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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Elkatho and Karen I hope everything is done and went well for u today.

    My condolences moon to your familly.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Elkatho & Karen I'm thinking about you both. Please keep us posted as soon as you feel up to it.

    Moonflwr sad about your DFIL, 90 years! wow what a full life!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Thank you to all for the condolences. And as long as you are praying, add me to the list. ultrasound tomorrow. We'll all hope its just scar tissue? Right? Or fibroid adenoma. or ANYTHING else! Damn when it rains it pours. Oh, and it is doing that right now, drat.

  • barberchic
    barberchic Member Posts: 51

    Hi ladies! Got my port in today! It hurts more than I was expecting, lot of shoulder and neck pain! Start date is next Thursday morning! Any words of wisdom will be muchly appreciated!


  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183


    Sending good karma your way for positive results!  I tend to agree with everyone else, that if if were the dreaded "c" word, it would have responded to all the chemo and treatment you have received. 

    Elkatho and Karen, welcome and Good Luck!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    barber - not everyone used Emla, but I did and swear by it.  It is a lidocaine cream (by prescription - get it before your first chemo) that you apply an hour prior to your appointment and then cover with a piece of plastic wrap.  I always asked for the freeze spray as well.  I have a very tiny port and it was difficult for some of the onc nurses to access - using the Emla and the freeze spray made port access painless.  When they flush the port sucking on a mint helps with the weird taste you can get in your mouth.  Also, you can hold your breath for the flush if you don't have a mint.  I found that soft, easy to digest and/or bland food, was best.  Try to keep your protein up - fortified cereal like Cream of Wheat is good, and red meat and leafy greens when you feel up to them to try to keep your blood counts is a good place.  Are you getting Neulasta?

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    Welcome to the new ladies. This is a great board! Lots of encouragement and knowledge here.

    Moon, my condolances to you and your family on the passing of your DFIL. Prayers for your ultrasound tomorrow.

    cypher, hoping you get good news and it is nothing serious.

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    Had my first Herceptin only today. It was so nice to walk in with only my purse and not have to drag in the big bag and the cooler with ice and frozen peas! And I was only there for 2 hours instead of 8.

  • barberchic
    barberchic Member Posts: 51

    Thank you special k! Yes I'm getting neulasta! I'm going to copy what you wrote to my phone!!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    barberchic I forgot to use the Emla cream half the time and to be honest it didn't work all that well for me. Depending on who does it you won't feel a thing otherwise it's over before you realize. Bring something to do. It's a long boring day. You expect something to happen and for most of us nothing does. I read, played video games etc. If you have an ipad/laptop and your treatment center has access you can even post while you're there.

  • barberchic
    barberchic Member Posts: 51

    Thanks lago....I'll take a book,phone, and some tunes :)

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Bren58, what a pleasant change that must have been!  

    You've been my beacon through this - i.e. "Bren58 just made it through five and now six, etc."  

    I remember that day when you thought you were going to start chemo and didn't (we were sitting in PF Chang's when I read your post) and now you're at the Herceptin solo phase!  It's been a long, long winter but now it's Spring!  

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    Thanks everyone for the reassuring words.  And same to you Moon -- my condolences on your DFIL, and bummer that you have to do that whole waiting thing on the US.  It would really be great if the women on this thread represented some kind of statistical anomaly and had a much lower than expected rates of recurrence!  Blessings to all of us!

    Bren, did you do the cold caps?  How did that work for you?  Wow time flies, I wouldn't have expected you to be done already.  Congratulations!

    And best of luck to barberchic and elkatho and karen.

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    cypher, I did not do cold caps but did ice my fingers and toes and have had no nail issues. I did not have long (or great) hair to begin with and did not think I would be able to tolerate the cold caps.

    Lee, I can't believe you remember that! Hang in there you are not that far behind me!

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    Yes, I was thinking that too -- for some reason I thought Lee started before you.  Hey how is #5 treating you?  You must be just counting the days to #6.

    You know going in for herceptin only is a whole lot better than going in for chemo, but IMHO it still kind of sucks.  I have to go tomorrow.  I just don't feel like being a cancer patient anymore.  Frown

    'Cause of course initially I was really into it.  NOT!!!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Cypher I agree. Going for Herceptin was a breeze but still a PITA to show up every 3 weeks for a 30 minute infusion.

    Granted I met this gal and her husband just as I was doing herceptin only. Because we had the same onc we had the same schedule so I would sit with her. She lived farther from treatment so she did the Herceptin only alone. I showed up after all her surgeries too. She did chemo/herecptin first. She is hormone negative, HER2+… sadly she recurred 2 months ago. I was sitting with her again as she did chemo. She had me laughing about a pinterest story and making grilled cheese in a toaster by turning the toaster on it's side… she set her toaster on fire. She's a real riot.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,798

    Lago, until I saw your last line, I thought the toaster idea was genius, lol. 

    Cypher, After my bmx, the pathology for the non cancer breast showed a fairly large fibroadenoma that didn't show up on the mammos, ultrasound or mri.  I know it wasn't anything to worry about, but just knowing it was there and not seen made me feel better about my decision. Here's hoping you have something simple and non cancerous.

    To the surgery folks, sending healing vibes your way. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    barber -  I don't know if you spoke with your onc regarding taking 24 hour Claritin (not Claritin D) an hour prior to the Neulasta injection, and for several days afterward.  It helps to relieve the bone/joint pain associated with this medication.  The antihistamine helps control the edema caused by the expansion of the bone marrow to produce white cells.  Here are a couple of links to studies.  I took it prior to Neulasta, except for the 3rd one - I felt the difference.  I took it about an hour after the injection but had more pain than usual, so it is important to take it before.  They are now also studying Claritin and NSAIDS for pain - that is the second link - I think a number of people on this thread tried Aleve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Barber I know u've heard this and will hear it but don't forget drink plety of liquids. I personally don't like water but I drink propel--Lemon or berry--bust they all have a lot of flavore and just a little favor and I'm still drinking it. And use whatever Kellogs said I didn't use anything and I had no problem at all--most of these nurses do everying so fast --that's all they do--so it's like it's done and started and u don't even notice. Some people brought lunches, others with someone there went downstairs and would take anyone's order plus we alway had a buffet and anything to drink was there and we'd just unplug and get it ourselve or ask a nurse depending

    Moon good Luck with u'r US-geeze these tests just keep on keeping on.

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    Lago, mine takes a lot longer b/c of the trial.  It's also just depressing.  Ugh I'm sorry about your friend.  I hope she's doing ok.

    Barber, I don't know if your onc definitely said you're having neulesta -- I didn't have it.  They checked my blood counts mid cycle and then the day before.  I guess if they go down, but don't go down TOO far, you may not need the neulesta.  Very common to give it but I was glad to have been able to skip that one.  Otherwise, lots of water!  Lots of protein!  Ice fingers and toes.  And presumably you know about hte cold caps if you wanted to keep your hair.

  • barberchic
    barberchic Member Posts: 51

    I can't thank y'all enough! Yes, my MO mentioned that's on my to do list, plus the icing of my finger and toenails! I'm not going to bother with cold caps. Ive already cut my hair short and honestly its so hot in Alabama, I don't think I'll mind being bald for awhile! I did purchase some stuff by Brian Joseph that is supposed to help save my brows and eyelashes! Hope it works!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Thanks cyper I remember getting Nulasta but I thought it had to do with blood count, I didn't think it was ordered before, At the beginnin I didn't get it but after a while I got it alot(well weekly) but it was always depending on my counts. So it sounds like I was thinking right this time. Wow

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Fluff talk to any bachelor. They hate doing dishes. They will make grill cheese with an iron… but of course they don't use the iron to actually iron clothes. Another method is to put it on an heater. I know a former bachelor that claimed he did this in the early 90's when he went back to grad school. (You'll never guess who that was Wink)

  • elkatho
    elkatho Member Posts: 68

    Feeling good....I was home at 1pm yesterday and slept all day ..between snacking. Taking a few days off heal both physically and mentally. Over all everything went well. I was light headed during the wire placements for the lx but my breast coordinator was by my side cooling me off. Thinking of all the women that went through this before me helped. Honestly the procedures themselves were not bad. I think everything caught up with me...stress, work, not eating due to surgery, getting up at 4am. I only say this to recommend having some stress free time before your procedure...May be easier to say than do. The shots around the nipple stung but I counted back from ten for each time and the stinging got shorter each time. BS removed one node and I should get the results by Tuesday.

    Karen I will be thinking of you...keep us posted.

    Navymominohio...glad to hear you are with your son! My hubby is catering me:)

    Special K thanks for the links

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Re: Neulasta - I've had it after every treatment other than number one. 

    On the morning of the fifth infusion my WBC count was 2.3 and the oncologist decided to reduce the dose as opposed to delaying treatment.

    Exactly one week later my WBC count was 23.5.  

    I thought the medical technician had made a typo - but with his mouth! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Lee I don't remember the norms from that but 23.5 sounds high, I don't remember anyone that had numbers like that. Cuz we would all play liars blood report with our paperwork and no one was ever past 5.0 I kind of remember being in the 1's most of the time so I guess that's why I go Nulasta alot, and the lowest number won, how silly---yes I made up the game for that, but everyone played so it gave us one thing to do.And we used to have races to the bathroom and we had to unplug at the same time--didn't win on that much. LOL

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    The WBC go artificially high after Neulasta, then come back down again.  A normal range is between 4-10 (depending on the testing equipment used) but it is not unusual to have a very high white count afetr Neulasta.  The concerning thing is that your WBC will increase when your body fights infection, so it can be confusing!

    I have made grilled cheese with two pieces of toast, put the cheese between them, then microwave.  Presto, a grilled cheese sandwich!  My son, the bachelor, irons in the clothes dryer.  My DH irons - but only while watching sports and yelling at the TV, so as to maintain his man cred!

    camillegal - your center sounds like a bizarre version of the cancer olympics - hilarious!

    elkatho - yay!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    My DH doesn't know how to iron. This is a man with a BS in mechanical engineering and an MS in industrial design. He sends his shirts out. Grew up in family of 3 boys. His mom never taught him how to iron.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    lago - at least he is not asking you to iron them, right?  I have to hand it to my MIL - she taught all 5 kids how to cook/clean/iron.  They grew up in a privileged environment - FIL was a physician and they had housekeepers/nannies because the 5 kids came in a 7 year span, last being a set of twins.  My MIL wanted all the kids to be self-sufficient so they had a rotating chore list.  I met my DH because we lived in the same apartment building and I had to pass his kitchen window to get from my parking space to my apartment.  He was always in there cooking dinner when I passed by after work (seemed coincidental, but he later told me he was always waiting for me to pass by) and he would invite me to eat with them since I lived alone.  How cute is that?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Once in a while he'll ask but I don't have an issue with that. I mean he cooks and does dishes. When I was working full-time he even did laundry (I folded it though) and cooked more than I did. So hopefully that will happen again. Still job hunting. Seriously he does some things better than I do and I do some things better than he. No reason to make him do it if I can do it better and more efficiently and visa versa.