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  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Glad you caught it early.  My husband waited until it covered one side of his torso (thought it was a rash).

    I'm not feeling well, horrible actually.  No fever.  Today and yesterday I have nausea...almost like when I'm dehydrated, except of course, I'm not dehydrated.

    Hope it passes.  But I think I'm actually gonna start throwing up soon.  And I almost NEVER throw up. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    TonLee sorry you feel crappy. Hate this chemo is over then all this new crap starts happening. Very frustraiting. Take it easy.

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Lago, DH has had shingles.  It had a distinct sort of cherry red color.  libraylil

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    hillck - Thanks for the encouragement.  I am hanging in there.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    libraylil it's redder and the blisters are a bit more filled but if cherries were this color I wouldn't eat them! To be honest yesterday I wasn't so sure what this was but today this seems pretty classic from what I've read and seen online as well as what my mother and BIL says.

    It's not pretty but for those inquiry minds here's a link to my left love handle with shingles. Not sure how accurate the color will be online or on your screen either so don't judge by that.

    But I'm too young to have shingles. I'm barely 50! Oh wait, I was a bit too young to have breast cancer too Tongue out

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    hillck - 4/1
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    I declined the Effexor...but it is on the table if I need it. 

    I am waiting another day or two to start the Tamox because I feel so crappy.  I don't want to attribute an illness to it.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    hillck - After a couple weeks it started making me very emotional, which didn't feel normal at all.  I had a little meltdown last week when I went in for herceptin about taking the tam and 'oh poor me'. My onc PA was very nice but laid it out for me.  Basically anti-estrogen therapy is important for me and she was strongly encouraging me to keep going, taking celexa if I needed help getting through it all.  As it turns out having the meltdown seems to have helped.  We'll see, I *think* my hot flashes seems less frequent and my sleep better the last week or so and that helps a lot.  I have been using antihistamine to help sleep but I have some ativan that I didn't use from chemo so maybe I'll try your suggestion instead of the antihistamine - Thanks. 
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Thanks Cindy, I'll remember that about the ativan.  I haven't used it before except they put some in my chemo drip last year and it helped relax me.
  • gasurvivor2011
    gasurvivor2011 Member Posts: 150

    Hope you all feel better. I am in the middle of TCH 4- Day 5. I feel so weak. The pains are not as bad this time around as earlier- mouth seems less sore compared to what it was. Or is it because I am feeling weak that I don't notice? Not sure. Getting to the part of the cycle where eating is tough- bland foods are the only game in town for the next week it seems.

    I'll be on Arimidex when done w/ TCH since I am post menopausal. Can't think of that right now!

    Lago- hope you feel better soon too.

    Happy Easter- I am glad to be 66% done w/ TCH! 4 down 2 to go. Those who have gone b/f on TCH- how much weaker do you get w/ 5 and 6? Just wondering....


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    (((Hugs Lisa)))))  Do the best you can with protein and fluids.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    LisaGH I wish I could answer you question but I never got the weakness. Just tired at the end of the day. My main issues were muscle stiffness, heartburn, water retention, watery eyes, eye flicking and the toe/fingernail bed issues. Even the taste change for a week wasn't so bad.
  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Hi Lisa,

    Number 4 and you are getting there. I think number 6 was easy for me because just kept moving after knowing there was no TCH looming around the corner. Like you I had a nasty bout with thrush but once it resolved it did not return. No major mouth issues other than that, mainly the fatigue. Keep thinking about how near you are to the finish. I ha e 2 more rads and will see the hot oncologist onWednesday. I ll be starting arimedex then. Hang tough sister, the worst is behind .you. Libraylil

  • gasurvivor2011
    gasurvivor2011 Member Posts: 150

    Thanks Lago & Libraylil.

    This is the rough part for me GI wise- every cycle- sore gut and thrush like clockwork it seems. I can drink and eat soft foods- but miss really eating. Taste is off.

    Fatigue is here- and I can deal w/ that. I agree- that glad to know only 2 more rounds- yeah.

    Thx for the support- hanging in and hanging on- 

    We can do this! Libraylil look forward to learning from you when you start on Arimidex too (I have a ways for that- June I guess?)


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Just to let you know I started Anastrozole (generic Arimidex) on March 1st. So far no SE. My hot flashes were never too bad on chemo but they are even less on Anastrozole!

    I would make sure though you don't have low vitamin D before you start. I think that might be why some women experience joint pain… although not sure. I'm on supplements myself for both D and Calcuim due to low D diagnosis and slightly osteopenic.

  • Leisa1968
    Leisa1968 Member Posts: 4

    Thanks everyone... !!!  I am still angry that the whole HER+ dx was missed, and now 3 years later I am going to have to go through treatment again.  I am awaiting a call from my oncologist to see what the game plan is going to be.  I have talked to other professionals (I work in an office full of them) and they have all said I should go ahead with the treatment.  Glad to know it has very mild side effects, I just the thought of sitting in "that place" again getting any type of infusion! 

    Thanks Again!

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    I tried to get into the neratinib trial, but didn't match because you have to have active disease?? I did match a new phase one her2 vaccine trial, mva-bn it's called. Anyone heard of it? I googled it, not lots about it.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Leisa - Given your circumstances, I would ask to personally see copies of your pathology report if you don't have them already!

    TonLee and Lago - How are you two feeling today?

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Leisa, I agree with Omaz. My diagnosis was wrong too, and wasn't even caught until I had a second opinion months later. Herceptin was really easy for me, no real side effects that were troubling. it's such a great opportunity to take care of that darn her2, I wouldn't think twice. The infusion time is only 30 minutes, so it's really not so bad!!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Omaz I just came back from my MD. He had to officially diagnose me with shingles. It's pretty fugly today. Spread a little but I think it's done. I'm a little sore but so far not needing meds for the pain. Ironically Saturday I thought I pulled out my back a little. Now I know its' because of the shingles. The ache is only on the side I have shingles. How are you doing?

    Herceptin… FYI the only symptom I have is the 1 or 2 nose bleeds a few later.  I've had a total of 10 Herceptin tx including the ones on chemo. I'm more than 1/2 way through. I think I only get 17.

    LisaGH are you still in the middle or are things starting to improve?

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Oh Lago....I hope you improve soon.  I hear it's quite painful. Are they saying it's from your immune system being off from all you've been through?

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391 said something about being too young for shingles. My son got it when he was 18. He showed me a rash on his side. At that point there were no blisters and I told him it was probably nothing. He ended up going to the doctor for something else a little over a week later and the doctor told him it looked like he had shingles that were clearing up. The doctor asked if he was in much pain from it but by then it was too late.  No mother of the year award for that one!

  • saralmom
    saralmom Member Posts: 216

    lago - sorry to hear about the shingles.  Hope you feel well soon.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    Have they said they will give you Herceptin without chemo?

    I was told it was only offered in conjunction with chemo, not alone.  (But then we stop taking chemo 6 months into I don't know....).

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Sorry Lago. feel better soon. I had shingles in my 20's...working a super stressful job. Tonlee, are you doing any better?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Nora shingles typically does not happen to people under 50… usually people in their 60s-70s. Of course that doesn't mean it won't. It isn't uncommon from what I've read that people with compromised immune systems get it (AIDS, Chemo). Although my white counts have been fine I still feel our immune systems have been comprised on chemo and it takes time for it to kick back to normal. It's only been 3.5 months since my last treatment. Even my fingernail beds still hurt a bit, toenails still lifted and brittle and the neuropathy in left heel not gone.

    I'm not in too much discomfort but again this is from the gal who took no meds, not even a tylenol after BMX. As long as it doesn't get worse I'll be fine.

    TonLee I have read of a few oncs giving Herceptin without chemo. I think the issue is they will have to justify this to the insurance company or they may not cover it. I think my Herceptin only infusions are like 34K each!

  • Leisa1968
    Leisa1968 Member Posts: 4

    I have an appt with my oncologist tomorrow and we will be going over options.  I have been told I can have herceptin even though I completed chemo 2 1/2 years ago.  Part of me wants to just not do anything, but then that sorta defeats why I had bilateral masectomy.  Just feeling frustrated, so thankful for this board and being able to "chat" with folks who have been there.... done that!!!!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Leisa - in your diagnosis line it says 'mets', is that correct?
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    I'm feeling better.  My oldest son is sick with the crud, so maybe I was feeling that.  Not to mention I spent the last 5 days binging on sugar..baking baking baking.  I have to get it out of the house tomorrow or I'll gain more than the 1 pound I've put on this week!

    (For some reason sugar makes me swell up ankles get really bad.  Not sugar in fruits, but good ol' processed sugar found in candy and baked items...DANG IT!)

    Right now I'm haggling with my RO about when we start rads.  ~sigh~


  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391


    I took out the processed sugar from my diet back in January of '09   I have been swelling lately but there's no weight gain. Just a swollen tummy. It's driving me nuts!

    Good luck with the rads!