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  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    And Lago, with those large pupils, I bet many people find you super attractive Wink  Supposedly that is something we all notice subconsciously and it makes people fall in love!!  Hence the "dark romantic candle-lit dinners".  You go girl!

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    pbrain - i thought it was good for heart health? i figured since chemo/Herceptin can weaken the heart it may be good to take?  i need to stop watching dr.oz

    love your new pic - you look great bald!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    and Ashla and Vballmom, thanks for the info.  I was kind of surprised that both the eyelashes and brows stayed during most of chemo.  Now that they are gone, I'm kind of feeling UGLY!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Ah thanks Rozem!  I wouldn't worry too much about taking something as long as it is water soluble.  If you need it, great.  If not, it goes out in your pee.

    For heart health though, definitely make sure you take fish oil and if it is ok with your MO a daily baby aspirin.  :-)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi everybody---another Wow this is the busuest and most informative thread that has been created--I read it but of course I don't contribute much at all, But eyebrow and eyelashes are as far as I go.

    Pbrain mine all fell out and off after--now my eyebrows came in quickly, but it's been a while and my lashes have hardly done much. If I worked I would get something. but I never have. I do use the lash extensions with my mascara and at least it looks like I have lashes not long like before but somewhatbetter. But u really have to ask u DR. about what u can use cuz believe it or not there's quite a few side effects with it. I don't know why and none probably happen but they cover their collective a**es

    Well that's all I know--Instead of Dr. Oz I should see the wizard of Oz and ask for brains. 

  • vballmom
    vballmom Member Posts: 153

    I'm taking CoQ10 with my MO's approval.  I had EF issues and researched as much as possible and didn't come up with any negatives with this supplement.  Since starting it (400 mg /day) and lisinopril (an ACE inhibitor) my EF went up 10%. I can't tell you it's the CoQ10...but I can't tell you it's not, either. I will continue to take it.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Pbrain I do have big eyes. You can't tell when I smile… but the first thing my husband noticed about me was my smile, not my eyes or my straight shiny hair. One thing that hasn't changed as I age is my smile. Guess I'll never do botox Tongue Out Of course the same goes for you. I think we have the same smile.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,798

    Hi all! I just skimmed through all the pages I was behind on, had threee or four things I was going to respond to, and can't remember any of them.

    Regarding whomever mentioned their doctor used the word cure with them. Mine did the same, as did the BS and one of the other ONCs I interviewed. My reply was that if I die from something else at some point, then they can say I was cured. Until then, please don't jinx me....just say there is no evidence of anything.

    On general knowledge for tamoxifen matabolizing and other research. My BS said they are at the top of the mountain. They have all this wonderful information now, but not sure exactly what to do with it. She believes (as does my onc) the next ten years will be huge.

    On blood clots, at my last checkup with my Primary doc, I mentioned my concern. His wife had a blood clot not too long ago and almost died. He said there was a blood test that results practically guaranteed that you did not have a blood clot, and he was happy to run it. Called to tell me all looked good. I am lobbying for that every year until I am off of Tamoxifen, which I think will be soon. I am going to start looking for the AI that has the least chance of hair thinning. I am with Special K. I will take some sore joints to keep the hair.

    Here is a picture of my Easter dog, Dirty Harry. My husband says I am emasculating him, but that was already done, so I am going to have my fun!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Fluffqueen, great photo of you and Dirty Harry - and LOL @ "but that was already done so I'm going to have my fun." 

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    fluff - wow yoiur hair is so long!!!!! i was only diagnosed 8mos before you and i doubt my hair will be that long 8 mos from now

  • Waitingforthenextstep
    Waitingforthenextstep Member Posts: 124


                          Your hair looks great!

  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138

    Belated Happy Easter wishes to all of you!!

    FWIW, I am left-handed and had bc in the left breast.

    PatinMN, my ER+ result was 100%, as were my PR+ and Herceptin values (100% each); therefore, as I was peri-menopausal at the outset of treatment and have not had a period since my third chemo session(Sept., 2012), my MO opted to put me on Tamoxifen, given my high percentage values.  I began taking it on Valentine's Day. The SEs have been very decent: mild headache, initially, which is pretty much gone now, some insomnia, some hip socket pain, but nothing too horrid. I have had no weight gain, but I do often feel warm.  Mind you, I am not having wicked hot flashes, for which I am VERY thankful (had those for two months, after I no longer had my period.  They ended by the end of Nov., 2012). 

    SNAX,  all treatments--chemo, radiation, Herceptin, Tamoxifen, were thrown at me, too, and I felt like you,"Hey, aren't you guys being a tad bit aggressive here, esp., as my six lymph nodes were clean, and the margins around my tumour were also clear." After much research, pondering and discussion, I decided to heed the advice of my MO and RO.  I don't want to ever have to go through cancer treatments again, the same reason so many of us on this thread with similar diagnoses opted to do the same. 

    Pbrain, I, too, was pretty devastated when about a month after my last chemo, my eyelashes left me, and my eyebrows really thinned out. The GREAT news is that they come back pretty quickly, as someone else wrote on this thread.  My are long and thick as ever---so happy about that!!

    For someone who mentioned a MUGA scan, it is done to test the ejection fraction (EF) of the pumping chambers of your heart, the ventricles. What is being measured is how well your ventricles pump blood with each heartbeat (contraction).  It is a nuclear imaging test where a radioactive tracer is injected into your body. This radionuclide alters the valence of the oxygen molecules in your red blood cells.  Percentage scores of 50%-75% are great for your left ventricle.  This means if you score 50%, then 50% of ALL the blood in the left ventricle, when it is filled with blood, is pumped out with each heartbeat. I think my MO said the readings for the right ventricle are lower as that ventricle is smaller, less muscular than the left ventricle. 

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Wow, I can't keep up with this thread! PBrain, I see you got the Brian Joseph's gel info, but I wanted t tell you I used it and think it worked. My lashes and brows thinned, but never fell out completely, even post-taxol. I started using it t the beginning of taxol though (I didn't know about it during AC), so maybe it has to be used during as opposed to after chemo.

    Question about the timing of SNB mentioned a few pages back. I had excisional biospy and no nodes taken. When biopsy revealed IDC, it was 8 weeks before BMX. At the same time as the BMX was when the SNB took place. Is it unusual that the SNB wasn't done sooner?

    ETA - I should add that after initial biopsy, and consultations, etc., I had made up my mind that I wanted a BMX even though lump/rads was an option whether or not nodes came out positive.

    Fluff - you look awesome :)

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    What a lovely picture!  Love your hair.  You have such attractive features.

    Fluff, you look good too!  The dog cracks me up :0

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    CoQ10...I took it for over a year, but since my last MUGA really didn't show much improvement I stopped.  Tried Hawthorne as well.  Nadda.

    Having said that, I just ordered some coq10 last week ... lol.  Got a good price on line.

    Easter candy has done me in!  I'm up 3 pounds!!  In ONE WEEK!  Nuts.  lol

    At least it is starting to get warm so I can get outside and work in my yard.  Growing an organic garden this year....well, attempting it!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Fluff you look great! I didn't have the patients to grew my hair back although it has come to my attention today that I have Hitler Hair! Surprised

    TonLee you need to convert to Judaism. No Easter candy and Passover food is awful.The reason why they put horse radish (bitter herbs) on gefilte fish is not really to remind us of the bitterness of slavery, it's because gefilte fish tastes terrible. (Source for those who don't know about the 4 questions asked on Passover: linky

    I lost 5lbs by cutting out the sweets, eating a little less in between and pumping up the cardio these past 2 weeks. I feel so much better. I can zip my skinny jeans (actually straight jeans but my legs got big after BMX and never went down so straight jeans fit like skinny jeans on me) Still need to lose 3-4 more… 7 would be ideal.

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    I lost 9 pounds in a week!! Been Not really eating except once a day with scrumptious healthy choice tv dinners and a half hour a day on the treadmill  for snacks raw carrots, cucumbers, and a granola bar per day. Anyway it's working 66 more pounds to go.

  • navymominohio
    navymominohio Member Posts: 16

    Ang7894: Good to hear there is a possible silver lining to BC. With not paying for highlights, hair cuts, brow waxing and products and maybe losing weight as well, I might be rich and thin one of these days. (just a joke!). All the best to everyone. Am driving now from OH to VA to see Navy son. A real treat after surgery last Thurs!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Most people gain on chemo. My onc said about 8lbs but some a lot more. I gained more but it was mostly water weight. Took most of it off after chemo.

  • Rhonda2
    Rhonda2 Member Posts: 99

    I think I'm addicted to frozen yogurt.

  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138


    Thanks for the compliment. You are looking like quite the glamazon yourselfKiss. Beautiful pic of you.

    FWIW, I gained 8-10 pounds during the whole chemo thing, and now I am into month three of taking Tamoxifen, almost five months since I finished chemo, and the weight is gone. I agree with lago that it was mostly fluid.  Nice to feel and look like my old self.  I guess we all know that exercise and eating properly are the only ways we can lose or maintain or masses. 

    Ang7894, congrats on losing the pounds!!!! Slow and steady wins the race. 

    Started attending physiotherapy sessions last Thursday to regain mobility in my shoulder region. I guess however long we go through treatment, it takes at least that long, maybe double the time (anyone know for sure???) to regain our bodies. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I agree that this is one fast moving thread. Wow! I lost my eye brows and eyelashes after my last tx. But they started growing back, fast, within days they began to show. Just a note though, when they fall out, they can irritate your eyes, so if your eyes are watering all the time , just don't assume that an SE is responsible, actually check for a physical reason. Ask me how I know this... LOL. along the same line, growing hair may come in curly, mine certainly did. AND THAT INCLUDED EYELASHES!!!! So they curled into my eyeball, and I had to pluck the offending eyelashes out! LOL what fun! But now you won't panic if it happens to you.

    My SNB was done right before my BMX. They had to wait for the dye to spread before they could take me to the operating room and it took at least an hour longer than they planned. The worst part was the dye injections, the used numbing spray, but it didn't work. However, it went fast. And was over before the THAT F*CKIN HURTS came out. LOL. Much love to all.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,798

    No nodes taken at my diagnosing biopsy. Two Sentinel nodes were taken during the bmx, a month after the biopsy, with the dye injection done right before surgery. The one thing I hadn't researched until the night before surgery was how they did the biopsy. I aging my surprise and stress to see they did the dye injection BEFORE surgery and all these women talking about how awful it was. I was stressed.

    Turned out it barely twinged. I must have had a skilled person because they were telling me before hand that it could be painful. And no numbing spray.

    My hair started growing really fast after herceptin ended. Before that, not so much. My hairdresser has only trimmed it and added layers. I look awful with short hair. Big face.

    Also, I gained no wait during chemo. Since Thailand in October, I put on 10 pounds. Trying to take them off. I think I put them on because I got sucked into the white flour and sugar again. I am trying to eliminate it once again and working out harder.

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    TonLee, I'm out of my protein powder, what was that vegan stuff you were trying and do you still like it?

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Angie, congratulations on the weight loss!  


    Gratitude, I love the new photo!


    I've gained about eight pounds since starting chemo.  I'm just past the fifth with one more to go.  Today I tallied up the number of miles I've walked since 2013 started.  I started chemotherapy on January 2nd and since January 1st I've walked 112 miles.  That said, I'm hoping some of this weight gain is fluid as Gratitude and lago mentioned.  OTOH, I've made some poor food choices throughout this time period so there's that.  

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Rhonda, when my husband and I were doing the 17-Day Diet we went to Penguins Yogurt almost every single night.  We've scaled back some since the breast cancer diagnosis but once I get back on a cleaner eating pattern we'll probably start going back for our one treat per day. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Lee lots of us make "poor food choices" during chemo. Not important. What ever gets you through. Many of us crave carbs during chemo because they taste better.

    SNB who ever is getting this ask if they can inject Lydercaine before the dye around your areola. It stings a little but not bad and just for second. When they injected the dye I never felt a thing. I too was scared to death when I read stories of how painful it was. I had this done in the morning before my BMX. More scared of the SNB then the BMX because of what I read.

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370

    At my four month check up with the patiently

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi ladies...question for you

    my gyn office just called and they want me to have a sono hystogram as a follow-up to my vag u/s i had a few wks ago.  I pulled out of the receptionist that it looks like i have uterine polyps probably due to tamox (my theory) has anyone had these after being on tamox?  do they just remove?  is it a cause for concern (ie turning into cancer)

    ahhhh BC the gift that keeps on giving!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    rozem - you may have had the uterine polyps prior to all of this.  Benign growth in the uterus are very common.  I know someone else who had DCIS and was just diagnosed with them, but she was not on Tamoxifen.

    shore - it is more unusual to have the SNB separate and before the lump/MX/BMX.  Most have it with the surgery, with the process started in pre-op.

    ang - congrats on the weight loss!

    fluff - you and Dirty Harry look great!