
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    mask of pregnancy - I had it a bit on my forehead when I was pregnant.  Afterwards it went away.  My office mate had the same thing with her two pregnancies and it went away.  I don't know about getting it during chemo!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    I developed some "age spots"...little spots that I'm told will go away...but I doubt I'm treating myself to a cosmetic laser procedure once I'm done with everything. :)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I got some more age spots too from chemo. Really, they're going to go away. Hmmm I'm with you TonLee I find that hard to believe.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    dragonfly - or should I say, Lady Annabelle Bon Bon Ann, I just did a google search for melasma and was curious - it seems like it occurs in pregnancy because you have more hormone, wouldn't we have less if we stopped birth control or HRT?  It also mentioned medication allergy, stress (hello?) and thyroid.  Has your onc seen it yet?  There are some topicals that treat it, or lighten it.  The info also said stay out of the sun.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I have brown age spots - I don't think they go away either!  At least that is what my dermatologist said.  There are all kinds of age spots apparently.  Over the last few years I seem to have gotten an example of just about all of them.  But the mask of pregnancy I think is a different thing related to hormones I think.

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    SpecialK Yes, I've been googling it too and the pictures on the web look identical to what I have-dark pigmentation in a large area on both cheeks. The onset of it makes me think that stopping the birth control pills may have caused it due to the sudden shift of hormones and it's definitely worse since beginning chemo. My skin is olive-toned but right now I'm so pale that it looks really noticeable. I always wear sunscreen and have never been one to sunbathe so I know it's not sundamage...I'll ask the MO on Tues when I go for my next Herceptin.
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    dragonfly - how are you feeling otherwise?  I posted this on feb group - I am starting to look scary to myself in the mirror.  Really dark circles under my eyes, weird skin tone and random spots on my face, I finally look sick.  I am now avoiding the mirror!

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    It's very common to get on birth control pills..I always got it. My dermatologist gave me some kind of stick that had something like hydroquinone in it that made it go away. I sure wish I hadn't been on the pill for so many's another of those things I wish I had done differently....

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    And for what it's skin tone changed noticeably during chemo. I swear I was green coloring was WAY off for awhile. I never found a foundation that corrected it. It took a few months post chemo to correct.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I wonder too = I was one of those teenagers treated with high dose estrogen during purberty to stop my growth.  My mom thought I would be too tall.  I have wondered if that had anything to do with this.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    I have to factor 10 years of HRT into my guilty conscience, I hate that we have to second guess ourselves.

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    I too am beginning to get just a few age spots but I've only had 2 TXs thus far and only 1 Herceptin.  Not sure if I'll be able to continue the Herceptin since my heart palps are still present and my Holter Monitor test results were pretty darn scarey.  Now this doctor is sending me to a Rhythm Specialist.  Goodness at this rate, I hope I make it through chemo.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    arlene - what a bummer!  I am sorry you are having problems, has to be scaring you but I am sure you will be ok.  I am glad they are being cautious with you instead of just pressing on, but I am sure you want answers.

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,587

    lago and nora-az,

    Sorry I am so late in replying.  Haven't checked in here for a month.  I have a store on ebay with over 700 listings and it keeps me very busy.

    RE: losing 40 nodes.  Actually I had more taken out, but 40 was the highest number that I could choose.  I lost 37 on the left side, and 18 on the right.

    Just have mild lymphedema on both arms because I am very careful.


  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    SpecialK I'm finally past the worst SEs of this cycle and feeling a lot better for the first time in more than 10 days:) I know what you mean about looking sick-I'm really noticing it now too afterTCH #4. I had a mini-emotional meltdown at work last night when someone asked me about the darkening on my cheeks because I just couldn't take it anymore. I don't look like myself at all. My color is weird, now the large dark areas on both cheeks, bald, almost 10 pounds of weight gain in spite of eating nothing like I normally do so my clothes don't fit, worse than usual dark circles under my eyes, etc. Ugggh! I'm still struggling with being very fatigued and this is the first week I've had to avoid the stairs at work because I can no longer manage them-my muscles just burn too much:( I'm actually in a good frame of mind, though, since I'm in my good days so I'm fairly cheerful. 
  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Hang in there dragonfly!!! It goes away!! You will get there , I promise!! I looked at pictures of myself this Easter and after finishing treatment last!!! I looked horrible this time last year, green, dead looking eyes with dark circles. My muscles felt like lead many days. But it's amazing how quickly it starts to turn when your body clears the chemo. Just take it a day at a time, knowing you are on the road to health and well being! Try to make sure you are either juicing and exercising or at least getting some form of clean nutrients in your body. It all helped me tremendously. Hugs!!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    How are you doing with the Shingles?  Haven't seen you on our common threads much lately.  Hoep it's because you've moved to a different phase and this finds you well.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Tonya I've been around. Shingles still: burn  Still waiting for them to start drying up but finally not spreading anymore. I spoke with my GP and he put me on another week of antivirals. I'm still waiting for some improvement but at least it isn't getting any worse… actually if it did I think it would be an issue. My GP said if it appeared anywhere else especially on the other side to go to the ER.

    So one week down and 1-3 more to go. Thanks for asking. Gee I thought I had been on here a lot. I was starting to wind down a little but with the shingles not much else to do but go online.

  • Anniemomofthree
    Anniemomofthree Member Posts: 370

    Lago - thinking about those sis had them post chemo and it seemed to be one of her biggest complaints.  Hope they clear up soon. 

    I have been trying to wean off too....

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Glad to hear you're kicking Lago!!

    Here's to getting rid of those shingles FAST!

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    Ton lee I saw the oncologist last week. Talked to him about weight loss etc. He told me almost the same thing you said about weights, muscle, etc. Libraylil

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    That's good to read Libralil.  I have studied nutrition/exercise for 15 years, including at one point being an AFA certified personal trainer.

    I think one of the biggest misconceptions women have over 30 is that cardio, even 90 minutes a day, is enough to maintain weight.  I always say, if you only have 30 minutes a day to exercise...make sure at least 3 of those days are lifting weights/weight bearing exercise...and not wimpy weights!  lol  Work with enough weight that the last set is almost impossible to finish (muscle exhaustion)!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    Hi All,

    I just had an appointment last Fri. at the YMCA to start a Livestrong program they have for cancer patients.  I meet with my personal trainer on Tues. for my assesment and exercise plan.  I was afraid they would make me wait until I was done with chemo but they said they would work around my down days right after.  I am excited.  I have lost a lot of arm strength due to the repeated surgeries and am now having trouble getting the tops of jars, etc.  I don't want to slip anymore so I am motivated to start now.  I was at home a couple of weeks ago with an adult-proof medicine lid and almost started crying cause I couldn't get the sucker off!  It was ridiculous!  I am curious about the assesment - I'll probably be able to do 3 sit-ups and a push-up!

    dragonfly - I too am more fatigued but happy to be in the good days.  I am just going to stop looking in the mirror for a while.  I figure if I am eating decently and trying to get in some exercise the rest of it will fall into place when it is supposed to.  My Buddha shape, and Shrek coloring has to disappear, right?  My son is flying in on my next chemo day so that will be interesting - he hasn't been here for any surgery or treatment that I have had so he gets to come to chemo.  He can handle it - he is a fireman/EMT so it won't be scary to him.

    geewhiz - thanks for reassuring us that we will be looking better soon! 

  • saralmom
    saralmom Member Posts: 216

    geewhiz is absolutely right - you will all look and feel better soon.  I also remember looking in the mirror and being so freaked out by my coloring and circles under my eyes!  I had kind of a gray color and my hands were a strange color with kind of dark shading on all of my knuckles.  (That was the part that upset my mother the most - she kept saying to the doctors "She always had the nicest hands" when they would be checking me out - she came to most of my appointments back then.)  So while I do have some pounds to lose now (working hard at it on a new plan - 17 day diet - basically limits carbs and sugar for 17 days and then gradually adds things back in) my coloring is normal and my hands are normal too.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    saralmom - thanks for the vote of confidence too, and I am glad about your hands :)  I am looking forward to having longer fingernails in the future.  I removed my acrylics and cut my nails way back - my hands don't look familiar to - like they belong to someone else (who is 80!) so I am glad there is hope!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589



    Please share what you learn. :)

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    TonLee - I am excited to do this - feels like something normal for a change!  This program is sponsored by Livestrong so there is no charge for cancer patients or their families.  We can use the whole facility which is just a couple of miles from my house.  A Livestrong- trained personal trainer sets up a program within my capability which I do for 12 weeks.  Then I am free to pay to join the Y and continue on.  The really nice thing is if I have a bad week and can't come - they don't count that week in the 12!  Everyone I have met connected with this program so far has been really nice - I filled out paperwork and toured the place last week.  The have spinning, yoga, yoga for cancer patients, outdoor pool, climbing wall, room full of treadmills, elipticals, bikes, etc., and weights, aerobics, hoops - it is a pretty new building as well.  They are very accomodating about privacy for patients too so that you are not in a public locker room if you are not comfortable due to prosthetic, etc.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Wow SpecialK that sounds great!
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    I am so hoping that it lives up to my expectations.  I go Tues to meet with the trainer so I will let you all know.  If you have a Y near you that has this program you can do it anytime.  It actually is for folks who have finished treatment.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    SpecialK - I read about it on another thread, but a different program through the Y.  I checked our Y and they don't have anything yet.  I engaged a personal trainer at the club I belong to.  Have to pay but i think she can help me with strength training.  I have done free weights before but am uninformed about other things.  I think it will be interesting, she said she works the the resistence of body weight to build strength through the core.  If that means pushups I'm sunk!  She didn't seem daunted by my LE arm or other problems either so that's good.  I know you are still in treatment but its so so nice to be able to exercise regularly again, I gotta say.  Everything just works better.