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  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138

    LeeA and powermom, but especially LeeA,

    OMG!!!!!!!!!! The bill from the hospital details is horrifying, to me, a Canadian who is so thankful to be living in a country where medical costs are covered for all. Yes, we pay a lot more in taxes, but going through this difficult trial made me SO THANKFUL that I did not have to worry about the financial aspect of treatment. I understand med., insurance is available in the U.S.A., but, really, with all with which we have to contend with this disease, the last thing you needed was a letter of that nature. So very sorry that you received it. 

  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138

    Hi websister et al,

    Each of my Neulasta injections cost $2,900, and a community health nurse gave me my 2nd-6th injections. For the first one, given 24 hours after chemo, I had to go to the hospital to receive it so the medical team could observe if I had any negative reaction to it. I did not (waited 70 minutes after I received the first one), but the bone pain, during Days 3-5, I found quite bad. 

  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138

    Hi Kay_G,

    By no means is it just you who has found it hard to believe that you have BC. Sometimes, when I would go to the hospital for tests, the look of some of the patients, and their moans, terrified me far more than trying to deal with the diagnosis itself. I am certain it is my way of coping, mentally, but I usually felt decent-great, for most of the treatments, except for days 3-7 for each of the last three chemo/Herceptin rounds, and I was determined to go to appts.,/blood drawing sessions with a positive attitude. My hubby really helped too, of course, as did my two teenaged sons (although they never wanted to see my head bare, so I obliged, based on my MO's advice,"They don't want to see you bald because then you will look really ill to them, and that scares a lot of children."  Now that I have finished most of my treatments, I catch myself thinking, "Really, did you have BC?" Notice the past tense of the verb, "do." Yep, positive thoughts (and a good dose of denial) have held me in good stead, but I know all of us has different coping mechanisms. 

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    Hey ladies -- bone scan results are back in, I'm in the clear!!!

    I have a CT scan scheduled on the 7th so will be sending out another request for prayers etc. in a week or so.





  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    Cypher--- Great News!!!

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    DiZZyMom-- Traverse city is about 65 miles north of me.. Nice to meet someone from here. I really would love to live some where else though I am really sick of this cold and snow. Can't get my husband to leave to a warmer state :(

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    yay cypher! godd news!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    cypher - yay for clean scans!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653


    LeeA I too had moments of "I've got boob cancer?!" but as you get further out from treatment you stop feeling that way.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Cypher...WOO HOO!!!!!  Thank God.  I am so happy for you!!  What a load off!  Whew.

    Kay, so I have a technical but very important question.  Where are the drugs that end in eatallthechocolateyouwantandnevergainanounce? 


    I've seen drug names almost as long.  And at least that hard to pronounce.  Kiss

    Dizzy, is that pesky drain OUT yet.  I know you said today...just wondering if it's happened yet.

  • DiZZyMom
    DiZZyMom Member Posts: 96

    TonLee-Yes, yes, yes!!! Thank you Tongue Out

    And I start chemo tomorrow, 8 weeks from my surgery day. Looking forward to getting back to exercising next week!

    Ang, you can come down here if you want warmth. Where are you from originally? I get really homesick around August in Dallas! I'm planning to go back to TC for my 30th HS reunion summer 2014.


  • eileenohio
    eileenohio Member Posts: 268

    Cypher,  congrats on the clean bone scan. Praying for the CT scan to be good news too....

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Yeah Dizzy!!  Woot! Woot!

    Hope you're drinking lots of water!!  Try to drink as much as helps with the SEs, and washes that toxic stuff out quicker!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    You know, it's been 4 months since my diagnosis, and I still don't believe I have breast cancer.  Even though I ended up in the hospital (which had never happened to me) and even though I'm totally bald, I still don't "own" it.  I'm not sure when I ever will, actually.  I just put my head down and am barreling through.  As the country song goes, if you're going through hell, keep on moving.  You might get out before the devil even knows your there.

    Chemo number 9 tomorrow.  I'm feeling so very weak!!

    Congrats Cypher!!


    Oh and here's a pic of last summer's garden.  I'll start the new thread where Lee suggested :-)

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    You know, it's been 4 months since my diagnosis, and I still don't believe I have breast cancer.  Even though I ended up in the hospital (which had never happened to me) and even though I'm totally bald, I still don't "own" it.  I'm not sure when I ever will, actually.  I just put my head down and am barreling through.  As the country song goes, if you're going through hell, keep on moving.  You might get out before the devil even knows your there.

    Chemo number 9 tomorrow.  I'm feeling so very weak!!

    Congrats Cypher!!!!  And where is Ms Tori??

    Oh and here's a pic of last summer's garden.  I'll start the new thread where Lee suggested :-)  Oops, Cami, how do I post a picture??  Har!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    cyper!  Hooray!!!  I bet you're feeling good this afternoon (almost evening). 

    Kay_G and others who responded regarding that weird out-of-body "who is that having cancer in that chair, is it me?" feeling - thanks for your input.  It's very hard to describe it.  

    ang, I am so fascinated by the name of the town you have listed in your "from" area!  And as far as cold goes - we live in Southern California and I'm still freezing my @$$ off these days!  I cannot imagine living in an area where it REALLY gets cold.  I grew up in a suburb of Chicago and lived in the Louisville area (plenty of snow in that region as well) and cannot imagine dealing with shoveling again.  Stay warm!  Also, eyes bugging out at the price of the Herceptin!  I knew it was expensive but just sitting here shaking my head. 

    gratitudeforlife, wow, what a difference in price on the Neulasta.  I'm wondering if that's due to the fact that most pharmaceuticals seem to be less expensive in Canada and Mexico.  I remember once reading that US customers take the biggest hit in price when a drug is brand new (i.e. before it goes generic).  When my husband had IVIG in the hospital it was supposedly $10,000 per bag.  One week he had it daily (I think 5 days out of 7).  When he had it on an out-patient basis at USC the price dropped significantly but was still expensive and we were on pins and needles waiting for the insurance company to approve it each go-round.  

    Dizzy, so glad you're now drain-free and ready to go up against chemo.  My chemo started exactly 8 weeks post-op as well.

    kayb, I laughed out loud at your remark about e coli.  I so wish I hadn't read that ingredients list!   

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773
  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Ha ha!  Throw us a bigger bone, Pbrain!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    I'm computer illiterate!!

    Can send the girl to college, but can't make her drink from the IT pond.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Pbrain, click on the little green tree in the toolbox above the reply box and then copy/paste the URL of the photo you wish to display. 

    If that doesn't work - go to and upload your photo from there and then copy/paste that URL into the URL line after pushing on the little green tree.

  • powermom
    powermom Member Posts: 66

    Lee, I don't have a tool box. Do you know what I need to do to get one? :)

  • DiZZyMom
    DiZZyMom Member Posts: 96

    Thanks everybody! I'm trying to pack my "chemo bag". Water, lara bar, book, iPad......what else? I thought I might try to learn to knit so I can make some cute, soft hats while sitting there for I crazy?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Cypher Great news---I'm happy it's good.

    And Dizzy good Luck, glad u got those drains out--And I don't know how u're havng chaemo but I was with a bunch of people and talked and before u knew it the day was done---They had juice, coffee, wter food there, I hope ur's is similiar---it's much better with other people, ut if u'r alone then start knitting and reading. And if u get Benedryl u'll probably be tired so just take a nap.

  • Rina77
    Rina77 Member Posts: 11

    Hello everybody!

    I am triple positive and have only 3 Herceptin/Taxol left out of 12. Happy to find the people to talk about my diagnosis, treatment and the future. So many questions, and I believe many of them were discussed erlier, but there are so many posts to read to find the answers. I am working from home, friends kinda stay away and I feel lonely. So may be this forum will keep me positive not only for cancer!

    I read a lot about the food that may feed my cancer cells, but doctor advised to stay away of soy and limit alcohol. May be somebody have other thoughts about it?

  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183


    If you are doing the TCH regimen, you should consider icing your fingers and toes during the taxotere portion of the infusion, starting from 15 min before the taxotere starts, till 15 min after.  (In my case, taxotere was an hour, so it was a total of 1.5 hrs of icing.  

    Basically, taxotere is very hard on your nails, and can cause anything from discoloration to nail lifting.  If you keep the tips of your fingers and toes immersed in ice, it can reduce nail issues from the chemo.  I brought a friend to help me with this routine.

    Bring zip lock baggies (to hold ice for your toes), cheapo gloves from the dollar store, which you will have to cut the ends of the fingers off of, and an insulated lunch or picnic bag, (to hold the ice) with you to the infusion.  I asked the nurse to tell me about a half hour before the taxotere, and then I filled the insulated lunch bag with ice, (they usually have ice in infusion centers) and put some ice in the zip lock baggies  Next, I asked a friend to use tape (also from the infusion center) to tape the bag of ice to the end of my foot, covering the toenails. 

    I then put on the gloves, fingertips uncovered, and put the ends of my hands into the insulated lunch bag which had the ice and pretty much kept them there .  

    You should also chew on lots of ice chips for this same period so reduce the risk of mouth sores.  You can freeze juice, or gatorade or anything you like and suck or chew on those instead of plain ice if you want.  Your friend will have to help feed you the ice chips, because your hands will be in the ice.

    2 other things to remember....use the bathroom right before you start the icing, and definately ask the nurses to have a warm blanket ready for right after!!!

    I know this routine sounds like a huge pain, but I did it for all 6 treatments and have had NO issues with my nails, and only 2 episodes of mouth sores.  If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

    Good luck!

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Excellent cqesq:  I did the same and found it harder than the cold caps but I didn't have any problems with my nails....well, they still go through breaking periods but I'm happy I did the cold 'caps' for the finger/toe nails. 

  • DiZZyMom
    DiZZyMom Member Posts: 96

    Wow, thank you cgesq. I never heard of any of that. My feet are freezing just thinking about it! I am doing TCH and will give it a shot! Thanks and goodnight!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi Rena---wow u'r almost done--good for u--do u have rads coming too? or is this it. It sounds good when someone is almost done--I'm so glad for u.

    Dizzy u just got gret advice--I'll add a little (not much) use plastic utensils, Biotine mouthwash and toothpaste, use lots of body lotion and plenty of fluids and don't forget the moisturizer on u'r face. I said not much LOL

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Dizzy, I have to be honest here--I really enjoy my actual chemo visits.  I chill out with a ton of benadryl in my system and I watch streaming Netflix on my iPad.  It's a peaceful time!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Hi Rina, I'm about where you are, 4 more treatments of taxol to go.  Are you feeling the nueropathy yet?  I'm a little worried about the tingling in my toes and fingers.

    I'm a Philadelphia native planted out here in the midwest.  What part of the city are you from?  Welcome to the board.  There is a lot of good informed posters here!