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  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    WOO HOO!!  I knew you were due some results...but I thought I missed them :(


    How many areas are they nuking on you Pbrain?  Meaning, how many times does the eye move?  (That will often tell you how many zones you have radiated.)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    barberchic I used scaraway silicon strips. They really lightened up the scar as well as softened it. Be sure to ask your surgeon when you can start using this.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    Glad you're getting some relief :)  Hopefully the thighs will ease soon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Pbrain Argon oil and ale are very good on any type of skin but u know we're al different so it's up to u. My skin never burned and I'm medium complextion, but I have to say it's all pretty dark now. And when I got my tats I so want bigger ones with lines coming out like the sun, I pleaded with him and he wasn't allowed to so all I got was the blot--boring.All I got was tired and as the weeks went by just more tired, what is great was that chemo was hours and hours and this was so fast.

    Barber I have to say I didn't use anything on my stitches, didn't think to, but it's fine to me. But I'm sure some of the ladies will be able to advise u, there must be alotof things on the market. Well I just thought I had something removed from my face ad I had a scar and I bought Vitamin E and cut them open and smoothed it on my scar, in no time at all no scar. IDK I just thought of that.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    You can also purchase Vitamin E oil at Trader Joes. It does a good job softening but I did find the strips work better and not messy like the Vitamin E oil. Cocobutter and Coconut oil also help. Yeah I tried it all!

  • vballmom
    vballmom Member Posts: 153

    Pbrain, I thought radiation was a breeze - just inconvenient.  I thought chemo was brutal and radiation was like a big holiday in comparison.  My RO didn't want me using any cream until I really needed it and started about two weeks in.  My skin held up pretty well.

    Does anyone else have leg aches? My thighs especially.  During chemo, I thought it was from the Taxol but my last Taxol was Oct 2nd and my legs still ache.  I had a Herceptin holiday for three months gosh, I wish I could remember, but I think the leg aching stopped during that time.  I have tried daily walking thinking that it would help, but it hasn't.  I'm also on Tamoxifen.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    vballmom I have read on this site that many women do have sore thighs from Herceptin. You're not imagining things.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    vballmom, how are your electrolytes?  I know when I'm low in potassium I have leg aches. 

  • Marlene18
    Marlene18 Member Posts: 48

    Vitelle, I responded to your separate post.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Vball, I have a lot of stiffness in my legs these days and I'm just on herceptin.  Not sure if it is connected.  I also have pain in the long bones of my arm.

    Oh, and of course, insomnia.  As youse can see, I'm still up....

  • barberchic
    barberchic Member Posts: 51

    I'll have to call PS when they open,having some bleeding around stitches on left side! Right side is healing great. Pain in left side too!

    Pbrain....,even though I'm far behind you,I feel for you! Praying for your comfort!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Vballmom---GrannyV  has a good point about leg aches and all that area, I'd feel cramps in the back of my legs-but when electolytes are off it's a funny feeling on u'r lower half mostly. Do they take blood panels on u often? And yes it could be herceptin--it's just a big puzzle why things hurt good luck.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Good news on the leukemia front!  Makes me wonder if they can't do this for breast as well...eventually.

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Hooray VBall.

    Good luck PBrain.  Rads was easy for me too and hoping you find it the same.  I always brought my vitamin E oil and spread it on immendiately after treatment (as I was getting dressed).

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    This just came in via email from OncologyStat.  Membership is free but it looks like they're changing to a new site on March 29.  

    Lipid Metabolism Genes Linked to Breast Cancer Subtype

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Cami, you made me think...I'm low on potassium these days and am supposed to be drinking this seriously fowl tasting stuff each morning which I conveniently "forget".  I'll get some OJ tomorrow and give it another go.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Pbrain, dried apricots have lots of potassium but if you have the Big D don't eat them. Also avocados, bananas, spinach, potatoes with skin, even white mushrooms.

  • vballmom
    vballmom Member Posts: 153

    Good thought.  My potassium is normal. I just checked my lab results. I am thinking it's the Herceptin.

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    I just been De-ported todaySmile   But its kinda hurting right now coming off the numbing this sucks.

    Wow this is going to be weired I don't see my doctor now until June I am Happy for that. These last few days being done had me reflecting on just what has happened to me these last 15 months. Strange thing is I have been doing a lot of crying about the littlest things that has happened in those months. Anyway went out to eat for Dinner to celebrate being De-ported. Tomorrow starts my slim-fast drinks never done this before but I am going to do 2 a day and do fruit & veggies for awhile to lose some weight.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Congratulations, Angie!  

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Re: potassium - I just looked up bananas (as I always think they have the most potassium) and found this: 

    Top 10 Food Sources of Potassium

    If you think bananas have more potassium than any other food, think again.

    Read more:

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Congrats Angie, I hope it's not to sore. But when u know u don't have to see a Dr. for a few months it's kind of mixed emotion--to me anyway.

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370

    PBrain they have po tabs for potassium..

  • Dorihans
    Dorihans Member Posts: 4

    Congratulations, Angie. I am six months behind you; still taking Herceptin. I feel like I am holding my breath for the next few years. How do you feel?

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Hi everyone,

    Just met a stage 1 Her 2 pos women who didn't get chemo. Just surgery, rads and 17 herceptin.

    Missed alot of posts lately but congrats Angie and Vballmom!

    To those still in the throes....remember surgery is your friend.....chemo is your friend...rads is( are) your friend.......

    Fascinating article on the relationship between lost sleep and weight gain with so many implications!

  • Shasha10
    Shasha10 Member Posts: 212

    Ok round 2 is over I was still very tired couldn't work but wasn't comatose like last time. I feel a possible yeast infection starting. It's Saturday so I don't want to call the drs office. Is this from all the chemo. Any ideas.

    Thx all

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    I've read about people getting thrush infections in their throats/mouths so I'm guessing it's a possibility, Shasha.

  • Shasha10
    Shasha10 Member Posts: 212

    I'll pu something from the pharmacy. Thx.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Shasha10 I got chronic yeast infections for about a year in my late 20's. Tried everything. What I found worked the best and still use to this day (get them when I take antibiotics for a long time, like after BMX) is I buy acidophilus in capsule form with active bacteria (might need the refrigerated kind) and use is as a vaginal suppository for a few days to a week. I even take one part of the capsule off. Not as messy although you'll still want to use a pantie liner.

    I found the OTC stuff irritating.