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  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    I've always been afraid to get hair cuts, because it would be ruined, I have curly hair and no one knows how to cut it, I'd cry... My hair was almost to my waist when I was diagnosed - I guess you could say I was vain about my hair, probably much of my life.  But you know what that was the least of the side effects that I ended up upset about - I cut it short before surgery because I wouldn't be able to wash it for a bit, I shaved it off when it started coming out in handfuls, I wore hats and scarves when out, and nothing when home, no wigs, and, God forbid, I should have to lose it again, I would probably skip the hats and scarves most of the time.  My MO said, oh you will lose your hair and kind of just brushed it off by saying it will grow back - and it did!  It was stressful enough going through all the treatements, I was so glad that I was able to let go of the hair, and barely give it a second thought.  It grew back soon enough, and now I keep it short (mostly because of the #!$#$!#%!%!# Hot flashes!)

  • Amy4978
    Amy4978 Member Posts: 33

    Cypher... I did 4 dense dose rounds of AC followed by 12 weekly of taxol (I still have 2 more taxol) anyway my hair fell out within 16 days of the AC but as soon as I started Taxol its been growing back. Taxol thins your hair more than anything.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I had bloody noses when doing TCH. Finally stopped when spring and only Herceptin. It took a long time to get them to stop.

    Lee so glad you did the walk. I know I gave up on the gym for a while and just walked in my hood. Granted that means through the park and zoo for me. Nice walk. I still do it instead of going to the gym many times.

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Amy:  I think you are so fortunate.  I have a friend who is triple negative and she lost her hair after the first AC treatment and is now on Taxol and nary a hair has grown back and she has 2 Taxol treatments remaining.  Again, everyone is SO different in how they respond to treatments.

    Linda:  I did use the 'cheapy' (as the PCC girls would say) cold caps and kept enough hair that I never needed wigs or scarfs but after all my treatments my hair was scraggly so I cut it really short (and I'm like you mine was always long) and I'm 18 months PFC and my hair is nice and thick again but I'm like you and keeping it short.  It is just easier because I've got really curly hair and with it short I can work with it better.

    Garlic shampoo?  Not sure I'd even try that...well maybe.  :)

  • Amy4978
    Amy4978 Member Posts: 33

    ArleneA... I am hoping mine comes in even thicker when I'm all done with taxol its def a bit thin in spots but dont get me wrongI am thrilled I have any lol my hair has always been so long. When I cut it short to prep for the bald look I was able to donate 15 inches to locks of love. But currently I have the fuzz buzz and cant keep my hands off my new hair! Btw congrats on the 18 months.... I am so ready to be done with chemo..

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    Arlene, mines really curly too, it got to a length where it was always so tangly, I'd spend 15 minutes in the shower trying to get the snarls out, that's when I decided to keep it short.  I never realized how much time I wasted de-tangling.  Short hair is freedom now. One thing going bald taught me!!! I even let my 19 year old daughter cut it - breast cancer has helped me grow in many ways!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    lago, a walk through the park and zoo sounds great!  All the years I lived in that area I never went to that particular zoo but went to Brookfield Zoo several times.  


    We ran several errands after going to the gym - found the Gin Gins (ginger lozenges) at Cost Plus World Market (a little packet of them came in my chemo kit) and then went to a restaurant to pick up some food and our car died!  First time EVER.  It's a 2009 Prius and we've only put 40,000 miles on it - and it's our only vehicle (we make a small carbon footprint these days Tongue Out).  Of course, of all the times for the car to die - when the dealership was closed and I wasn't feeling the greatest - but AA came and the guy was able to get the key out (even the key was stuck) and he charged the battery and thank goodness it started - so, that was our adventure.  I was so grateful to the AA guy for getting it started so we could get on our way back home.  Small favors/simple pleasures.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK Lee it's winter, time for a new battery and winterize u'r car. get a good one tho.--see I know about this, cancer no, cars more so.

  • Bryona
    Bryona Member Posts: 28

    Lee, Arelen, cypher: Wow. Garlic shampoo. I just looked it up, and apparently it doesn't actually smell like garlic, so that's good. I had this mental image of walking around smelling like aioli! :)

    Linda, my hair is really curly, too. I tried growing it out long just once, and I started pruning in the shower because of the time it took to detangle. The worst part was that, even when my hair was down to my butt when it was wet, it was only just below my shoulderblades dry. ARGH! I finally cut it off and donated it to Locks of Love. I felt good about that then; I feel so much better about it now!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh I love the locks of love===how sweet.

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    camillegal, the prius has no excuse, LeeA lives in Los Angeles.  It should be able to handle 50 degrees.

    Linda, Amy -- my hair is curly as well and this is EXACTLY why I had to do the cold caps!  If my hair is short it's way too pouffy, only when it's at least shoulder length do the curls start to turn into nice ringlets.  Shoulder length curly hair of course is at least 4" longer than shoulder length straight hair....  But yet I do spend a crazy amount of time combing through it.  On the other hand, I haven't blow dried my hair for years, just work through the tangles, throw some product in, and go!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Agreed!  The Prius has no excuse . . . and the three-year road protection ran out on 11/15/2012 - of course!  I'm just so glad we got home without having to rent a car, have the car towed, etc. (and yesterday, I put two extra doses of anti-nausea meds in my purse in case we were ever out and an earthquake or something happened!) 

    Re: hair - I just don't like the way I look with short hair but hey, it is what it is I guess and like lago says - it's a seatbelt, chemo that is.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    WOW--u guys are passionate about this---everyone winterizes a car no matter where u live--it's like a once a yr. check-up like people do. And the life of  battery is usually 3-4 yrs when it's a really good one--that's sll I meant--I'm sure u guys have taken care of u'r own cars over the years. I know I did, I had to so I'd change my battery after I checked the other things that fed the battery. That's all I meant. And when u thing is up for 3 yrs within 6 weeks somethin happens--that a usual rule of thumb. LOL

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653


  • eileenohio
    eileenohio Member Posts: 268

    Hi everyone,  I ordered Garlic Shampoo & Conditioner from Amazon.  My hair is growing but very very thin on the crown,so thin you can see my scalp from the back so I am willing to try anything. BTW it is unscented.. Hope it helps !!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Eileen my crown was the last to grow in. I did notice my hair grew even faster once off Herceptin.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    I've always hated myself with short hair, but now.... not so much, actually I love it, my daughter says, once you know you can pull off bald, nothing scares you - she and my granddaughter (17 & 15 at the time) shaved their heads.  Here's my daughter - 

    And for those of you with naturally curly hair - check out this website -  lots of great ideas on how to take care of your curly hair.  Several years ago my neighbor loaned me a book by them, so many great ideas, and interesting history!!!! 

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Cami.....The hybrids shouldn't really need batteries. They are designed for the life of the car. Here is a link. The batteries are really expensive and not like the normal ones.

    Regarding lumps and bumps....I have them too. Have had fibroids for years. Still do. One is huge. Ten years ago, doc said I could do a hysto if I wanted. Opted not. Now he says go with it, that Ive had enough surgery. Also, I had mastitis when breast feeding my daughter. I. TE same area as my cancer. I raised that question and the BS said there just wasn't enough knowledge to confirm or deny. After bmx, a the right breast had a large non cancerous lump that didn't show on anything. Or at least it wasnt on any reports.

    I now have a small simple cyst in my kidney, and according to the thyroid ultrasound I recently had, there are two small simple cysts there also. They need to do studies on a link, if they aren't already. Although I think these simple cysts kind of come and go.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    kayb - thanks so much for that information!  I'm going to copy it and send it to my husband.  I watched the AA guy charge the battery because I was curious about the process.  I think if I'm feeling somewhat normal I'll take the car to the dealership tomorrow and have them take a look at it.  I definitely don't want this to become a habit!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Lee right once it starts it usually comes back the small batter seems like the old alternator itconnect to the bettery that should really last, but u know they have to hae somethings that have to be replaced--so hope they find the reason and u don't have to wory about that.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Might have to rename this thread

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Really! All kinds of useful info. How to survive the big C's....cancer and car problems!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    I watched your daughter's video.  She is beautiful!  Inside and out.  You must be very proud of her!  Wow.

    I didn't have any lumpy/cyst kind of breasts before BC.  Though, my right breast didn't produce as much milk with my last son as it did with my first.

    I did however, have undiagnosed thyroid issues for a couple years before finding it.

    I too believe it's all related, though how it relates to BC may be different for each of us.  BC, heck ANY health issue, doesn't happen in a vacuum.  Every bit of our body, heredity, and lifestyle factors in....imo anyway, and what do I know!  lol

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Don't forget the Big C of constipation, Fluffqueen!  

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    That is why it is the triple positive thread! Bahahaha!

  • Bellanan
    Bellanan Member Posts: 25

    I am winding down with chemo and all it's pleasantries! Can anyone give me a hint as to what to expect frm radiation and what are the side effects when just taking the Herceptin?

    I have my 5 treatment tomorrow and last one on the 28th!


  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    For me, herceptin only meant tired on day of treatment and a little into next day, but not debilitating, runny nose, a little bloody sometimes. That was after they lengthened the infusion time from 30 minutes to 90. On thirty minutes, I felt really crummy and flulike.

    They will probably give you Benadryl before your first one. Then, if I did ok, they cut it in half for the second, and if still ok, stopped it after that. I continued to ice my fingers and toes, although no idea if it helps. I didn't lose any, but they got really thin and tender, lifting and peeling far down, and are still brittle.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    Thank you TonLee.  I was diagnosed with thyroid issues a couple of years before BC diagnosis. No telling how long it was going on before.  My tumor was where I always seemed to have a plugged duct, or some issue when nursing, at the time of diagnosis my kids were between 17 and 36, and I think there may have been a lump there for a long time, but I too was told that I hade fibrocystic breasts, so didn't think twice about it.  For 2-3 years before diagnosis, it felt like my milk was letting down in that breast.  Lots of weird little things. Just throwing it out there! 

  • Bellanan
    Bellanan Member Posts: 25

    Thanks Fluffqueen, I have been on Herceptin all along. They give it to me for 30 min. Of course, I never know whether my side effects are frm taxotere, carobplatin or Herceptin. Have u had Radiation? I will have 6 weeks - wondering if I get the Herceptin at the same time.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    Bellanan - I got herceptin every three weeks during radiation - I started about 3 weeks PFC.