle for a good week or two.

  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    You guys are awesome!! I didnt even know who Sinead was, when I looked her up on the internet, I was just so surprised that I looked like her.

    MsTori - I am sooooooo glad that we are on the same chemo cycle, I wish we could be together when the chemo hits us, I hate being alone and feeling like crap. Yes, we can do this, WE have too!! Yes, its pretty tender over my clavicle bone as well. I am going to write you everyday while I am suffering, that way I have at least something to look forward too :-)

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    Caylee - Sinead O'Conner is beautiful so you must be too!

  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    Forgot to ask MsTori - Are you getting any bleeding that is not your normal period? I had my normal period and a few days ago I started to spot bleed. I asked the other ladies about this and they told me that the chemo is doing this to me and to bring it up with my oc.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    When my hair started growing back and I stopped wearing my wig one of my work colleagues (who is a MO and male) told me I looked like Sinnead OConnor when he bumped into me in the hallway.

    That same week my own MO, at my appt with her, told me I was "rocking the lesbian look" :-/

    I suspect she (my MO) might swing that way so I am still left wondering if she thought that was a compliment...


  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    thats pretty funny!!!!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Caylee this is the song I used to think about when I was doing chemo: linky 

    And this video/song always puts me in a good mood. Play loud and start dancing: linky

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Also if you click on my name, scoll down into my biography you see a link (when describing Anastrozole) "they give me 5 years on this estrogen sucking drug"

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    jenn  great new avatar.  luv your hair

    tonlee thanks for the info on the belly fat/menopause.  I am petite and have always been quite fit, my stomach was never really a problem.   Well since i started tamox and went into chemopause (period stopped after 2nd dose) my belly is getting bigger and bigger - I look like i did when i was 3mos pregnant.  Before this surgery i was working out every day for a month and im telling you the belly buldge did not budge.  I am not being vain here, i know its not healthy to carry extra fat in your midsection so i am trying hard to lose it but it is an uphill battle

    i got my final path yesterday...all clear  so happy about that.  As for the pain I am dealing with it with a new set of drugs...I am giving it until next week and then i need to make some decisions.  Kayb thanks for the words of encouragement.  I hesitate to have them take all the saline out because I had such bad muscle spasms after they took out 30cc that i am afraid taking more out

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    You "sound" better rozem! So glad you finally seem to have something that is helping with the pain and discomfort, and I hope this will be a turning point for you and you'll be able to move forward with the reconstruction.

    I'm 5 weeks out from surgery tomorrow. Still not "back to normal" but a little bit better each day. Just spent 3 days back in the office at my desk for 7-8 hrs a day. Working from home (comfy on the bed) today and then back in the office tomorrow.

    I've got this weird pain in my head on the right side that seems to just "be there" and I've been feeling a bit nauseous off and on this week. I'm trying to blame these SEs on Tamoxifen since I restarted it 2.5 weeks ago, but you can all imagine what that evil little voice inside my head is whispering to me... :-/


  • Caylee
    Caylee Member Posts: 19

    Hi lago: I did listen to the videos, thanks, it made me cry on the song I feel different, boy isnt that the truth!!!! I see that you joined 2010, are u done with chemo and herceptin??? How are you feeling these days?

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Ok, Q for yins.  I go on Friday for my MO to tell me his thoughts on treatment now that he has the post-surgical path report.  He said the last time I was there that I will either have TCH for 6 rounds or AC for 4.  I keep reading that adriamycin and herceptin are contraindicated because they can cause permanent heart muscle damage.  Plus I've read that herceptin alone is as effective as adriamycin with herceptin.

    Do you guys think the AC for 4 rounds is odd?  I have to make sure I do everything to protect my heart muscles and vasculature because people in my family die of stroke, heart attacks and heart failure...I'm worried.

    Don't worry, I don't feel alive if I'm not worrying about something.  I'm a fretter.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Oh, and Jenn you are funny and look damn feminine to me!  My best friend from college (and we are still best friends 30 years later) worked through her fears in her 30's and realized she was a lesbian.  I know she would only say something like that as the sincerest of compliments.  Tee hee!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    You do sound better...hopefully the pain will reside soon.

    Belly fat has not been an issue with me either...and as of right now it still isn't.  But I am working twice as hard and counting calories more microscopically (lol) than ever before....because the first place I see change is on the belly.

    I'm just really frustrated because of the limited information on post-meno female athletes.  Probably because there aren't many of them. 

    Once the baby boomers get through it ... we'll probably have lots more data...unfortunately, that won't do anything for most of us.


    I guess I could look at it like my MO.  He said, "imagine how your body would look today if you didn't have a such a disciplined eating and workout regime."

    Of course he was the one who told me most of his BC patients get fat...well, he didn't say fat...he said "put on a lot of weight, especially the first year after tx." 

    I think it bugs me personally because I've always operated from the self-control paradigm.

    Oh well...change is acomin.

    Hear it blowin down the track. :/

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Yay Rozem!  You even sound better via your message!!!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    I'm with you.  I think if your heart rate has increased, there is a REASON for it.

    One of the things I discovered in all this is....often times we're all lumped together.  Meaning, if 90bpm falls in the "normal" category, then they tell ya...AH, don't worry ... it's normal.  EXCEPT IT'S NOT NORMAL FOR YOU!

    I heard that over and over from techs and even some docs...well yes your EF is down, but still falls within the normal range. 

    WHAT!?  Going from 69% to 48% then the last one was like 52....low end of "normal"...but NOT NORMAL FOR ME...which means I have SEs.

    It is so frustrating.

    You are a smart savvy woman.  I am sure you will stay on top of it.

    If your heart DOES start to have issues, you might want to consider getting out of the trial so you can take some heart meds to stop/help.  

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    pbrain, the two options we are typically given are TCH X 6 (some do 4 with smaller tumors) or ACX4 followed by 12 weekly Taxols with Herceptin (ACTH).  There is also a Taxol only X12 option that those with smaller tumors are sometimes offered.

    The ACTH regimen has a few percentage points advantage over the TCH, but it is small.  The heart risk is higher with ACTH b/c of the adriamyacin. If you are concerned about the heart risk (as I was), your best bet IMO is TCH.  

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Dance, thank you!  What is considered a smaller tumor?  I was 1.3 cm on the post-operative path report.  I think my MO is going to be extremely cautious with me because of the Her2.  ARGHHHH!!

    TonLee you are so, so, so damn right.  Doctors learn "normal limits" in med school and their residencies, and that's it.  They don't think outside of the box, they don't listen when you say "I'm an athlete and used to have a resting heart rate of 40 and an LVEF of 80."  They acutally think the reversal with a RHR of 80 and a LVEF of 40 is fine because it is "within normal limits".  But those are the normal limits for an 80 year old sedentary person.  I completely agree with your frustration and take on it.  That's why they need their clinical pathologist.  

    Guidelines for preventative medicine change all the time!  A "normal" thyroid does not function with a TSH at 6, but they learned that in 1989 in med school.  Normal blood pressure is not 120/80 in a normal person anymore.  It should be lower!  Normal cholesterol, oh don't get me started.  Drives me UP a WALL!  

    I love the doctors I used to work with, but they can be so stubborn and so not willing to do a little advising if they are dealing with someone who is suddenly anemic or suddenly hypothyroid.  They just wait until the TSH is above 6 while this poor soul would have benefitted from treatment at 3!

    Ok, off my soap box.  I'm at peace with the world.  I love puppies and kittens.  Butterflies make me happy Innocent

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    pbrain, smaller HER2+ tumors are anything under 1 cm.  6mm to 1 cm almost always have chemo recommended, but tx of 1 mm to 5 mm is controversial with varying opinions.  With > 1 cm you most likely will be recommended TCH or ACTH.  Both are very strong chemo's, but as I said ACTH has a slight edge.  Is that worth the extra heart risk?  That is a personal decision, but at least you know your options now! 

    I agree with your soap box, btw!!!  Now go hug a puppie.  LOL

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    pbrain - Here is a nice review of the different studies and chemos for us

    Here is the NEJM article for BCIRG006

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Caylee- I will have my iPad by my side, whether its bed, but praying the living room chair. I'm here. I will do my best to check daily. Last time I had a two day migraine, but prayin against that this time! But know you are in my thoughts if I can't open the iPad. And will as soon as I can. Wish we could get our chemo together, instead I am surrounded by men. Lol! Give the port time.....unless you see redness, fever, increased pain and tenderness, drainage or swelling, it's prob just taking time to heal and get used to. We will do this!

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Caylee- yes, exactly. Spot bleeding but not normal time due. I will mention to onc. Just last a day or two at most. Nothing since. I've always been exact too.

    Jenn- lol! On what onc said. I think your hair looks great! I still need to post a pic of my head shaving from Monday. But I'm afraid I might break the board too, as I'm not that computer savvy.

  • Katharine2411
    Katharine2411 Member Posts: 25

    I just love how positive you all are! I've been quietly reading your posts for weeks and thought it might be time to say hello. Had a 7 cm tumor. Fast growing aggressive cancer, double mastectomy got rid of it all ... Thank you God! Did four rounds of a double dose of red chemo hell and am now on taxol and herceptin for 12 weeks then radiation .. Sigh ... I know the risks of all of this but the bottom line is that if I hadn't lost a bunch of weight I wouldn't have found that lump and I would be dead by now because it was so aggressive so I'm grateful. I've decided that my heart is fine and will stay that way. I've also decided to not get all the side effects. I didn't choose to get cancer but I do get to choose how I get through it. And so far so good!! Was quite sick for the hell rounds but am on the second weekly one and I feel pretty good. Gained a few pounds but I was too skinny anyways. Keep up the positivity ... I just love it! I'm alive and damn Proud of it. I intend to be here for many years to come