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  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    "mom I touched your brain" Laughing

  • beckstar18
    beckstar18 Member Posts: 97

    Wow, this thread moves fast!  I've been checking in occasionally and following along, just too tired really to post much.  I went back to work last week after being off 3 weeks from bmx.  And I've got two weeks left for this semester of grad school so I've been spending nearly every night working on assignments.  So by the time I get on the boards it's when I'm laying in bed and about to drift off to sleep :)

    Had an ovarian cyst rupture today, that sucked big time.  Unfortunately I've dealt with them since I was a teenager.  Had surgery twice to have bigger ones removed (9cm+).  Been on BCP for years to suppress them, and now I wonder if that's what contributed to or fueled my BC.  I quit the BCP earlier this year because I was just tired of taking them and wanted to see if I could make it without getting cysts when not on them (and also to lower my risk of BC go figure!).  Since I quit them the cysts have been coming more frequently, and now it's about 1x a month.  Guess I'll have to live with them now.  Hurts like hell though when it happens, almost feels like labor pains when it ruptures.  Thankfully it only lasts about 30 minutes or so until it calms down.

    Start my first treatment Tuesday.  Nervous!!  Just anxious to see how I tolerate these drugs.  Got the lidocaine cream to put on my port site before I go.  And start my steroids tomorrow.  I'll probably use the time to do some homework from my laptop if I am able to concentrate enough and not be too distracted with everything going on to me and around me.

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    Thanks all for your suggestions. I finally called the MO about the constipation. He said a capful of Miralax in Gatorade every half hour. UGH. I made it thru about 6 of those until I just couldn't do anymore. Things finally let loose about 5am. I had been taking 4 stool softeners a day plus drinking the smooth move tea, but no success. I think it was a combination of the Vicodin for the punctured lung, the Emend and Aloxi, which apparently are constipating in addition to keeping nausea at bay, and the chemo drugs. I had also been drinking a ton of water since tx, so not sure what caused all this. I am starting on Benefiber today and will have to keep on top of this before next tx. I surely don't want a repeat of the last 24 hours!

    Other than that I don't feel too bad.

    Steiner - I hope your tx goes well tomorrow. For me the anticipation of the unknown was worse than the actual infusion.

    Lee - I am sorry about this new wrinkle with the BP. Hopefully it is nothing serious.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Steiner - I used to apparently have ovarian cysts - or I had at least one that showed up years ago on some test.  I wonder if they ever ruptured... I've also wondered about they cysts I had in my breasts (had 2 in 2003).  One had definitely ruptured when I compared 2003 to 2012. 

    Anyway, that sounds horribly painful!  And 9 cm!  Wow, that's about the size of an orange, right?  I'm assuming that after you get through the chemo and then the Herceptin you'll be going on Tamoxifen.  I wonder if the Tamoxifen will help with the cysts...I sure do hope so!  

    I think my mom had to have an ovarian cyst removed many years ago (more like decades - I was in high school at the time). 

    It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now, i.e. work, grad school and if I recall correctly, you have two young children.  My hat's off to you!  ((hugs))

    I, too, am very nervous about the treatments beginning.  My first Herceptin starts Wednesday.  Then I assume, the taxotere and carboplatin will be added to the mix at the next three week infusion.  

    What Bren58 said in her post is what I'm going to try to keep in mind the next few days "For me the anticipation of the unknown was worse than the actual infusion (Bren58)"

    Bren58, I'm so glad you were finally able to have a letting loose of what had been the non-compliant bowels (ashla, I really like that adjective for our body parts!). 

    re: the blood pressure (mine) - it was the lowest it's ever been last night!  Considering my husband's was so high earlier in the day I don't think there's anything wrong with our handy-dandy CVS blood pressure monitor.  On the other hand, our not-so-hand-dandy CVS ear thermometer seems to be a bit off.  


    My latest situation is 60 ml drain output on both sides yesterday!  The PS said the fills might start forcing more fluid out and it looks like he was right.  We've been having a rainy weather system that's lingered for days and I think it's been affecting my pain level.  Also, I think I'm finally feeling the effects of sleeping in my Beloved Chair™ for so many nights/weeks in a row.  I finally tried the bed for the first time since leaving the hospital.  It helped with the hip pain but didn't help with the chest discomfort.  Ahhhhh, I remember the good old days.  The days when I had cancer but didn't know it but felt like a million friggin' bucks...  

    I read a blog entry the other day that really made a lot of sense.  It was written by a nurse who has had the breast cancer experience.  This was my favorite takeaway line: 

    I lost what my sister in law calls the luxury of careless living.

    Here's the link to her blog in case anyone else is interested:

    I followed the link via someone else's mention of it on Twitter so I'm assuming the writer doesn't care if her blog link is shared elsewhere. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    U gals really move this thread along---

    Steiner I give u so much credit for all u'r doing I hope everything else goes smoothly. I've had ruptured cysts and they are painful--in fact they were worse than what u'r facin, if that helps.

    Lee this b/p thing seems goofy--I hope it settles down and u can feel more relaxed about it.

    Bren I'm glad something got out of u. I did not know pain meds could ive u constipation, well how could I? I didn't take pain meds at first, I waited for about 9 months before I took anything and they did nothing different to me. So--I really don't know as usual. But I hope things go better for u.

  • Bellanan
    Bellanan Member Posts: 25

    Well, I am back! This is the following Monday after my 3rd treatment and... Did fine until Friday when the nausea began (0f course off steroids). No diarrheah, only constipation until yesterday. Think that is under control, but the nausea is constant. I am trying to stay ahead of it with Zofran and Adivan. Helps, but my day is spent sleeping. What a life! I have also developed an aversion to swallowing pills. Big gag reflux, so taking it with apple sauce helps a bit. I am really trying to get the liquids down but it is really hard. I am so worried about becoming dehydrated- any suggestions??? I know by next week I should be feeling better once my counts go up. That seems to be my cycle. I know there are so many of you have been thru more,but this feels like shit! Thanks for listening.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Bellanan it is shit, u'r right. It sounds like u have the right things going-giner-ale was my friend and vitamin water too--which I still drink and it tastes good. And I lease it in the bottle with a straw it's easier to do all drinks then. I' sorry I can't help much-I had nausea but I always had something right next to me if it actually happened and it did. Oh another thing was oyster crackers easy to eat and not so messy. LOL

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    I took prune juice when needed worked just fine . Hope everyone is doing better.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    bellanan I had a slight issue with swallowing several days after chemo. Everyone just kinda shrugged but it did mostly go away. I actually slightly still have the issue on rare occasion when swallowing something dry like white meat chicken and its not a small bite. Good thing I prefer dark meat.

    Foods that were recommended in my chemo binder if you have the big D":

    chicken or turkey without skin
    cooked refined cereals
    cottage cheese
    fish (not deep fried of course)
    potatoes (baked or mashed without skin)
    white bread
    white rice
    canned fruit: peaches, pears or applesauce
    clear fruit juice
    vegetable juice
    yogurt plain or vanilla
    saltine crackers
    sorbet or sherbet

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Bellanan, I ended up in the hospital with my first taxotere/carboplatin treatment.  I just went for chemo again this last Friday and they told me if I ever started to get as bad as I was getting, to just come over, they'd hydrate me and give me IV zofran.  They said they do it all the time and are used to it, so I wouldn't even need an appointment, but it would be a good idea to call and tell them I'm coming so they can find a chair for me.

    If you are feeling too bad, see if you can do that.  My nurse practitioner said that keeps people out of the hospital, so they are glad to do it.  She said by the time she saw me, I was too dehydrated and too sick to not put in the hospital, but if I'd come in earlier I might have avoided it.

  • Bellanan
    Bellanan Member Posts: 25

    Thanks. I called but no response. I am literally 5 min frm the office so I think I will call and just do it! You have empowered me!! Let u know later.

  • beckstar18
    beckstar18 Member Posts: 97

    Lago, great list of foods!  Thanks for sharing.

    PBrain, I think I'd end up doing the same thing you did and wait until it's too late to call.  I am learning on these boards from others not to be shy about calling the doc.  I used to work as a medical receptionist when in college though, and that may skew why I feel that way.  The dr. I worked for would label charts with code words for "problem patients" i.e. those that call all the time.  I'm sure with an onco it's different though (I worked for an allergist), as oncos spend much more time with their patients and the treatment is so involved.  I just need to change my mindset is all!

    LeeA, glad the fills are pushing fluid out and I hope those darn drains come out SOON!!

    I took my first dexamethasone today and my heart is racing, and I've been sweating all day too.  I'm guessing it's the steroid, although it's also unusually warm in Kansas City for December.  The high here is 70F today, we're breaking a record held since 1956!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Steiner, I'm with you, I didn't want to be a bother.  But my NP told me they really like when we call and say "hey, in over my head here!"  Bellanan, keep us posted.  Hopefully you got hydrated and some IV zofran.  That stuff really works IV.  I only threw up once the entire time I was in the hospital!

    Ok, new question.  I was prescribed potassium pills (big, round horse pills) because I was admitted with a K2+ of 2 and then was a little above 3 at my last chemo.  I just went to the bathroom, and poof, there are the pills in all of their glory.  They are barely touched by my wimpy GI tract.

    Any thoughts on how I should handle?  The pills say "don't crush"...arghhh, I can't do anything right with chemo!  Har!!

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Pbrain-wow! That is pretty amazing. I've not heard of that before, and I've been nursing for awhile. Maybe they will have to figure another way? I know, those are horse pills! Meh! I have broken them in half before and given them. Otherwise, some of my elderly patients would not be capable of taking them. And pharmacy okay end that. Give the local pharmacist a call. Tell him what happened and if its would be okay to crush.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Eat bananas and potato (no skin) when dealing with the big D and need potassium. If dealing with the big C eat dried apricots and potato with skin.

    but I would call your NP

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    I just remembered that during chemo I ate watermelon just about every day. It is loaded with nutrients ..vitamins and minerals.... Including potassium and a great source of fluids that went down very easily even when nothing else did. A little calorie heavy but well worth it.

    Can't believe I forgot about it.

    Google the nutrition info on it. Try watermelon.

  • eileenohio
    eileenohio Member Posts: 268

    Pbrain,  wow- your system  not digesting  the potassium pill concerns me.  I would call my doctor immediately,perhaps you are not digesting other nutrients that are in your food,thus accounting for some of the rapid weight loss. I feel so bad for you,it has been one thing after another. You are an amazing gal. I love your sense of humor and your positive upbeat attitude.

  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183

    Just came from the MO"s office, where I was asked to participate in a clinical trial examining whether metformin, a diabetes drug, has anti cancer properties.  The trial will require me to take metformin twice a day for 5 years.  Oh, and its a blind comparison trial, so I might be getting a placebo!  I'm not sure what I'm going to say.  It seems like a huge commitment.  Besides, after the BMX and all this chemo and herceptin, shouldn't I be cancer free already???

    As anyone else been approached for this study?  Posted this on the Sept chemo thread, but wanted to see if anyone here was involved in this study

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I've have read about this working. I know I tried to get into studies but I wasn't a fit for any unless I had to fly somewhere on my own dollar. I would love to "give back."

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    cgesq - If my memory serves me correctly, I think Fluffqueen might have been started in a trial for Metformin (I'm an archive reader).  

    That's one I wouldn't mind trying...

    I'm waiting for a call back regarding a trial for nausea/chemotherapy.  

    The trial person (?) says they have me down to start TCH (the whole enchilada) on Wednesday but I was under the impression it's Herceptin only.  I haven't been to chemo class yet.  Who knows. 

    ETA:  She just called back - there was a miscommunication of some sort.  Herceptin only starting Wednesday.  

  • PatinMN
    PatinMN Member Posts: 784

    I read about Metformin somewhere on the discussion boards...don't know where, now.  I brought it up at my last MO appointment, and he was somewhat enthusiastic about it.  Once I finish radiation I will discuss it again with him - as in, just taking it, not being part of a trial.  It would be to further guard against a recurrence, and we all have some percentage possibility of recurrence despite all our treatments.  Frown  My surgical path report indicates the presence of LCIS, which means I have an increased chance of getting a new breast cancer in either breast.  I don't know yet if the Metformin would affect that.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    cgesq - I'm not sure, but I think a commn SE of metformin is the Big D. It would probably not be too hard to tell if you're getting the real thing or the placebo. What happens if you try it and get SE that you can't put up with for 5 years and want to quit? Just curious - I don't know anything about the study you're talking about, but would probably try it. My center is in Philly - maybe I'll ask my MO next time I see her.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Pbrain I know those pills are awful but not to digest is another thing--I break mine I usually take 6-8 a day but they are all beoken in half but I assume they don't come out that way. The magnesium pills are small so they are easy. Call (for sure) i'r pharmacist they know more about that than the Drs.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    cgesq - here's a link to a discussion of metformin on this thread back in August 2012:

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I believe you can quit a trial. I mean really they can't put a gun to your head if you are having terrible SE and don't want to continue, or you get a job out of the country etc.

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    Oh I just remembered that I ate alot of sliced peaches during my chemo treatments for some reason I could not eat enough of them. strange because I'M not much of a fruit person.

  • Bellanan
    Bellanan Member Posts: 25

    Pbrain, here is the scoop. The nurse uped my meds Zofran more frequently as well as adivan doubled up and more frequently. Sleepy time. Told me all the tea I was drinking was surly making me nauseous. Go know! I was drinking peppermint.

    She said salt was good to hydrate as well as soup. At this point I am findind it hard to get anything down. I told her if I still felt lousy tomorrow I was coming into the office.

    Thank God for this group because otherwise I would feel like a whinny mess!

    To be continued... For sure. Also, my Herceptin takes 1/2 hour, think that could be contributing some??

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Bellenan- are you getting Emmend and Aloxi? Also, Zofran didn't work for me, there are other anti- nausea meds. Phenerghan, or Compazine. Zofran barely took the edge off, also it gave me a bad headache. Oh! And my first treatment....contacted the nurse probably 3 times and also spoke to pharmacy, and called my oncologist after hours twice! Lol! So, yeah, call away! Also, I'm now requesting extra fluids with each treatment. And I knock myself out for 2-3days! Ativan every 6 hours and Phenerghan every 4 hours. :-) the smart water brand taste good and I can't remember who, but someone mentioned the vitamin water. It taste mild and pretty good. Easy to get down. The sobe water is good too!

    Ashla- thanks! Great idea on the watermelon!

  • beckstar18
    beckstar18 Member Posts: 97

    My mom takes metformin for her diabetes.  I'll have to tell her they're studying its anti-cancer properties, she'll be glad to hear that I'm sure! 

    I'm participating in a clinical study on cognitive function before and after chemo.  I did two standardized tests today, one in person with an oncology research nurse, and one over the phone with University of Rochester.  Then they call me again in 2 months and another in person/computerized test after chemo.  Hopefully there will be no difference, especially since I have horrible memory as it is! :-D

    Good info on the watermelon too.  I ate SO MUCH watermelon when I was pregnant with my son, I couldn't get enough!  It also kept my heartburn at bay.

  • Bellanan
    Bellanan Member Posts: 25

    Compazine gets my wired like a kid who is ADD! I will suggest the phenerghran. Thanks.